Discharge from Utrozhestan during pregnancy: brown, yellow, watery

"Utrozhestan" is one of the hormonal drugs often prescribed during pregnancy. It is prescribed to expectant mothers with the threat of abortion if it is caused by a lack of progesterone. Since the main ingredient of the medicine is this hormone, the use of Utrozhestan helps eliminate its deficiency, which helps maintain pregnancy. After inserting the capsule into the vagina, almost all expectant mothers note the appearance of discharge. In most cases this is normal, but sometimes it can be a sign of various health problems.

Features of the medicine

"Utrozhestan" is a Belgian medicine from the group of gestagens. The drug is presented in capsules with a yellowish gelatin shell and oily contents. They can be swallowed, but more often during pregnancy, Utrozhestan is prescribed vaginally , since this method of administration (capsules are administered as vaginal suppositories) in many cases avoids various side effects.

One capsule contains 100 or 200 mg of progesterone. This ingredient is micronized and fully corresponds to the natural hormone secreted by the corpus luteum. Its task is to prepare the uterine mucosa for the implantation of the fertilized egg, as well as to reduce the contractility and excitability of the muscular lining of the uterus, so that pregnancy develops normally.

The most common reason for using Utrozhestan in pregnant women, as noted above, is the threat of miscarriage. The drug is also in demand in preparation for pregnancy, if its onset is prevented by a lack of progesterone or some kind of uterine disease (for example, fibroids or endometriosis). In later stages, the medicine is prescribed to prevent premature onset of labor.

The method of use and dosage of Utrozhestan for a particular woman should be determined by her attending physician. Most often, the daily dose of the hormone is divided into two doses: before bed and in the morning. The duration of treatment is also selected individually, and withdrawal must be gradual. Possible side effects of the capsules include drowsiness, bloating, chest discomfort, nausea, dizziness and other symptoms.

The medication is contraindicated in cases of thrombosis, porphyria, lactation, hypersensitivity to its components and severe liver diseases.

Why and how does the use of the drug change the discharge?

“Utrozhestan” has a certain effect both on the abundance of vaginal secretions (leucorrhea), and on its color and consistency, because:

  • the mucous membrane “perceives” the medication as something foreign and “responds” with more abundant secretion;
  • the capsule dissolves and slightly changes the color of the discharge;
  • the vegetable oil contained in the contents can also change the shade of the whites;
  • the level of progesterone increases, which additionally affects the nature of the discharge, increasing its volume.

How does the drug affect vaginal secretions?

Discharge after Utrozhestan during pregnancy is normal. This drug contains natural progesterone and is available in the form of tablets or vaginal suppositories. When used correctly, the drug does not cause any harm to the health of the woman or her unborn child.

Utrozhestan is one of those drugs that can affect the abundance, consistency, and color of vaginal secretion. The greatest changes occur with vaginal use of capsules, which is due to several reasons:

  • When dissolved, the capsule shell may slightly stain the leucorrhoea.
  • Another component of the drug that affects the color of secretion is peanut oil, which is included in the composition. It can give the discharge a yellowish or light brown tint.
  • The capsule can be perceived by the body as a foreign body, which sometimes makes secretion more abundant than before taking the drug. In addition, the discharge may become thinner.
  • The nature of the discharge may change due to a sharp increase in the level of progesterone in the body.

What discharge is normal?

In the absence of diseases, the secretion while taking Utrozhestan will slightly change its color and become yellowish, beige or white. An unexpressed pink color or a brownish tint is also normal if there are no other warning symptoms. The consistency of the secretion can be either slimy and thick, or more watery and liquefied.

Any strong deviations (very thick secretion, profuse liquid leucorrhoea, the appearance of impurities, change in odor) should be the reason for contacting a specialist.

What should not be the discharge after capsules?

A woman who uses Utrozhestan while expecting a baby should be wary of the following changes in vaginal secretion:

  • The discharge is too abundant, there is a lot of it, it is liquid, like water. Even if the secretion is watery, transparent and without foreign impurities, but its amount causes discomfort in the woman, it is worth contacting your doctor to exclude the possibility of a hidden infection or leakage of amniotic fluid.

