About “negative” emotions during pregnancy. Or the main myth of pregnancy

What is uterine tone? Causes of tone

Uterine tone during pregnancy: symptoms, what to doPhoto: https://unsplash.com/
The uterus constantly has activity, which is considered healthy. But frequent and strong movements are hypertonicity and are harmful to the unborn baby. What does a toned uterus mean? It contracts for 1-2 minutes, resulting in a feeling of hardening in the lower abdomen. It is caused by toxicosis, peculiarities of the development of the organ, its stretching due to the large size of the child or several embryos, tumor, Rh conflict (different Rh factors in the mother and father), lack of sleep, anxiety and simply gases in the intestines.

9. Laughter promotes the correct development of the baby

It is absolutely true that the mother is able to feel the emotions of the child, while the baby himself is able to adopt the mother’s mood. If you feel happy, then your child will feel happy. If you are sad, then the child will be sad. This is a scientifically proven fact. The emotional background of a child is formed in the womb.

Do you use ultrasound to monitor your baby's development? Try laughing during your appointment and you will notice that your joy rubs off on your baby. The child will become more active, and this is very good for the development of the fetus. That is why during pregnancy the mother should move and laugh a lot, because this helps the development of the child.

Symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy

How to determine organ contractions? At the beginning of pregnancy, pain appears, as during menstruation, the lower abdomen pulls, and the back hurts. In the 2nd trimester, the area below seems to turn to stone, and bloody discharge occurs. Tone during pregnancy in the early stages threatens the loss of the child, and in the 3rd trimester - early birth, which can lead to the death of the baby. In the West, the problem is not diagnosed, not considered dangerous. But when the fetal cord is clamped during seizures, the likelihood of a lack of oxygen and nutrients increases, which delays the baby's development.

Uterine tone during pregnancy: symptoms, what to do
Photo: https://unsplash.com/

Symptoms are dangerous only when they are accompanied by unpleasant sensations and last more than 2-3 minutes. The tone is harmless if it occurs a couple of times a day. In the first 2-3 weeks of gestation, the body adapts to the new state. During laughter, orgasm and vomiting during pregnancy, the reproductive organ also contracts. This doesn't mean laughing or having sex is prohibited. But repeated vomiting with toxicosis poses a risk. In the days or weeks before labor, the uterus contracts as it prepares for it. This is a physiological process that does not cause harm.

