No periods but yellow discharge and pain in the lower abdomen

Yellow discharge 1-2 weeks before menstruation: normal

Such a symptom is not always a sign of exposure to abnormal factors.
Often the yellow tint of leucorrhoea is explained by the course of physiological processes provoked by objective reasons. The color and consistency of female sexual secretion is influenced by many factors: fluctuations in hormone levels, the composition of natural microflora, taking medications and other reasons. In some cases, the appearance of abnormal leucorrhoea cannot be explained by natural factors. If, in addition to suspicious marks on the underwear, a woman notices an unpleasant odor, the appearance of discomfort and pain in the intimate area, or malaise, then we are talking about a pathological condition that requires the help of a specialist.

Yellow discharge and MONTHLY: before, after and instead of them {amp}gt;{amp}gt;{amp}gt;Yellow discharge in the early stages of PREGNANCY {amp}gt;{amp}gt;{amp}gt;Yellow discharge during GONORRHOEA {amp}gt;{amp}gt;{amp}gt;

The premenstrual phase is characterized by a surge in estrogen hormones, as a result of which changes in a woman’s mood, increased fatigue, dizziness, weakness, and an increase in the amount of clear mucus secreted, sometimes acquiring a yellowish tint, are observed. That is, moderate light yellow or yellow discharge a week before and immediately before menstruation is considered acceptable. They are, as a rule, without clots or white streaks, while the color remains unsaturated, which can be seen on the linen.

It should not pull the lower abdomen, bother you with itching and burning, and an unpleasant odor. This is explained by the fact that under the influence of hormones, the secreted mucous secretion changes its composition.

When a UTI is in the bladder, it is cystitis. When the infection affects the urethra, the condition is called urethritis, and when it is located in the kidneys, it is a kidney infection.

Bacteria are most often responsible for UTIs, but fungi and viruses can also cause them. UTIs can occur in people of any age, including children.

– increased vaginal discharge;

– burning sensation when urinating;

– frequent urge to urinate;

– pain in the pelvic area;

– lower back pain;

– weakness and fatigue.


Lower back pain and abnormal vaginal discharge may indicate pregnancy. The vaginal tear may increase in size and otherwise change during this time.

Increased secretions help protect the uterus from infections, which will increase in the last few weeks of pregnancy.

Lower back pain is also common during pregnancy, especially as the baby gets heavier or moves around—these activities can affect the nerves that affect the back.

What does it mean when your stomach feels tight during a delay?

There is a situation that happens quite often in women: there is a delay in menstruation and the lower abdomen is pulled at the same time. The fact that there is no discharge at the expected time already leads to a certain degree of anxiety for the woman, and then there is also nagging pain.

These rather unpleasant sensations are characteristic of the lower abdomen, and it is quite easy to distinguish them from a normal abdominal disorder. It is at the bottom that the uterus is located, which, by contracting, rids its cavity of the sloughing endometrial layer.

Due to the individual sensitivity threshold of each woman, these nagging pains can have varying intensity. For some, daily life does not change, for others, loss of consciousness, frustration, dizziness, etc. occur.

1 Manifestations as a symptom of PMS

A delay in a woman’s menstrual cycle within 1 week or 5-7 days can be of a normative nature, i.e. should not cause concern.

It can be triggered by external factors, for example, severe stress or shock in terms of emotions, severe physical overload or prolonged stress, a shock reaction of the body due to a sudden change in diet, weight (thinness, obesity), climate change.

Likewise, a short delay is typical after an abortion or stopping taking hormonal pills, examination by a gynecologist (colposcopy), illness, etc.

Under such conditions, nagging pain in the lower abdomen can be a symptom of PMS and signal the approaching onset of menstruation.

Why might yellow discharge appear before menstruation?

Having discovered yellowish discharge before menstruation, women wonder if this is a sign of pathology. However, there is no need to worry, at least until the test results are received, since marks on underwear of this color often indicate the imminent onset of “critical days” or the remains of urine after visiting the toilet.


Such secretion is a completely acceptable phenomenon, caused by changes in the composition of hormones in the body. But the balance of estrogen and progesterone can also be disrupted due to external factors: physical and emotional stress, incorrect lifestyle and incorrectly selected medications for treatment or contraception.

Cervical erosion

Yellow discharge before menstruation is a sign of cervical ectopia. In this case, the mucus is of moderate volume, homogeneous, and mixed with blood.

Uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids, if they are located in the fallopian tubes, can affect the discharge, the color of which can be described as purulent or white-yellow. The symptom manifests itself more intensely before menstruation and is a very alarming signal.

