15th week of pregnancy: what happens to the baby and mother?

Pregnancy with twins

The well-being of pregnant women who are carrying two babies under their hearts at once is not much different from the sensations experienced by the expectant mother of one child. However, experts recommend that women with twins be even more careful and prudent. And this is not surprising, because each fetus requires strength and resources for development, which they take from their mother. A woman, together with the supervising doctor, must provide them and herself with everything necessary without compromising their health.

Fruit (development, size)

The most important event of the 15th week of pregnancy is the beginning of the formation of the cerebral cortex. This process will last throughout the 4th month. Already this week, the fetal cerebral hemispheres will begin to become covered with convolutions and grooves, and nerve cells will actively divide. The central nervous system takes the reins of control of the entire body into its own hands.

The baby's endocrine system is also activated. At week 15, the endocrine glands are already functioning, the sweat and sebaceous glands are activated, and the male hormone testosterone begins to be produced in the boy’s body. By this time, the baby’s taste buds have already fully formed: now he will react to the food you eat.

The main organs valiantly do their job: the heart diligently pumps blood (it “drives” about 28 liters per day!), the gallbladder secretes the first bile (it is this that will form the baby’s original feces), the kidneys come into place and remove urine (the baby urinates directly into the amniotic fluid, which is constantly renewed), the respiratory system is improved.

At the 15th week of pregnancy, the fetus intensively trains its lungs and muscles. He makes breathing movements, during which he swallows and spits out amniotic fluid. This promotes the maturation of lung tissue and prepares the baby for the first breath, which he will take only after birth. At the same time, the glottis will open, although the baby’s vocal cords are already formed.

The muscle and joint tissue of the fetus is also involved in the training process. He actively moves, makes rotational, swimming, acrobatic movements and somersaults, bends and straightens his limbs, clenches his fists. The bone tissue is becoming harder and harder, the skin is still very thin and transparent (blood vessels are visible through it), but already consists of several layers, the hairline is becoming more and more expressive (eyelashes and eyebrows are visible, the hair is thickening). Now the baby is not as ugly as before: his ears are fully formed, like an adult’s, his legs are becoming longer than his arms, as they should be, his body is stretching out more and more - the fetus is becoming like an ordinary child. He already weighs an average of 70 g, and his coccygeal-parietal size is 10 cm or more, but this does not prevent the baby from feeling absolutely free in his mother’s tummy.

Belly at 15 weeks of pregnancy

Meanwhile, the belly is growing. Not only the fetus, but also the uterus increases in size, and pregnancy is already noticeable to others. However, this does not apply to 100% of cases. For some women, the tummy is just now starting to grow, although by this time the waist has probably already disappeared.

At 15 weeks of pregnancy, a dark stripe may appear on the abdomen, running from the navel downwards. Don't let it bother you - this is a temporary phenomenon that will disappear soon after pregnancy.

Visiting an obstetrician-gynecologist

Visiting the doctor at 15 weeks of pregnancy

Visiting a gynecologist at 15 weeks of pregnancy

At the 15th obstetric week of pregnancy, another appointment with a gynecologist can be scheduled.

The day before, you need to take a urine test, and, if necessary, a general blood test and a sugar test. The referral was given by the doctor at the previous appointment.

At the appointment, the gynecologist will take measurements:

  • blood pressure;
  • heart rate (HR);
  • body temperature;
  • weight;
  • abdominal volume.

If necessary, a chairside examination will be performed.

Usually this week, the reason for examination is the pregnant woman’s complaints about spotting, change in the color of discharge, etc.

Using a stethoscope, the gynecologist will listen to the fetal heartbeat.

Lightly pressing your fingers on the abdomen will measure the height of the uterus.

At the end of the appointment, he will set a date for the next meeting, issue directions for tests and additional studies (if necessary).

Ultrasound and tests

At the 15th obstetric week, a routine ultrasound is not performed.

The basis for an ultrasound examination may be medical indications: suspicion of fading pregnancy, presence of complications, multiple pregnancy, etc.