During pregnancy, for some reason, I began to periodically speak in my sleep. I learned about this, of course, from my husband. “And he recognized them by touch,” I suddenly told him for the first time, around one in the morning. - Whom? - asked the crazy husband. “Deputies,” and, having said this, I snored with a sense of accomplishment, not knowing that in five hours I would wake up and be sooooo surprised. The second time I pleased him with the pearl “Where in the moon is a clock inserted? Go crazy!” “I don’t want to be a pelican, take the geranium!” I screamed in the middle of the night for the third time and woke up from it myself. Until that day I suspected that they were making fun of me... I believed it. “Gray, gray, gray... Give me a colored mirror!..” she demanded on the fourth month, when she was already in her third month. - Why the hell did you paint the cockroaches with my red varnish? I feel like my nails are running away from me! — she said hysterically nine days later. -Where did you put the schwandipulka? — I puzzled my husband a little later. He spent a week asking me what this schwandipulka was and why the hell it was needed. Then his friend asked me the same thing, and why my husband suddenly needed this schwandipulka so much. “Don’t drown your socks in the sea, Greenpeace will spray you!” I warned him at the beginning of the fourth month, falling asleep on the sofa. I was never able to convince her that this was not a deliberate, vile insult under the pretext of sleep. “This is awesome!” I admired that same night. - Whose? — the husband immediately jumped up suspiciously. “My-ahhh,” I grabbed his ass and immediately woke up. They looked at each other with absolutely crazy eyes. I was silent for a week. Probably in a hurry. “You’d better bite my hand off, I didn’t save the course!” “Sunny, you’ve already graduated a year and a half ago,” my husband reassured me when I woke up in tears. - No, promise that we will never get a cat! - I was hysterical. He promised. Six months later we got a cat... who actually chewed the wire from the computer. Fortunately, it was turned off. - Just fuck it! I said, just fuck it! No fucking way, you'll go to hell!.. My husband was asking what I was dreaming about before he quoted it. When I said that I was the boss, he slid under the table. - Fear me, Kenobi, I am Anhapsetamoon! - Who is it? — the husband asked from under the bed. - Fuck knows... A little later I said something like “How many calories are in human flesh?” and received a promise to kill me if I showed even the slightest sign of sleepwalking. -Where is this hairy crap? — I muttered displeasedly two weeks later, and my husband was extremely offended by the fact that with these words I grabbed him by the armpit, said contentedly, “Ahhh...” and giggled disgustingly. The next morning, the only thing that saved me from being killed was that, stretching sweetly, I said that I dreamed of looking for a toy bear given to me by my mother. Before giving birth, I was already chatting almost every night. - In a blue jar. In si-nu-yu! And don’t forget to put it in alcohol!.. - fortunately, I didn’t remember a single piece of this dream. “Furry teapot,” I affectionately stroked my husband’s hairy chest, and the next morning I was very surprised by the question of which teapots I like better—bald or furry. But the next day I received breakfast in bed at six in the morning, which took at least an hour to prepare. My husband smiled mysteriously to all my questions, but then I finally extracted from him that in the middle of the night I grabbed him below the waist (this time not by the ass) and declared that “It’s not a damn thing.” After which she slid down the wall, squealing, because I dreamed that I was opening some kind of door, but the handle felt strange to the touch, well, just like..., and I said, “Well, that’s a damn handle!” And in the maternity hospital, she pleased a young roommate suffering from insomnia by saying loudly, stroking her belly: “Welcome, welcome! First, first, I'm second, what do you see? The contractions began, it seemed, from laughter, when, upon waking up, I heard this and the question of what they answered me. Afterwards I didn’t speak in my sleep anymore. A calm year has passed, we are lying down, sleeping, and suddenly from the crib there is a quiet sigh and “Ma-pa, kiiisa.” They thought the cat woke up, such a mischief, climbed into the crib - no! He’s sleeping, no cat... “I told you, don’t get a cat,” I muttered, laying back down and pulling the blanket over my head. “I’m a furry teapot,” the husband agreed.

How to relieve uterine tone during pregnancy

Approaches to relieving uterine tone during pregnancy depend on the cause. If you have gas, you should go on a diet that reduces its formation. Avoid carbonated drinks, strong coffee, black bread, legumes, cabbage, onions, and milk. Stress is reduced by trying to be in a calm environment among well-meaning people. The expectant mother strives to get enough sleep and takes a course of vitamins E and folic acid. As prescribed by the doctor, they take sedatives and medications that reduce tone during pregnancy. It is useful to do static exercises and avoid intense and prolonged physical activity. Injections of anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin help relieve contractions during pregnancy with Rh-conflict.

Uterine tone during pregnancy: symptoms, what to do
Photo: https://unsplash.com/

As a last resort, if there is a threat of losing the child, the doctor suggests hospitalization to the woman.
In common parlance this is called “laying down for preservation.” Doctors constantly monitor the patient, give her vitamins, sedatives, drugs that relieve spasms, and hormonal drugs. If the risk of premature birth is high, doctors use hormonal drugs to accelerate the maturation of the child. When early labor begins before the 28th week due to muscle activity, medications are given that relax the labor to interrupt the process. Ideally, the baby is kept in the mother's belly until the 34th week, when the chances of survival are statistically good, or at least until the 28th. Also interesting: How to prepare for pregnancy?

Laughter reduces the risk of premature birth

Stress can be dangerous for a pregnant woman as it can affect the baby. Laughter automatically reduces stress levels. Did you know that your current mental health affects the functioning of your immune system? Prolonged stress can leave your body vulnerable to infection and increase the risk of premature labor or having a baby with disabilities.

There are many factors that contribute to the occurrence of premature birth. For example, when the mother has a weakened immune system. In this case, the body of both mother and child is easily attacked by viruses, bacteria and harmful substances contained in the environment. Infections that are not too dangerous for the mother can be deadly for the baby, which can lead to premature birth or the birth of a child with disabilities.

To date, the exact cause of blue baby syndrome has not been established. However, if you experience symptoms of depression during pregnancy, you should be wary. Taking medication in this case will not be the best solution, especially for a pregnant woman. But you can always cheer yourself up without taking medications.

