Is pregnancy possible after stopping the drug Yarina? Effect of the drug and possible risks

How to get pregnant after canceling Yarina

In this article, you will get answers to all the questions that interest you about the drug "Yarina", you will learn how to plan your pregnancy further, and whether there are certain problems associated with this drug.

Changing the start date of menstruation

With the help of the drug, you can shift the onset of your next period. This property can be used in exceptional cases, for example, when traveling to the seaside or before an important sports performance.

  • To prevent menstruation from starting in the current month, Yarina should not be discontinued after taking the entire package. Immediately, without a week's break, the medication from the next package begins. It can be continued for the required number of days, up to 21. Menstruation will begin 1-2 days after finishing using the medicine. In addition, spotting or short-term menstrual-like bleeding are possible while using the second package. This does not reduce the contraceptive effect.
  • To reschedule your period a few days earlier, you should reduce the interval between packs by the required number of days in advance. After completing the second package, menstruation will begin, that is, menstruation will come as many days earlier as the “free” interval between packages was shorter.

Restoring a cycle after canceling OK

I am 30 years old. I took Yarina for 6 years. I plan to get pregnant in half a year. After canceling Yarina, in the first cycle there was a delay of 6 days, in the second cycle there was a delay of 13 days. At the same time, menstruation lasts only 3 days. the first and second are moderate, and the third is a small discharge. Before taking the contraceptive, the cycle was regular - 30 days. Tell me how to help the body recover after long-term use of hormones?

Hello Svetlana! The restoration of the menstrual cycle after taking OCs is individual and depends on many factors, for example, the presence of previous hormonal disorders. After discontinuation of COCs, the cycle is usually restored within the first 2 months, but the recovery process can take up to 6 months - this is quite normal and until this time there is no particular cause for concern.

Restoring reproductive functions may take more than one year, in the case where a woman is not young (after 22-23 years) has been continuously taking hormonal contraceptives for several years, and after the age of 30, it takes one to two years. After 2-3 cycles that do not result in pregnancy, women begin to sound the alarm, but this is the average time to restore a normal cycle with ovulation, which means it is possible to gradually restore the former ability to conceive without resorting to ovulation stimulation and methods of assisted reproduction. Do not forget! When taking contraceptives for many years without interruption, the body becomes somewhat accustomed to the supply of hormones from the outside and, accordingly, reduces the production of its own hormones.

If the period of conception occurred at an age of more than 30 years, the period of passive waiting may coincide with the natural process of reducing the number of eggs.
The next 5 year period, closer to 35 years, already threatens most women with aging Source

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking Yarina?

Don't skip taking your pills

No, pregnancy will not occur if you take the drug according to the instructions and do not miss the pills. Keep in mind that you cannot delay taking it for more than 12 hours, as spontaneous ovulation may occur. Therefore, if you have diarrhea or vomiting before your period, you need to protect yourself not only with Yarina, but also with condoms. In addition, some medications may reduce the effectiveness of the contraceptive, so talk to your doctor if you are taking other medications.

The instructions for the drug say that pregnancy is possible after two to three months after birth. Therefore, there is nothing to think about before this period. The natural menstrual cycle should be restored.

And if more than three months have passed and pregnancy has not occurred, what should you do? The woman begins to panic; she has already invented a lot of diseases for herself. But the main reason why pregnancy does not occur is a nervous, stressful state.

Hello Irina! Your next period should come according to your natural menstrual cycle. In this case, the first day of the cycle is taken to be the date of curettage of the uterine cavity.

Violations of intake in the 1st month can reduce the contraceptive effect. The discomfort you described is acceptable in the first 2 months of taking the drug.

Violations of intake in the 1st month can reduce the contraceptive effect. The discomfort you described is acceptable in the first 2 months of taking the drug.

If you miss 3 Yarina tablets in a row, throw away the current pack of tablets and start a new pack with the first tablet. Use additional contraception for another 7 days. You will have an increased risk of pregnancy, so if your period does not come during the next break, contact your gynecologist.

If you are not sure what to do in your situation, use additional contraception until you talk to your doctor. In any case, if you miss two or more tablets, be sure to use additional protection (using condoms) for at least 7 days.

1-2 days after missing the pills, you may experience spotting or breakthrough bleeding, similar to your period. This is not dangerous and is associated with Yarina’s passes. Continue taking the pills according to the instructions and the discharge will stop.

What reduces the contraceptive effect of Yarina?

The contraceptive effect of Yarina can be reduced by vomiting, diarrhea, taking large doses of alcohol, or taking certain medications. Read more about this here:

How to delay menstruation with the help of Yarin?

Is it possible to get pregnant after six months by stopping taking the drug “Zhanine”? The greatest chance of getting pregnant remains for 3 months. But there are cases when pregnancy occurs even after 6 months. If pregnancy does not occur within six months, you need to check the reproductive health of the man and woman.

The essence of the action

Yarina is a modern preoral contraceptive that contains two active ingredients (3 mg of drospirenone and 0.03 mg of ethinyl estradiol). Thanks to the components of the tablets, it is possible to prevent pregnancy and normalize a woman’s abnormal menstrual cycle. Sometimes doctors prescribe this remedy for skin diseases of the head and face (dandruff, acne).

Pregnancy does not occur for a number of specific reasons:

1) The drug prevents the occurrence of ovulation (the release of a mature follicle into the fallopian tubes); 2) Movement will become more difficult due to the release of copious amounts of vaginal mucus; 3) The endometrium of the uterus becomes incapable of implanting a fertilized egg for the further development of the embryo, so the likelihood of getting pregnant with proper use of Yarina is negligible (0.01%).

Some women do not start taking oral contraceptives for protection. Rather, for the treatment of problems such as hormonal imbalance, enlarged ovaries, irregular onset of ovulation.

In this case, the pills help eliminate unpleasant symptoms and improve the functioning of the genital organs, but after stopping use, consult a doctor for examination, since in your case there is a high probability of complications in conceiving a child.

In medical practice, an alternative method of treating infertility is often used: the patient is prescribed to take hormonal pills for 2-3 months, and after the time has passed, they stop taking it and allow the woman’s natural cycle to recover. According to numerous results, this method is effective.

Impact of Cycle Time

When more than three months have passed since the start of the course, and when taking contraceptives, discharge marks a specific period of the monthly cycle, there is no need to immediately suspect pathology. Minor bleeding may begin due to hormonal conditions or the pills themselves.

After menstruation

If a woman has taken a break after the blister pack (21 tablets) or has finished taking placebo pills (28 tablets in a strip), then cleansing the uterus is allowed for two to three days. The blood clots remaining inside after menstruation come out and occur.

They also occur due to too low a dose of estrogen, which, unlike progesterone, stops the rejection of the mucous layer of the uterus. It is necessary to choose another drug, but before that you should consult a doctor; you cannot take other oral contraceptives of your own choice and desire.

During ovulation

The following factors can provoke when taking contraceptives:

  • lack of synthetic estrogens;
  • lack of gestagen;
  • natural processes.

When you take the OC (“mini-pill”), the egg develops and leaves the follicular sac, causing a small amount of blood in the cervical fluid.

After ovulation

The most common cause of bloody discharge before menstruation after taking modern contraceptive methods is a lack of progestogen. It is still impossible to exclude pregnancy when the order of the pills was disturbed or a day was missed (bloody secretion on days 6–12 after ovulation).

Bloody discharge when taking birth control pills can sometimes be observed by girls who use contraceptives to prevent unwanted menstruation. In this case, there is no break before a new package of pills, but the next tablet begins immediately. In most cases, menstruation does not begin, but spotting may occur. It is somewhat larger in volume, but has no signs of bleeding. You can understand this by how you feel and the gasket. It can bleed so much that the hygiene product becomes unusable within an hour, and you feel weak and dizzy. This is a direct indication of pathology or hormonal disorder.

