Unpleasant odor from the intimate area during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special time in a woman’s life, filled with new experiences and sensations. Unfortunately, it also involves big changes for the body, and not all of them are good. So one of the many problems that expectant mothers face is vaginal odor.

Every healthy woman has vaginal discharge that has a specific smell unique to her. But during pregnancy they can change quite dramatically. Including their smell changes. There may be several reasons for this:

    Normal changes associated with new hormonal levels. The odor may become stronger or more pungent. But at the same time, it should not be obviously unpleasant. Also, the discharge should not cause skin irritation, itching or redness.

Change in perception. It is known that during pregnancy, familiar smells and tastes are often experienced in a new way. Therefore, often a change in the smell of vaginal discharge can be subjective. The determining factor is the same: if besides the smell there are no other unpleasant symptoms, then it’s too early to panic.

  • Pathological change. But in some cases, vaginal odor during pregnancy does indicate some kind of problem.
  • Such situations should be considered separately.

What diseases are associated with unpleasant odor?

The unpleasant smell of discharge should alert a woman, but not frighten her. The fact is that such a phenomenon is not always a sign of pathology, but may indicate metabolic disorders, and may also be associated with increased functioning of the glandular system.

As for diseases, the following ailments can cause an unpleasant smell of discharge during pregnancy:

  1. Dysbiosis. The process of imbalance between pathogenic and beneficial bacteria in the reproductive system is called vaginal dysbiosis. As a result, a comfortable atmosphere is created for the increased proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. Candidiasis. The disease, also called thrush, causes white discharge with a sour odor during pregnancy. Needs treatment, but only under the supervision of a doctor, because not all medications can be taken while pregnant.
  3. Bacterial vaginosis. Gardnerella infection occurs, after which the discharge often smells like spoiled fish. It may be present in the body and not bother you, and during pregnancy the disease often worsens.
  4. Systematic inflammatory processes. In some situations, chronic inflammation is observed in the reproductive system, which can occur unnoticed, accompanied by only slight vaginal secretion with a barely noticeable odor.

It is also worth noting that certain factors may increase the predisposition to vaginal discharge with an uncharacteristic odor:

  • violation of hygiene of the intimate area;
  • inappropriate hygiene products;
  • improper washing;
  • very frequent douching;
  • unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • diseases of the genital organs.

It is very important to find out the cause of the unpleasant odor, because this is the only way to provide effective therapy. It is impossible to show indifference in such a situation, because the pathology can intensify, harming the health of not only the mother, but also the child.

Why does vaginal discharge smell “fishy”?

When visiting a gynecologist, women often complain of a fishy odor from the genital tract. The fishy aroma intensifies during sexual contact and the use of intimate hygiene products. Most often, this symptom is associated with the development of gardnerellosis.

The gardnerella bacterium is part of the normal microflora of the vagina. When favorable conditions are created, it begins to actively multiply, causing inflammation in the genitourinary organs. The smell appears as a result of the interaction of bacterial growth products with sperm proteins.

Optimal conditions for the development of gardnerellosis are created in the presence of the following risk factors:

  • weakening of the immune system;
  • changes in hormonal levels during menopause;
  • frequent miscarriages, medical abortions and curettage;
  • disturbance of intestinal microflora;
  • failure to comply with the rules of genital hygiene;
  • frequent douching;
  • refusal of condoms, frequent change of partners.

A bad fishy odor is also observed with chronic thrush. The cause of this disease is the activation of fungi of the genus Candida.

Both diseases are accompanied by a change in pH balance, which also leads to the appearance of a rotten fish aroma. This symptom cannot be ignored, since diseases tend to progress.

Effect of urine on secretion

Often, a woman may attribute the smell of urine to vaginal secretion. Mucus can easily mix with droplets of urine, so it seems that it is the mark on the panty liner that emits this or that odor. Normal for pregnancy is a sweetish aroma of urine, which may contain echoes of medications taken, especially vitamin complexes. The food you eat also affects it, but not too significantly. As for violations, they are indicated by the following signs:

Ammonia smell

The cause of discharge with the smell of ammonia in a woman during gestation may be an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system. It is known that cystitis can worsen during pregnancy, especially if the woman has already had it.