  • The leucorrhoea acquired a pronounced pink tint. Most often, this is a sign of insufficient progesterone dosage, so if bright pink discharge appears, you should inform your gynecologist about this to increase the dose of the drug. In some cases, such a change also indicates more dangerous problems, such as placental abruption.

  • The expectant mother began to experience white and very thick discharge, which is called cheesy due to the presence of white grains or flakes. Such a change in secretion often indicates infection with candida fungi (thrush), which requires immediate treatment. The woman also begins to experience itching and redness of the genitals. In addition to thrush, other infections, such as those caused by mycoplasma or chlamydia, can lead to the appearance of white flaky discharge.

  • The discharge has a yellow, mustard or greenish color. It is characteristic of a bacterial infection and should also be a reason to immediately consult a doctor. Typically, such discharge also has an unpleasant odor and a sticky consistency. If the disease occurs latently (without fever or other disturbing symptoms), it is dangerous for the baby. The doctor will conduct additional research and prescribe appropriate treatment so that the microbes do not harm the child.

Vaginal discharge during treatment

During pregnancy, while using Utrozhestan capsules, there may be different discharge. Possible options are:

  • white thick or liquid;
  • slimy and watery;
  • yellow or brown.

In each case, you need to carefully evaluate the appearance of what is coming out of the vagina. If there are no signs of inflammation, then you don’t have to worry, but sometimes it’s better to play it safe and see a doctor. You need to check for the following discharge:

  • very thick and similar to cottage cheese (this could be thrush, which often occurs during pregnancy);
  • deep yellow, which may indicate a small amount of blood entering the vaginal secretion;
  • brown, which can be when there is a threat of miscarriage;
  • abundant and liquid, like water (this may be a sign of untimely rupture of amniotic fluid).

When using Utrozhestan at any stage of pregnancy, an increase in the amount of vaginal secretion is possible, but usually the woman sees that the total amount has increased, but there are no longer any complaints.

If a problem arises in the form of an exacerbation of candidal inflammation or the entry of a small amount of blood, then it is necessary to detect the deterioration of the situation in time. This is especially important when there is a threat of miscarriage, when the dose of Utrozhestan is small, and it is necessary to change the treatment regimen.

For the purpose of prevention, the doctor will prescribe 200 mg of Utrozhestan (1 capsule) once at night. If everything is normal, then the woman in the morning may notice a slight increase in leucorrhoea. And there will be no more troubles.

For therapeutic purposes, significantly larger dosages are used (600-800 mg), when it is necessary to insert Utrozhestan capsules into the vagina 2-3 times a day. It is in this case that the amount of vaginal discharge will be significantly greater, creating a lot of unpleasant sensations in the woman. A typical rule for local treatment with Utrozhestan is to always use pads.


Most pregnant women who used Utrozhestan during pregnancy noted a slight increase in the total amount of discharge and a slight change in their color. In their reviews, they indicate that with a normal reaction to the capsule, discomfort, swelling, itching, redness and other alarming changes do not occur.

If, during the use of the drug, doubts arose about the normal reaction of vaginal secretions, expectant mothers turned to their doctor. The consultation helped them determine whether the discharge was affected only by taking Utrozhestan or whether an infection was added.

"Utrozhestan" is a synthetic analogue of the pregnancy hormone - progesterone. Progesterone is a gestagen that is formed in the corpus luteum after ovulation and is responsible for the formation of the secretory endometrium in women. Due to the transition of the endometrium of the uterus from the growth phase to the secretory phase, the fertilized egg attaches to the walls of the uterus and the development of the embryo occurs. Progesterone reduces the excitability of the uterus and reduces its tone. Helps increase the production of protective factors in the vagina, thus preventing the development of infections.

General information - utrogestan and discharge

Vaginal secretions that are white or transparent and odorless are considered normal. At the same time, the quantity and quality can change depending on the period of gestation and under the influence of hormonal changes. In the early stages, immediately after conception, the woman’s body tries to maintain the pregnancy, for this purpose progesterone is produced. Under the influence of the hormone, secretions become viscous and dense, in contrast to later periods, when estrogen becomes dominant.

Utrogestan is used for a lack of progesterone, which at the stage of gestation, after fertilization of the egg, reduces the tone of the uterus, promotes the attachment of the fertilized egg to the walls and is responsible for the normal development of the baby. Lack of the hormone causes placental insufficiency, increases the risk of premature birth, and threatens miscarriage.