Useful video

Girls, express your thoughts. I know that I need to go to the gynecologist, but it will only happen in a week or two, and before that I’ll just GO CRAZY with paranoia. I am taking ok “Yarina” - prescribed by the doctor to improve the functioning of the ovaries and as a contraceptive, the first OC in my life; . I'm already in the middle of the 2nd pack. I started drinking the first pack from days 5-7, so for the first 18 days I was on PPA (as protection)))). I drink on the alarm clock, I don’t forget. There was withdrawal bleeding. While taking 1 package, my chest became swollen, sometimes I felt nauseous, my mood fluctuated, and more often I felt nervous sadness. With the first tablets of the 2nd pack, a hellish “pregnant state” began: now I feel sick much more often (especially from smoking - although I know that it is not advisable to smoke when taking ok according to the instructions, but I’m guilty of this), my breasts are simply swollen, some nasty stuff is happening in my stomach , tearfulness, hysteria. and the eternal paranoia that OK doesn't work. Three days ago I took a test - one strip. My questions: 1. this might be. side effect or that's it, can I buy a stroller? 2. Can withdrawal bleeding occur when taking ok if a woman is pregnant? or do they not go on a break during pregnancy? 3. continue to do pharmacy strip tests, or go for hCG? 4. if withdrawal bleeding occurs, the tests will be with 1 strip - should I not worry? and think that it’s still a side effect.

ps: sorry for the “multi-book”, paranoia.. please tell me, otherwise I’m in the mood to get into a loop)))) experts

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Nikulina Marina

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Sheludyakov Sergey

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist. Specialist from the site

Trifonova Maria Anatolyevna

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Gundertailo Yulia Danilovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

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Vyacheslav Potapov

Psychologist, consultant. Specialist from the site

Zinovieva Natalya Yurievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Wrzecinska Eva

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Natalya Maratovna Rozhnova

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Tropina Natalya Vladimirovna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site

Kokunina Tatyana Viktorovna

Psychologist, Psychodrama-therapist. Specialist from the site

It means these pills are not yours. try others. When I drank Yarina, I felt great.

Many women are concerned about the effect of hormonal contraceptives on reproductive function. Some people take them specifically to plan the process of conception. On the contrary, someone is afraid that they can get pregnant while taking birth control pills. Let's see how this works using the example of the drugs Yarina and Yarina Plus.

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Is it possible to get pregnant Janine?

1. While taking Janine, is it possible to get pregnant without missing a single pill?

If you take Zhanine according to the instructions and do not miss a single pill, then the likelihood of pregnancy is zero.

If you delay taking the pills for less than 12 hours, the effect of the drug is not weakened. If the delay exceeds 12 hours, then in the next 7 days it is necessary to use additional methods of protection, such as a condom. Taking “Janine”, you are most likely to become pregnant due to missing the first pills in the package.

If you have taken Janine without skipping, you can become pregnant if you vomit or have an upset stomach in the first few hours after taking it. During this time, the drug may not have had time to be absorbed.

Taking “Zhanine”, you can become pregnant with parallel treatment with antibiotics (tetracycline, penicillin and others). In addition, contraceptive protection may be reduced by barbiturates and other medications.

If you stop taking Janine, you are most likely to become pregnant in the first three menstrual cycles.

I am taking Yarina Plus, I ovulated on November 4th, then there was a malfunction in the pills, is it possible to get pregnant?

Ovulation after Yarina? - Hi all! There are many such topics, but nevertheless, I drank Yarina for medicinal purposes for 3 months, I was cured. But there was no ovulation. It’s funny I didn’t even want to get pregnant, I took pills, and when I wanted, I took figs.

Your body is strange, Nikolai, but yes, there is a possibility, they have already written to you about it

If there was ovulation, then Yes

What is ovulation like if only 1 tablet was missed? Birth control pills prevent ovulation from happening

I already answered - it depends on what the glitch is in the pills. Forgot to take it on time - yes, there is a possibility of getting pregnant. I took a dummy pill instead of an active pill - yes, there is a possibility of getting pregnant. I mixed up the active pills in places (roughly speaking, “Tuesday” with “Wednesday”) - no, there is no possibility of getting pregnant, because “Yarina Plus” is a monophasic drug, all active tablets come with the same “filling”. By the way, it is very interesting that when taking birth control pills you can determine ovulation with such accuracy.

What the hell is ovulation if you take pills??? mid-cycle is not ovulation. with COCs it does not happen by definition. if you missed it, drink further as expected and until you are sure there is no pregnancy, use a condom.

In the first one there was no ovulation and the endometrium was thin, in the second the endometrium grew to 8.7mm and everything worked out. Girls, who knows after Yarina Plus. On the 5th day of the cycle, FSH 5.60 lg 5.45, tell me this is the norm?

Very often, doctors prescribe a course of contraceptives because it is impossible to get pregnant. So the answer is yes, after finishing or interrupting the course of hormonal drugs there are huge chances of fertilization, not even with sperm but only with the partner’s secretions. If a hormonal drug is not prescribed to prevent pregnancy, then the doctor should recommend that you use more classic contraceptives for your partner for another three months after stopping the course of hormonal drugs.

Nikolai Mikhailovich, do you even menstruate?

During the first ovulation after Yarina's withdrawal, only one follicle matured. Is there a chance of twins?


I am asking for help from those who, after discontinuing Yarina Plus, caught ovulation. The fact is that in less than two weeks I will take the last tablet of the 3-month course of Yarina Plus. I really hope to get pregnant in the first two cycles.

It takes two eggs to give birth to twins.

Not with one follicle. I would strongly advise against planning a pregnancy while stopping the OC. Especially if you drank for a long time. It can be easy to get knocked up, and only in some cases (if you haven’t been drinking for long), but it’s already harder to bear. There is a high probability of miscarriage at a short term due to hormonal imbalance caused by OCs. There is insufficiency of the luteal phase and poor endometrium. Of course there is hormonal support, but is it really necessary?


Twins, not twins.

No. One is ripe.

Then she was called in with duphaston and OK Yarina was prescribed again. At the time of cancellation in September 2012, the appointment lasted 11 months. Currently I am on day 21 of my cycle. There was no ovulation.

Immediately after Yarina’s withdrawal, the ovulation test (day 16) was positive and sexual intercourse took place on the same day

Anything is possible, don’t worry, go to the doctor, donate blood for hCG and ultrasound

Mechanism of action OK. To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of action of contraceptives. They contain the hormones progesterone and estrogen, which block ovulation.

You should not make your child’s life dependent on your relationship with a man. Or plan a child, accept it as a gift, and the man... in this case is unreliable

REPLY URGENTLY! I have been taking birth control pills “Yarina” for 2 months now

A break of 7 days is to normalize the cycle (menstruation), the pills work during this time, in addition, it is impossible to get pregnant during menstruation due to too low estrogen levels.

Yarina and 1st ovulation. Help, please!% I was prescribed to drink Yarina for 3-4 months to prepare for pregnancy. From the 1st day of Yarina withdrawal or from the 1st day of discharge? 3 On what day from the beginning to the end of what, indicate whether you ovulated after Yarina or another...

Well, it depends on how angry you are.

Tell me, on what day is there a high chance of getting pregnant??? I took the pills for 3 months Yarina. I stopped taking it 3 months ago

Getting pregnant during ovulation

After 6 years of taking OK, I ovulated immediately, but the cycles were long and the endometrium was thin, I became pregnant after 4 months. after cancellation. I am now in my first month after canceling Yarina. Before this, subjectively, O came earlier, from about 11-12 days I...

The ability to get pregnant is only in the middle of the cycle when ovulation, usually on days 14-18. That's how we did it

After stopping birth control, there is a very high chance of getting pregnant.

Is it possible to get pregnant during or after a 7-day break from birth control?

Yarina BLOCKS ovulation. WHY are you planning to get pregnant if you DO NOT have an egg?

How quickly will pregnancy occur after Yarina? Sometimes the absence of ovulation after stopping medications can be observed for 3-4 months. This is considered the norm.

Question to the gynecologist

Are you really a virgin?

My situation is this: I’ve been drinking Yarina for 9 months, now we’ve stopped drinking and want a baby, has anyone gotten pregnant immediately after stopping OK and is everything okay? Mitten-Varvara, how long has there been no ovulation?

You have been diagnosed. Is there really no treatment prescribed? Polycystic disease of one ovary or both? Long-term polycystic condition can lead to cancer. The help of doctors and, if necessary, a hospital are needed.

Most likely this is a hormonal imbalance. You need to urgently consult a doctor, preferably a gynecologist-endocrinologist

Of course, definitely see a doctor

Your situation is bad, but falling on the floor and convulsing is also not worth it. Do an internal ultrasound of the uterus (the gynecologist will tell you which days are best to do it). The thickness of the endometrium will indicate the stage of the disease. Most likely it is adenomyosis. This is indicated by the absence of a stable cycle, foreign fluid in the uterus, a problem with the fallopian tube, severe pain in the lower abdomen. Remember for the rest of your life: painkillers never cure the disease, they only temporarily relieve the symptom. See the website “Cure of Incurable Female Diseases and Female Infertility” - in your case, 4 days for cure.

