How to conceive a girl is 100 percent guaranteed?

Conception information


A woman has a uterus and two ovaries. When estrogen, the female sex hormone, is produced, the egg grows.

This monthly movement of the egg begins from the ovary, in medicine this moment is called ovulation, continues through the fallopian tubes and ends in the uterine cavity.

There are cases when the ovaries release not one, but two, three or more eggs; in such situations, all are fertilized by sperm. This is how twins and triplets appear, according to the number of fertilized eggs. When a fertilized cell divides into two, a pair of twins is born.

The standard menstrual cycle is considered to be 28 days; of course, you can safely add or subtract two days. The discharge of blood flow continues for five days, however, the most abundant is always the very first day of discharge.

Fourteen days before the onset of discharge, ovulation occurs. It is determined by basal body temperature, which rises by 0.5–1 degrees with the onset of egg movement. This is often accompanied by tension in the lower abdomen.


Men bear the main responsibility for the sex of the unborn child. After all, only they have the set of chromosomes necessary for this.

Male sperm are stored in the ovaries, packaged in the scrotum. The storage temperature is lower than the usual temperature of 33 °C, but constant. The male body secretes testosterone, a hormone that is responsible for the production and accumulation of sperm. At the moment of ejaculation, the body releases approximately 3.5 grams of sperm, which contains more than three hundred thousand sperm.


For conception, one sperm and an egg are needed. The egg carries two chromosomes, but both are X, the sperm contains a set: X and Y. During fertilization, male chromosomes combine with female chromosomes, fusion occurs. There are two possible combinations of chromosomes:

  1. XX – this combination makes it possible to have a girl.
  2. X Y - with this combination a boy will be born.

Even externally, the X and Y chromosomes are different. The oval head and vitality are the X chromosome. They live longer, but the number of Y chromosomes is greater than X.

Y chromosome - round head, fragile structure, high speed of movement and short life expectancy.

The moment of conception is considered to be the union of sperm and egg. As a result: the united egg begins to divide and forms a zygote, and this is how the fetus begins to develop.

Why is it important to plan the gender of your child?

In some situations, doctors strongly recommend that future parents carefully plan the gender of their baby. This applies to pathologies associated with heredity. Today, the diseases that are transmitted through the hereditary line to a son are known for certain: hemophilia, schizophrenia, a predisposition to baldness, pathologies in the development of the genital organs that lead to infertility in adulthood, alcoholism, etc.

All hereditary pathologies identified in boys are more difficult to treat compared to girls.

Note: in the case of a hereditary factor, we are talking only about a predisposition to diseases. The health and harmonious development of a baby is determined by a complex of factors: immunity, hormonal levels and, above all, lifestyle.

From a scientific point of view

The male body, thanks to the hormone testosterone, synthesizes sperm of two types - X and Y. The female body is capable of producing only eggs of type X. Thus, the sex of the child directly depends on the father. If Y-type sperm are more active, a boy will be conceived; if a male X-egg is joined by a male X-egg, the desired goal will be achieved - you will have a girl!

Conceiving a girl by ovulation

It is necessary to take into account the onset of ovulation, the movement of sperm and their life expectancy. It has already become clear that male Y chromosomes are nimble, but quickly die. They live 24 hours after the eruption. Women, on the contrary, are slow, but are able to live for several days in the vaginal cavity.

Sexual intercourse performed on the day of ovulation will maximize the likelihood of having a boy.

To increase the possibility of having a girl, you need to have sex a day before probable ovulation.

How to conceive a female child with 100 percent probability?

The 100% way to conceive a girl is through in vitro fertilization.

The use of IVF allows you to choose the female gender only if there are medical indications. This procedure is possible for couples whose birth of a boy is associated with the transmission of genetic diseases. Sex planning occurs before the embryo is transferred to the uterus. The process involves genetic research in laboratory conditions, during which sex is determined.

If there is simply a desire to carry out such a procedure, it is impossible to give birth to a girl with a 100% guarantee. Without medical reasons, the sex selection procedure is prohibited by law.

Conception based on the blood of parents

It is believed that the parental blood, that is, the youngest and strongest blood, is responsible for the sex of the baby.

Whichever parent has younger blood, the child will have that gender.

The age of blood lies in its periodic renewal. After a certain period of time, a person’s blood is renewed, and different periods of time are needed to renew female and male blood.

