22 weeks of pregnancy: everything a expectant mother needs to know at this stage

  • 22 weeks pregnant - how many months?
  • Stomach
  • Uterus
  • Analyzes
  • Ultrasound
  • Fetus
  • Feel
  • Pain
  • Discharge
  • Sex
  • Weight
  • Nutrition

22 weeks pregnant how many months?

The 22nd week continues the second trimester of pregnancy - usually the calmest and most cloudless period of bearing a baby. The 22nd week of pregnancy becomes the 2nd week of the 6th month, the baby continues to develop systematically, which is associated with further growth and an enlargement of the abdomen.


At the 22nd week of pregnancy, the belly has already increased significantly; now you cannot do without special clothing - loose and comfortable. But, although the interesting position cannot be hidden from strangers due to the rather large belly, the belly is not yet so large as to prevent mommy from bending over, tying her own shoelaces, and sitting down and getting up freely. As the belly continually expands, the skin begins to stretch, which can be accompanied by itching. The main thing now is to sufficiently moisturize the skin using special products that will help avoid the appearance of stretch marks.

Analyzes and examinations

At the 22nd week of pregnancy, routine diagnostic examinations are usually not performed unless additionally prescribed by a doctor. Before visiting a gynecologist, you must undergo a general blood and urine test. If it has not yet been possible to undergo a second screening ultrasound examination, the doctor will give a referral for diagnostics. The study makes it possible to determine the degree of fetal maturity, the size of the uterus and the amount of amniotic fluid, the biometric parameters of the child (coccygeal-parietal size, height, biparietal head size, etc.). Ultrasound reveals malformations of internal organs, including the heart and blood vessels. The study helps to assess the condition of the placenta; at this stage of pregnancy, its maturity should be zero.

Uterus at 22 weeks of pregnancy

The growth of the abdomen is accompanied by a constant enlargement of the uterus, in which the development and growth of the baby continues. The uterus at 22 weeks of pregnancy is quite large: it is located approximately 2 cm above the navel and rests against the diaphragm, and therefore a woman may experience some problems with inhalation and exhalation. At the same time, the uterus puts pressure on the stomach and intestines, which can lead to difficulty digestion and problems with bowel movements.

By week 22, the expectant mother may also sometimes feel irregular, mild contractions that are not accompanied by any particular pain. They do not pose any threat: these are the so-called Breston-Higgins training contractions, through which the uterus at 22 weeks of pregnancy “prepares” for the upcoming birth. However, in any case, you should listen carefully to contractions: there should not be more than 10-15 of them during the day and they should not be accompanied by severe pain. If the uterus contracts regularly at 22 weeks of pregnancy, and contractions are severely painful, you should immediately call a doctor: most likely it will be a premature birth.


At 22 weeks, it is advisable to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist, who will “perform” the usual manipulations of measuring abdominal circumference, blood pressure, and weighing. You will also need to determine the height of the uterine fundus and listen to the fetal heartbeat.

In addition, tests at the 22nd week of pregnancy may include sampling urine and blood for research - to determine the level of sugar in the mother’s body, the presence of protein in the urine, the number of leukocytes and red blood cells. It is also possible that the woman will undergo another ultrasound examination at 22 weeks.


An ultrasound at the 22nd week of pregnancy becomes the second planned ultrasound, during which the doctor examines the fetus for possible malformations and assesses the degree of development and functioning of internal organs. At the 22nd week of pregnancy, the coccygeal-parietal size is no longer decisive in terms of determining the norm in the development of the baby. Instead, during an ultrasound at 22 weeks of pregnancy, the doctor determines the parameters of individual parts of the baby’s body and their normal relationship.

In addition, the specialist also evaluates the amount and transparency of amniotic fluid, determines the presence or absence of high or low water, and determines the condition of the placenta and umbilical cord.