Could it be erosion?

I saw Yarina for 5 months, we are planning a child with my future husband in 3 months and I’m interested in how quickly pregnancy occurs after Yarina, please share if you have experience.

You need treatment from a gynecologist-andrologist, but first take hormones on the 2nd day of the cycle Testosterone, FSH, LH, estradiol, prolactin, progesterone, TSH. Your testosterone is elevated, many follicles are growing (but the dominant one does not grow and does not mature), ovulation does not occur, because of this, progesterone is almost zero. The endometrium is not shed during menstruation as it should because progesterone is low, it contributes to the normal shedding of the endometrium during menstruation and the attachment of the embryo to the walls of the uterus during pregnancy. Hence the mess in the middle of the cycle. If there are no contraindications, you will be prescribed Diana 35, Yarina, but be sure to drink it for a long time. The cycle will normalize and testosterone will decrease. Prolactin is most likely high, since discharge from the breast is bothering you

You don’t quite understand the problems with virginity? This usually happens when you “receive a gift.”

To the doctor!!!

Even a virgin can have STDs. Get tested accordingly and strengthen your immune system. And NSAIDs will ruin you or lead to disability.

All the symptoms are prenatal, even virgins gave birth to us, although we had been married for more than a year.

How to get pregnant after Yarina. Yarina is a monophasic combined oral contraceptive. Yarina suppresses ovulation, the release of an egg from the ovary, increases the viscosity of cervical mucus, which prevents sperm from entering the uterus.

Virgin. . .In recent years, an endangered species. They are found exclusively on the Internet and even then rarely... I'm not a doctor, of course, but almost))))) it looks like a hormonal imbalance... I mean, donate blood for hormones... Well, there’s estrogens, progesterone, etc.. and go to a gynecologist-endocrinologist

Endometriosis? Do not rush into treatment with hormonal drugs.

Urgently see a specialist

Go to the doctor... why risk your health?

Don't joke about it. See a doctor immediately.

How to get pregnant after Yarina. Yarina suppresses ovulation, the release of an egg from the ovary, increases the viscosity of cervical mucus, which prevents sperm from entering the uterus. As a result of changes in the endometrium...

Look for an opportunity. There is an opportunity to pay, which means there is, but now it is more important to direct all opportunities to health, diagnosis and treatment.

Personally, I doubt that you are a virgin. Know that.

Strange... colostrum, if this is what it is, is released from the breast before childbirth.

Strange. And 8 months ago I asked how to register a civil marriage, and that you have a child..

This is some kind of infection, and not necessarily sexually transmitted as some people write here. , you can pick up infections through a public toilet or shower. , bathhouse, etc. Discharge from the nipples of the mammary gland in non-lactating women is a rather alarming symptom and occurs in the presence of intraductal papilloma, breast cancer and mastopathy. Contact a mammologist, this is no joke.

Who got pregnant after Yarina? I can’t get pregnant after taking birth control Yarina, what should I do? Now is the first month of withdrawal, we are trying to make a baby. Ovulation was caught on the 12th day of the cycle, which actually surprised me that the first time everything went like clockwork.

Hormonal disbalance. See a doctor urgently! (To a specialist!)

Hormonal imbalance or thrush, I myself had such a problem….

Why is it not possible to see a doctor? Painkillers, unfortunately, do not cure; in your case, you need to undergo a course of treatment with hormonal drugs. Often the disease occurs during adolescence and begins to manifest itself during the appearance of the first menstrual cycles. In the pathogenesis of this disease, it is important to note the role of stressful situations suffered in childhood, trauma and infections. With a long course of this disease and in the absence of adequate treatment, serious complications often arise from other organs and systems of the body. The sooner you take your ultrasound results to a gynecologist, the better for you, because all this is fraught with infertility in the future. stay healthy.

Olga Bespalova, are you out of your mind?? A gynecologist and an andrologist are different doctors!! There is no gynecologist-andrologist, since an andrologist is a male doctor (also a urologist) who treats the male reproductive system, and the urinary system!!!! you would first study what andrology is, and then get smart...

What is the percentage of getting pregnant if your period schedule is off?

Do you have a schedule from your doctor?

After stopping OK, I took Yarina for a month and now for the fourth cycle, her chest does not hurt. I suspect that this is a sign of lack of ovulation. Previously, from the middle of the cycle until menstruation, I was constantly sick for years.

And what is Yarina for? In general, if you stop taking OK, the chance of getting pregnant is very high. Apparently this is what your doctor is trying to achieve.

Yarina - these are contraceptives. Why will they pollute your body before pregnancy. Try skipping 3 days after your period and then having sex. Sperm live in your body for 5 days. Try it every 2 days.

If your periods are irregular, but ovulation occurs, then it is quite possible to get pregnant, it’s just difficult to “catch” it on an ultrasound. The best thing to do is to be examined for disorders in the body and eliminate them, and not just take birth control pills. There must be a reason why they were shot down.

Don’t take Yarina, ask your doctor to select other contraceptives. It’s not easy to get pregnant after Yarina, although everything is just wonderful while taking it! Alas, I encountered it myself... after other contraceptives, at one time I became pregnant from the first month, but after Yarina it hasn’t worked out for half a year and it’s not known when it will work out :(

All the will of God

I took Yarina for three months for treatment purposes, the cycle was 27-28 days. Now I’m measuring my basal temperature on the 27th day of my cycle, I suspect that ovulation has not occurred, could this be because of Yarina? My husband and I have been living openly for a month now.

A lot of people got pregnant like that. I have two

I didn’t have a cycle at all, when they come then they will come... I got pregnant almost the first time. Don't drink anything, just enjoy life and wait.. Everything has its time..

Natural pregnancy planning methods will help you

Sleep on different days, immediately after and before your period, and everything will work out.

My cycle improved only after my third birth. Why?))) Before this, the cycle was unstable. All three were conceived on different days of the cycle, but on the first try.

Pregnancy after long-term use of Yarina usually occurs within a year of regular sexual activity without the use of any contraceptive methods. However, if a woman had hormonal disorders and problems with ovulation before taking OCs...

Damn, what did you use to protect yourself after childbirth (OK, IUD or what?). Child on breastfeeding.

Condoms, sometimes PPA

Pregnancy and Yarina. please tell me, I want to get pregnant in the next few days, but I canceled Yarina on the 7th of this month... ovulation is approximately from the 23rd to the 25th, if I don’t try now, then only in June... and I don’t want to wait that long...

We didn’t use protection and then my husband joined the army, and there is OK for breastfeeding women

If the child is on breastfeeding, then OK and other hormonal ones are excluded for you. And so - any barrier method that is convenient for you (condoms, caps), well, suppositories, creams (if you trust them). You can still consult your gynecologist, maybe something new has appeared, but I don’t know. :)

OK, they protected themselves, the most reliable way.


Well, while you are breastfeeding, pregnancy is excluded, you don’t even have a menstrual cycle, so where does ovulation come from?

Yarina and Jess. You can start planning conception from the 3rd month after Yarina is discontinued. But you should be prepared for two. Most likely, the problem will be solved with hormonal therapy and stimulation of ovulation, but you should not hesitate to consult a doctor.

I didn't have breastfeeding at all. I've been using protection for a year now and it's OK. all zir gud (t-t-t)

We protect ourselves with condoms)

Have you heard about condoms? although apparently not, since you’re already a child and still asking how to protect yourself

PPA, I’m thinking about OK, since we’ll soon wrap up with GW

For those on hot water, there are single-phase OK.

Section Pregnancy Planning, pregnancy and childbirth. Author. Topic: Yarina’s 3 months and pregnancy after withdrawal? 06/11/07 23 21. Because the ovaries get so used to being lazy that the effect of no ovulation for 1-1.5 years and larger ones may occur...

Condoms. Now I'm planning to switch to OK

There is OK for nursing-charozetta. Or a condom. There is nothing more accurate for you at the moment.

For me, a spiral is the most convenient way.


Only PPA, after all, with your beloved husband you don’t need anything else

Hormones that are normally produced by the ovaries. the ovaries think everything is fine, so they don’t work. accordingly, ovulation like my friend was blown away by Yarina by as much as 30 kg... Even though the doctor assured that the pimples would go away, it’s just cruel.. But the face remained the same...

Pregnancy after approx.

Ovulation in the middle of the cycle, approximately 14-16 days. 3 days before and 3 days after are favorable days for conception

From the materials in this article, readers will be able to learn why there is no ovulation after taking birth control pills, and how conception occurs after taking birth control pills. Pregnancy after Yarina.