The composition of the drug is quite simple (progesterone, peanut oil, soy lecithin, gelatin), which allows it to be combined with other medications. The medicine is made from natural ingredients based on phytoprogesterone. During pregnancy, it is often prescribed twice a day in the form of vaginal tablets, thus allowing it to be better absorbed.

Description of the drug

Composition of "Utrozhestan": progesterone 100 or 200 mcg, sunflower oil, lecithin, glycerin, titanium dioxide, gelatin. Utrozhestan is used for the following conditions:

  • hormone replacement therapy for menopausal disorders;
  • infertility caused by insufficiency of the corpus luteum;
  • fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • threat of premature birth;
  • threat of recurrent miscarriage.

Many women have learned the joy of motherhood thanks to taking Utrozhestan. This drug contains an analogue of a natural female hormone of plant origin. It is sometimes taken up to 36 weeks of pregnancy. It does not interact with other drugs and does not disrupt the production of progesterone by the woman’s corpus luteum or the fetal placenta, but only complements them. It requires attention only in pregnant women. The dose reduction should occur gradually, under the control of progesterone levels in the blood. On average, without consequences, the dose can be reduced by 100 mg weekly, starting from the 12th week of pregnancy.

It is prescribed orally or intravaginally in a dose of 100 to 800 mg. per day. "Utrozhestan" must be inserted vaginally deeply and after its administration you need to lie down for 40 minutes to an hour to achieve the required therapeutic effect. The advantage of this method of administration is that the drug reaches its target in the shortest possible way. The disadvantage is the discomfort from the expiration of the remaining candles. Women often have a question about what kind of discharge after taking the drug will be considered normal.

Types of discharge

Discharge after Utrozhestan may be different.
When taking progesterone drugs, vaginal secretions often change in patients. Especially often there is a secretion of white, gray, yellow or bloody discharge. Beige discharge when taking Utrozhestan intravaginally is associated exclusively with the expiration of the contents of the capsule and does not carry any informational meaning. If liquid discharge appears after taking Utrozhestan, this only confirms the effectiveness of the drug. The secretion should be transparent, viscous, odorless and not too abundant. This indicates that the endometrium has entered the desired phase and is producing the necessary substances, which form a transparent vaginal secretion.

A secretion that differs in color from the usual requires increased attention. If you start taking Utrozhestan orally early, namely before the 15th day of the menstrual cycle, you may experience bleeding, or even a shortening of the cycle and the onset of early menstruation.

If Utrozhestan is taken during pregnancy and bloody discharge appears while taking it, this is a signal to immediately consult a doctor. We may be talking about detachment of the ovum, ectopic pregnancy, or the threat of miscarriage. Usually the condition can be corrected by increasing the dose of Utrozhestan.

The appearance of white discharge from Utrozhestan should be separated. So, when taken intravaginally, white discharge may simply be the contents of the capsule. If you have administered the drug correctly and it has time to dissolve (after inserting the capsule into the vagina, it is advisable to remain in a horizontal position for about an hour), then there is no reason to worry. You should not wash the remnants of suppositories from the vagina; under no circumstances douche to cleanse the remnants of the drug. Excessive hygiene in this case can cause double harm - it washes away the active substance and prevents the drug from having the necessary effect. This can also contribute to the development of vaginal dysbiosis.

Important! If you take Utrozhestan orally, the appearance of leucorrhoea may indicate the development of a fungal infection. You should carefully monitor your health and if itching, burning, redness of the labia, or irritation occurs, you should consult a doctor to rule out an infectious disease.

When taking Utrozhestan, white discharge may indicate that the patient is not in a horizontal position enough to absorb the contents of the capsule. It is advisable to remain in a lying position for at least an hour.

Should I sound the alarm about discharge after Utrozhestan?

To maintain pregnancy and normal fetal development, the female body needs an increased level of progesterone. Some women produce it in normal quantities, while others experience a deficiency, which often leads to spontaneous miscarriages or the birth of children with various defects. Doctors often prescribe hormonal drugs to such women, which allow them to increase the level of progesterone in the body and bear a healthy and strong baby. And one of these drugs is Utrozhestan. However, many women are frightened by discharge from Utrozhestan during pregnancy, which becomes more abundant and changes its character.