Basal temperature from A to Z

So I decided to gather my thoughts and write about the most terrible event in my life. I'll start from the very beginning. We couldn’t get pregnant for a year, but we weren’t tested or treated because... I didn't lose hope. Then one fine day - February 14th I take a test and //!!! This is a gift for my husband and I for Valentine's Day. Then, at 8 weeks, I was put on preservation due to brown discharge, I lay there for a week, everything was fine. According to the tests, the doctor said that everything was fine, at 17 weeks my baby began to move, then after a couple of weeks she began to push, at 21 weeks I went for a second screening, we were told that we were having a girl, and that I also had very strong tone, but in They didn’t admit me to the hospital, they didn’t prescribe me any medications. A week and a half later, on June 17, at lunchtime my stomach started to hurt, I drank 2 no-shpas and went to bed, an hour later contractions started, I was just in shock. An ambulance was called. Until the ambulance arrived, until they took me. I already have contractions every 2-3 minutes. And there’s no doctor anywhere near me; it only took me an hour and a half to process me. The doctor came 4 hours after they brought me, examined me in the chair and said we won’t do anything, you’ll give birth. Although the child was still alive, she was still kicking. I started to get hysterical, and the doctor told me to stop crying, this happens often in our country. I was shocked. They injected me with sedatives and after a while my water broke. And an hour after that, I myself gave birth to a girl, 26cm, 500g. She was the way she should have been born. We buried her in the cemetery. I don’t know how I even survived all this, many thanks to my husband for his support and love. Varechka, my beloved girl, I will never forget you.

Fetus at 22 weeks gestation

At the 22nd week of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus reaches 430-500 g and its height is already as much as 28 cm. The good news: if for some reason the pregnancy is terminated early, the baby born during premature birth is considered viable and may well be delivered.

The baby’s brain is already practically formed: its intensive growth stops, the brain contains a full set of cells and can weigh up to 100 g. Against this background, the fetus’s reflexes are improving and becoming more complex: he no longer only sucks his finger, but can already tilt his head towards it , leaning forward.

The baby's sweat glands begin to develop at an active pace, the size of the heart increases, and calcium deposition in the bone tissue continues. At the same time, the fetal spine is now fully formed - it has all the vertebrae and intervertebral discs.

Also, the first vellus hairs, also called lanugo, have already appeared on the baby’s body. Their purpose is to retain vernix lubrication, which covers the baby’s entire body and protects it from abrasions and the aquatic environment. By the time lanugo is born, the crumbs will disappear from the skin, and birth lubricant will make it easier for it to pass through the birth canal at the time of birth.

And now, while there is still enough time left before the birth, the baby is already moving and moving with all his might in his mother’s belly. And such activity of his certainly cannot but please mommy.

What happens to the baby at 21-22 weeks

The 22nd week of pregnancy for obstetricians means that it is already the 20th week from the moment of conception. Usually mothers wonder: how many months is 22 weeks of pregnancy? In fact - 5 months, but obstetric period: 5.5 months. It’s difficult to confuse the timing; many tests confirming the time are already behind us. The baby is actively gaining weight and growing right now. Day by day, the fetus looks more and more like a full-fledged tiny person. In its proportions, the child already resembles a newborn, visual awkwardness disappears, the head does not seem as huge as it was at 5-12 weeks.

22 weeks of pregnancy, what month is it? You are 6 months pregnant.

If a baby is destined to be born with a “hairstyle,” then most likely this is the period of pregnancy—the time when hair begins to grow. There are already very small eyebrows and eyelashes, but so far they are not exactly hairs, but rather fluff. Surely you feel how the baby conducts his first “trainings”. The legs and arms already require a full load from the future fidget, but for now he only has access to his mother’s belly and ribs, which he knocks on every day. For now there is enough space, the child can tumble freely, testing his body and its capabilities.