If desired, a woman can have an ultrasound done for a fee.

During the examination, the doctor will check whether the fetus’s development is on time, the condition of the uterus, and the placenta.

If the unborn baby turns the right way, the doctor can determine its gender.

Uterus and belly

At the 15th week of pregnancy, the uterus continues to increase in size and rise higher.

At the current stage, its bottom is 7 cm below the navel. So far it has a round shape.

Along with the uterus, the abdomen also grows. In women who have previously given birth, its size is often significantly larger than in first-time mothers.

Pain in the abdomen and other parts of the body

At the 15th obstetric week of pregnancy, a woman may feel pain in different parts of the body.

In order to prevent undesirable consequences, you need to know how to behave in case of different localization of pain.

Stomach ache

You need to clearly understand the difference between pain and unpleasant sensations.

Itching, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen at the 15th week of pregnancy is normal. This is stretching the abdominal muscles.

If the stomach becomes painful, it seems “stony”, and pain is felt in the back - this is the tone of the uterus.

If these symptoms appear rarely, only after physical activity, then you should tell your doctor about this at your next appointment.

If symptoms recur frequently, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

If abdominal pain appears, gradually increasing, with an increase in body temperature above 37.5 degrees Celsius or the appearance of red and brown discharge, you should urgently seek medical help.

Back pain

A shift in the center of gravity or the tone of the uterus can cause discomfort or back pain.

If this goes away after rest, you should mention the symptom at your next appointment with the gynecologist.

If you experience frequent back pain, accompanied by a feeling that your stomach is “hardening,” you should consult a gynecologist as early as possible.


Sometimes headaches in the 15th week of pregnancy can be caused by a lack of oxygen or poor drinking habits.

If a woman spends a sufficient amount of time walking outside and drinks about 2.5 liters of water per day, it is necessary to monitor her blood pressure when this symptom appears.

If your blood pressure is above 140/90, you should definitely tell your gynecologist about this at your next appointment.

Leg pain

Pain in the legs during the current period can be caused by:

  • lack of microelements in the body;
  • beginning or worsening varicose veins.

You should tell your gynecologist about this symptom at your next appointment.

Before this, you need to rest more often, raising your legs high, and check your diet for balance.

Pain in the anus

Changes that occur in a woman’s body during pregnancy often cause the appearance or worsening of hemorrhoids.

To treat this condition, it is imperative to consult a gynecologist.


Normally, at the 15th week of pregnancy, the discharge should be light or milky, with a pleasant, sourish, faint odor.

If there is any change in color, consistency or odor, you should contact your gynecologist.

Bleeding and menstruation

Once the egg is fertilized, the menstrual cycle stops and a woman would normally not bleed or have periods during her current period.

If spotting or red or brown discharge appears, you should immediately consult a gynecologist.


Many women have a stomach ache at 15 weeks of pregnancy, but it can be a different kind of pain, triggered by different factors. The most “normal” cause of such pain is the continuous growth of the uterus and the tension of the muscles that hold it. In this case, the pain is unobtrusive, mild and does not cause other troubles. If abdominal pain at the 15th week of pregnancy has a pulling, cramping nature, is accompanied by bloody discharge or radiates to the lumbar region, then the threat of miscarriage cannot be ruled out - it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor with such pain.

Pain in the lower back or back may be a sign of pyelonephritis if it is accompanied by frequent painful urination and/or elevated body temperature.

Pain in the tailbone may already appear. It plagues many pregnant women for a variety of reasons, including pressure on the uterus, displacement of organs, and pinched nerves. Try not to sit for long periods of time, especially on soft surfaces. To relieve pain, try getting on all fours. Ask your doctor when you can start wearing a brace - it may relieve or prevent tailbone and lower back pain at 15 weeks of pregnancy. If after pregnancy the pain in the tailbone does not disappear, you will need to go to a specialist.

It is common to have a headache during the 15th week of pregnancy. Do not rush to resort to medications, first try other methods: a warm shower, a walk in the fresh air, a cup of sweet tea, a light snack, a little rest. If all else fails, you can save yourself with Paracetamol, but it is better to do without it.