A man’s blood goes through a renewal period of four years, the female counterpart – three years. To determine the age of the blood, it is necessary to divide the age of the future father by four, and the mother by three. Whoever has the smallest remnant has the youngest blood. Nature dictates that a child should have as young, healthy and strong blood as possible.

There may be many corrections in such calculations, which is why the method is not very popular. Life is full of factors influencing blood renewal besides time:

  • Deep wound resulting in large blood loss;
  • Surgical intervention in the body;
  • Miscarriage;
  • Abortion.

Such factors influence the renewal of blood, and the countdown must begin with such an event.

Scientists' opinion

Many experts believe that research on the topic “how to conceive a girl” is a waste of time. But there are also those who spend their time studying this issue.

The main principle of conceiving a child is based on the fact that among sperm there are only 2 types of chromosomes: X and Y. The sex of the unborn child is influenced by the type of sperm that first reaches the egg and fertilizes it. If it was an X sperm, then a girl will be born, Y a boy.

Despite the fact that X-spermatozoa, as a rule, are in the minority and have less mobility, but greater vitality. Based on this knowledge, how can you ensure that a woman has a daughter? To do this you need:

  • correctly determine the day of ovulation, according to the menstrual cycle;
  • increase the pH level of the vagina;
  • reduce the volume of male seminal fluid.

Calculation of the day of ovulation

Many women rely on calculating the day of ovulation as the most reliable way to become pregnant with a female child. There is a high probability of conceiving a girl 2-3 days before ovulation. During this period, species Y will die, while X will survive and wait for the egg to mature. In addition, in the middle of the menstrual cycle, the acidity of vaginal secretion is quite high, which Y-sperm do not like at all.

After the 3rd day preceding ovulation, you should stop trying to conceive a child. This will allow the “girl” sperm to remain alone in the woman’s body.

This technique only works if you know exactly the date of ovulation. If you cannot accurately determine it, then you will have to use a special test that is sold at the pharmacy (the strip should be barely noticeable). An ultrasound or measuring basal temperature will also help (but it is recommended to measure it regularly for 3-6 months for reliable indicators). Additionally, you should keep a menstruation calendar, recording the days of the onset and end of your periods; if you wish, you can use a special application on your phone.

The disadvantages of this technique include a large waste of time to determine the treasured hour X. In some cases, it takes months to prepare, but those couples who dream of a daughter will have to be patient.

Probably one of the most accurate methods for getting 100 percent pregnant with a girl is the IVF (in vitro fertilization) procedure. During PDT (preimplantation genetic diagnosis), the future sex of the child is most accurately determined.

But this is not done to satisfy the desire of future parents to have a child of a certain gender. Most often, this is necessary to minimize the risk of transmission of genetic diseases that appear in individuals of a certain sex from one of the parents, or for other serious reasons.

A few days after the fertilization of the egg in a test tube, specialists can determine what gender the child was artificially conceived.

Frequency of intimacy

There is an opinion that the less intimacy a man and a woman have, the higher the likelihood of conceiving a girl. This is due to the fact that rare sex promotes greater production of antibodies to Y-sperm, as a result of which the number of X chromosomes increases, which leads to pregnancy with a girl.

Increasing vaginal pH levels

As we wrote above, increased acidity of the vaginal environment negatively affects “male” sperm. It is for this reason that it is important to know your pH level accurately using special strips. If it is insufficient, it is necessary to increase it.

To increase acidity, it is recommended to consume various marinades, pickles (sauerkraut, tomatoes) and citrus fruits as much as possible. In some cases, douching is effective, but only as prescribed by a doctor. Sometimes it is advisable to combine both of these techniques.


In certain cases, another medical technique is used to give birth to a girl. Using filtration or a special centrifuge, the X and Y chromosomes are separated in order to further carry out artificial insemination.

If there is no risk of transmitting hereditary diseases, this method is not used.

Conception according to the Chinese calendar

The Chinese offered their solution to the problem of how to conceive a girl. They invented an information calendar that makes it possible to calculate the gender of the unborn baby. The sages here believe that a woman is able to conceive a child of a certain gender, based on her age and month of the year.

This Chinese calendar is quite popular in Russia. It's quite simple to use: the table has columns and rows. The column data is the woman’s age, the rows indicate the months of the year. A woman of a certain age wants a girl, looks at the table in which month it needs to be done. All that remains is to pass on the information to your husband, or better yet, study the table together.

