What is dangerous about the appearance of brown discharge at 7 weeks of pregnancy?

  • 1.4 Prevention at 7 weeks of pregnancy

What happens to a woman’s body at 7 weeks of pregnancy

During this period, the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. Typically, the cervix is ​​in a relaxed state after conception. The mucus in it becomes thick in the form of a mucus plug, which fences off the uterus from all sorts of intrusions from the outside world and provides protection. At this time, small brown discharge may occur. These are symptoms of pregnancy. If there is even a slight tug in the lower abdomen, under no circumstances should you lift weights and it is better to have an ultrasound scan.

At 7 weeks after conception, you must pay special attention to any discharge. If the discharge is white and odorless, this is leucorrhoea, which is quite normal in the seventh week; there is no need to be afraid of it. During this period they may be plentiful, slippery or liquid, but the woman does not feel any pain or discomfort. During this period, you should be alert to spotting bloody, brown or yellow-green, curdled or foamy discharge. If your stomach feels tight, there is an unpleasant odor, the discharge causes burning and itching in the intimate area, you should immediately consult a gynecologist

How does a baby feel at 7 weeks pregnant?

With the onset of the seventh week of pregnancy, an important stage in the intrauterine development of the child begins. This is no longer an embryo, but a fetus - a little person.

During this time, new changes begin to occur to him:

  • Intensive brain development
  • Dividing the heart into chambers and arteries
  • Appearance of veins
  • Formation of the digestive tract - the appearance of the rectum
  • Beginning of formation of the sternum and small intestine
  • Development of the lungs, esophagus, trachea, anterior abdominal wall.
  • Education, liver, gall bladder and spleen (they cannot yet perform their functions).
  • The pancreas and endocrine gland are formed - the cortical part of the adrenal glands,
  • Sex hormones are produced
  • The central nervous system has almost formed.
  • Beginning of bone cell development.
  • Development of the intestine, appearance of the appendix.

The fetus still has a “tail”; when you see it on an ultrasound, there is no need to be alarmed, it should soon fall off. The placenta becomes thicker, and the umbilical cord is attached to the wall of the uterus. The right umbilical vein disappears. The left one remains for now.

At this time, the fetal head is much larger than the body and tilted towards the chest. A face is already taking shape on it: a mouth, a nose in its infancy, which will be clearly visible during an ultrasound. On the sides there are tiny brown pigment circles, which in a few months will move to the face and become eyes.

How does a woman feel at 7 weeks pregnant?

Often, the expectant mother, when the seventh week begins after the start of conception, finds out about the pregnancy. During this period, the following symptoms appear: general health worsens, the next menstruation does not occur for two to three weeks. Some pregnant women experience increased nausea during the seventh obstetric week, a slight tug and pain in the abdomen, headaches, and brown or white discharge.

The woman begins to get tired quickly, she becomes nervous, touchy and irritable. Every little thing causes a violent reaction. This period can be especially difficult for mothers expecting their first child. Any discharge, pain and other manifestations of pregnancy that are strange to them frighten them greatly, so pregnant women become unusually suspicious.

Sometimes at 7 weeks after conception, a woman feels that she does not have enough oxygen. She constantly feels sleepy. A feeling of heaviness appears in the legs, the stomach ache, swelling occurs due to stagnation of blood in the lower extremities, as its amount increases at this time.

There are no noticeable external changes in the seventh obstetric week yet; slight weight gain may appear and the areolas around the nipples of the breast become brown. Due to hormonal changes, in some women, if you look at your stomach, you will notice a dark line running from the navel to the lower abdomen. When the seventh week arrives, the breasts may begin to swell; many pregnant women note that they become significantly enlarged, and they hurt a little. It is advisable at this time to replace the bra with a special one - for pregnant women.

Sometimes, due to toxicosis, weight does not increase, but decreases. This is quite common.