To understand which vaginal discharge from Utrozhestan is normal, and which are completely unrelated to its use and indicate the presence of pathologies, it is necessary to understand this topic in more detail.

White discharge during pregnancy is absolutely normal. Their number varies depending on certain phases. And this is facilitated by:

  • Hormonal changes in the body during the initial stages of embryo development.
  • Large blood flow to the pelvic area, which ensures the fetus receives all the nutrients necessary for its normal development and formation.
  • The formation of a mucus plug in the cervix, which prevents infection from entering the amniotic sac.

An increase in the volume of vaginal secretion and a change in its nature (watery discharge may appear) are the absolute norm for a pregnant woman. However, you need to understand that the norm is those discharges that are not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. If a woman secretes a cloudy liquid from her vagina, yellow or brown discharge, abdominal pain, itching and burning in the perineum, then this is no longer normal. In this case, you must definitely visit a doctor and undergo a full examination, which will allow you to determine the exact cause of the appearance of discharge during pregnancy.

Discharge after Utrozhestan during pregnancy is normal. This drug contains natural progesterone and is available in the form of tablets or vaginal suppositories. When used correctly, the drug does not cause any harm to the health of the woman or her unborn child.

However, while taking Utrozhestan, many women notice copious white or liquid discharge from the vagina. And there is an explanation for their appearance. The drug contains hormones that affect the general hormonal background of a woman. And often the appearance of abundant mucous secretion when taking this drug is caused by:

  • Perception of the mucous capsule as a foreign body.
  • The presence of a dissolved drug shell in the vaginal mucus.
  • Liquefaction of vaginal secretions with components contained in Utrozhestan (most often peanut butter contributes to this).
  • A sharp increase in progesterone levels in the body.

The appearance of watery or white discharge from Utrozhestan is considered normal. But at the same time, they should not contain blood clots or pus, they should not give off an unpleasant odor and cause discomfort to the pregnant woman. Even yellow discharge without characteristic signs of the development of pathological processes when taking this drug is the norm.

It should be noted that even when taking this drug orally, a pregnant woman may experience increased secretion of vaginal mucus, which also should not cause anxiety or fear for her health and the health of her unborn child.

The appearance of heavy discharge from Utrozhestan during pregnancy is normal, but only if it is not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. In terms of consistency they should be:

And in color they can be white or yellowish, pinkish (no brown tint!) or beige. If the vaginal secretion meets these parameters, then there is no need to panic. However, consulting with a specialist will not hurt. Especially if there is a tendency to increase the volume of mucous secretion and change its characteristics.

Discharge while taking progesterone may periodically become either liquid or thicker. But if they begin to change their color and smell, then this is a serious reason to contact a specialist. For example:

  1. Curdled discharge. In their consistency, they resemble granular cottage cheese, deplete the sour smell and provoke the appearance of itching and burning in the perineum. Their appearance during pregnancy is not normal and most often indicates the development of candidiasis. However, the presence of such symptoms is characteristic not only of thrush, but also of diseases such as ureaplasmosis, chlamydia and mycoplasmosis.
  2. Bright yellow. In most cases, they occur with the development of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. They are thick and deplete the unpleasant odor. If a woman notices that she has dark yellow, almost orange discharge, this indicates advanced stages of development of inflammatory diseases.
  3. Bloody issues. They are a common sign of progesterone deficiency in the body and require immediate consultation with a specialist. In these cases, it is necessary to increase the dosage of the drug, but only a doctor can do this correctly and without harm to the unborn child. In addition, scanty periods after Utrozhestan may indicate placental abruption or the presence of an ectopic pregnancy. If pregnancy has already been confirmed, vaginal bleeding may occur during spontaneous miscarriage, which is accompanied by severe abdominal pain.
  4. Brown discharge. They also occur during placental abruption and can be a signal of a threatened miscarriage. If a woman notes that she had brown smears for several days, and then everything stopped, this still does not exclude the threat of miscarriage.
  5. Liquid discharge. Most often they occur in women in the last stages of pregnancy. Leaking amniotic fluid can cause their appearance. In this case, you need to urgently seek help from a doctor, especially if impurities of pus, feces and blood were found in the liquid.
  6. Green. Anyone who experiences such vaginal secretions should urgently go to the doctor, especially if pregnancy has already occurred. It signals the development of infectious diseases requiring specific antibacterial therapy. If this is not done, there is a high risk of infection of the fetus.

