11th week of pregnancy - a detailed description of what happens to mother and baby

At the same time that nausea and vomiting are left behind, a stable emotional background is established: attacks of irritability and sudden changes in mood fade into the background.

It is not surprising that the cycle between the first and second trimester of pregnancy is considered one of the most favorable for a woman in terms of well-being. At this time, you can safely travel, exercise, and take long walks.

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Preparing a woman's mammary glands leads to external and internal changes in the breasts. It becomes larger in volume, and the areola and nipples darken under the influence of hormones. The uterus increases several times from the moment of conception. At the 11th week of pregnancy, the belly does not protrude much, but the mother herself can feel its growth: clothes become tight and you want to wear something more spacious. Given that the uterus rises into the abdominal cavity, the pressure on the bladder is not as strong as before. In this regard, the number of visits to the ladies' room is significantly reduced.

Signs of pregnancy at 11 weeks

Of course, by week 11 you should no longer have any doubts about the interesting situation. However, it will be useful to know about the general signs that accompany the 11th week.

  • Metabolism increases by about 25%, which means that now calories in a woman’s body are burned much faster than before pregnancy;
  • The volume of circulating blood increases . Because of this, most women sweat profusely, experience internal heat and drink a lot of fluids;
  • Unstable mood . Changes in the emotional background also make themselves felt. There is some anxiety, irritability, restlessness, emotional swings and tearfulness.

Keep in mind that a woman should not gain weight during this period . If the scale arrow creeps up, you need to adjust your diet towards reducing high-calorie, fatty foods and increasing fresh vegetables and fiber in your diet.

It is important that the woman is not alone during this period; a loving husband is simply obliged to find the moral strength within himself to help cope with troubling temporary difficulties.

But, if over time you cannot eliminate psychological problems, then you will need to turn to a professional psychologist for help.


As early as the 11th week of pregnancy, you may be referred for screening, which today is a mandatory test. This is a study that is carried out in each trimester in order to identify possible abnormalities in the development of the fetus. Screening shows only the risk of developing pathologies - low or high, which is determined by the indicators of all markers in combination.

The first screening is carried out from the 11th to the 16th week of pregnancy, but it is best to undergo it before the 12th week, since during this period the fetal collar zone (TVP - thickness of the collar space) is clearly visible, which determines the risk of developing Down syndrome in the child.

The results obtained from the screening study are compared with established standards and the risk factor is assessed. You must understand that indicators that go beyond the limits can indicate anything, and do not necessarily indicate anomalies in the development of the fetus, but only suggest the risk of their existence. Unsatisfactory data is a reason to consult a geneticist. But the woman must make the decision about all further actions herself: no one can force you to do anything.

There is ultrasound and biochemical screening. In the first trimester, a so-called “double test” is performed, which includes determining the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) PAPP-A (pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A).

If any suspicions or reasons for concern arise, the expectant mother may be prescribed additional tests.

A woman's feelings at 11 weeks

The eleventh week, as a rule, brings some relief for those women who suffered from toxicosis. But, unfortunately, not everyone manages to completely forget about this unpleasant phenomenon. Many will continue to suffer until week 14, and possibly even longer. Unfortunately, nothing can be done about this, all you can do is endure.

However, by the eleventh week you:

  • You feel pregnant , in the most literal sense of the word, however, you still don’t look like one from the outside. Some clothes may become a little tight and your belly will expand slightly at 11 weeks. Although the uterus at this stage has not yet left the pelvis;
  • You experience early toxicosis , as mentioned above, but it may disappear. If at this time you still feel this kind of inconvenience, then this is quite normal;
  • You should not be bothered by any pain . You should not have any unpleasant sensations other than toxicosis; for any other discomfort, consult a doctor. Do not endure pain, which should not bother you under any circumstances, do not risk your health and the life of your baby;
  • Vaginal discharge may increase . But they will accompany you throughout your pregnancy. The norm is white discharge with a slightly sour odor;
  • Breasts may bother you . By week 11, she will have increased by at least 1 size and is still very sensitive. There may be discharge from the nipples, this is also normal, so you should not do anything about it. Don't squeeze anything out of your chest! If the discharge stains your underwear, buy special breast pads at the pharmacy. Colostrum (that’s what these same secretions are called) is secreted until childbirth;
  • You may experience constipation and heartburn . These are optional symptoms, but week 11 may be accompanied by similar ailments. This is again due to the influence of hormones;
  • Drowsiness and mood swings still occur. You may notice typical absent-mindedness and forgetfulness. There is nothing wrong with this, because you are now completely immersed in yourself and your new state, and the anticipation of the joys of motherhood only contributes to an easy detachment from the outside world.


Your doctor may refer you for an ultrasound if you experience nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. If they are still accompanied by bloody vaginal discharge, then this indicates an existing threat of miscarriage. In this case, an ultrasound will confirm or refute fears and show the condition of the fetus, in particular, assess its heartbeat.

Do not neglect suspicious pains during this period. Ideally, nothing should hurt. But, of course, this does not always happen. The expectant mother often has headaches or legs, and her stomach - the main object of attention - constantly makes itself felt. You may feel slight pain on the sides of your abdomen - this is most likely the ligaments that support the ever-growing uterus being stretched. Such pain should not cause you concern. But if it starts to bleed, then under no circumstances should you leave the situation unattended.