At this time, the stomach is not yet visible, but the size of the uterus is already increasing slightly, which causes increased urination, a tendency to constipation, and sometimes small brown spotting is visible, as the enlarging uterus puts pressure on neighboring organs

In the seventh week you are required to register with a doctor

Having learned about her situation, when the seventh week has already arrived after conception, the woman must register with the antenatal clinic. Thanks to timely medical supervision, many problems can be avoided in the future. At this time, the doctor suggests undergoing an examination and taking the following tests:

  • Blood to determine its group and Rh factor.
  • Blood for syphilis, HIV infection, hepatitis.
  • Blood to determine hemoglobin level.
  • Blood for clotting.
  • Flora smear.
  • Smear to determine the presence of sexually transmitted infections

Sometimes at 7 weeks of pregnancy a woman is offered to undergo an ultrasound to make sure that everything is fine with the fetus. An expectant mother can use an ultrasound to see her baby's beating heart. But many believe that it is too early to do an ultrasound at this time and at this stage of pregnancy an ultrasound is usually prescribed if it is necessary to confirm the fact of pregnancy.

Such an examination will confirm the fact of pregnancy, and if there are symptoms of fetal development pathology or there is a threat of miscarriage, the pregnant woman will be asked to go to the hospital.

Prevention at 7 weeks of pregnancy

For pregnancy to proceed properly, a balanced diet is required. If a woman suffers from toxicosis, heartburn, often has an upset stomach, her stomach constantly hurts, she has such a feeling that it is pulling, she still needs to try to eat a little of everything and not leave her stomach empty. A pregnant woman's diet should contain fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

To replenish your supply of microelements, you need to take multivitamins prescribed by your doctor. The baby gets energy from food, so a healthy diet is very important. It is very important to exclude foods with preservatives and dyes from your diet. It is imperative to take folic acid to prevent serious fetal malformations. This is a very powerful preventative.

Already at this time, a woman should be able to fully rest. You should spend more time in the fresh air, find time for quiet rest and try to always be in a good mood. For a pregnant woman now, this is very important, as well as sleep and nutrition. You need to sleep at least eight to ten hours. It is necessary, when the seventh week of pregnancy has already begun, to give up high heels. During this period, their height should be no higher than 4 cm.

In the first eight weeks, the formation of the baby’s organs occurs, so you need to be very careful with taking medications.

Some women at this time try to change their lifestyle, banning sports and sex. But this is not necessary, the belly is still very small and it is impossible to harm the child. Those who have been involved in sports before simply need to reduce the load. Sexual intercourse may not be avoided if the pregnancy is progressing normally and nothing hurts. Sex is even good for the health of the expectant mother .

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Fetus at 7 weeks of gestation: weight and dimensions

Internal organs and systems also progress in development. So, the baby’s heart already has a right and left atrium and at the 7th week of pregnancy it divides into a 4-chambered one, preparing to “drive” blood throughout the body. Along with this, the vascular system also progresses, in particular large blood vessels begin to form. Very soon the heart will fall into place, but for now it is located in the central part of the sternum and is slightly protruded forward. The brain has already divided into two hemispheres, and now the formation of its five sections begins. The nervous system also does not slow down in its development; in general, it is already formed. This week, the formation of the umbilical cord will be completely completed and the utero-placental exchange between the fetus and the woman will be established. The baby is entirely dependent on you, breathes and eats thanks to the substances entering your blood - do not forget about this. The placenta gradually thickens to become fully mature by the 12th week of pregnancy. Although the placental barrier protects the baby, it does not protect it from all “aggressors”. Also this week, a mucus plug forms from the thickened mucous layer of the uterus. It serves as a gate that closes access from the outside world to the world of the little “belly.” The mucus plug will go away only shortly before his birth, becoming the first sign of impending labor. In the meantime, the fetus is developing rapidly. The skeletal system begins to form and the epidermis is formed. The internal organs do not lag behind: the formation of future bronchi occurs, the lungs, kidneys, intestines, and endocrine glands continue to develop. The colon and appendix, bile ducts in the liver are fully formed. The pancreas begins to produce the first insulin. At the 7th week of pregnancy, sexual identification will finally occur: the gonads will develop into either ovaries or testes, and from the bulge that is now forming in the perineum, the external genitalia will form in the future. But ultrasound cannot yet determine the sex of the child. Your baby is already quite long compared to previous weeks - his CTE (coccygeal-parietal size) is on average 13 mm. Weight, at the same time, can reach 1.3-1.7 g, and in appearance the baby somewhat resembles a pea. But the threat of miscarriage remains, so the mother should take care.