I took Yarina for 1 year because of DHEA and to improve hormonal levels. If you postponed planning... then plan from the next cycle. Ovulation does not necessarily occur in the middle of the cycle. plan from 14 to 18 days approximately. I got pregnant approximately 14-16 days after Yarina. I just did an ultrasound.

Your period should arrive as usual. When discontinuing the OC, there can be much more than 1 ovulation in a cycle.

Have you been drinking OK without a break? Or did you take a break for 7 days as prescribed? Answer please. I drink Janine.

Conception calendar to help... enter 2 numbers and look at your calendar.

Wait for the cycle to settle down and plan for your health…. I drank ok for 4 years

Pregnancy after Yarina. Yarina's drug is a fairly popular combined oral contraceptive, which is trusted by many modern women. Calculators. Calculate the gestational age. Calculate the ovulation calendar.

After taking ok, do you want everything to go according to schedule in the first month? Your own hormones will now settle down, so at least monitor for 3 months how things go.

Who was able to get pregnant using a hog uterus?

Everyone who has children grazes in the meadow where the hog queen grows... I’m already many years old, and I just found out about her...

I have been taking Ok Yarina-21, including for treatment, for half a year, regularly without fail. An ultrasound showed that ovulation was occurring. The doctor says that there should be no ovulation, and that the problem is the wrong intake of approx.

I know one woman, she doesn’t have ovaries, she drinks boron uterus to get pregnant.

Weed won't help here

You should turn to conventional medicine first... Wait until you poison your body with herbs...

It is nonsense and stupidity to believe in such heresy. Sex with a man who has a large penis will help you get pregnant.

Do this activity as often as possible. In general, let go of the situation, do good deeds, then everything will work out for you. Too focused on one thing, take a break. And you should know that medicines, even natural, herbal ones, if they affect hormonal levels, cannot be used without a doctor’s prescription. It wouldn’t hurt you to get tested, you never know.

In addition to the most common effect of suppressing ovulation, OCs can have a number of other effects on a woman’s body. Very often on the Internet you can come across the question No menstruation after yarina.

Try it better with your dick

You need to look for a good gynecologist, she will make you and your husband undergo examination for all hormones, diseases, do an ultrasound and monitor ovulation + check the patency of the tubes and only if everything is ok! will prescribe auxiliary medications... but you can try to self-medicate for an unknown reason for 8 years.

I also heard a lot of reviews about the hog queen, both positive and negative, and they write a lot about it on the Internet. If I were you, I would consult with my gynecologist before starting the treatment, since sometimes herbs can even cause harm. But in any case, you can read this article about how to drink borovaia matka for infertility if you decide to take it.

I have heard a lot of reviews about the hog queen, both negative and positive. I advise you to consult your gynecologist before starting any medication. But you can learn about how to drink boron uterus during infertility on the Question and Answer service There is also a lot of advice on ways to increase your chances of conceiving a child. Good luck!

If there is strong ovulation on the 10th day of the cycle, is there a chance of pregnancy?

I wonder how strong ovulation manifests itself? In my opinion, it either exists or it doesn’t. Or I'm wrong?

I took Yarina, got pregnant after it and everything was fine. Reply. I gained 7 kg from Yarina and the ovaries couldn’t recover for two years, there was no ovulation or completely out of order. So I don’t know...

Which one is not strong? Or are the symptoms of ovulation serious? You can conceive normally, we got the girl 3-4 days before ovulation

Have sex every day, you can't go wrong

Why strong? And is this ovulation?

How did you determine the strength of ovulation? In general, during ovulation the chances of getting pregnant are highest.

How do you mean strong? Is she beating you up inside? Or ties the ovaries in a bow? They made me laugh, though. During normal ovulation, you have the greatest chance of getting pregnant. It can happen either on the first day of the cycle or on the last, but usually it goes away in the middle. Try it if you are sure that ovulation has begun.

Contents2 When can you get pregnant after taking drugs such as Regulon, Yarina, Jess?3 Problems that arise after stopping birth control pills Some representatives of the fair sex have a neurohormonal background and ovulation...

How do you determine the strength of ovulation?)))))))

Pregnancy after approx.

Yes, it’s all nonsense, the main thing is to really WANT it.

Pregnancy after Yarina. Price for Yarina tablets 21 pcs. 1000-1200 rub. Contents: Pregnancy after discontinuation of Yarina. Today, a popular oral contraceptive for modern women is the drug Yarina.

I read something about Janine that it is in the first months after stopping Janine that there is a high probability of getting pregnant.

Try it from the very beginning. Everything will work out

I had it for quite a long time. There is a pregnancy. But I didn’t get pregnant while canceling OK, just like that. Isn’t it better to first adjust your hormonal levels and then get pregnant? After all, if there is a disorder with hormones, it can affect the course of pregnancy.

The doctor told me that the highest probability is in the first three cycles after withdrawal. With the same diagnosis, I became pregnant on the fourth cycle after discontinuation (the first two it was not possible to even try).

Of course it's possible!

In any case, it is possible to get pregnant after Yarina, but the timing of pregnancy depends on how quickly the female body can restore the natural process of ovulation.

I’ve already had two empty cycles after withdrawal, they also diagnosed me with polycystic disease, my ovaries haven’t shrunk one bit, so my only hope is laparoscopy

Has anyone planned to have twins? What did you do for this and did it work? How to increase the likelihood of twins?

Go to church (mosque, synagogue)

Perhaps the only real benefit from taking Yarina for me was ideal skin, with which I still had minor problems before. A test to determine the day of ovulation.

Better than IVF, just to be sure))

In my opinion, it is impossible to plan this.

An IVF acquaintance gave birth to 3 boys)) she is crazy happy, kisses them every day and thanks God. (yes, she has the same name - Tatyana)

Stimulation of ovulation. Can cause the maturation of 2 eggs in one cycle and, accordingly, the birth of twins

The husband's heredity does not matter.

Thyroid glands. Now I’ve taken 1 cycle of Logest. I’m measuring BT, it’s still better than after Yarina. I’ll see if there is ovulation. After Yarina it was there, but it could have been as much as 20DC and there was insufficiency of the second phase.

Many twins are born after one year... A colleague gave birth like this. third pregnancy boys. in total 4 boys.. And eco of course.. in the maternity hospital I had one of these, full-fledged boys, 3 kg each


Diana is 35, fuck that name

Its worst manifestations are spotting during ovulation from ovulation itself to menstruation. But Yarina did not affect my weight or the condition of my skin or hair. No changes at all. And no side effects while taking it.

You can get pregnant from the first month of stopping the drug.

Diana is 35 and the drug is quite old. It's been on the market for a long time. After its cancellation, it really takes about six months to restore ovulation. But as always in medicine, there are no clear frameworks, so you can’t say that you won’t get pregnant for exactly 6 months) More modern drugs (Jess, Yarina) restore ovulation from the first month after discontinuation.

What can you take to increase your chances of getting pregnant? something is not working yet

Stop planning your pregnancy, let go of your thoughts and it will work out) tested on yourself

Possibility of getting pregnant after taking Yarina. It is believed that the body needs approximately 3 to 12 months to restore ovarian function and ovulation after taking oral contraceptives.

You just need to relax and not get hung up on this thought) I have a friend who tried for 7 years, went to all the doctors, drank a ton of vitamins, and then they just took it and went to Turkey, had a complete rest, didn’t even think about the child, but arrived and here’s a surprise )

When you play (now), it feels like you’re delirious...)

Well, folic acid will DEFINITELY not help you get pregnant-) Time!

The doctor may recommend hormones such as Duphaston. But if everything is ok with your health and there is no shortage, then only time

Try to catch ovulation using tests or ultrasound.

Source I actually got pregnant while taking Yarina, I don’t trust OK anymore, my daughter 3 Yarina is on birth control. who advised you to drink it during pregnancy? After stopping it, I stopped feeling ovulation. I used to feel before them. I drank Yarina for 6 months.

Maybe OK for a couple of months?? after treatment with them, I became pregnant with my first child in the first cycle after discontinuation) Now after giving birth I also drink, I’ll think of a second one, I’ll give it up.

Catch ovulation. Well, or ok, try it for a couple of months under the supervision of a doctor. Many people say it helps. Are you sure about your health based on the results of the examinations or do you just feel good?