Pay attention to your weight

. Now it must be strictly controlled. If you have gained more than 3 kg of your previous weight by 15 weeks, then reconsider your diet. It is clear that you are now eating for two, then being overweight and obese are not the best companions for a pregnant woman. In the future, the extra pounds will result in quite serious problems: shortness of breath will appear, there will be severe swelling of the limbs.

Agree, there is often a situation when a pregnant woman wants to eat something like that. Even those products that previously did not evoke sympathy. Pay attention to this. Perhaps your body is signaling that it is missing some substances and needs to replenish its reserves.

It's time to sign up for special courses at the 15th week of pregnancy and start preparing for childbirth

. Is it too early? Not at all. After all, this is not only learning the correct behavior during childbirth, but also gradually tuning yourself to this process, getting rid of feelings of fear and tension.

Prohibitions and contraindications during pregnancy

As has been said more than once, bad habits

, contact with chemicals. Avoid stressful situations as much as possible, because now your baby is very sensitive to the mother’s condition. And not only physical, but also emotional. Therefore, only positive emotions, a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition.

Physical fatigue and lack of sleep are also harmful. Remember, now nothing is more important than your child, so take care of your health and condition of body and soul.


very important at this time. Mommy now eats for two, because the fetus needs a complete set of all vitamins, microelements and nutrients for normal growth and development. Even if you are a vegetarian, you will have to change your principles during pregnancy. Substances in meat cannot be replenished with drugs from the pharmacy. But sitting on solid vegetables can lead to anemia and other troubles. So give birth and return to your favorite cabbage leaves and zucchini.

Sex at 15 weeks pregnant

There are no restrictions in intimate life now. A ban can only be in the presence of any serious abnormalities during pregnancy: threat of miscarriage, placenta previa, infectious diseases.

There is no need to be afraid that the uterus contracts during sex. These decorations will not pose any threat to the baby.

But feelings and emotions can be very vivid, such as you had never experienced before pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the hormonal background of the body has changed greatly.

Sports and physical education

Courses for pregnant women, yoga, fitness, special gymnastics, swimming pool - as you can see, the choice is wide. The main thing is that physical exercise does not cause overwork. It is not possible to attend these events, then just take walks in the fresh air every day.

Vitamins and medications at 15 weeks of pregnancy

If you or your doctor think that you are not getting the required amount of vitamins from food, then it is quite possible to take special multivitamin complexes. Elevit is usually recommended


Be careful (or better yet, don’t take any risks) with folk remedies in the form of herbal infusions and decoctions. The properties of plants have not been fully studied, and grandmother’s advice may not always benefit you. For example, hibiscus and St. John's wort, which are useful for the normal body, can cause a miscarriage in a pregnant woman.


The second trimester is called the calmest and most fertile period of the entire pregnancy, but this does not mean that new sensations will not appear at the 15th week of pregnancy. Don't be alarmed if you get a stuffy nose or nosebleeds. For pregnant women, this is a normal phenomenon that you just have to endure.

Due to the increased production of melanin, the nipples may darken even more, and pigment spots may appear or intensify. After pregnancy, everything will disappear, but what should not be ignored are cramps in the calf muscles, peeling of nails and a sharp deterioration in the condition of the teeth. Everything indicates that there is very little calcium in your body, which is now so necessary for the baby. So he draws out all possible reserves for the structure of his body.

Many expectant mothers note particularly absent-mindedness and inattention during this period. However, try to resolve as many matters and issues as possible in this trimester so that you can rest peacefully in the next one. If you have no contraindications, then continue to lead an active lifestyle.


You should not deny yourself sex life. Sex at 15 weeks of pregnancy is not contraindicated if there are no threats to the pregnancy. On the contrary, positive feelings and emotions are extremely useful for both mother and baby, and, as you know, the hormone of joy, endorphin, is produced during sex. In addition, having sex is a good workout for muscle tissue, including the muscles of the uterus.