Presence of acetone odor

May indicate a protein deficiency in the body or improper absorption by the body. Most often observed with toxicosis, lack of appetite or severe vomiting. This is reflected in the aroma of urine, which a woman may attribute to the characteristics of vaginal secretion.

Why does an unpleasant odor appear in an intimate place?

How to get rid of an unpleasant odor in an intimate place? This question interests many representatives of the fair sex. Although there are no comrades for the taste and color. “Tomorrow I arrive in Paris. Don’t wash yourself!” - this is what Napoleon wrote to his wife Josephine, thereby confirming that most human relationships, especially sexual ones, always occur at the subconscious level, and smell plays a major role in relationships.

01 General concepts

Smell is the very first human sense in the long process of evolution. Its center is located in the part of the brain that is responsible for sexual behavior and emotions. That is why aromas change a person’s mood, behavior, and reaction to what is happening so much. It is not for nothing that there is a direction in medicine based entirely on aromas - aromatherapy. It seems to a person that he chooses a partner based on appearance, intelligence, and yet the decisive factor when choosing a partner is always the smell - this is scientifically proven. In this respect, humans are no different from other mammals. One of the ancient Roman sages came up with the idea that the best scent of a woman is when she smells nothing. By the way, girls need to remember that men are more sensitive to odors.

The natural odor of the body (especially the genitals) is a strong aphrodisiac (stimulant); it is not for nothing that there is a tribe in Africa in which, to this day, spouses are chosen only based on the sense of smell. And, according to ethnologists, they do not get divorces. A woman’s scent, no less than her clothing style, hairstyle, and behavior, emphasizes the uniqueness of its owner. Maintaining personal hygiene plays a primary role in maintaining a pleasant smell. But not always, even with a careful attitude to body hygiene, its smell can only bring pleasant sensations. This is especially true for the zone


The main options for vaginal odor during pregnancy

It’s not just brown discharge or blood clots that can frighten a woman. During pregnancy, any change makes you worry, so it is worthwhile to accurately understand the possible odors of secretion and their possible causes.

"Like a fish"

This “stench” is a sign of dysbiosis. A woman may also suffer from itching and burning of the external genitalia. It is important to go to the hospital in time, because vaginal dysbiosis can provoke inflammatory processes that significantly complicate the process of bearing a fetus.

"Smells like urine"

There is no threat to the baby or mother in this situation. Simply due to stress, excess weight or emotional instability, fluid leaks from the bladder. It turns out that the discharge does not smell like urine, but simply contains small drops of it. This problem can be eliminated by seeking help from a gynecologist and urologist.

"Rotten smell"

May indicate one of the varieties of bacterial vaginosis, which is caused by the bacterium gardnerella. Among the main symptoms are moderate vaginal secretion of a dirty white hue, accompanied by a rotten odor. Its source is proteolytic enzymes, which, under the influence of vaginal proteins, decompose into sources of “rotten meat”. As for treatment, gardnerellosis is eliminated in the same way as standard vaginosis.


A sour smell may be due to candidiasis. With thrush, fungal infections actively multiply in the vagina, which also provoke cheesy vaginal secretion. Candidiasis during pregnancy should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor, because some medications can harm the baby. But the situation cannot be ignored, because the infection can be transmitted to the baby during childbirth. Therefore, the presence of white secretion with a sour odor cannot be the norm.

Prevention of discomfort

To prevent increased discharge from causing itching and irritation of the genital tract, it is necessary to follow basic hygiene rules. Wash yourself regularly in the morning and evening, if you feel that the discharge is too heavy, then more often. Wearing daily journals will also play a positive role in this matter, just do not forget that they need to be changed at least 2 times a day. Often, itching and discomfort during normal discharge can occur due to wearing underwear made of synthetic fabrics, so in order to avoid unpleasant sensations, I recommend that you wear light cotton underwear.