Japanese calendar for conception

The Japanese calendar consists of two tables. The first table is somewhat similar to the Chinese one, it is based on the birth dates of both parents. The top line is for the father's date of birth, the left column for the mother's date of birth. A non-random number is indicated at the intersection. Its calculation is necessary to use the second table.

The line at the top is for the found number; the left column shows the months for conceiving a baby. The table consists of colored columns and rows with crosses. Whichever crosses there are more will indicate the expected gender of the unborn baby.

Slavic method of conceiving a certain gender

The basis of this technique is also calculations. In order to conceive a girl, it is necessary to try to conceive a child only on even days of the month.

The next option for even numbers suggests adding to the mother’s age the serial number of the month when they are planning to conceive. For the birth of a daughter, it must be an even number. Otherwise it will be a boy.

For greater guarantee, it is recommended that a girl be conceived during the daytime; moreover, the woman must take the initiative.

Conception based on nutrition

This method relies on certain foods to achieve results. It is assumed that by introducing certain foods into the diet, a certain environment is created in the body, which creates the desired effect on the gender of the unborn child.

The chance of having a healthy baby will increase significantly if a man leads a healthy lifestyle, eats quality food and gives up bad habits. The sperm of such a father significantly improves its quality. Similar behavior of the mother gives the right to count on the objective functioning of the parents’ chromosomes.

To conceive a girl, you should adhere to the following diet:

  • Having decided to conceive a girl, you need to start preparing for this four months in advance. Start by limiting your diet of sugar, potatoes, any meat and salt.
  • It is necessary to fill the body with minerals, calcium and magnesium are especially important. The table should be filled with carrots, cucumbers, beets, and onions.
  • Pay attention to seafood, raw and processed eggs, milk and fruits, cereals. It is recommended to avoid bananas and peaches.
  • Eliminate any harmful products.


Another “grandmother’s” way is to follow a diet. But it is best to use it accompanied by others.

The fact is that a number of foods and the correct schedule for their consumption in some way affect the functioning of the body, which can subsequently play a certain role in conceiving a girl.

You need to understand that this is not a diet. Rather, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. It includes the renunciation of harmful habits on the part of both the woman and the man. As for nutrition, it is necessary, several months before the planned conception, to reduce the amount of a number of foods in your diet: salt, sugar, potatoes and meat dishes. It is best for a woman to diversify her list of foods consumed with magnesium, calcium, milk, eggs, fruits and fish.

Psychological component

Not everyone believes in this possibility of choosing the future gender of the child, but the method really works.

Even at the stage of planning a future conception, it is necessary to apply psychological visualization. The expectant mother should imagine that the girl is already there, here she is, nearby. All thoughts and dreams are completely absorbed in the awareness of my daughter. Imagine her, all the details of the child: hair color, eye shape, lips, height. Feel the character and behavior of the baby. It has long been proven that thoughts are material, a future daughter can appear through visual programming.

Recommendations for conceiving a girl

When conceiving a girl, a woman should not experience orgasm. An alkaline environment has a detrimental effect on the X chromosomes. Have sex with the goal of conceiving two days before ovulation. Male Y chromosomes simply will not live to see the appearance of an egg.

After ovulation, you should not have sexual intercourse or careful protection is necessary. You will have to abstain or use protection for three days. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the nimble Y chromosomes will still get ahead of the X chromosomes.

You will have to reduce foreplay and foreplay to a minimum. It is necessary to reduce the percentage of excitement.

To increase the acidic environment of the vagina, which is positive for X chromosomes, it is recommended to do vinegar douching. A weak solution is two tablespoons of vinegar per liter of water. The solution should be made and used immediately, do not store.

Use positions with the least penetration, such as missionary, spooning, a man on top of a woman whose back is to him.

When the appearance of a girl is very important

In some cases, the gender of the unborn child is of particular importance, since its health depends on it. A number of diseases are strictly associated with the male sex, and therefore, if there is a risk of their occurrence, only the birth of a girl is permissible. The main danger is hemophilia. In women, there is no bleeding disorder, since this disease is associated with the Y chromosome, which is responsible for the male sex.

Thus, if it is determined that there is a risk of having a sick male child, efforts must be made to give birth to a girl. There are several ways to conceive her. The choice of method remains with the future parents.

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