But some accuracy and caution now still won’t hurt: positions with deep penetration and rough hard sex during pregnancy are better not to practice.


Take a break from intimate life if you notice bleeding of any nature and intensity. But if you start bleeding, you need to go to the hospital and find out the reason for its occurrence. Bleeding at the 15th week of pregnancy is not always caused by detachment or threatened miscarriage. There may be other reasons for this: mechanical damage to the cervix, erosion, injuries in the abdominal area, burst vessels.

However, bleeding at this stage is less common than in the first trimester.

Pregnancy 15th week: what happens to the baby

Any mother is interested in what happens to her baby at 15 weeks of pregnancy. What else has the baby developed, what he can do, what he is like. Now his musculoskeletal system continues to actively develop. It continues to grow. His legs begin to stretch. The baby’s heart is already fully functioning and pumps approximately 23 liters of blood throughout the body. At week 16 this figure will increase. And this is in such a small size. Pregnancy 15 weeks, what happens to the baby’s skin? For now, the baby still has a reddish tint. It is thin and the circulatory system is still visible through it.

The baby begins to listen to sounds. They sound muffled through the liquid. Experts advise starting to communicate with the baby already during this period. Sing your favorite songs, read books out loud, talk to your child. He will remember his mother's voice and will distinguish it from the others. Next, he will recognize the voices that he hears most often: father's, grandmothers, brothers and sisters.

The child becomes more active and continues to “have fun” while swimming in the liquid. Amniotic fluid allows him to develop calmly and feel safe. Although his eyelids are still closed, he can feel the light through them. Therefore, if you shine a flashlight on your stomach, the baby will most likely turn away. Although the child does not yet feed through the mouth, his salivary glands and taste buds are already forming. He will be able to experience them later when he tastes the milk.

His brain is forming. At this stage of fetal development, it is too early to talk about the appearance of convolutions. But there are already their first signs. The intestines “moved” from the umbilical cord to the baby’s abdominal cavity. The pancreas begins to produce the hormone insulin. It is what converts glucose into energy. The baby has eyebrows and hair on his head. Mom and Dad can imagine what kind of hair he has there. The boy begins to produce testosterone. In girls, the period of production of sex hormones will be later.

With mom

Pregnancy 15 weeks is a period when you can breathe a sigh of relief. You yourself will notice that you will become more restrained. You are already less worried and worried about trifles. Although a sad moment in a film or TV series can still make you shed a tear. But this will not cause any special internal experiences. The uterus changes its position and rises higher. Therefore, it does not put so much pressure on the bladder, which means the problem with frequent visits to the toilet is solved.

Most mothers can’t wait to feel the baby’s first kicks and “games.” Some people succeed, for example, those who have given birth before. In other cases, it is easy to confuse the child's movement with gases that move through the intestines. Anticipation of the aftershocks will only increase the joy when this event occurs. So listen to the life inside of you.

The second trimester of pregnancy is considered the safest, when the mother can completely relax. Most of the severe symptoms are left behind. Therefore, you can do your usual activities. Often during this period you suffer from malaise and weakness. Some complain that they have become lazy. It’s just that your body is working at double speed to support you and your baby’s life. Don't beat yourself up for taking extra minutes of rest or sleep.

Don't forget to stay physically active. This does not include cleaning the house. Take a walk outside. Choose a suitable sport for pregnant women, if you have not already done so: gymnastics, swimming, yoga, aerobics. There are a lot of options, the main thing is that you like it.

External changes

The tummy becomes more pronounced. A pigment stripe may appear on it, which originates from the navel and leads down. But besides it, the whole body also changes. First of all, the mother notices that her breasts become denser and become a little larger. Nipples darken. Some people begin to worry if colostrum begins to be released at this stage of pregnancy. In this case, you may experience itching, tingling, or a feeling as if something is moving inside the chest. Don't panic, this is completely normal.

You should consult a doctor if colostrum appears at 15 weeks of pregnancy when there are additional symptoms. For example, discharge, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, aching in the lower back. You should tell your doctor about colostrum if you are on conservation.