As has already become clear, spotting and brownish discharge are not at all a consequence of taking Utrozhestan throughout the entire period of pregnancy. Their appearance can be provoked by various factors, among which are serious inflammatory and infectious diseases.

And to summarize, it should be said that it is necessary to consult a doctor if a woman begins to notice bloody, brown, yellow or green discharge, accompanied by itching, burning and abdominal pain.

Very often, strong vaginal secretion is observed in women who are just planning to become pregnant and have started taking this drug. In this case, they adapt to Utrozhestan and may experience heavy menstrual bleeding, discharge streaked with blood outside of menstruation, engorgement of the mammary glands, etc. All this is completely natural and can accompany a woman throughout the entire adaptation period.

If pregnancy has already occurred and the use of Utrozhestan provoked the appearance of bloody or brown discharge, then you should immediately consult a doctor. In this case, it is necessary to either discontinue the drug or increase its dosage.

In any case, the appearance of vaginal secretions in large quantities during pregnancy requires special attention. If you respond to the problem in a timely manner, you can easily prevent the development of serious complications.

Based on materials from ovydeleniyah.ru

Brown and yellow discharge

With Utrozhestan, brown discharge may appear before or after bleeding.
They require increased attention from the patient. They signal that microdamage to tissue is occurring and possible detachment of the ovum or placental abruption. This often happens from a lack of progesterone, that is, the dose of the drug requires adjustment. Sometimes these discharges go away on their own, but it is better to report their occurrence to your doctor to avoid complications. Sometimes brown discharge appears when the dose of Utrozhestan is reduced. In this case, it is necessary to return to the previous dose and monitor the level of progesterone in the blood. When taking Utrozhestan, brown discharge can also signal the development of vaginal dysbiosis, ectopic pregnancy, and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. Therefore, they cannot be ignored. Brown color of secretion can be observed with vaginitis - vaginal dysbiosis. It is usually accompanied by itching. The condition requires drug correction of the flora. It usually occurs as a result of stress, overwork, a general decrease in immunity, the use of antibiotics, chronic diseases of the genitourinary system and intestines.

Yellow discharge from Utrozhestan may be normal. But it should be understood that the light yellow color of the discharge is considered normal in the absence of pain, itching, burning, or odor. The drug contains a form-forming substance, which can acquire a yellowish tint in an acidic environment. When it expires, the discharge acquires this color.

Important! If, in addition to the discharge turning yellow, you experience burning, itching, an unpleasant odor, or general malaise, then you should consult a doctor. These symptoms signal the development of an inflammatory disease and have nothing in common with taking Utrozhestan.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, vaginal secretions often acquire a yellowish tint. This may indicate an allergic reaction to something. For example, for a hygiene product. Yellow color can signal the development of infectious diseases such as trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, staphylococcal or rod infections.

If there are any changes in the discharge, you should inform your doctor. It is important to maintain good hygiene and avoid irritating agents:

  1. Use underwear made from natural fabrics.
  2. Do not use scented pads.
  3. Eliminate gels and soaps for intimate hygiene - use just water.
  4. Avoid stress, hypothermia and overheating.
  5. Eliminate spicy, salty foods, as well as alcohol.

May your worries be unfounded. Remember, timely consultation with a doctor can save your pregnancy and protect you from the serious consequences of infectious diseases.

Normal vaginal discharge after Utrozhestan during pregnancy may change somewhat. But this is an acceptable norm. The development of infection will be indicated by pathological symptoms - changes in color, smell and consistency.

The drug contains natural progesterone and has a beneficial effect on the hormonal status of the pregnant woman. The product effectively solves the problem of hormone deficiency, helping to bear fruit.

Discharge in the early stages of pregnancy - should you be happy or seek help?