How the embryo develops

At the 7th obstetric week (corresponding to the 5th embryonic week), the size of the fetus is less than 1 cm, the organs have just appeared and are gradually beginning to complicate their structure, the heart is already pulsating. The appearance of the embryo is still far from human. Rather, it looks like a larva with a tail and a thickening in place of the head.

Over the next 2 weeks, the baby makes a leap in development. By the 9th obstetric week (the seventh week from conception), it has doubled in size, all organs have already been formed, some have already begun to work. A connection is formed between the organs of the embryo, the placenta and the mother.

What does the baby look like at the end of the 7th week from conception:

  1. The pace of brain development is faster than other organs. The head is rounded, quickly enlarges, and becomes equal in size to the rest of the body.
  2. The brain can already send signals to the muscles. At 7 weeks the baby begins to move more. So far his movements are quite chaotic.
  3. The baby undergoes significant external changes; he becomes more and more human-like: the spine straightens a little, the tail disappears. The eyes are visible on the face, the iris is already colored. They are not yet closing, but the rudiments of the eyelids have already appeared.
  4. The auricles, inner ear and tip of the nose have formed.
  5. The arms and legs lengthen, they already have fingers and can bend at the joints.
  6. The digestive system is improved: the intestines lengthen, its connection with the yolk sac weakens, and the anus appears.
  7. The heart is located in the center of the chest, forming a bulge. It is already three-chambered and continues to become more complex. Very soon it will become four-chambered.
  8. The fetal heart rate is now about 150.
  9. The respiratory system develops. The bronchial tree becomes more branched.
  10. In the precursors of the kidneys, a ureter appears, the vascular network grows, and the main structural elements of the kidneys, the glomeruli, begin to form.
  11. The reproductive system is actively developing. The internal organs of boys and girls are different. The appearance is still the same in both sexes.
  12. The skeleton is becoming more and more durable.
  13. The skin thickens, the epidermis appears, and the sebaceous glands appear and begin to function.

The feeding pattern of the fetus changes significantly. What happens: red blood cells begin to be produced in the embryo’s body, an umbilical cord appears, and vessels from it penetrate the placenta. These changes allow nutrients and oxygen to be delivered to the baby in greater volumes. If the transition to a new type of blood circulation is delayed, the baby's development may suffer and even miscarriage may occur.

Future mom

The placenta is preparing to take over the function of hormone production, which is now performed by the corpus luteum. If its formation and development proceeds unhindered and without disturbances, then there is no reason to worry. But under some circumstances, these processes slow down, which can lead to disruption of the hormonal levels necessary to maintain pregnancy. The risk group includes women who have had infectious diseases during this period, who have recently had an abortion, who have uterine malformations, as well as those who have had an irregular menstrual cycle and diseases of the genital organs. If you have not registered yet, now is the time to do so. It is necessary to pass all tests for a clinical examination, including an analysis for Rh-conflict. Be sure to consult a specialist if you have endocrine diseases.

Light yellow, beige, yellowish odorless discharge during pregnancy

Light yellow discharge is most often visualized during the first 3 months of pregnancy. This process is natural and is often caused by an increased level of progesterone (a steroid hormone) in a woman’s body. It activates blood circulation in the pelvic area and provokes the formation of secretion in large volumes.

Photo gallery: discharge during pregnancy

Light yellow discharge may appear due to the formation of a lump of high-density mucus in the cervix. If a woman is not bothered by the symptoms characteristic of pathologies: itching, burning, pain, discomfort, then most likely the secretion is a manifestation of physiology. At the end of 3 months of pregnancy, the amount of mucus should decrease. This is typical for most cases.

