24th week of pregnancy: what happens to the baby and mother, indications for examinations

The 24th week of pregnancy is a period of completely new and incredible sensations for a pregnant woman. The child is rapidly gaining weight, and the mother begins to feel almost all his movements. She already feels the baby pushing with his arms or legs. The woman gets used to this amazing communication, her maternal instinct becomes more and more noticeable.

But in addition to such bright and pleasant sensations, the expectant mother may be accompanied by heaviness in her legs and discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, and constant trips to the toilet. Attention to your own health and careful attitude will help to minimize all these negative manifestations of pregnancy.

What happens at 24 weeks of pregnancy?

At this stage, the body is completely tuned to the needs of the child - he should be as comfortable as possible in the womb of his mother, everything should contribute to his full development and growth. At week 24, a woman feels a variety of emotions and feelings. These are pleasant warm emotions of anticipation of the upcoming meeting, and worries and fears about the upcoming birth.

The abdomen grows rapidly, and the center of gravity shifts. There comes a time when a bandage becomes a necessity. Wearing it is very good for the back, it gets tired much less, and even in the evening my mother feels good and cheerful. In addition, the bandage can prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

Weight gain per week can range from 300 to 500 grams, in the case of twin pregnancy - up to 650 grams. Increasing weight negatively affects the condition of the legs. They get tired quickly while walking, and swelling may also appear. It's time to give up even low heels in favor of comfortable shoes (it's better to wear orthopedic ones) - this will take the extra load off your feet and make them feel much better.

Some women at 24 weeks complain of a feeling of heartburn due to the displacement of the internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract. This is quite normal. In this case, doctors recommend eating more often, but in smaller portions - adhering to the principle of fractional meals.

What happens to the baby at 24 weeks?

At 24 weeks of pregnancy, fetal development is gradually completed. Almost all of his organs and systems have already been formed - the stage of their improvement is underway. By the beginning of this week, the development of the baby's bronchial tree ends.

The child already looks almost the same as he will look on the day of his birth. His head, body, arms and legs are all proportional. He is still very thin, the fatty tissue is still not formed, and the skin is translucent - blood vessels are visible through it.

The weight of the fetus is about 600 grams, over the last week it has gained about 100 grams, and its height reaches 30 cm. The baby becomes cramped in the womb, and therefore the baby will intensively show its dissatisfaction. The main thing is to pay close attention to the manifestations of his anxiety, without ignoring too intense and restless movements.

The child, with the help of kicks and pushes, can inform the mother about her uncomfortable position, which restricts the baby’s movements, or about sounds that are too loud and unpleasant.

The development of the fetal sensory organs continues. He already hears and distinguishes sounds, some of them he likes, others he doesn’t, which he will certainly communicate with his strong pushes. He distinguishes between light and darkness. He tastes the amniotic fluid. He feels his mother's mood.

The baby sleeps a lot, about 16-20 hours a day. At the same time, his regime does not always coincide with his mother’s, but his mother can already lull him to sleep with a pleasant, even voice and evenly stroking his belly. The rest of the time, the movements of the fetus are felt very clearly; it actively moves in the stomach, sometimes performing crazy dances.

A woman's feelings and emotions

At the 24th week of pregnancy, many women worry about their appearance, huge belly and fullness. They are afraid of becoming unattractive to their man. Although, what could be more beautiful than a woman who is about to give birth to a son or daughter?! This is especially troubling for mothers in their first pregnancy, who previously had a chiseled figure with a wasp waist.

Women who played sports before pregnancy, as well as those who attend yoga or gymnastics classes for pregnant women, should not worry about their appearance. After childbirth, the previous forms will return very quickly. The main thing is to adhere to proper nutrition before and after childbirth.

The normal weight gain at 24 weeks of pregnancy is 6.5-7.5 kg for fertilized pregnancies and 7-8.5 kg for pregnant twins. Rapid weight gain can cause complications during pregnancy and subsequent childbirth, so it is very important to monitor your weight and control your appetite.

The unpleasant sensations that a woman will experience at 24 weeks of pregnancy include excessive sweating. Doctors do not recommend using antiperspirants containing alcohol and fragrances; it is better to give preference to special products for pregnant women.

The condition of the skin and hair at this stage of pregnancy is good, so there is no need to worry about their condition. Hormones give them radiance and a healthy glow.

Frequently asked questions on the forums


Q: 24 weeks of pregnancy, hemoglobin has decreased, what should I do?

A: In the third trimester and towards the end of the second trimester, hemoglobin decreases, this is the norm. The hemoglobin norm in the second trimester is 108-144 g/l. If your indicators are within the normal range, then everything is fine; if they are lower, then you should include iron-rich foods (liver, pomegranate, etc.) in your diet.


Q: What is the normal rate of fetal movement at 24 weeks?

A: There is no exact number of movements. All children are different, some are active, others are calm. These differences are already visible during their intrauterine development. It is important that you feel that the baby's periods of sleep are followed by periods of wakefulness, during which he turns over, kicks with his legs and pushes with his arms. You should consult a doctor if the child has very long and intense periods of activity, as well as if movements are not felt throughout the day.


Q: What is the best sleeping position at 24 weeks of pregnancy?

A: The ideal position for sleeping is on the left side. You can no longer sleep on your stomach or back. When sleeping on the right side, the liver will be compressed. The position on the left side also ensures proper blood supply to the body of the mother and child.