In general, the gynecologist should prescribe it. But most of the people I know took oral low-hormonal contraceptives, such as Yarin, Midian, for 3-6 months, after discontinuation, pregnancy occurs very easily and quickly, and it is also carried out by a rested body.

If everything is OK with your health, then what are you even going to take..?

Check the activity of his sperm, maybe there are few of them, maybe they are slow, and if you are fat, this could also be the reason, go to church

And they have many questions about this. Pregnancy after Yarina. It should be clarified that if before starting to take Yarina a woman had problems with ovulation or suffered from any hormonal disorders, then after its discontinuation, these problems will not…

Accept, do not accept, nothing will happen until God gives, children are a gift that the chosen ones receive

Ask your gynecologist this question, you may need vitamins, but your doctor will tell you which ones and in what dosage

Pregnancy after Yarina

You can also try to get pregnant right away... Do you think pregnancy will happen just like that in the first month...

It is also necessary to note the fact that after quitting Yarina, menstruation may be absent for a long period. I drank for 3 months, in the second month. After the cancellation, I calculated ovulation and everything worked out for us.

Shouldn't have any effect

It will not be reflected.

It will not affect pregnancy.

Why wait? How will it affect? Your eggs have been stored with you since uterine age, they will not be older than they are, whether you drank ok or not))

I also took Yarina (2 years), became pregnant a month after I stopped taking it.

Pregnancy after Yarina or other contraceptives. Yarina is a fairly popular combined oral contraceptive that many women trust.

I can’t get pregnant, what should I do?

Open and read the Bible. A more extremist book, inciting interreligious, racial and national hatred, has not been written in the history of mankind. Bible Quotes: Matthew 10_34-36 Jesus: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword, for I came to divide a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, and a man’s enemies in his own household.” L16_1-9 Jesus: “make friends with unrighteous wealth”; L14_26 Jesus: “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, he cannot be my disciple”; Mp11_12-14,20 “Jesus became hungry (wanted to eat and drink), and seeing from afar a fig tree covered with leaves, he went to see if he could find anything on it; but when he came to her, he found nothing but leaves, for it was not yet time to gather figs. And Jesus said to her: From now on let no one eat fruit from you forever! ; and the fig tree withered to the root”; I13_21-27 “Having said this, Jesus was troubled in spirit, and testified, and said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, that one of you will betray Me. … God! Who is this? Jesus answered: the one to whom I dip a piece of bread and give it. And, having dipped the piece, he gave it to Judas Simon Iscariot. And after this piece Satan entered into him”; Matthew 16_25 Jesus: “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it”; Matthew 21_31-32 Jesus: “publicans and harlots go ahead of you into the kingdom of God” (he is the “light of a falling star” and naturally publicans and harlots go into his kingdom, later the topic will be expanded more widely); L19_27-28 “but bring my enemies, who did not want me to reign over them, here and kill them before me”; in other editions “kill” - Jesus puts his teachings into the mouth of the main character of the parable; (here’s the widely advertised “thou shalt not kill”, it turns out there is a division into “people”, that is, the Jews, and “non-people”, that is, all other nations who are “all worse than dogs” (Matthew 15_21-27), and they can be killed and against them, you can organize crusades for the “holy faith”; Matthew 8_21-22 Jesus: “Do not bury your dead parents, let the dead take care of them”; {same L9_59-62}; Matthew 26_26-28 Jesus: “Eat my body, drink my blood mine”; Matthew 5_3 Jesus: “be poor in spirit”; L6_22 (“blessed are you when they hate you”);

I took Yarina for 6 years. I plan to get pregnant in half a year. After canceling Yarina, in the first cycle there was a delay of 6 cycles with ovulation, which means it is possible to gradually restore the former ability to conceive without resorting to stimulation of ovulation and...

Work on it

More sex. Well, see a doctor if it’s absolutely impossible.

If I say something, they might remove it from the replies, so guess what.

Visit a doctor…. It’s pointless to ask such questions here, there’s nothing that will help, believe me.

Help will be offered now

The pharmacological effect of the tablets is based on suppressing ovulation and increasing the viscosity of cervical mucus, due to which pregnancy does not occur after Yarina.

Work, work and work. It will work out

Change partner

Pray, if not at all then just IVF

Fuck - fuck. pussy

Try, try and believe! and you don't have to dwell on it

Yarina stopped drinking on June 24th. And my periods were from June 27 to July 1. I checked ovulation with a test strip on days 9, 10, 11 of the MC, there was no second strip yet 1. Please tell me on what day should ovulation occur after taking OK?

Get married and go to the sea

Get tested, monitor ovulation and everything will work out for you!

Drink Yarina (this is a contraceptive) for two months, the ovary will rest and then work with renewed vigor, I drank for two months, and on the fourth I became pregnant)))

Pray to God on your knees

My husband and I were unable to get pregnant for almost a year. I found information that if you cross-stitch a picture “almost perfect” (that’s what the set is called, there are three angels), it will work. So I embroidered it, framed it, and after 2 weeks I saw the coveted 2 stripes! But this month (in which it turned out), my husband and I also went in for sports according to the Bubnovsky system, maybe this still helped. Oh, and we also had sex every other day around ovulation, as the doctor advised, and after that, I lay upside down for about 15-20 minutes... Maybe all of this together worked.:) So try it and don’t lose faith. They also advise not to bother with this issue. Many of our friends had this happen, as soon as they stopped worrying and decided to take a temporary break and not calculate ovulation, etc., everything worked out for them right away. :)))

After Yarina’s death, in theory, conception should occur, but it does not happen and treatment continues again, in particular with the use of duphaston. That is. So you take birth control pills, incl. duphaston, you are not ovulating, a dominant follicle is not formed.

Right now they will advise you to take hormonal contraceptives! this should be selected by a doctor individually and based on the results of hormone tests! Go to the doctor, get tested, maybe you need treatment and everything will be great for you!

Try using the Arbor-Elite reusable ovulation test with a drop of saliva: On the same site you can read articles about ovulation, methods of pregnancy planning, recommendations on how to increase the likelihood of conceiving a boy or girl.

Do oral contraceptives always work?

They won't fit.

Pregnancy after Yarina. Is it possible to? Girls, I am tormented by vague doubts because of my irregular cycle. But from experience I decided to track ovulation using basal temperature. I see the graph shows a cycle without ovulation.

The doctor selects the drug and dosage based on the characteristics of a particular person.

Contact your doctor.

If they come up with something, it’s a doctor’s appointment. but they always work if you drink strictly according to the schedule, at the same time.

And that for oral sex you need contraceptives, but I didn’t know that you can get pregnant through your mouth!!!!

The tablets must be selected by a doctor. Their effect is that eggs are not produced, and therefore there will be no ovulation. If taken strictly as prescribed, then the chance of getting pregnant is zero.

The pituitary egg cannot mature, rupture the follicle in which it was located, and leave the ovary, that is, ovulation does not occur. If the pregnancy is not interrupted, then there is no need to worry - there are no dangers directly to the fetus when taking yarin.

Any girl, whether she has given birth or not, should only be prescribed hormonal OCs by a gynecologist. All hormonal drugs contain different hormones, and sometimes, in addition to the contraceptive function, they also have a therapeutic (or preventive) function, provided that they are selected correctly. Sometimes they are able to overcome even a severe form of skin acne if the required dose of the necessary hormones is introduced into the body. Ideally, for a nulliparous young girl, the gynecologist should initially prescribe a blood test for the main female sex hormones, and only after that prescribe something. I wouldn’t advise Lindinet 20 to a young girl, and I strongly recommended that she see a doctor so as not to harm anything in a young, healthy body. If OCs are not suitable, then this is expressed in side effects, and the woman’s body does not accept them (nausea, engorgement of the mammary glands, prolonged spotting, sudden weight gain, etc. - all this for a LONG time, from the start of taking OCs, does not go away and does not stabilizes) but they will still perform their contraceptive functions. If you really don’t want to see a doctor... Then make a choice between Jess and Yarina.

Only a gynecologist can choose the optimal OC for you. Don't buy what you don't know.

Always if selected correctly and taken according to instructions

I’ve been taking Lindinet-20 since I was 18 and it’s absolutely normal!

What contraceptives are most effective after a CS?

Slightly different forms of sex are more reliable)

Several ways to determine the day of ovulation What discharge is a sign of ovulation in a woman can be read here. Pregnancy after birth control pills Yarina. Conception after discontinuation of this drug is usually planned from the third month.


Is it possible to Nuvaring? spiral after all... many contraindications. and not suitable for everyone.