Intense yellowish discharge may be normal, but only if it is not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. Abundant secretion is typical for many women during pregnancy. The walls of the uterus soften, and the composition of the vaginal environment changes. Increased secretion is necessary for the birth process to go smoothly.

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most important and is associated with active restructuring of the body. During this period, the fetus is most vulnerable. Beige secretion most often appears at the moment when the amount of the hormone progesterone in the blood increases sharply and the process of formation of a mucus plug occurs. If the resulting secretion has no odor, then we are talking about the norm.

The beige color of the secretion can also form due to the fact that the egg at the time of implantation tends to damage the uterine mucosa. In this case, discharge of this shade is a normal reaction of the body.

Important: copious dark beige discharge with a positive pregnancy test should cause serious concern, since this is one of the signs of an ectopic pregnancy. They can also be a consequence of cervical erosion. In this case, you must immediately consult a doctor.


At the 7th week of pregnancy, the symptoms and signs of an “interesting situation” certainly no longer go unnoticed. Hormonal changes make themselves felt by changes in appetite and taste preferences, and cause an acute reaction to odors. Some women may experience nausea all day long, but vomiting often occurs only in the morning. During the 7th week of pregnancy, the nipple areolas may darken even more, and a dark line may also appear on the abdomen. A woman may begin to feel pain in the sides and lower abdomen due to her growing uterus. As the volume of blood increases, it may stagnate in the legs and, consequently, the appearance of swelling, and sometimes it seems that there is not enough oxygen and the woman may even lose consciousness. The uterus continues to grow, which leads to increased urination - trips to the toilet become more frequent. Dysfunctions of the digestive system may make themselves felt - heartburn, constipation, and bloating may occur uncontrollably. All symptoms of pregnancy, including early toxicosis, appear more pronounced. The expectant mother becomes irritable, sleepy, tired - you should sleep at least 8-10 hours a day, because the body does a lot of work and requires rest.

Causes of pain

A woman at 7 weeks pregnant has already become accustomed to her condition. Most likely, she has already heard the baby’s heartbeat and is in an elevated state. However, she still has 33 long weeks ahead of her, and there is no way to let down your vigilance towards yourself. The tummy has already become slightly rounded, the breasts have enlarged, and the areolas of the nipples have darkened. Inside her is an almost fully formed baby. The state of health during a healthy pregnancy, if there is no toxicosis, is no different from usual. However, during this period, some women experience pain.

Important! The causes of pain can be different - ranging from pathological pregnancies - ectopic, frozen, ending with banal flatulence.

The seventh week of pregnancy is characterized by the beginning of more intensive growth of the uterus. In this case, stretching of the tissues of both the organ itself and the ligaments that support it occurs. In this case, the woman may feel a slight tingling in the lower abdomen or stretching from the sides. Such pain is not intense and does not cause much discomfort. They go away with a change in body position and are not accompanied by suspicious discharge.

Sometimes pain in the lower abdomen is associated with intestinal dysfunction. From the beginning of pregnancy, progesterone production in the body increases every week. If there was a threat of miscarriage, or the pregnancy resulted from assisted reproductive technologies, then the woman additionally takes progesterone in medications. This hormone has many tasks. One of them is to relax the muscles of the uterus to prevent miscarriage. But its effect is not selective, and the intestines fall under its influence. Its tone decreases - constipation occurs.

Pain in the lower abdomen localized to the right side of the navel may indicate inflammation of the appendix. A change in diet during pregnancy, combined with a natural decrease in immunity, can trigger its development. If your temperature rises, call an ambulance immediately.

Often, due to pregnancy, women dramatically change their diet. There is a change in the microflora in the intestines, and dysbiosis develops. This phenomenon is accompanied by a feeling of bloating and flatulence. A swollen intestine puts pressure on other organs, including the uterus. Gases can penetrate the blood and have a general toxic effect, including on the fetus.

