07/30/2018 Category: Analyzes and examinations Author: Alena Sergienko Carrying a child is a process thought out to the smallest detail,
Is it possible or not? A visit to the dental office is a mandatory procedure for every pregnant woman.
Milk stagnation and its symptoms If a nursing mother’s breasts hurt, this may
How much sleep does a pregnant woman need per day? Drowsiness accompanies pregnancy if the woman’s body does not
Appendicitis during pregnancy is the most common pathology in the field of surgery. A characteristic feature of the disease
Pregnancy is characterized not only by changes in the appearance of the expectant mother. Mostly observed
Good day to you, future mothers! I propose to discuss an important issue today. Why does dizziness occur?
Causes and risk factors for the development of URVMT during pregnancy The main reason for the occurrence of varicose veins
Why is pregnancy accompanied by a runny nose? The most common reason is the common cold. If earlier
Moms and dads can't wait for their children to get on their feet and do