Baby development at 22 weeks of pregnancy

  1. Drinks amniotic fluid (up to 400 ml per day). This is how the need to train the swallowing reflex manifests itself. The digestive and urinary system of the body is activated and also makes “test runs”.
  2. Movement training . Even though he is still quite far from coordinated movements, the start has already been made, and the mother’s ribs will very soon feel that the baby is not so weak.
  3. Movement of the chest, similar to breathing .
    After birth, the child must learn to breathe independently in almost a split second. This requires preparation. This week the fetus will grow to 18-19 cm. The weight of the baby at the 22nd week of pregnancy will reach 350 grams, which is a little more than a ripe grapefruit.
  4. Don't forget to talk to him, it's time to play classical music for him, read aloud and don't be afraid to look a little strange.

You most likely already often feel fetal kicks. Sometimes it seems to you that the little one under your heart does nothing but swim and tumble. Is the 22nd week of pregnancy really the time when he doesn’t sleep at all? This version is wrong. Remember that both children and adults toss and turn at night. And in the fetus in the stomach everything is similar.

Some obstetricians and pediatricians believe that the fetus at this stage in the mother’s belly spends up to twenty hours a day sleeping. Other experts are confident that the total sleep time reaches even 14 hours. However, the baby's arms and legs move even in sleep. The movements are not conscious, chaotic, the number reaches 200 times a day.

22 weeks of pregnancy: what else is happening with the baby? It has already been noted above that the composition of the baby’s blood is actively improving and is already quite similar to what it will have at birth. Red blood cells have long been formed, but white ones are still in the process. A little later, they will be responsible for the body’s natural defense against viruses and bacteria. The baby swallows the amniotic fluid and is already able to distinguish its taste.

Now the baby can swim in the uterus as he pleases. It is not yet the time when it is worth talking about the correct or incorrect position of the fetus, which the baby should take closer to 9 months. While the baby still has every opportunity to spin in all directions: 22 weeks of pregnancy, fetal size photo:


It is these sensations at the 22nd week of pregnancy - the sensation of stirring from within a new life - that become one of the happiest moments in life for a woman. And the baby’s movement is now quite noticeable: he pushes on his tummy, rests against the walls of the uterus with his arms and legs.

Moreover, the fetus not only “warms up” in this way, but also, quite possibly, gives the mother a certain signal: for example, turn down the music too loud. After all, at this stage the baby is already very sensitive to loud sounds or bright light, and his dissatisfaction is quite noticeably made known by active movements. In addition, frequent movements of the fetus may indicate that the baby is not receiving enough oxygen, and by moving, he is trying to make the heart beat faster and quickly move oxygenated blood throughout the body.

22 week pregnancy video

22 week pregnancy photo

However, you shouldn’t be too anxious about monitoring your baby’s movements; it’s enough to record the baby’s activity in the morning and evening hours. In addition, the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness of the fetus does not always coincide with the mother’s schedule - sometimes, for example, he becomes overly active during rest or wakes up the mother with movement early in the morning.

If fetal movement is not observed for a day or more, you should definitely consult a doctor.

What's happening

The abdomen becomes more prominent and continues to grow. Normal weight gain is considered to be no more than half a kilogram per week. If a woman does not overeat, but is gaining weight, then most likely fluid is retained in the body. Swelling impairs the blood supply to the placenta, and this in turn disrupts the baby’s nutrition.

In the twenty-second week of pregnancy, a woman needs comfortable, loose, non-squeezing clothing, preferably made from natural fabrics, to avoid allergies. The belly is quite noticeable, but does not yet prevent a woman from doing household chores, tying shoelaces and walking without support.

The tummy increases, and naturally more and more skin stretch marks appear, which are accompanied by severe itching. You just need to take good care of your skin using safe special products. The uterus becomes larger and larger, squeezing the diaphragm and preventing the woman from breathing freely.

The twenty-second week of pregnancy is marked by an interesting event: Breston-Higgins contractions begin, thus the uterus trains in preparation for the upcoming labor. What you need to know: contractions should be very mild, short-lived, not cause much discomfort and occur no more than 15 times a day. If contractions are painful, prolonged and regular, you should immediately consult a doctor, as premature birth is possible.