Pigment spots may begin to appear or become brighter. After childbirth they will disappear. If you are worried about this, then contact a specialist. He will recommend products that are safe for pregnant women that can mask the spots or reduce their severity.

Discharge at 15 weeks of pregnancy

Brown, cream or pink spotting may result in bleeding, so do not ignore it.

If the discharge at the 15th week of pregnancy becomes abundant, liquid and transparent, then this is the result of an increase in the level of estrogen in the blood - do not worry.

You should contact your gynecologist and take a smear to determine infections if you observe the following discharge:

15 week pregnancy video

15 week pregnancy photo

  • unusual consistency: curdled, bubbling, pieces, heterogeneous;
  • with a strong unpleasant odor (most often fishy);
  • yellow, green or purulent discharge;
  • which leave dirty gray marks on the laundry;
  • which are accompanied by other symptoms: painful urination, itching, burning, swelling or irritation in the genital area, fever, and so on.

Mother's feelings at 15 weeks

The 15th week is the most fertile time, since the woman is no longer tormented by such unpleasant phenomena as toxicosis, dizziness, and drowsiness.

As a rule, women at week 15 feel a surge of strength and vigor, however:

  • Mild nasal congestion (rhinitis) appears;
  • Mild pain in the lower abdomen causes discomfort;
  • Urination is normalized;
  • The stool becomes lighter;
  • Mild suffocation occurs due to the pressure of the rapidly growing uterus on the diaphragm;
  • Blood pressure decreases, and as a result, weakness and dizziness appear (if the pressure does not drop sharply, then a pregnant woman can easily tolerate this, but if you notice a sharp decrease in pressure, be sure to consult a doctor).

As for external changes:

  • The breasts continue to grow; nipples darken;
  • The belly is already visible to the naked eye;
  • Weight increases (weight gain by week 15 is 2.5 - 3 kg);
  • Pigmentation appears on the skin (moles and freckles become more noticeable; the white line on the abdomen darkens);

However, the above applies to the average woman, but there are also deviations from the norm, which let’s find out from expectant mothers :


I'm in my 15th week and it's been so quiet. I began to worry that I was feeling perfect (nonsense, but it’s true). I no longer feel nauseous, as I gained 2 kg in the first 9 weeks, I’m not gaining any more weight (although the doctor says this is normal). There is only one “but” - at work I constantly fall asleep, if not for this nuance I would have forgotten that I was pregnant!


I'm also 15 weeks. I used to have mild toxicosis, but now I’ve forgotten about it. Feeling like in a fairy tale. It just happens that you want to cry for no reason. Well, I’ll cry and then everything will be fine again! And, it would seem, I’ll cry and go to the toilet less, but that’s not the case - I often run, although by 15 weeks my kidney function should have returned to normal.


I constantly attack the refrigerator, and I’m hungry day and night; I’ll probably eat my husband soon (I’m kidding, of course), although everything is stable on the scales. And I also began to notice that I became very forgetful. I hope this goes away soon.


I am probably the happiest expectant mother. The only sign of my pregnancy from the first days was a delay. Now I understand that I am pregnant because my belly has appeared. I didn’t experience any unpleasant sensations in 15 weeks. I hope it stays that way in the future!


I’m 15 weeks old, but no one notices any external signs, and there aren’t any, I’ve gained 2 kg, but my belly is still not visible. I’m in a great mood, I’m fluttering like a butterfly, but lately my appetite has just become brutal!


Week 15 and we are already moving! Especially when my husband rubs his belly! I feel great, but very often I get angry and irritated for no reason. The employees are already getting it. Well, don’t worry, I’ll be on maternity leave soon!


By the 15th week of pregnancy, the body should already get used to the new condition, and in most cases, the normal increase in temperature in the first trimester also disappears. But it happens that even now there is a low-grade fever, especially in the evenings. If nothing bothers you, then there is no reason to worry.