Mom's belly

Mom's belly is growing rapidly. A woman may feel slight pain in the lumbar region or in the hypochondrium, which is associated with the growth of the uterus and is not a deviation from the norm. In addition, arched stripes form on the skin of the abdomen - stretch marks (striae): to prevent their further development, use special creams against stretch marks or simple olive oil.

As for fetal movements during pregnancy, starting from the 24th week, the baby should remind itself of itself on average 10–15 times per hour. If the mother does not feel fetal kicks for 12 hours or more, she should inform the doctor.

What should a mother do at 24 weeks?

As before, the most important thing is the pregnant woman’s diet. It should include stewed vegetables, cereals, fresh fruits, dairy products, boiled beef, poultry, fish and herbs. Among drinks, the main place should be occupied by fruit drinks, freshly squeezed juices and clean drinking water. It is better to avoid fatty, floury, smoked, excessively salty, spicy and sweet foods. If you really want, you can treat yourself to some tasty treat, but it’s better to do it during the day, and in no case at night.

If you are gaining weight rapidly, then it is better not to indulge yourself, because every sweet bun or hamburger will result in extra pounds, which will only worsen your overall well-being. In your diet, you should adhere to the rule - a hearty, hearty breakfast and a light, healthy dinner.

Expectant mothers at the 24th week of pregnancy, as well as throughout the entire period, are shown positive emotions. Don't sit at home, walk more, socialize, go shopping, pamper yourself with clothes, manicures, beautiful hairstyles. Walk in parks more often and spend more time in the fresh air - your body and your beloved baby will thank you.

Recommendations for mom

It is very important to monitor the external changes in your body at this and further times.

If you notice the appearance of severe swelling in your arms, legs, and especially your face, this is a reason for urgent consultation with your doctor. The appearance of these symptoms may indicate the presence of an insidious complication - gestosis or, as it may also be called, late toxicosis. It can proceed secretly, which is where its cunning lies.

Doctors have not found the exact reasons for this complication. But when gestosis appears, a spasm of all blood vessels occurs, and in later stages, tissue death occurs. A few more signs of late toxicosis are the appearance of protein in the urine and increased blood pressure. All these symptoms are reason to immediately contact a specialist.

The expectant mother should also avoid large crowds and crowds throughout her pregnancy . Due to her reduced immunity, her body is more susceptible to viral attacks. And colds are very undesirable for the expectant mother, as they make her body more sensitive to other serious infections.

Tests at 24 weeks of pregnancy

Tests at week 24 are standard: general blood and urine tests. Blood is taken to check sugar levels. During this period, some women experience an increase in blood sugar, which may not have the best effect on pregnancy.

By feeding large amounts of sugar, the fetus grows faster and gains weight. Giving birth to a large baby is always difficult. Many women are simply not able to cope with this on their own, so a caesarean section is prescribed. To avoid all these problems, you need to visit your doctor in a timely manner and undergo the tests prescribed by him.

An ultrasound at 24 weeks is performed only according to a doctor’s indications, when there is a suspicion of the development of pathology in the fetus or the pregnancy is proceeding with certain complications.


Condition of the expectant mother


Weight gain from the beginning of pregnancy is no more than 8 kg. Weekly weight gain should not exceed 400 grams. After toxicosis subsides, there is a high risk of rapid weight gain.

Large weight gains have a bad effect on the condition of the mother and the course of pregnancy.

A pregnant woman at this stage:

  • Increased sensitivity of the mammary glands remains, and colostrum may appear. The areolas of the nipples darken and enlarge.
  • The uterus grows and begins to displace the abdominal organs. Possible problems with digestion, constipation, heartburn.
  • Deformation of the bladder occurs, accompanied by frequent urination.
  • A shift in the center of gravity can cause pain in the spine and legs. Women should rest more with their feet on a bolster. For a comfortable sleep, it is recommended to use a special pillow.
  • Pigment spots may appear on the face and darkening of the stripe on the stomach.


The height of the uterus at this stage is 24 cm, and the abdominal circumference is on average 75-80 cm. Unexpressed pain on the sides of the abdomen is associated with stretching of the muscles of the uterus as it grows.

The belly grows very quickly during this period, so stretch marks may appear. To avoid this, you need to use special skin moisturizers every day.

During a normal pregnancy, there should be no pain in the abdominal area. If the discomfort is severe and does not go away, you need to consult a doctor. There is a possible risk of premature birth.

belly at 24 weeks of pregnancy

Many pregnant women experience increased uterine tone at week 24. This is a condition in which the muscles of the uterus are constantly in a tense state. The woman feels as if her stomach is turning to stone for some time.

Tone occurs in response to physical or emotional stress, excessive overload at home and at work. If you ignore the problem, there is a high risk of pathologies or premature birth in the fetus, so you should not postpone a visit to your doctor, who will prescribe sedatives and muscle relaxants that are safe for the fetus.


The volume of discharge at week 24 increases slightly:

  • Normal discharge is clear or milky, homogeneous, with a mucus-like consistency. They do not have a pronounced odor.
  • If the discharge becomes curdled and lumps appear in it, doctors diagnose thrush.
  • If the discharge has acquired a sharp, unpleasant odor or an unusual color, the mother most likely has a genitourinary infection. The doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment that is safe for the child.
  • An alarming signal is the appearance of watery discharge , which may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid.
  • Even more dangerous are bloody discharges that can appear due to placental abruption and other life-threatening pathologies for the mother and child. If such discharge appears, a woman should call an ambulance.
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