Pain at 22 weeks of pregnancy

The most common pain at 22 weeks of pregnancy is pain in the lumbar region and back. These are the problems that women most often encounter as their belly increases and their center of gravity shifts. To avoid painful sensations, it is necessary to regularly unload the spine and strengthen the back with the help of special gymnastics exercises for pregnant women. You should definitely avoid wearing heels, preferably when sitting on a chair, place a special stand under your feet, and be sure to choose a chair to sit on with a straight, hard back. It is not recommended to stay in a sitting position for more than an hour: every hour of sitting should be “rewarded” with a walk or a set of gymnastics exercises for pregnant women.

But you should also know that lower back pain can also indicate some health problems. Thus, prolonged pain at 22 weeks of pregnancy in the lumbar region can be a symptom of pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, and therefore require mandatory consultation with a specialist.

An equally unpleasant disease is hemorrhoids, which often affects pregnant women and is also accompanied by painful sensations. Hemorrhoids occur due to enlargement of the uterus and compression of blood vessels under its weight, as a result of which the outflow of blood in the pelvic area worsens. Hemorrhoids are treated by adjusting the diet (food should contain a sufficient amount of fiber, which improves intestinal motility), and pain symptoms are relieved by using suitable suppositories, the choice of which should be entrusted to a professional.

Abdominal pain that appears during the 22nd week of pregnancy does not bode well in any case: if your stomach hurts during this period, you should urgently seek help from a supervising doctor. It is quite possible that abdominal pain is associated with digestive difficulties, but at the same time, it may also indicate a threat of pregnancy failure. Usually in such a situation, in addition to painful sensations in the abdomen, a woman can also observe an increase in discharge, the appearance of blood in it, and leakage of amniotic fluid.

Fetal development

With each week of pregnancy, the baby’s weight increases, which by week 22 reaches 470 grams and height – 28 centimeters. At this stage, the growth of the fetus outstrips the growth of the placenta.

The child continues to form nerve connections and brain structures that are responsible for tactile sensations. In the case of premature birth at 22 weeks of pregnancy, the body will be controlled by the central nervous system, so the survival rate of the baby at such a short period is high.

The immune system and neuroendocrine system become more advanced, which allows the child to respond to the psycho-emotional state of the mother. The reaction is expressed in an increase or decrease in activity, which the pregnant woman feels, especially since there is still enough room for intense movements.


Normally, the nature of the discharge does not change by the 6th month of gestation: discharge at the 22nd week of pregnancy should be moderate, light and with a slightly sour odor. If the discharge becomes green or yellow, or if the discharge has cheesy clots or mucus, you should be examined for infection and be sure to apply the treatment regimen prescribed by your doctor.

You should immediately call an ambulance if spotting appears at 22 weeks of pregnancy: such discharge indicates the likely onset of premature labor. Also, discharge of blood from the vagina can be a sign of placental abruption if the detached area is located close to the church canal (with abruption in other areas there will be no blood, but pain in the abdomen is felt). Bloody discharge, among other things, can indicate both placenta previa and its marginal location, which can be detected during the next ultrasound examination.

It is necessary to consult a doctor urgently if the discharge at 22 weeks of pregnancy is significant, watery and has a light translucent tint. Most likely, in this case we are talking about leakage of amniotic fluid, and the discharge is not always significant - amniotic fluid can leak in small portions.

Condition of the expectant mother

The powerful restructuring of the body, which began from the moment of conception, directly controls the change in weight and general well-being of a pregnant woman. At week 22, body weight grows much faster than at week 10.

The mother experiences the following changes:

  • The skin, nail plate, and hair improve due to changes in hormonal levels.
  • The mood and psychological state of the pregnant woman becomes much better.
  • Stretch marks appear on the stomach and thighs, which can be removed with special creams. Sport will have a positive effect in the fight against them.
  • Painful sensations in the lower abdomen associated with an enlarged uterus. Adequate rest will help you cope with this.
  • Due to a lack of calcium, seizures may occur.