Another quite important factor is the correct selection of hygiene products. Due to the increased sensitivity of the vaginal mucosa and other changes occurring in its microflora, many women complain of discomfort when washing. When the product gets on the mucous membrane, severe itching and burning begins. This is also a completely normal phenomenon, which indicates the normal course of pregnancy. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right personal hygiene products. In this case, it is best to use baby liquid soap, which will protect the delicate vaginal mucosa.

By following these simple preventive measures, you will protect yourself from unpleasant sensations.

If you follow all the recommendations, but you are still haunted by a constant feeling of discomfort, then most likely the discharge is caused by pathogenic microflora and requires diagnosis and treatment. In this case, you should not delay going to the gynecologist. The doctor will order a smear test and, based on the test results, prescribe the necessary treatment.

This condition should not be allowed to develop under any circumstances, because the infection can penetrate to the child and cause irreparable harm to the developing organism. To treat pathological discharge, they often resort to the use of vaginal suppositories, tablets or gels. With timely treatment, the discharge stops in the near future, leaving not a trace behind.

Diagnostic methods

If you have such a problem, you should not be embarrassed to visit a doctor, because an unpleasant odor can indicate serious disorders in the body that are dangerous for both the woman and her child. You may need:

  • Give a smear. The results of the analysis will reflect the composition of bacteria, identify the number of pathogenic microbes, and also accurately determine the cause of discomfort.
  • Urinalysis and bacterial culture. This is necessary to ensure that the infection, if present, does not spread further.

First of all, a woman needs to contact a gynecologist, who will prescribe the necessary tests and examination.

Other influencing natural factors

Beginning sexual activity is another common cause of vaginal discharge. So, during the first sexual contact, foreign but harmless microflora of the penis gets inside the vagina. The female microflora begins to gradually get used to the new “roommates”. This explains the change in the appearance of the escaping substance and the intensity of its flow. As a rule, mucus begins to appear more often, its color changes slightly (it may become darker, acquire a yellowish tint). In the absence of health problems, discomfort is not felt.

Naturally, sexual contact itself also stimulates mucus production. During the act of copulation, a specific substance is produced that lubricates the walls of the vagina. This liquid protects girls from excessive friction, which can cause pain. If a sexual partner performs oral sex, he will feel that the secreted mucus has a salty or sweet taste (the exact taste depends on the girl’s health and nutrition). After 6 hours of sex, another type of substance may be released. As a rule, it is liquid and white. If a condom is used during sexual intercourse, a creamy secretion may come out of the vagina.

Pregnancy affects hormonal balance, so the intensity and specificity of discharge also changes. First of all, pregnant girls leak the substance much more often, which is why they have to change more panty liners. In appearance, the leaking secretion becomes like water. In addition, the final stages of pregnancy are accompanied by an even greater increase in the intensity of discharge. This is due to the discharge of mucus from the cervical canal. In the second half of pregnancy, close attention should be paid to the nature of the waste substance. If the discharge is too strong and thin, it is recommended to consult a doctor, as this condition may be a precursor to the release of amniotic fluid.

After childbirth, completely normal vaginal discharge may also be present. In medicine they are called lochia. This type of substance comes out of the uterus. It includes mucus, sloughed tissue and bloody components. Lochia usually lasts for about 6 weeks. At first, such discharge is abundant and cloudy, but over time it should lighten and decrease in intensity.


Discharge with an odor during pregnancy should alert a woman, but not frighten her. Self-medication in this matter is not allowed, because it is impossible to eliminate the problem without knowing the exact cause of its occurrence. In addition, self-medication can harm the expectant mother and her baby.

It is also worth considering that conventional drugs are not always suitable for pregnant women due to their composition, which can be dangerous to the fetus. Therefore, only a doctor, after an examination, can prescribe effective and safe treatment during pregnancy.