I've heard a lot that people with IUDs can also fly in - it can move, you won't notice and the result is pregnancy. Condoms are ideal for me.

Only the spiral, but more expensive, we don’t save on health

Let them do sterilization, so we have a lot of surgical interventions

I took Yarina for 5 months after the regression. Previously, there were no problems with the cycle, and when taking Yarina, naturally everything was OK. Some people after 3 months were ok, hoping for a withdrawal effect, then waiting for ovulation for years.

The spiral is the same as an abortion. It's better OK

special instructions

Before starting or resuming use of the drug, you need to familiarize yourself with your personal and family history, conduct a gynecological and general medical examination, and exclude the presence of pregnancy. The structure and scope of research, as well as the regularity of examinations, are determined in each individual case individually. Standard follow-up examinations must be carried out at least once a year.

USEFUL INFORMATION: Chances of getting pregnant the first time

The patient should be informed that the drug does not protect against HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases.

A relationship has been established between taking combined contraceptives and an increase in the incidence of vascular thrombosis and thromboembolism, including pulmonary artery thrombosis, venous thrombosis, myocardial infarction, and cerebrovascular disorders.

The risk of venous thromboembolism is highest in the 1st year of taking such drugs. An increased risk occurs after initial use of oral contraceptives or resumption of their use.

Arterial thromboembolism, the risk of which also increases when taking drugs like Yarina, can lead to vascular occlusion, stroke or heart attack. Signs of a stroke: weakness or loss of sensation in the face or limbs, problems with speech and its understanding, confusion, sudden loss of vision, dizziness, gait disturbance, causeless headache, loss of balance, loss of consciousness. Other signs of vascular occlusion: swelling, sudden pain, blue discoloration of the limbs, sharp pain in the abdomen.

Signs of a heart attack: heaviness, discomfort, pain, pressure, feeling of tightness in the arm or chest; discomfort radiating to the cheekbone, back, arm, larynx, stomach; nausea, cold sweat, vomiting or dizziness, anxiety, weakness, shortness of breath, tachycardia.

Arterial thromboembolism can be fatal.

The risk of thrombosis and thromboembolism increases:

  • in smokers;
  • with age;
  • for obesity;
  • if close relatives or parents have ever had thromboembolism;
  • with prolonged immobilization, surgery, operations on the lower extremities (in these situations, it is advisable to stop the use of combined contraceptives and not resume it for 15 days after completion of immobilization);
  • with arterial hypertension;
  • with dyslipoproteinemia;
  • for diseases of the heart valves;
  • for migraines;
  • with atrial fibrillation.

An increase in the frequency and severity of migraine attacks during the use of combined contraceptives may be grounds for stopping their use.

The appearance of benign liver tumors has rarely been observed during the use of combined contraceptives, and malignant tumors have been observed extremely rarely.

In patients with hypertriglyceridemia, it is possible that there is an increased likelihood of developing pancreatitis when taking medications like Yarina.

In women with hereditary angioedema, exogenous estrogens can cause or worsen the course of this disease.

While taking combined contraceptives, irregular bleeding or spotting may occur, especially during the first months of use. Therefore, assessment of irregular bleeding of any nature should be carried out only after an adaptation period of approximately 3 cycles has been completed.

If the bleeding described above recurs, then it is necessary to conduct an examination and examination to exclude malignant tumors or pregnancy.

As a consequence of withdrawal, some patients may develop bleeding when taking a break or stopping taking the pills.

Taking Yarina can change the results of a number of laboratory tests, for example, indicators of the liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, the content of carrier proteins, the state of coagulation, carbohydrate metabolism and fibrinolysis.

The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles.

Reviews from women planning pregnancy

Reviews about pregnancy after Yarina Plus are mostly positive. In percentage terms, women conceive already at 2-3 months.

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Here, of course, the correct selection of the drug, regular examinations and consultations with a doctor, and the correct dosage regimen play an important role.

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In order for reproductive function not to be impaired, you need to take breaks between doses of Yarina Plus at least once a year.

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Of course, there are cases when women cannot become pregnant for a long time after taking oral contraceptives (this applies not only to Yarina Plus). The individual characteristics of the body play a role here.

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IMPORTANT! Never prescribe medications for yourself or choose them on the advice of a friend. Before taking oral hormonal contraceptives, you need to undergo a full examination and undergo a series of tests. Then taking COCs will be safe, and you will be able to get pregnant after stopping the drug without complications.

Are OCs harmful to future children?

Pregnancy after Yarina or other contraceptives

Yarina is a fairly popular combined oral contraceptive that many women trust.

The drug is good, it has many positive reviews, but women who have been using it for a long time have a question: Will the drug affect the ability to get pregnant in the future? Is pregnancy possible after Yarina?

And it happens that pregnancy occurs immediately after stopping the drug. Will the child be healthy?

What to do if pregnancy does not occur after Yarina

The instructions for the drug say that pregnancy is possible after two to three months after stopping the drug Yarina. Therefore, there is nothing to think about before this period. The natural menstrual cycle should be restored.

And if more than three months have passed and pregnancy has not occurred, what should you do? The woman begins to panic; she has already invented a lot of diseases for herself. But the main reason why pregnancy does not occur is a nervous, stressful state.

If after taking the drug there is no menstrual bleeding for a long time, you should consult a doctor. Pregnancy will not occur until regular menstruation is established.

Remember that any contraceptives should not be taken indefinitely. After a year of taking it, you need to take a break of three months. If this is not followed, hormonal imbalances may occur. You will have to contact an endocrinologist to put your body in order.

And of course, you need to take into account the age of the woman who wants to get pregnant. After 30, many women experience difficulties with pregnancy. Therefore, after Yarina’s withdrawal, a longer period of recovery is needed.

By the way, the drug Yarina is prescribed to women who cannot get pregnant for a long time. The drug is taken for several months and, after stopping taking it, the woman becomes pregnant quite quickly.

Pregnancy immediately after discontinuation of the drug

Will a quick pregnancy after stopping contraceptives cause any pathologies? Doctors assure that the pregnancy is not in danger. The baby will be born healthy.

Possible consequences

  • Never buy a drug on the advice of a friend or based on reviews on the Internet; you MUST get tested and consult a doctor. If incompatibility occurs, women experience a number of side symptoms:
  • headache, migraine;
  • vaginal bleeding;
  • rash;
  • change in libido;
  • soreness and discharge of their mammary glands;
  • irritability.

How to get pregnant after canceling Yarina
The drug also has a number of contraindications that need to be taken into account. If you feel unwell, be sure to consult a doctor.

In conclusion, I would like to say that Yarina’s hormonal contraceptives are not designed to worsen women’s health, but rather are aimed at solving a number of important health problems and preventing unplanned pregnancy. You should not be afraid to take them if you have passed all the necessary examinations from a doctor and have no contraindications.

Best answers


99.9% reliability of hormonal contraception. Yarina's contraceptive effect lasts for a 7-day break.

Olga Babkina:

If you applied everything carefully and did not forget, then it is unlikely... But it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible.


Anything is possible, this is certainly not good for the fetus, consult a gynecologist

User deleted:

Unfortunately, no contraceptives provide a 100% guarantee. This is not dangerous for the fetus and the pregnancy can be continued.

Natalya Tyazheva:

No contraceptive is 100% guaranteed. Everything is possible.


Pills do not give a 100% guarantee - you may be pregnant, stop taking the pills and go to the gynecologist. Depending on the pills, the doctor will tell you whether there is a risk to the fetus or whether you can safely leave it

Alexey Vlasov:

You can get pregnant while taking any birth control pills, the probability of this is stable, about 2%. It is possible and necessary to leave the pregnancy; the consequences of abortion cause harm to health immeasurably greater than taking your medications. But this is the case when detailed advice should be obtained from a gynecologist in a good antenatal clinic.

Irina Matyushko:

Maybe. My friend got pregnant this way. Her daughter is 9 years old


no of course you are not pregnant


about 50%... This does not affect the fetus in any way; functional forms of infertility are even treated with hormonal pills.

moonlight and vodka:

If the pills were selected by your gynecologist and you take them regularly (don’t miss them), then you CANNOT get pregnant!


Possible if you skip pills and at the initial stage of taking them! (the first month you need to use other barrier methods)

USEFUL INFORMATION: Embryo implantation after IVF transfer. What is late implantation

How to replace birth control pills

No one doubts that hormonal contraceptives are unparalleled in preventing unplanned pregnancy. Everyone also knows that the most popular among them are tablet forms. However, situations arise when, after taking birth control pills for a long time, it is necessary to replace them with something. It could be:

  • subcutaneous implant,
  • vaginal ring,
  • hormonal contraceptive patch.