Feelings at 7 weeks of pregnancy

There are simply no identical women in nature, which means that all expectant mothers experience each week of pregnancy differently. Some, due to the individual characteristics of the body, manage to avoid all the “delights” of toxicosis and move toward the 12th week more with joy than with fatigue, when doctors promise “improved well-being.” Others are just waiting for that cherished “12th week,” overcoming the hardships associated with early pregnancy. Most often, the reason for such expectations is a noticeably deteriorated state - physical, emotional, and moral. Many women in the 7th week of pregnancy suffer not only from persistent nausea, but also from fatigue, a feeling of weakness, and constant drowsiness characteristic of the first stages of pregnancy. The “games” of hormones also leave their mark on emotions: a woman may feel increased anxiety, restlessness, and suffer from insomnia. This is especially common among women expecting their first child. Mood swings are still relevant at this stage: a pregnant woman can get irritated over trifles, become suspicious and whiny. Tears and frustration can also be caused by a noticeably deteriorated skin condition: in some cases, under the influence of hormonal changes, the skin becomes loose and oily, prone to the appearance of acne and pimples. The only possible and correct advice for women who find the early stages of pregnancy difficult is to simply wait out these very periods. Now you shouldn’t blame your hard fate and get worked up over trifles, because very soon all the phenomena that are so exhausting for a pregnant woman will disappear. Moreover, the price for such disorders will be the most valuable, most important gift in life - the birth of a healthy and strong child.

Prevention of pathological discharge

The following preventive measures will help prevent the appearance of discharge:

  • correct diet. The foods consumed per day must contain all the beneficial vitamins and elements that the body needs for normal development and creation of reliable protection;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • complete rest;
  • compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene, regular procedures;
  • safe sex;
  • refusal of underwear made of synthetic fabric;
  • being in a state of calm, away from stressful situations.

If you follow the described rules, you can reduce the risk of pathologies during pregnancy several times. And also ensure normal development for the fetus.

Video: discharge during early pregnancy

Most women experience discharge during pregnancy, and the author of the article is no exception. If this is your first pregnancy, then any symptom can cause fear or anxiety, even such as heavy discharge with a yellowish tint. They appeared at 10 weeks of pregnancy and forced me to urgently consult a doctor. The structure of the secretion was transparent and homogeneous. The doctor assured me that there was nothing to worry about, but she took a gynecological smear for flora. The latter did not reveal pathologies. By week 11, the discharge returned to its clear state. However, by 13 they became more liquid and the characteristic yellowish tint appeared again. The doctor explained that this is due to changes in hormonal levels, and also advised me to change the brand of panty liners and the product used for intimate hygiene. By the 15th week, the discharge became less abundant, and by the 20th week it stopped altogether. From the situation I concluded that we should not draw hasty conclusions. Only a consultation with an experienced specialist will help you correctly interpret the signals coming from the body.

Discharge during pregnancy can be considered normal and should not always be a cause for panic. However, only a qualified specialist must establish this fact. This is the only way to avoid possible consequences and complications. After all, every woman’s body is individual. The expectant mother must understand that she is responsible for the health of the child.

Belly at 7 weeks of pregnancy: tugs, hurts

And in order for this gift to be “given” to a woman by life, she will have to be careful and attentive to her own well-being, including the appearance of certain pains. One of the most common complaints among pregnant women about pain is complaints associated with a pulling and aching abdomen. Abdominal pain should not be ignored, although, of course, it can be physiological. Thus, abdominal pain - pulling, closer to the sides of the abdomen and sometimes radiating to the lower back - can be associated with softening and stretching of the ligaments holding the uterus as the latter grows. Such pains usually occur sporadically and do not cause severe inconvenience to the woman. If pain is felt in the lower abdomen and is characterized as aching, pulling, cramping (as happens during menstruation), it probably makes sense to suspect increased uterine tone. This condition is dangerous due to miscarriage, and therefore, in order to avoid increasing the tone of the uterus, it is advisable to give up heels, exclude hot baths and visits to the sauna, and avoid emotional and physical stress. If there is pain in the lower abdomen, and even a brownish-bloody “smudge” appears on the panties, you will have to go to the hospital for safekeeping, otherwise there is a high risk of simply losing the child. Know: if, against the background of painful pulling sensations in the abdomen, vaginal bleeding suddenly appears, no matter what intensity and in what quantity, seconds count – bleeding plus abdominal pain indicates the onset of a miscarriage.