Vaginal secretion is the norm in a woman’s life at any stage. However, its consistency, color and smell may indicate certain infections and diseases. The smell of discharge during pregnancy is a clear sign that is important to pay attention to. If a rather atypical smell appears from vaginal discharge, you should definitely consult a gynecologist.

Causes of unpleasant odor during pregnancy

Slightly thick transparent or light whitish discharge is considered normal. Does the smell of vaginal discharge change during pregnancy? Yes, the smell, abundance, consistency and color change in the early stages of pregnancy and, immediately before and after childbirth. It is important to understand that a new odor is not necessarily a sign of pathology - only a doctor can determine its true cause.

Discharge with an odor during early pregnancy may change due to the following factors:

  1. Restructuring of hormones. The female body is susceptible to changes with the development of the fetus. Hormones significantly transform the natural hormonal background. It is normal for the smell of the discharge to change, but this should happen without irritation of the genitals, itching, or unusual color of the vaginal discharge.
  2. Enhanced sense of smell. A woman is very sensitive while carrying a child; she is acutely aware of all smells and tastes. If there are no other signs of changes in vaginal secretion, there is no need to worry. Decline of protective forces in the body of the expectant mother. Decreased immunity can lead to the development of genital tract infections, which can provoke unpleasant, harsh secretions. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor; you cannot treat this problem yourself.
  3. Exacerbation of pathologies of the reproductive system. Any deviations from the norm and inflammatory processes in the body can change the characteristics of vaginal secretion. In the presence of inflammation, the main symptom in women is yellow discharge with a sour odor.

Treatment methods

Only a doctor has the right to make a decision on prescribing medications; he is obliged to take into account not only the state of the mother’s health, but also to minimize the risk to the unborn child.

Treatment measures begin after collecting all the tests and establishing a diagnosis. Typically they are as follows:

  • Vaginosis and gardnerellosis are treated comprehensively. Antibiotic therapy is usually used using drugs acceptable during pregnancy, as well as means to restore the natural microflora of the vagina. To maintain immunity, vitamin complexes are prescribed.
  • Candidiasis and other fungal infections are eliminated with the help of antifungal drugs. Additionally, medications are prescribed to restore microflora and means to maintain immunity.
  • Genitourinary diseases are treated with antiviral drugs or antibiotics, depending on what caused the infection.
  • Inflammation of the reproductive organs is the most difficult to treat, so each case is dealt with individually by a gynecologist. If we are talking about opportunistic microorganisms, the doctor must decide on treatment or simply monitor the condition of the pregnant woman to prevent complications.

It is important to remember that unpleasant odor from the vagina is not an independent disease, but only an external symptom that causes inconvenience. It can only be eliminated by getting rid of the cause of its occurrence.

Tell me, has anyone had this, 3rd trimester of pregnancy, white discharge. Unpleasant smell. Tests show no thrush, there is inflammation. That is, there are a lot of leukocytes in the smear for oncocytology. I don’t know what to do, I’m already exhausted, what can be treated, so that it is not harmful, but improves the vaginal flora.

All tests have been done and everything is negative for STIs.

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Terzhinan, help you. Just take a couple of pills and everything will go away. It happened to me like that

It’s strange that when taking tests and receiving their results, your doctor did not advise you anything, unless you took tests somewhere for a fee and decided to self-medicate

I also had a lot of leukocytes, but at the same time there was no diagnosis. The doctor recommended Terzhinan (you can use it throughout pregnancy and lactation). and you don’t even need to do the course for 5-6 days. 1-2 is enough and everything goes away. A magical remedy that saved me twice during pregnancy

Google gardnerellosis, also known as bacterial vaginosis. Maybe it is.

I put gynoflor (suppositories). It seemed to help. But if the tests are normal, then everything is fine, this happens during pregnancy, consult a doctor.

3 – well then you have gardnerellosis. will have to endure until the end of pregnancy

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