How does your baby feel when you laugh? You may have asked this question before when you experienced intense joy. Laughter brings many benefits to ourselves, but what about a child?

When you laugh, your good mood is transmitted to your baby. Unfortunately, if you are depressed, these emotions will also be passed on to your child. Your body movements while laughing have an impact on the baby inside of you. He will become more mobile, and this is beneficial for his development. The sounds of laughter have a calming effect on your baby.

Even while in the tummy, it is already beginning to identify, recognize and remember the sound of your voice. This is the benefit of laughter during pregnancy. So mommies, you should laugh more, smile more, connect with people more, and enjoy life more while you're pregnant! Perhaps many of you do not even realize how lucky you are, because there are thousands of women who dream of getting pregnant and giving birth to a child, but cannot do it.

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How a woman’s emotions during pregnancy affect the child’s psyche

Bad mood - bad results

During pregnancy, mother and child are connected by the umbilical cord.
They are one and will be inseparable until birth. At this time, the baby does not yet separate himself from the world around him; in fact, he is the world. Our brain perceives the surrounding reality in the same way: for it there is no one and nothing except its own body. Therefore, he solves emotional problems only through the body, which ultimately leads to the occurrence of psychosomatic diseases. Why is it so important to maintain positive emotions? Let's give a simple example. If a woman prepares food in a bad mood, most likely she will not be pleased with the result. Anger, irritation, aggression or sadness will directly affect the quality of food and change it not for the better. So is it any wonder that a mother’s negative attitude has a bad effect on the fetus? But this situation is much more serious than a burnt pie or tasteless borscht.

How does the fetus react to the mother's emotions?

The mother’s feelings lay the program for the child’s entire future life. This happens at all stages of pregnancy, even when the baby’s brain is not yet formed. Each cell carries information about the body, which means that the formation of an attitude towards the world begins from the moment of conception.

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When the mother is not sure that she wants to keep the child, the fetus perceives this as a signal that his life is in danger. If a woman is constantly worried about the baby’s condition and waits for his movements, the child perceives this as the attitude “I’m moving, that means I’m alive” - it’s not hard to guess that he will grow up hyperactive. After all, the baby has already learned: I can’t stop if I want to show that everything is okay with me.

It is very important that the expectant mother receives enough care. Otherwise, the child will also suffer from a lack of attention and will try to attract it in all available ways: he will be capricious, demonstrative and difficult to raise.

Reference emotions

The feelings that predominantly dominate the mother during pregnancy will be perceived by the baby as standard, that is, exemplary, determining his life as a whole. Life in the womb is the happiest time, a kind of metaphor for heaven. And we will subconsciously strive to recreate the sensations we experienced there, perceiving them as a personal example of happiness.

If a pregnant woman experiences fear, anxiety or uncertainty, these feelings will become the standard for her child. Therefore, it is very important to remain calm and look at the world with joy - this will give the baby a positive attitude for life.

Photo: www.globallookpress.com

This mechanism is explained by one of the main features of our brain - the desire to be in familiar and understandable circumstances. We often come across how people experience similar events and the same emotions over and over again throughout their lives. But even if the situation brings pain, a person is unable to avoid it, experiencing its destructive effect again and again. These are not evil tricks of fate or karma - this is the work of our brain, which, from many options, will choose the one it is used to, even if it is harmful to the person.

To break this vicious circle, you need to clarify what emotions the mother experienced during pregnancy and what happened to her. Perhaps this will help explain what causes the “obsession” with a particular event or feeling.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely avoid negative emotions during pregnancy. It is difficult to predict in advance how feelings will affect the child’s life, because it depends not only on the mother, but also on the psychological characteristics of the baby himself. Therefore, it is important to remember: there are no insoluble problems as long as there is a desire to understand how to bring even the most difficult situation to a favorable outcome.

Pain in the pubic area. Duck walk

Why is this happening? In the third trimester, under the influence of the hormone relaxin, the joints of the pelvic bones become especially mobile - this makes it easier for the baby to pass through it during childbirth. Sometimes the softening of the pelvic joints is so pronounced that the pubic bones diverge slightly and the pregnant woman experiences pain in the pubic area.

