Why do women need orgasms, and why shouldn’t they wear thongs: five secrets of the female body you need to know
Can pregnant women wear thongs? Why you can’t wear thongs during pregnancy Many women and
A pregnant girl has toxicosis
Folk remedies and tricks to combat toxicosis
Toxicosis during pregnancy In the first three months, systems and organs are formed in the fetus, which is why
Gallbladder problems during pregnancy
Causes The disease develops due to genetic predisposition. Heredity plays a huge role in its appearance.
What does a positive test result mean after a pharmaabortion?
Abortion is the artificial termination of pregnancy. The procedure is carried out medicinally or surgically for a period
What is the basal temperature after embryo transfer?
Why does the temperature rise after IVF? After embryo transfer, an increase in temperature is absolutely normal.
swollen breasts and sore nipples
Why your chest hurts: 11 harmless and frightening reasons
Pain in the mammary glands (both or one, it doesn’t matter) is called mastalgia. And she's familiar
Blood test for hCG: how to prepare correctly and how to take it
Innovative technologies used during laboratory research provide accurate, reliable data. I have an opportunity
Cold feet during pregnancy. Pregnancy feet get cold
Signs of pregnancy with a boy and a girl are a popular topic of conversation among women. After all, I want
Uterine tone in an expectant mother
Nagging pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy 34 weeks of pregnancy
Why does your stomach hurt at 34 weeks of pregnancy? Development began eight and a half months ago.
Spermogram analysis: rules for submission, normal values
What does a spermogram show when planning a pregnancy, what should be the normal indicators for conception?
The problem of infertility remains relevant for many couples. At the same time, approximately 40%
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