If the situation is such that sexual intercourse has become irregular for some period, it is better to generally resort to temporary means of contraception (for example, spermicidal or barrier contraceptives).

However, we should not forget that only the gynecologist has the right to decide how and with what to replace the previously used birth control pills.

Rules for receiving Yarina

  • If you are taking Yarin for the first time: the first pill must be taken on the first day of menstruation (this day is considered the first day of the menstrual cycle). Your period may end when you start taking the pills, due to the effect of hormones. It's not scary.
  • You have the opportunity to start taking pills on the 3-5th day of your period, but in this case you need to use additional contraception (for example, a condom) for another week after you start taking the pills.
  • You need to take the pills at approximately the same hour every day.
  • It is recommended to take the pills in the order indicated on the blister. But, if you mixed something up and started drinking the pills out of order, then nothing terrible will happen, since all Yarin’s pills contain the same dose of hormones.
  • At the end of the blister (at the time when you have finished 21 pills), you need to take a 7-day break, during which you do not need to take pills. During the 7-day break, you may begin to menstruate.
  • Taking the first pill from the next blister should be started on the 8th day after the end of the 7-day break, regardless of menstruation (except if it has not yet begun or has not yet ended).

Ovulation after discontinuation of OK

Many modern women tend to plan everything: work schedule and frequency of vacations, budget and family building. Even the birth of a child is usually planned. From their point of view, it is easier to prevent than to terminate an unexpected pregnancy.

Many people resort to taking hormonal contraceptives (OC) until the time “X” approaches, favorable for the birth of the baby. They refuse the medications, but for some reason pregnancy does not occur.

Pregnancy after Yarina

Normalize the hormonal cycle

Yarina is a new generation monophasic oral contraceptive.

It contains ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone, which have a pronounced antiandrogenic effect. That is why this drug is suitable for women with low body weight, a tendency to develop acne and excessive hair growth. Usually the medicine is prescribed to prevent unwanted pregnancy, but in 50% of cases Yarina is used to normalize the menstrual cycle. So how quickly will pregnancy occur after Yarina?

It all depends on how long you take the drug. For medicinal purposes it is prescribed for 3-6 months. It is during this period of time that the cycle will be restored. At the same time, a rebound effect is known when, after the withdrawal of hormones, superovulation occurs with the maturation of two dominant follicles. Therefore, the possibility of conceiving twins increases.

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking Yarina?

Don't skip taking your pills

No, pregnancy will not occur if you take the drug according to the instructions and do not miss the pills. Keep in mind that you cannot delay taking it for more than 12 hours, as spontaneous ovulation may occur. Therefore, if you have diarrhea or vomiting before your period, you need to protect yourself not only with Yarina, but also with condoms. In addition, some medications may reduce the effectiveness of the contraceptive, so talk to your doctor if you are taking other medications.

It is worth considering that after taking Yarina, as after any hormonal contraceptive, there is not always a surge in hormones. Sometimes the absence of ovulation after stopping medications can be observed for 3-4 months. This is considered the norm. But usually this happens if you use contraceptives for a long time. Doctors recommend that women taking Yarina take a break for 3 months after a year of using this contraceptive. This will help avoid anovulatory cycles after stopping the drug.

When can you get pregnant after stopping contraceptives?

After stopping Yarina, you can try to get pregnant

Typically, pregnancy occurs quickly, within 2-3 regular cycles. It is worth considering that the duration of the cycle after stopping the medication may increase. In some cases, the first menstruation occurred 45 days after stopping the use of the pills.

Doctors usually recommend starting conception at the first ovulation after discontinuation. But many believe that a woman’s endometrium is not yet ready for zygote implantation, so they advise waiting 2-3 months. During this time, the menstrual cycle is completely restored.

How does the drug work?

Pills help not only for conception

The medicine contains ethinyl estradiol plus drospirenone, these hormones prevent the thickening of the endometrium, accordingly, the fertilized cell is not able to implant into the uterus. In addition, these components thicken the cervical mucus, and sperm simply cannot penetrate the uterus.

Additional advantages of Yarina:

lack of androgenic effect;

improvement of skin and hair;

Description of the drug

– monophasic oral contraceptive, which consists of 30 mcg estradiol and 3 mcg drospirenone in one tablet. The medicine consists of a modern three-phase generation gestagen, with which you can cure some types of infertility and eliminate androgenic side effects in the body (acne, unwanted hair growth, excess skin greasiness). If, after selecting the drug, it turns out that the medication is ideal, then the woman’s quality of life improves significantly. How does the contraceptive effect manifest itself while taking yarina:

  • The ovulation process is blocked - the egg does not leave the follicle
  • The endometrium changes so much that the egg cannot attach to it
  • The consistency of the mucus in the cervix changes, it becomes very thick, so sperm will not be able to penetrate into the uterine cavity.

Among all contraceptive medications, Yarina is distinguished by the fact that when used, excess fluid is not retained in the body, since drospirenone has an antimineralocorticoid effect. The drug also has a main analogue – Yarina Plus. The difference is that the analog contains 28 tablets, 7 of which do not contain hormones. This form of release is suitable for those women who are used to constantly taking medication or, in order not to lose count, to know when to start taking the pills again.

Yarina plus and pregnancy

in composition and action it is a complete analogue of Yarina, but with one addition.
Yarina plus also contains calcium levomefolate (a biologically active formula of folic acid). This is a medicinal substance designed to eliminate folate deficiency in the female body.

Therefore, if you are planning a pregnancy after stopping the drug, then you should give preference to Yarina Plus.

Yarina Plus packaging contains:

  • 21 active tablets
  • 7 vitamin tablets that contain only calcium levomefolate

During your appointment

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking Yarina Plus? If Yarina Plus is taken correctly, the likelihood of pregnancy is very low (Pearl index is 0.07%).

Therefore, if a woman becomes pregnant while taking Yarin Plus, it means that a pill was missed or the drug was not absorbed (vomiting, diarrhea), which is equivalent to a missed dose. If this happens, you should immediately consult a doctor for examination and stop taking the OC.

After cancellation

If you are planning a pregnancy after Yarina Plus, then you need to:

  • Stop taking COCs (you need to finish the package. You cannot stop taking the OC halfway through the pack unless there is an emergency indication)
  • Get examined by a doctor
  • Wait until your natural menstrual cycle is restored (1-3 months)
  • Eat right, follow a daily routine
  • Eliminate stress and bad habits

If conception does not occur for more than a year or anemorrhea occurs after stopping the drug, then you should see a doctor.

Yarina is a monophasic oral contraceptive. This means that all tablets in the package contain the same dose of hormones. One tablet of Yarina contains 30 mcg (0.03 mg) of ethinyl estradiol and 3 mg of Drospirenone.

One package contains one blister (plate) of Yarina for use for one month.

ATTENTION: The drug has contraindications. Do not start using this drug without first consulting your doctor.

What reduces the contraceptive effect of Yarina?

The contraceptive effect of Yarina can be reduced by vomiting, diarrhea, taking large doses of alcohol, or taking certain medications. Read more about this here:

How to delay menstruation with the help of Yarin?

If you need to delay your period, then after finishing one package of Yarin, start a new blister the next day without taking a 7-day break. In this case, menstruation will be delayed by 2-4 weeks, but slight spotting may appear approximately in the middle of the next package.

Please note: you can postpone your periods only if you took Yarina at least one month before unwanted menstruation

What to do if you don’t have your period during a 7-day break from taking Yarin?

Carefully remember whether you took all the pills correctly last month.

USEFUL INFORMATION: Endometriosis and infertility treatment. Endometriosis and infertility treatment

If in the past month you had errors in taking pills (missing, being late), then stop taking Yarina pills until you are sure that you are not pregnant.

What should I do if I become pregnant while taking Yarina?

Pregnancy when taking Yarin tablets correctly is extremely rare. It is more likely that pregnancy occurred as a result of mistakes that you made in the previous month.

So, what to do if the test unexpectedly shows 2 stripes? First of all, stop taking the pills and contact your gynecologist.

Taking Yarina in the early stages of pregnancy cannot harm the health of your unborn child, so you can leave the pregnancy without fear. In this case, start taking it as soon as possible.