Cysts and tumors

Another reason when premenstrual mucus takes on this color is the presence of neoplasms. A nagging, growing pain in the lower abdomen may be felt.


This symptom also causes an allergic reaction provoked by medications, intimate hygiene products, and even synthetic, low-quality underwear.

A common cause of various discharges is inflammatory processes in the genitals. The occurrence of these is associated with hypothermia, the ingress of viruses, microbes and advanced infectious diseases.

  • Colpitis is inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. In addition to the characteristic discharge, a few days before menstruation, itching and swelling of the external genital organs and painful urination begin to bother you. It may pull and ache in the lower abdomen with discomfort moving to the sacrum or lower back. This disease can develop both against the background of infectious diseases and due to pathological microorganisms. Often causes delay.
  • Adnexitis is an inflammatory process affecting the ovary and fallopian tubes, caused by infectious agents. The chronic form of this disease of the appendages is expressed only by irritation of the external genital organs, and the acute form is expressed by the appearance of purulent mucus before menstruation.
  • Salpingitis is the spread of pathogenic microorganisms from the uterine cavity into the fallopian tubes, as a result of which they become inflamed and provoke a thick yellowish secretion before menstruation, accompanied by severe pain and general poor health.

The main symptoms of infectious sexual diseases are specific discharge. They noticeably intensify or appear only before critical days.

Chlamydia is a common reason why the fluid released from the vagina looks like rot, accompanied by itching, burning, pain during urination and sexual intercourse. A clear sign of the disease is a putrid smell.

Trichomoniasis is an infectious disease that can also worsen before menstruation. The discharge is yellowish to green in color, has a foamy consistency and an unpleasant smell of rotten fish. There is noticeable cutting, burning and pain when urinating, swelling and redness of the genitals are observed.

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease, the discharge of which can have not only the described shade, but also green. Symptoms are supplemented by the release of pus, pain, and itching. With this disease there is a possibility of delay.

Candidiasis or thrush. Secretion during the disease can change shade from pale yellow to intense white. It has a cheesy composition and a sour, milky smell.

This is not the entire list of pathologies and diseases that can provoke such a symptom; only the main ones are given.


The doctor will start by asking about the person's symptoms and medical and sexual history.

The doctor will ask for a urine sample to look for infections such as UTIs. They may also use a swab to take a sample from inside the vagina. The laboratory will test the sample for signs of STIs, including gonorrhea. Smear and urine tests also help diagnose these conditions.

Yellow discharge

Pregnancy and ectopic pregnancy can be confirmed by a blood or urine test. If the doctor suspects an ectopic pregnancy, they will perform a physical examination and ultrasound.

Yellow discharge after menstruation without odor

All of the above ailments and pathologies can cause the appearance of yellowish secretion even after menstruation, since this is a period when the body is weakened, and all kinds of illnesses make themselves felt with particular force.

An additional reason for this symptom, which can be classified as “normal,” is that particles of vaginal microflora come out with the blood released. They give yellowness to the secretion, the abundance of which increases after regulation. Remains of excreted particles of epithelium and other cells may change their color when interacting with oxygen, and then light brown, odorless discharge will be observed after menstruation.

If such manifestations are not accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, burning, stinging and itching during sexual intercourse, then, most likely, we are talking about a normal process of self-cleansing of the body rather than a pathology.

Brown discharge

If menstruation is delayed, when instead of bright red discharge a spotting brown substance appears, you should worry and urgently consult a gynecologist. This phenomenon may indicate the presence of injury, hormonal imbalances or other pathologies. To determine the reasons, it is necessary to analyze the following factors:

  1. Having unprotected sexual intercourse: ectopic pregnancy may occur.
  2. Age: in girls during puberty and women before menopause, this is a normal physiological process.
  3. It is possible that the discharge is a consequence of surgery, previous abortions or childbirth.
  4. The presence of infectious or inflammatory diseases should be checked.
  5. It is necessary to take into account the impact of external factors: nervous stress, hypothermia, toxic effects, mechanical injuries, etc.

In teenagers, brown spotting is considered normal for 20-25 months after the first period. An abnormal signal is the appearance of a brown composition after menstruation. In this case, you should consult a doctor. A similar phenomenon is considered normal in women over 45 years of age, when ovulation gradually decreases.

Brown discharge of a light shade with a short period of delay may indicate a slight hormonal imbalance, and menstruation should be expected in 5-6 days.

If menstruation does not appear with such spotting, then you should take a pregnancy test: a brown composition may indicate that the embryo is attached to the uterine wall. If the test result is positive and menstruation begins (after a serious delay), there is a risk of pregnancy with dangerous disorders or an ectopic one.


Diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms are usually treated with antibiotics or antiviral agents. At the same time, a course of vitamins and medications is prescribed to help prevent vaginal dysbiosis.

Thrush is treated with antifungal agents for both internal (capsules) and local use (suppositories and suppositories). During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the doctor will prescribe topical medications so as not to harm the baby’s well-being. Taking complexes that restore the natural balance of microflora can help prevent periodic relapses characteristic of this disease. This is the only way to get rid of this unpleasant disease.

Brownish and yellow vaginal discharge with endometriosis will disappear after eliminating the manifestations of the disease with hormonal therapy, taking anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins, enzymes and sedatives.

If this symptom appeared during menopause, then taking plant estrogens, and in difficult cases, hormone replacement therapy will help restore the balance of hormones. Any medications should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Treatment options depend on the underlying cause. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to treat UTIs and some STIs.

They may prescribe antifungal medications, such as tablets or creams, to treat vaginitis caused by yeast infections.

If a person experiences low back pain and unusual discharge during pregnancy, no treatment is required. However, if the discharge smells unpleasant and irritating or is painful, it may indicate an infection.

An ectopic pregnancy should receive immediate treatment. Doctors usually use a medicine called methotrexate or perform surgery to remove the fertilized egg.

Delayed menstruation and yellow discharge

Often women are interested in whether there is a connection between a delay in menstruation and yellow discharge. If yellow discharge appears on the second day of the delay, then such secretion may be an acceptable norm and indicate the imminent onset of menstruation, or may indicate the following disorders:

  1. Hormonal imbalance, due to which the menstrual cycle is disrupted and the composition of the secretory mucus of the genital organs changes.
  2. Neoplasms and tumors.
  3. Inflammation and infectious diseases.

If the secretion that appears is not accompanied by other symptoms and the delay is only a couple of days, there is no cause for concern. If the regulations are absent for a week or two, you should contact an antenatal clinic.

How long can the delay be?

Gynecologists allow a shift in menstruation by 2-3 days compared to the previous month; at this time there may be liquid discharge. The vaginal secretion is homogeneous and does not cause pain.

A delay of 1-3 days - in the presence of clear, odorless discharge does not always indicate the presence of a serious violation. There should be no itching, burning of the skin, the lower abdomen sometimes feels tight as with premenstrual syndrome.

A delay of 4-7 days - a shift in the cycle by a week can indicate either a minor failure or pathology.

10-14 days of delay - such an absence of monthly bleeding requires diagnosis; timely therapy helps prevent serious diseases of the genital organs.

You should not wait until the delay is more than 5-7 days and the discharge goes away on its own. A cycle failure is not necessarily associated with a serious pathology, so there is no need to be afraid of visiting a gynecologist.

Higher medical education, specialty obstetrics and gynecology, studied at Kazan State Medical University. Co-author of scientific publications.

Cycle 23 days August 31st was the last one, now 7 days of delay, a little brown discharge started and my chest hurts

Good evening. The situation is this: my last period was from June 29 to July 5. Cycle 26 days. Pa was July 10th. Currently there is a 3 day delay. 3 tests gave negative results. The breasts are full, the bottom aches as before menstruation. The discharge is like water but a little whitish, too. Is this pregnancy?

Discharge when menstruation is late usually worries girls very much. In fact, such discharge can be of different colors and have a different nature. Some of them can be attributed to symptoms of diseases, while others are the result of a normal physiological process. Of course, this last part also includes discharge that signals conception. In general, discharge during a delay in menstruation most often does not relate to dangerous manifestations and, moreover, is not a harbinger of pregnancy, but is caused by temporary disruptions in the body. In any case, if suspicious gynecological phenomena are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor who can make the correct diagnosis.

Briefly about the main thing

As it turned out, yellow discharge before and after menstruation, without odor, pain and other unpleasant symptoms, is a completely acceptable norm, due to changes in the composition and quality of the mucous secretion, which changes under the influence of sex hormones in a certain phase of the menstrual cycle. But often this phenomenon can be one of the main symptoms of many gynecological diseases. That is why it is very important to consult a specialist at the slightest changes in secretion.

When white discharge is present

Whitish discharge is also commonly called leucorrhoea. The symptom can appear when:

  • pregnancy;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • nervous overstrain;
  • gynecological diseases.

Most often, the symptom indicates successful fertilization. In this case, other signs should be observed:

  • increased sensitivity in the mammary glands;
  • nausea;
  • gagging;
  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • decreased performance;
  • change in taste preferences;
  • increase or vice versa decrease in appetite.
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