Many changes occur in a woman's body at 22 weeks. The mother develops trembling feelings, which are associated with the fact that a stirring inside the abdomen is clearly felt. Now the baby is able to push and push against the walls of the uterus.

Among the negative points it is worth highlighting:

  • Increased sweating . This problem can be solved by drinking plenty of fluids and buying things made from natural materials (cotton, linen).
  • Discomfort in the abdomen , which is associated with prolapse of the uterus. Talk to your doctor about purchasing a drain that will support your uterus and relieve pressure on your lower back.
  • Heartburn and burning in the stomach . It can only be eliminated by following a proper diet.
  • Swollen legs that prevent you from enjoying this wonderful period of life. This is due to the increase in weight, which increases the stress on them.
  • Bladder diseases are caused by the growing uterus, so don’t be patient and visit the toilet as soon as possible.

Reference! It is recommended to consult a doctor if you notice that the fetus has not moved for quite some time (1 day or more).


The volume of the abdomen at 22 weeks of pregnancy is quite decent, so you need to buy comfortable clothes that will not restrict movement. Although the interesting position is already quite noticeable to others, a woman can bend over, sit quietly, and also tie her shoelaces.

belly at 22 weeks pregnant

The growth rate of the belly begins faster, so the belly will become more noticeable every week.

For some, this process is accompanied by unpleasant itching. Try to moisturize and nourish delicate skin with special creams that have a smoothing effect and will eliminate aesthetic imperfections on the body after the birth of a child.


At the 22nd week of pregnancy, moderately mucous, light-colored discharge with a slight sour odor is considered normal. Deviations from the norm at the threshold of the 6th month of gestation are the following characteristics:

  • A yellowish or greenish tint to the discharge indicates the presence of a sexually transmitted infection. You need to visit a doctor.
  • Cheesy clots with lumps or mucus on underwear are a common symptom of an infectious process. A visit to the doctor will definitely solve this problem.
  • Bloody discharge is a clear sign of premature birth. A woman in labor urgently needs to call emergency services. Another cause of vaginal bleeding is placental abruption.
  • The extreme location (previa) of the placenta may be accompanied by blood-streaked discharge. Such pathology is detected during a routine examination.
  • You should immediately consult a doctor if the discharge becomes watery and clear. Most likely, the process of leakage of amniotic fluid is developing. Be careful, the amount of fluid may be so small that it can be confused with normal secretions or urine.

Sex at 22 weeks pregnant

Sex at 22 weeks of pregnancy is not only not prohibited, but even encouraged - physical intimacy will only benefit the couple. Of course, unless there are any special contraindications from the supervising doctor. Sex at 22 weeks of pregnancy cannot harm a baby in any way: the baby is reliably protected by the membranes and amniotic fluid.

What’s even more pleasant is that right now a woman’s sexual desire and sensitivity are increasing significantly. The fact is that just at this time, against the background of increased blood flow in the body, the blood supply to the genital organs of the expectant mother also improves. And it is not surprising that it is in the second trimester that many women even experience orgasm for the first time.


Your weight at 22 weeks of pregnancy should continue to be closely monitored. After all, the mother’s well-being at this stage is excellent, her appetite is not only improved, but even intensified, and therefore there is a risk of “overdoing it” with weight before the onset of labor. In general, until the end of pregnancy, the additional weight should be approximately 11-16 kg, weight at 22 weeks of pregnancy is usually acceptable within the limits of plus 8 kg to the woman’s initial weight before pregnancy. And further weight gain should occur by approximately 300-500 g weekly.


The best recommendations to a woman, of course, will be given by her supervising gynecologist. But there are also general tips that it is advisable to follow.

Now you should remember that you are no longer as frisky as before, and that your body may react completely unexpectedly to any external influences. So try not to walk alone, do not run after a departing bus and do not jostle in queues. Protect yourself from injury.

Good nutrition, no stress and as much fresh air as possible are absolutely necessary.