Yarina's appointment before surgery

If you are undergoing a planned operation, then taking Yarin tablets should be stopped a month (4 weeks) before surgery. This will reduce the risk of blood clots in the vessels. If the operation is required urgently, be sure to tell the surgeon that you are taking birth control pills. In this case, the doctor will take additional measures to prevent blood clots (with the help of medications).

You will be able to start taking Yarin 2 weeks after you are able to walk independently after surgery.

How often should you visit a gynecologist while taking Yarin?

Even if nothing bothers you, you need to visit a gynecologist for preventative care at least once a year.

The drug Yarina, produced by the German company, is a hormonal contraceptive intended for women. It effectively prevents pregnancy. However, to achieve the desired result with minimal side effects, the product should be taken strictly following the instructions.

Possible risks and problems

After completing a course of contraception and trying to conceive a child, failures are possible in the female body, which lead to a frozen, ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage.

  • While taking synthetic hormones, the functioning of the ovaries is suppressed. This is explained by the fact that they do not need to synthesize hormones, since they come in artificial form. This process is normal; the action of contraceptives is aimed at suppressing the functioning of the reproductive system.
  • When abnormalities occur in the ovaries, the primordial follicles, that is, the rudiments of the eggs, begin to die. This leads to an increased risk of miscarriage or termination of pregnancy in the early stages.

The risk of frozen, ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage is explained by the fact that after taking OCs, the potential of the ovaries is reduced, and mature eggs will be very weak. These processes lead to the fact that the corpus luteum, which forms after ovulation, will also be weakened.

Reasons for conception

Pregnancy while taking birth control pills can only occur if there are certain reasons. The following reasons may be negative factors:

  • non-compliance with instructions;
  • presence of concomitant treatment;
  • taking a mini-pill;
  • consumption of herbal decoctions;
  • gastrointestinal disorder;
  • choosing the wrong pills.

Pregnancy with birth control pills often occurs due to non-compliance with the instructions. Many patients ignore additional protection in the first cycle. This leads to the development of ovulation. It may come faster. The lack of additional contraception leads to unplanned conception. The problem can also arise if you miss one tablet. Within 24 hours, the active substance is completely washed out of the body.

The reason may also be the presence of concomitant treatment. Some chemicals included in concomitant therapy may affect the way the contraceptive works. Such diseases include diabetes mellitus, endocrine pathologies, and gastrointestinal ailments. Treatment of these pathologies involves the use of hormonal substances and adsorbents. Ethinyl estradiol is not absorbed in the required amount. The concentration of the hormone in the body is small. If follicle-stimulating hormone begins to act, there is a risk of maintaining ovulation. A woman can become pregnant during such a cycle.

Conception can also occur when using the mini-pill. These tablets do not have a detrimental effect on ovulation. Hormonal levels remain at the same level. Cervical mucus undergoes changes. Drinking alcohol, vigorous physical activity and smoking can reduce the viscosity of secretions. Pregnancy can also occur under severe psychological stress. The release of an additional portion of hormones causes the channel to expand. Sperm can pass through it quickly.

What you need to know

Taking herbal decoctions can have a negative effect on the effect of drugs. A decoction of St. John's wort, tansy and diuretics can reduce the activity of the contraceptive. The main problems arise when using diuretics. These drugs enhance kidney function. They begin to remove excess fluid from the body faster. An increase in daily diuresis leads to rapid leaching of the active substance. The contraceptive loses its effect.

Gastrointestinal upset may reduce the activity of the tablets. Such diseases cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Vomiting within two hours after taking the pills reduces the contraceptive effect to a minimum. Diarrhea also causes fluid loss. The kidneys increase their work. The absorption function of the intestine is lost. If the listed problems occur while taking these medications, the drug may not work. Also, a problem may arise due to the treatment of such diseases. In many cases, enveloping and adsorbing substances are prescribed. The first remedies form a film on the inside of the stomach and intestines. The contraceptive cannot be absorbed into the bloodstream. The second group of substances removes harmful substances from the body. With harmful substances from the stomach, the necessary drug is also eliminated. The desired effect is not observed.

The hormonal background of women is individual. If the patient takes the drug with the wrong dosage, ovulation will not be suppressed. In such women, fertility is maintained while taking contraceptives. It is necessary to contact a specialist to change the medication.

The process of restoring ovulation after stopping OK

The human body is a well-functioning complex system of internal organs. Any interference, conscious or unconscious, can lead to disruptions in the functioning of regulatory mechanisms. Hormonal drugs have a depressing effect on the processes of a woman’s reproductive function. When you stop taking medications, it takes a certain amount of time to restore organ functionality.

The speed with which ovulation is restored after stopping OCs is individual for each woman. Some people get pregnant easily within the first three months after stopping hormonal contraception. For others, the recovery period may be seriously delayed.

From the point of view of practicing specialists in the field of research into the functional functioning of a woman’s reproductive organs, after taking a course of hormonal drugs, pregnancy can occur quickly. Experts associate this phenomenon with the o effect, when the ovaries begin to work with redoubled force after a long period of inactivity. Often, gynecologists prescribe the drug OK for a three-month period for therapeutic purposes in the fight against anovulation - temporary infertility.

On average, the duration of the recovery period for a female body after taking hormonal contraceptives is


Side effects

Knowledge of pathological phenomena, the development of which can be facilitated by Yarin's remedy, will allow you to stop the medicine in time. This will allow you to avoid serious consequences that will result from continuing to take it. The most common side effects include the following symptoms:

  • An extremely rare, but most dangerous undesirable consequence can be a systemic or local thrombotic process. Moreover, its spontaneous development is extremely rare - most patients had risk factors, despite which they continued to take the medication.
  • The most common symptom is nausea - its development is observed in more than 6% of women taking Yarina.
  • This is followed by transient pain in the area of ​​the mammary glands, which resolves on its own - without the use of any special methods or means.
  • Sometimes there are mood swings, decreased or complete loss of libido, weakness, and migraine attacks.
  • Rarely there are complaints of short-term and irregular discharge of blood from the genital tract.

In general, if the drug was prescribed by a doctor and took into account contraindications, then the risk of dangerous adverse reactions is minimal.

Rules for stopping pills

If you need to stop taking the drug right in the middle of the cycle, it is recommended to take a week-long break, after which you can simply stop taking the drug.

In cases where, after a single use of a contraceptive, nausea, apathy or other side symptoms occur, it is necessary to clarify what exactly caused the poor health. This may not be the result of the pill, but may be due to other factors.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the specific action of hormonal substances, which significantly restructure the functioning of the entire body. The period of adaptation to contraceptives can last up to several months, after which all unpleasant manifestations disappear.

If side effects are too pronounced and incompatible with further use of the drug, the course should be discontinued. To avoid withdrawal syndrome, you need to use another contraceptive instead of Yarina.

Pregnancy after Yarina

The best option to discontinue the drug, in case of long-term use, is to gradually reduce the dosage (the woman starts taking ½, ¼ tablets, etc.).

Effect on ovulation

Yarina is indicated for women who have no gynecological problems and whose menstrual cycle is regular. This drug, like other drugs of similar action, causes the body to work as if ovulation has already occurred.

At the same time, certain components of the tablets interfere with the maturation of the egg. As a result, its separation does not occur, and conception becomes impossible. In addition, when using Yarina, painful menstruation disappears, the volume of blood released decreases, which reduces the likelihood of developing iron deficiency anemia and other complications.

In women who have not previously used the drug, slight or spotting bleeding may also be detected during the intermenstrual period. Ovulation after stopping taking Yarina often occurs almost immediately, although there are exceptions when the process of egg maturation requires additional stimulation.

Protecting against unplanned pregnancy with hormonal birth control pills is by far the most popular method of contraception. But what if for some reason you need to stop taking them? How they can be replaced and what side effects may occur when stopping tablet contraceptives, we will talk in more detail in our article.

More than half of all young ladies of reproductive age resort to the method of contraception using hormonal pills. But in life, sometimes situations arise in which a girl wants to change her contraceptive or give up birth control altogether. Such situations usually include the following:

  • you decided to have a child,
  • there have been changes in marital status and the need for contraceptives has disappeared for some time,
  • you are afraid of the consequences of long-term use of pills,
  • there were health problems,
  • you decide to change your contraceptive method,
  • you got pregnant.

If you stop taking the pills, synthetic hormones that inhibit the formation of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones and blocking the ovulation process stop entering the body from the outside. The ovaries begin to work very actively, catching up. The body returns to its previous natural rhythm of functioning. This takes some time, during which contraceptive withdrawal syndrome occurs.

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