Discharge at 7 weeks of pregnancy

No less important in terms of “self-control” of pregnancy is control over the nature of vaginal discharge. We have clarified that even brown discharge - not to mention bloody - should make a woman wary. What should normal discharge be like at 7 weeks of pregnancy? As usual - light, uniform consistency and milky color, with a barely perceptible sour smell. Depending on the influence of hormones, the amount of leucorrhoea may individually increase, and the discharge may become somewhat more liquid or slippery. But under no circumstances should it change its color towards yellow or green-gray, acquire an unpleasant pungent odor, or be foamy or cheesy. Thus, foamy, curdled discharge, discharge with the addition of pus or mucus, discharge of an “unhealthy” color are the main symptom that pregnancy is complicated by the addition of a genital infection. Typically, the development of genital infectious diseases is also accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the perineal area - itching, burning, pain. Such symptoms must necessarily be the reason for promptly contacting a doctor - treatment in case of infection development is necessary in order to avoid infection of the fetus.

Common causes of discharge

A variety of factors can lead to excessive secretion. The most common among them are:

Allergic reactions . During pregnancy, changes occur in a woman’s body, sensitivity to various irritants increases. These could be intimate hygiene products, washing powders, pads, underwear made from synthetic materials, and food. Dysbacteriosis in the vaginal area. Hormonal changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman, which often leads to increased proliferation of opportunistic microorganisms. These bacteria are found even in healthy women, but when favorable factors occur, their number increases noticeably, which leads to an imbalance in the microflora. And as a result - abundant secretion. Bacterial or viral infections . Pathologies such as trichomoniasis, chlamydia, and genital herpes are considered common diseases of the reproductive system. All these anomalies contribute to increased discharge. The secretion has a sharp putrefactive odor, a distinct yellow color with admixtures of other shades (depending on the disease). Physiological deviations, such as renewal of epithelial tissue, when dead mucosal cells come out (typical for 1 month after conception), oxidation of the vaginal environment (occurs in the 2nd trimester), removal of the mucous plug blocking the entrance to the birth canal (begins immediately before childbirth or after several days before them). Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system . In the presence of such pathologies, increased secretion is accompanied by other symptoms: nagging pain, discomfort in the lower abdomen, in the sides. Use of topical medications. For example, if a woman is diagnosed with a threatened miscarriage, she is prescribed hormonal medications in the form of suppositories. Dissolving in the vagina, they flow out in small quantities; in addition, hormones provoke increased secretion, which leads to this situation.

Ultrasound at 7 weeks of pregnancy

An ultrasound examination is usually carried out at the time a woman is registered, at 6 weeks of pregnancy. However, if this was not done in the previous week for any reason, the woman will be offered to undergo an ultrasound now. An ultrasound at 7 weeks of pregnancy already clearly identifies and identifies the fetus in the uterus. And even if it is not yet possible to determine his gender, you can hear and see the baby’s heart beating. In addition, with the help of ultrasound, the doctor can clarify the length of the embryo, and mom and dad can examine the shape of their growing baby by leaps and bounds. Which even now, remember, requires special treatment and attention. Don't forget to take vitamins and eat well. Give preference to healthy foods, avoiding smoked, fried, spicy, salty foods. You will gradually begin to gain weight and a baby bump will soon appear. But don’t give up fats and carbohydrates (albeit healthy ones): they supply energy and strength to the baby for development and growth. Move a lot, walk in the fresh air, sign up for gymnastics for pregnant women, but it’s better to avoid sports.

Ectopic pregnancy

Light brown discharge at 6 weeks pregnant 3

If you are 6 weeks pregnant, brown discharge appears, you constantly suffer from pain in the lower abdomen, your general condition worsens, you should immediately consult a doctor. For such symptoms, an ultrasound is often prescribed. If there is a pregnancy in the uterus, the causes of this condition are further clarified. If an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed, it must be eliminated.

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