It's another matter when the temperature rises to high levels. If it stays at 38 degrees for more than two days or if it rises further, then it is necessary to take an antipyretic, doctors say, since too high a temperature observed for several days in a row can be dangerous for the fetus. During pregnancy, you can take Paracetamol and medications containing it.

A pathological increase in temperature at the 15th week of pregnancy can be associated with various infectious diseases (influenza, measles, rubella, chickenpox, and others), including urinary tract infections (cystitis, pyelonephritis).


Most often, the temperature rises during pregnancy due to influenza and colds. In this case, the effect of the virus itself on the woman’s body may be more dangerous. Although a strong increase in temperature in the second trimester can cause damage to the placenta and even intrauterine infection of the fetus.

If you have a cold at 15 weeks of pregnancy, you should consult a doctor to prescribe safe treatment. You are now advised to drink plenty of fortified drinks, light food and bed rest (or at least rest and avoid any stress). A sore throat can be gargled with a decoction of chamomile or sage (do not swallow!), as well as a solution of salt and soda. The cough can be calmed with inhalations and rubbing (but only if there is no fever). Treatment of a runny nose during pregnancy mainly involves rinsing; you can lubricate the nasal passages with tea tree oil, just be aware of the likelihood of an allergic reaction. It’s good that the most dangerous period in this sense is already behind us; at the 15th week of pregnancy, the placenta is able to retain many viruses.

Alcohol at 15 weeks of pregnancy

But the placenta does not retain alcohol - it easily reaches the fetus. And it doesn’t have a positive effect on him. Therefore, drinking alcohol during pregnancy, including at 15 weeks, should be completely avoided.

By the way, experts in the field of medicine and nutrition say that the irresistible desire for certain foods and drinks is explained by a lack of specific substances in the body. And often they have nothing to do with the products that are so desired, including by a pregnant woman. So, if there is a strong desire to drink wine or beer during pregnancy, then most likely the body is not receiving enough protein. Increase the amount of meat you consume (preferably boiled lean meat); nuts are the richest source of vegetable protein.

What changes occur in the body of the expectant mother in the 15th week of gestation?

As a result of increased melanin synthesis, pigment spots may appear on the hands, neck and face of a pregnant woman. A dark stripe appears from the navel to the pubis. The areolas around the nipples may also darken. Against the backdrop of an enlarged abdomen, the expectant mother has problems choosing a sleeping position. This is especially true for women who prefer to fall asleep on their stomach. The best position for sleeping is left or right side. You should also purchase a comfortable mattress and pillow.

The second trimester of pregnancy is the most favorable and calm period. In the absence of any threats or health problems, the expectant mother can lead a normal life, but do not forget to listen to the reactions of her body.

At week 15, the placenta fully matures and the functional mother-placenta-baby complex is formed. At this time, a circulatory system is formed between these components.

An enlarged uterus puts pressure on the digestive organs, which provokes the development of constipation. To prevent problems with stool, you need to control your daily diet and follow the drinking regime.


In general, during pregnancy it is necessary to consume proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in sufficient quantities. All these substances are needed for the full growth and development of the baby, so diversify your diet as much as possible during the 15th week of pregnancy with useful healthy foods. Include porridge, vegetables, fruits, meat, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, kefir in your daily menu.

Vegetable fats are very useful. They are rich in vitamin E, which strengthens the walls of the placenta. Therefore, it would be good to buy several different vegetable oils and add them to ready-made dishes. Nuts and seeds also contain a lot of this vitamin.

It is important to correctly distribute the proportions of substances consumed: proteins should occupy the dominant place. Please note that most meat and fish on the modern market are pumped with antibiotics, so it is recommended to cook or bake dishes made from them for as long as possible. Experts say that a pregnant woman’s diet should include 200 g of meat daily, which will be replaced with fish twice a week.


Most likely, an ultrasound at 15 weeks of pregnancy will not be your first. But now you will see a lot of new things, especially if you manage to undergo a 3D ultrasound. Firstly, the child’s external genitalia are already visible, so if the fetus is positioned well, it can be determined whether it is a boy or a girl. Secondly, you will see how your baby has grown and improved during this time. He is already making swallowing movements, sucking his thumb, moving his limbs, bending and unbending them, clenching his fists, in general, he is behaving very actively.