You need to watch your diet. It is clear that a pregnant woman now constantly wants to chew something. And many people stop limiting themselves. They say it’s the child who demands it. But excess weight gain and unhealthy food without restrictions (fast food, salty, sweet) are dangerous. Therefore, you need to carefully review your diet. After all, you can constantly chew foods that will not cause harm, but only vitamins and nutrients. For example, instead of buns and cakes, eat fruits - they are also sweet. Eat boiled meat, and certainly not fried or smoked.

If you don’t want to walk around constantly swollen, reduce your salt intake.

Prohibitions and contraindications during pregnancy

You can put it briefly, but clearly: everything that is harmful is prohibited for a pregnant woman. If the health of your unborn child is important to you, give up bad habits and reconsider your lifestyle. It is clear that sometimes this can be difficult to do, but convince yourself that now you are first and foremost a mother, and a defenseless little creature depends on you.

Sex at 22 weeks pregnant

If pregnancy proceeds without complications, then there are no special contraindications for sex. You can calmly enjoy the sensations, which become even sharper and brighter during pregnancy. You just have to be careful when choosing sex positions during pregnancy. Beware of pressure on the abdomen.

Sports and physical education

Physical exercise is not only not prohibited, but even encouraged at 22 weeks of pregnancy. Of course, in moderate doses, taking into account the “interesting” situation.

During this period, you can safely enroll in special courses for pregnant women, yoga, Pilates, and water aerobics. Naturally, all sets of exercises must be performed under the supervision of a competent instructor.

Vitamins and medications at 22 weeks of pregnancy

At this time, vitamins are taken when they are not supplied enough from food. At the same time, special complexes for pregnant women will not do any harm. Your doctor will tell you which vitamins you should take.

Is it possible to treat teeth at 22 weeks of pregnancy? Here the doctor must also make a decision. The placenta is already sufficiently formed to prevent anesthetics from harming the fetus. However, sometimes, to be on the safe side, this medical procedure is not performed before the birth of the child in order to eliminate possible risk.

Tetracycline antibiotics are prohibited. Other medications should be used only as directed, but should never be prescribed to yourself.


Since weight must be controlled responsibly, it is advisable to adhere to the developed diet, and still choose healthy and natural foods. For the full development of the small organism inside mommy, you will need protein - lean meat and fish, and dairy products are suitable sources. The same dairy and fermented milk products will be a suitable source of calcium. Fresh vegetables and fruits, dried fruits, kefir and yogurt will help improve intestinal motility and avoid problems with bowel movements, as well as the development of hemorrhoids.

It is advisable to limit your consumption of sugar and sweets, products made from white flour: rich in “fast” carbohydrates, they contribute to unwanted weight gain and increase glucose levels in the body, which can lead to the development of pregnancy diabetes. In turn, salt consumption must be significantly limited, since salt retains water in the body and leads to the development of edema.

Often the second trimester of pregnancy is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of iron in a woman’s body and the development of anemia against this background. To prevent iron deficiency anemia, buckwheat porridge, beef liver, dried fruits, and pomegranate are considered useful.

It also doesn’t hurt to agree with your doctor on the advisability, and sometimes even the necessity, of additional vitamin-mineral complexes for pregnant women. Which drug, in what dosage and for how long the expectant mother will need it is up to the doctor to decide after examining the results of regular tests.

Nutrition and general recommendations

From the 22nd week of pregnancy, it is recommended to wear a bandage that will not only support the stomach, but also relieve the load on the spine. It is better to sleep on your side with a special pillow. You need to fully rest, move enough, walk in the fresh air and be in high spirits. Physical intimacy at 22 weeks of pregnancy is encouraged in the absence of contraindications.

To prevent constipation and hemorrhoids, you should eat foods that contain fiber. A woman with a baby needs microelements and vitamins, so vegetables, fruits and herbs should not leave the pregnant woman’s table.

To receive professional advice from an experienced specialist, fill out an application on our website. The best gynecologist at AltraVita will examine you, conduct diagnostics and give advice so that your pregnancy proceeds without complications.

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