Fetal development in the 11th week

The size of the fetus at week 11 is approximately 4 - 6 cm, and its weight is from 7 to 15 g. The child is growing rapidly, at the moment its size is approximately the size of a large plum. But so far it doesn’t look very proportional.

It is during this week that important processes take place:

  • The baby can raise his head . His spine has already straightened a little, his neck has become more defined;
  • The arms and legs are still short, moreover, the arms are longer than the legs, fingers and toes have formed , this week they are already well developed and separated from each other. The palms also develop very actively, a grasping reaction appears;
  • The baby's movements become clearer . Now if he suddenly touches the uterine wall with the soles of his feet, he will try to push away from it;
  • The fetus begins to react to external stimuli. For example, he may be bothered by your cough or any shaking. Also, at 11 weeks he begins to smell - amniotic fluid enters the nasal passages, and the baby may react to changes in your food composition;
  • The digestive tract develops . The rectum is formed. This week the baby will often swallow amniotic fluid and may yawn;
  • The child's heart beats at a rate of 120-160 beats per minute . He already has four chambers, but the hole between the left and right parts of the heart still remains. Because of this, venous and arterial blood mix with each other;
  • The baby's skin is still very thin and transparent , blood vessels are clearly visible through it;
  • The genital organs begin to form , but so far it is impossible to accurately determine the sex of the unborn child. However, in some cases, boys at this stage are already beginning to differ from girls;
  • The eleventh week is also very important because it is during this period that you will be told the exact duration of pregnancy . It is important to know that after the 12th week the accuracy of timing calculations decreases greatly.

Recommendations and advice for the expectant mother

Firstly, you need to follow the general recommendations that you followed in previous weeks, namely: spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, relax, avoid stress, eat a balanced diet. If your pregnancy is going well, you can even perform special exercises for pregnant women. You can also go on vacation.

Now regarding the recommendations directly for week 11.

  • Keep an eye on the discharge . White discharge, as mentioned above, is normal. If you experience brown discharge or bleeding, be sure to see a doctor. If you have any suspicions, also consult your doctor;
  • Avoid crowded places . Any infection you catch can have a negative impact not only on your health, but also on the development of your baby;
  • Pay attention to your feet . The load on the veins gradually begins to increase, so after any walking or prolonged sitting, try to lie down. It would be a good idea to purchase a pair of special anti-varicose tights. They will be able to facilitate the movement of blood through the vessels, making fatigue less noticeable. You can also do a light foot massage using a cooling gel;
  • Anesthesia and anesthesia are contraindicated! If you have any dental problems that require serious treatment, alas, you will have to wait;
  • Sex is not prohibited . But be extremely careful and as careful as possible. Most likely, you yourself feel discomfort when you lie on your stomach. The cowgirl position also poses some danger. Try to choose positions that exclude deep penetration;
  • The first official ultrasound examination is carried out precisely at week 11 . By this time, the fruit has grown so much that it will be clearly visible. So we can evaluate the correctness of its development.


Now many unpleasant sensations are receding. The expectant mother has time to make plans and take care of herself. The main thing is not to forget about the basic rules.


At the 11th obstetric week, the mother’s diet should be thought out and balanced. The baby will now and will continue to need a lot of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. These microelements are needed for the proper growth of baby teeth, bones and good functioning of the fetal heart. How to get the necessary substances in food?

  • Fish, especially red fish, is rich in phosphorus. Onions and carrots contain small amounts of this microelement.
  • Calcium suppliers are dairy products.
  • Magnesium is found in cereals, berries, and fresh fruits.


To fully absorb calcium, the body needs vitamin D (found in the liver). It is also produced naturally when the sun shines on our skin (it doesn’t matter whether direct light or diffuse light). That is why mandatory walks are recommended for pregnant women.

Dishes must still be baked, boiled or steamed. It is advisable to add onions and garlic to food - these are natural enemies of microbes and infections.

The prohibitions remain the same:

  • alcohol and nicotine (including secondhand smoke);
  • cakes, pastries, buns and sweets;
  • canned food;
  • spicy and smoked foods;
  • colorful sodas;
  • fried foods.

Proper nutrition means good metabolism and normal weight. Now it is considered normal if the scales “add” no more than 0.5 kg per week.

Doctor's supervision

If you have not yet registered with the antenatal clinic, it’s time to do so. The gynecologist will collect basic data (height, weight, pelvic dimensions) and conduct a survey (marital status, whether there are any seriously ill household members or relatives around the patient). In addition, you will need to be tested for various diseases (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections).

Based on the test results, the doctor will prescribe prenatal vitamins and other auxiliary medications. For example, iron or folic acid supplements.

It is advisable to visit the dentist more often, since various gum diseases can occur during pregnancy.


There are several more important recommendations that it is advisable to follow.

  1. Gymnastics for pregnant women, yoga, swimming. Physical activity will help improve your metabolism and prevent excess weight gain.
  2. Positive emotions. Avoid watching movies that are too serious or scary, and don’t read books with scary content. Visit exhibitions and museums (not anatomical ones).
  3. Comfortable low-heeled shoes. Swelling and varicose veins literally haunt many pregnant women.
  4. No overwork and lack of sleep.
  5. Make plans. Think about what you want to do or learn before giving birth. Perhaps it's ribbon embroidery or scrapbooking. Or a foreign language? After giving birth, many hobbies will have to be put on hold for a long time.

Mothers who are attentive to themselves will definitely notice how gradually pregnancy becomes a real joy.

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