At the 15th week of pregnancy, the baby’s heart beats 140-160 times per minute and pumps about 28 liters of blood per day.


The ultrasound specialist will certainly assess the condition of the uterus during an ultrasound scan at 15 weeks of pregnancy. Normally, the muscular layer of the uterus (myometrium) should be uniform in structure and have a thickness of about 2.5 cm.

The uterus at week 15 is easily palpable through the abdominal wall. Try to “find” it approximately half the distance between the pubis and the navel, or 7-10 cm below the navel.

Screening at 15 weeks of pregnancy

Obviously, you already know what screening is, because at 15-17 weeks the second screening or second trimester screening is carried out. This is a study that includes ultrasound and biochemical tests. The purpose of screening is to identify a risk group of women who may give birth to children with chromosomal abnormalities (Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome or neural tube defect). That is, screening can only assess the risk share, and not diagnose the deviation.

Biochemical screening for the second trimester is a so-called triple test, which includes tests for total hCG, α-fetoprotein (AFP) and free (unconjugated) estriol. This analysis is more accurate and informative than the double test of the first trimester. Therefore, some gynecologists prefer to perform only it, bypassing the first screening.

The cut-off value for the screening study is 1:350. That is, such a risk is assessed as high and is a reason for prescribing additional tests. But you can refuse all further procedures. None of them can reliably say whether a given fetus will develop pathology or not. Tests can be bad for a number of reasons that are completely unrelated to a non-existent pathology. But the risk, of course, always exists, even in women with good tests. In general, screening in our country is still considered uninformative.

Tests (hCG, progesterone)

In fact, the main analysis of the 15th week of pregnancy is screening (triple test). It is better to take it starting from this week (but no later than week 20), because it is during this period that the second screening is most informative.

HCG levels begin to decline in the second trimester. Increased or decreased indicators may be a sign of any disorders, diseases, or simply indicate an error in setting the gestational age. in any case, hCG is assessed only in combination with other second screening markers.

Progesterone at the 15th week of pregnancy, as a rule, is not determined, since this individual indicator is not very informative.

If you are concerned about abnormal discharge at 15 weeks of pregnancy, you should also take a vaginal smear for analysis.

In general, if you don't miss routine gynecological examinations, then you don't have much to worry about. As necessary, the doctor will prescribe the necessary examinations for you to keep the course of your pregnancy under control. This will be a general analysis of urine and blood, blood for TORCH infections, if indicated - for hormones, and so on.

Possible deviations from the norm, frozen pregnancy

Almost every expectant mother has a risk of having a baby with Down syndrome . This risk will increase in direct proportion to the age of the pregnant woman. At 25 years old, 1 woman out of 1300 gives birth to a sunny child, and at 50 this figure drops to a ratio of 1:12. To do this, 3 prenatal screenings are carried out in three trimesters of pregnancy, which should not be skipped.

The further along the pregnancy, the worse the miscarriage is for the body itself. During this period, it is possible due to stress (it is difficult to cope with), excessive anxiety or hypertonicity of the uterus. Placental abruption may occur, which is always harmful and dangerous for the baby.

A frozen pregnancy at 15 weeks is a direct threat to the life of the expectant mother. A frozen fetus contributes to severe intoxication if it remains in the mother’s body for a long time. It must be removed urgently, because even death is possible. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the symptoms that will tell the woman what’s what.

Symptoms of a frozen pregnancy include: general weakness, pain in the lower abdomen (pulling and aching), elevated temperature (the cause is the inflammatory process from the fading of the fetus), spotting, cardiac arrest (can be determined by a gynecologist during a routine examination or ultrasound), the fetus does not move .

To prevent all this from happening, the expectant mother needs to monitor her health, not miss visits to the gynecologist, take the necessary tests on time, and walk a lot.

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