Pregnancy is not only a long-awaited miracle, but also a completely new and unknown period in a woman’s life. Too many changes are happening in her body at this time. This also applies to the genitals. The most difficult period of pregnancy is considered the first trimester, especially the first weeks, when the embryo is fixed in the endometrium, and organs such as the placenta and amniotic sac are not yet formed. It is at this stage that you need to be especially attentive to your body.

Do pregnant women experience discharge in the early stages? Discharge accompanies a woman throughout her life, so why should it be absent during pregnancy? Moreover, the nature of discharge may change in early pregnancy before the delay. Some of the discharge is a variant of the norm, some is a harmless deviation from the norm, but some still indicate serious diseases and pathologies, so it makes sense to discuss any changes in the discharge with a doctor. But there is no need to get nervous ahead of time; most of the problems associated with discharge are easily solved.

The expectant mother does not need any unnecessary stress. Sometimes, faced with incomprehensible discharge, young mothers panic, begin to get nervous and look for a solution to the problem. And after a visit to the doctor, it turns out that there is simply no reason to worry, and the woman was needlessly tormenting herself and those around her.

Variants of normal discharge in early pregnancy

Discharge in the early stages of pregnancy is most often normal. Firstly, under the influence of progesterone, the natural secretion of the vagina increases: whitish or transparent discharge, sometimes with a slight yellowish tint. The purpose of these secretions is to moisturize the mucous membranes of the vagina, and without them the woman will feel severe discomfort.


Utrozhestan during pregnancy

Immediately after conception occurs, the woman’s body activates the production of progesterone, a hormone necessary for the preservation and development of the fetus. The substance affects the consistency of cervical mucus, so vaginal discharge during early pregnancy becomes denser and more viscous. Thinning of the secretion is observed in the second and third trimesters, when the formed placenta begins to actively produce estrogen.

Utrozhestan suppositories during pregnancy are prescribed to women whose bodies are diagnosed with progesterone deficiency. With a lack of the hormone, the threat of miscarriage, the risk of premature labor and the development of placental insufficiency significantly increases.

Natural discharge increases after taking Utrozhestan, but this is the norm.

Brown discharge in early pregnancy

For every woman, pregnancy is associated not only with the joy of expecting the birth of a baby, but also with various kinds of worries and experiences. The first trimester is the most crucial period. During this time, changes occur in the body in preparation for bearing and maintaining pregnancy. In the first weeks, the embryo is implanted into the endometrium, and the placenta and amniotic sac have not yet formed. The likelihood of spontaneous abortion is highest at this time.

Discharge in early pregnancy

Hormonal levels that change with the onset of pregnancy affect the consistency and amount of vaginal secretion. Normally, discharge in the first trimester is watery, slightly thinner than usual. Perhaps more abundant, transparent or whitish, without an unpleasant odor or itching.

But the processes in the body do not always correspond to the norm. There are cases when brown discharge suddenly appears from the genital tract of a pregnant woman in early pregnancy. You shouldn’t be scared right away, because there may be different reasons. It is not very difficult to distinguish normal discharge from the harbingers of an incipient miscarriage. You need to pay attention to other symptoms and your own well-being.

Causes of brown discharge

Implantation of the future embryo into the endometrium of the uterine wall . Usually the discharge is not abundant, viscous, brownish or brown. Occurs about a week before the expected menstruation. They do not cause pain or any noticeable discomfort.

Bleeding erosion of the cervix, damage to the vaginal mucosa during examination in gynae


Side effects

After taking the drug, the expectant mother may experience the following side effects:

  • increased drowsiness;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • dizziness;
  • stool disorders - constipation or diarrhea.

Natural discharge from Utrozhestan increases during pregnancy. The reason is partial leakage of the product, as well as the dissolved shell. After using the medication, it is recommended to use thin sanitary pads to prevent the development of discomfort.

In some cases, a woman experiences unpleasant sensations such as itching and burning in the vagina.

If brownish leucorrhoea appears while using suppositories, then most often this is a sign of insufficient dosage. You need to inform your gynecologist about this.

The effect of the drug Utrozhestan on leucorrhoea

Utrozhestan is a natural progesterone that comes in the form of a soluble capsule. It consists exclusively of natural ingredients that, when taken correctly, do not harm the mother and her child.