What to do? After childbirth, the cartilage will regain its hardness. However, if the change in gait becomes significant, you should consult a doctor.

All these changes in the body of the expectant mother are temporary and usually do not affect her health. Therefore, treat them philosophically as a new life experience.

Laughter as a painkiller

Only a woman who has given birth to a child knows exactly what pain and discomfort is during pregnancy, starting with morning sickness, back pain, cramps, swelling of the legs and even headaches. Whether you're experiencing stomach pain or serious headaches, you know for sure that you can't even take an aspirin tablet without your doctor's permission. However, once you find some fun activity or a reason to laugh heartily, coping with such pain will be as easy as shelling pears. You can ask your life partner, relatives or friends to have fun with you.

Dilatation of the veins of the external genitalia. Haemorrhoids

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the blood supply to the external genitalia increases significantly. Varicose veins may appear in the vagina and labia, but they usually do not cause discomfort. In addition, varicose veins can also appear in the anus (hemorrhoids). The main symptoms of hemorrhoids are discomfort in the anus, itching, bleeding, and sometimes severe pain.

Why is this happening? The causes of varicose veins of the external genitalia are the same as for varicose veins in the legs. And hemorrhoids appear due to the fact that the growing uterus puts pressure on the rectum and blood stagnation occurs in its walls. Constipation also contributes to the occurrence of hemorrhoids.

What to do? Varicose veins in the genital area usually do not require any treatment. To avoid the symptoms of hemorrhoids, after each bowel movement it is necessary to wash the anus area with cool water and be sure to get rid of constipation. If pain occurs, you need to contact a proctologist.

What's next

be angry with your husbandKeep in mind that the condition may worsen after childbirth. Have you heard about postpartum depression? It manifests itself in different ways. I noticed that I was losing my temper with the child. It was difficult for me at first; it seemed like no one was helping. There is a small creature lying in front of me, I absolutely do not understand what he wants, why he is crying, and he does not know how to express himself in any way other than screaming or crying . And so on until 3.5 years until the child learns to more or less express emotions in words. So I had to take a deep breath again, exhale and look around. When I get really angry, I try to keep my emotions under control and then let them out by going for a run, a walk, or doing a hobby. Or, if I’m angry not over trifles, but about business, then I immediately tell my husband that what he said upset me. Only without emotions and anger, I just “ping” right away, so as not to accumulate resentment and then go around not to beat myself up.

Meditation and personal time when I belonged to myself helped me. Some half an hour of solitude had a beneficial effect on my condition and our relationship.

I hope you liked my article? Share your recipe in the comments and discuss with friends on social networks. Good thoughts to everyone, but I have to go!

Reasons for this condition

how not to be angry with your husband

Factors influencing the psycho-emotional state of a woman:

  1. The body uses all its strength to maintain the pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby. Pregnancy hormones predominate. In this regard, the woman’s emotional state becomes more vulnerable. Not only taste sensations change, bizarre addictions arise, but also a reassessment of values ​​occurs.
  2. Fear of childbirth. The first pregnancy - new sensations inside, give reason to think: “What if everything doesn’t go the way I want?” Even while showing outwardly stable calm, fear of childbirth can arise from a subconscious level. Unconscious fears can provoke an anxious state. It is difficult to remain calm if there is internal fear. Do you agree?
  3. Nuances of family relationships. Sometimes a husband can really be very annoying with his behavior. Not all men are able to adequately respond to your condition. Well, some people simply run away. Someone starts creating a lot of problems to provoke a woman to leave. How can you be calm here? The ideology in the family should be built in such a way that we do one thing. A woman can slip literature to her husband, develop feelings in her husband
  4. Toxicosis, lack of normal, full sleep. Persistent toxicosis due to poor nutrition
  5. Infantility of the expectant mother. Yes, some women simply cannot take responsibility for the family themselves. Their behavior in everything is similar to the whims of a 3-year-old child. A man simply does not have time or gets tired to respond to the whims of his chosen one, and she, in turn, gives aggression and breaks down. At the same time, she blames her husband, is unable to take responsibility for her behavior, and is unable to control her emotions.

We figured out a little about the question of why my husband became very annoying. Now let's talk about how to avoid this condition and maintain warm relationships within the family for a long time.

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