Using the drug, a woman may notice that the discharge from Utrozhestan during pregnancy has changed or its quantity has increased. There are the following reasons for this phenomenon when taking progesterone:

  • This is how the mucous membrane reacts to a foreign object in the vagina;
  • content in the vaginal secretion of a disintegrated capsule shell;
  • diluting vaginal secretion with the contents of the capsule (peanut oil);
  • increase in progesterone levels.

Causes of discharge

Treatment with the drug is accompanied by the appearance of profuse leucorrhoea. The cause is the drug itself. The increase in the volume of vaginal secretion is due to several factors:

  • the body perceives the capsule shell as a foreign body and seeks to get rid of it through the active production of vaginal mucus;
  • the liquefaction of leucorrhoea occurs due to the additional components present in the composition of the product, in particular peanut oil;
  • a sharp increase in progesterone levels in the body.

When using Utrozhestan, white discharge is observed, as well as leucorrhoea that is watery in consistency. This is considered the norm, but only if they do not contain foreign impurities and do not cause discomfort.

Brown discharge may be a sign of problems with the development of gestation, in particular, indicate the onset of spontaneous miscarriage. If it is not possible to stop the development of the pathological process, the doctor decides to cleanse after a miscarriage.

If a woman has yellow discharge, but no other pathological symptoms are observed, then this is acceptable.

Brown discharge in early pregnancy: causes and consequences

Despite the fact that pregnancy is the most wonderful time in every woman’s life, quite often it is overshadowed by the appearance of various discharges. And women begin to panic when the discharge acquires a dark shade, namely turns brown.

Normal discharge during pregnancy

Before moving on to considering the causes of brown discharge, it is worth noting which ones are normal and whether they should exist at all.

While carrying a baby, a woman's body undergoes enormous changes that occur due to an increase in hormone levels. It is hormones that cause an increase in the amount of discharge and a change in its color and concentration.

Many women note that in the early stages the amount of discharge has increased. This is due to the fact that the content of progesterone in the blood increases, which contributes to this process.

Mucous. Most often, women are frightened by these discharges, since they are unusual for them. But the reason for these discharges is as follows. During the attachment of the fetus, the process of formation of a mucous plug begins, which will protect the baby from infections throughout the entire period. And it is precisely the formation of this plug that can cause the appearance of mucous discharge.

In any case, whether the discharge is white, transparent or something else, it should not cause any discomfort and have no odor.

If there is itching or burning, or the discharge has an unpleasant odor, this indicates the presence of a certain problem that needs to be treated.

Normal discharge

During treatment with the drug, pregnant women notice increased vaginal secretion. Normal discharge after Utrozhestan has the following characteristics:

  • by consistency they can be liquid/thick, slimy/watery;
  • by color - white, yellowish, pink, brownish, smearing, beige.

Vaginal secretions that meet these characteristics are normal. But too much liquid discharge should alert the woman; it may be a sign of leakage of amniotic fluid.

Pathological leucorrhoea

Discharge after Utrozhestan may vary. But the development of infection is indicated by cardinal changes in their composition:

  • curdled discharge. The leucorrhoea becomes thick and contains flakes and individual soft grains. A curd-like discharge is typical for vaginal candidiasis from Utrozhestan (thrush). Additional signs include the appearance of itching, burning, swelling and redness of the genitals. Sometimes such symptoms are a sign of the presence of chlamydia, ureaplasma and mycoplasma;
  • bright yellow or mustard. Considered a sign of severe inflammation. Accompanied by an unpleasant odor. May be sticky;
  • mucus with red (pinkish) impurities. Pink discharge occurs due to progesterone deficiency. The woman needs to increase the dosage of the drug. This may also indicate placental abruption or an ectopic location of the embryo;
  • rich red, brown. Bloody discharge is a typical symptom of a threatened miscarriage or a spontaneous abortion that has already begun. Immediate hospitalization is required. If timely assistance is provided, pregnancy can be saved;
  • green. They are formed exclusively against the background of infectious pathology. The patient needs to receive adequate treatment to avoid infection of the fetus.

Vaginal leucorrhoea can change greatly during treatment with Utrozhestan suppositories. In most cases, an increase in the volume of vaginal secretions and some visual changes in consistency and color are caused by the drug itself. And if a woman has no pathological symptoms, namely itching, burning, pain, then there is no reason to worry.

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