How to get pregnant with twins or twins naturally?

Who are the twins?

Twins are fraternal children. Such a pregnancy occurs when two eggs are simultaneously fertilized by different sperm. Each fetus is formed in a separate placenta.

Twins can be either similar or completely different. The same goes for gender.

Scientists have been able to establish that the predisposition to having twins is transmitted genetically through the maternal line.

The chance of conceiving twins is 3 times higher than conceiving twins. It has also been noted that twins are more often born to older women.

At 20-30 years old, an expectant mother has a 3% chance of conceiving twins naturally. And at the age of 30-40 years, these chances increase to 6% .

With each subsequent pregnancy, the possibility of conceiving twins also increases, because the birth of a child in most cases is accompanied by weight gain. And women who are slightly overweight are much more likely to become pregnant with twins.

In addition, according to studies, mothers who breastfeed and become pregnant during this period are more likely to conceive twins.

Why is it so difficult to get pregnant with twins?

Women who repeat “I want twins” should understand that the probability of multiple pregnancy is slightly higher than 1%. Therefore, it is impossible to fulfill your dream without special preparation and a bit of luck.

In addition to the fact that it is difficult to conceive twins at will, multiple pregnancies are quite difficult. Such women are specially registered, because during pregnancy the girl gains more kilograms, and the musculoskeletal system and heart are under enormous stress. In addition, the likelihood of a cesarean section in this case is slightly higher than during pregnancy with one baby. Therefore, giving birth to twins is not only exciting and joyful, but also very difficult for a woman’s body.

Twins are the joy of parents and the tenderness of others. Using medical and folk advice will increase the chances of multiple pregnancy. However, if you don’t succeed in giving birth to twins the first time, you can always try again.

How can you conceive twins?

It is easiest for Middle Easterners and Africans to conceive twins. Geographical factors also play an important role in creating twins.

For example, in the village of Kopan (Carpathians), 54 pairs of fraternal children were born over 50 years . The villagers say that this is due to the healing water source that the village has. It is he who creates favorable conditions for the birth of twins.

Therefore, many people who want to become doubly happy parents come to this source. And some couples managed to conceive twins after a trip to this magical place.

In the Rostov region, in the village of Denisovka, amazing phenomena were also recorded. There are 19 pairs of twins for every 500 people . This is influenced by fertile soil.

Local residents say they know how to get pregnant with twins. In their opinion, even after staying in this village, the husband and wife will be able to conceive two children at the same time.

Why is it so difficult to get pregnant with twins?

Women who repeat “I want twins” should understand that the probability of multiple pregnancy is slightly higher than 1%. Therefore, it is impossible to fulfill your dream without special preparation and a bit of luck.

In addition to the fact that it is difficult to conceive twins at will, multiple pregnancies are quite difficult. Such women are specially registered, because during pregnancy the girl gains more kilograms, and the musculoskeletal system and heart are under enormous stress. In addition, the likelihood of a cesarean section in this case is slightly higher than during pregnancy with one baby. Therefore, giving birth to twins is not only exciting and joyful, but also very difficult for a woman’s body.

Twins are the joy of parents and the tenderness of others. Using medical and folk advice will increase the chances of multiple pregnancy. However, if you don’t succeed in giving birth to twins the first time, you can always try again.

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How to conceive twins naturally?

If you really want to have twins, but IVF is not the first option for you, consult a geneticist. He will tell you how to make your dream come true.

Before going to the doctor, find out all the information about your family, take medical histories (your own and your husband’s), and then go for qualified advice.

Most likely, among all the recommendations, a mandatory condition will be the daily intake of folic acid, which should be started a couple of months before the planned date of conception.

Also, on the advice of your doctor, stop smoking and stop drinking alcoholic beverages. Dairy products should predominate in your diet.

Several months before conception, diversify your daily menu with foods that stimulate ovarian function and promote the release of more than one egg during ovulation.

We are talking about whole grains, walnuts, chicken eggs.

Traditional methods

Traditional medicine gives the following tips that increase the likelihood of conceiving twins:

  • It is recommended to consume vitamin E in large quantities.
    Its sources are sea buckthorn, pumpkin, rose petals.
  • The herb knotweed has a beneficial effect on ovarian function.

    It can be brewed as tea and drunk every day after meals.

  • To activate sperm motility, you can eat seaweed - it contains many useful minerals.
  • It is recommended to eat “sweet potatoes” or wild rice. The substances in the composition stimulate the functions of the ovaries.

The following folk recipes exist:

  • You need to mix Adam's root, adonis, sage and plantain in equal proportions. Pour a tablespoon of raw material into a glass of boiling water, leave to brew, and strain. Take a tablespoon up to five times a day. Therapy continues for three weeks, after which they pause for one week.
  • Mix one part each of sage and linden blossom leaves and two parts bird's eye herb. Take a dessert spoon of this mixture and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Drink 70 ml three times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • Mix centaury grass, horsetail and St. John's wort in equal proportions. Pour a cup of boiling water over a teaspoon of the mixture, let stand for half an hour, strain. Add a little honey to the infusion. Use this remedy once a day, in the morning. It should be drunk in small sips. The course is at least a month.
  • Mix calendula, chamomile, coltsfoot (leaves), sweet clover and centaury herbs in equal quantities. Pour half a liter of boiling water over two spoons of the mixture, leave to brew for at least two hours. Strain the infusion, drink a third of a glass three times a day for two months.

Find out even more about pregnancy planning:

  • about its first signs, even before the delay;
  • how to do a test to determine it correctly;
  • what tests need to be taken;
  • what should the basal temperature be when it occurs in the early stages;
  • about when toxicosis begins in pregnant women.

How to conceive twin girls?

When conceiving twin girls, the position in which you make love is of great importance. In this case, it is better to refuse deep penetration. The missionary position is more suitable.

also a special diet that can increase the chances of conceiving girls. Your daily diet should include sugar, honey, spices, aromatic herbs, and jams. It is recommended to avoid products containing caffeine and salty foods.

Another method is based on the theory of youthful blood . It is generally accepted that it is this factor that determines the gender of the child.

Since a woman’s blood is renewed every three years, and a man’s every four , it is necessary to carry out a countdown that starts from the last major blood loss: surgery, abortion, childbirth.

Depending on whose blood turns out to be younger at the time of conception, you will be able to determine the gender of the unborn baby.

Preparing for the birth of twins

Not every body can withstand the test of a double pregnancy. Therefore, before you get acquainted with ways to get pregnant with twins, you need to be examined. And only if the woman’s health does not cause concern, can the body be subjected to such a shock.

Once a month, a female egg matures. She leaves the ovary and rushes towards the sperm. If her journey is successful, the woman will be able to become pregnant naturally and the egg will arrive in the uterus already fertilized.

How does an egg mature?

For every 200 menstrual cycles, only one egg is released, which splits into two parts and a pregnancy occurs with identical twins. These are unique children, with an identical genetic code and a mirror appearance.

Fraternal twins, or fraternal twins, develop differently. The chance of getting pregnant occurs in one case out of 100. Two eggs mature at the same time, and both are fertilized. Such children can be of different sexes, different in appearance and have different blood types.

How twins appear

How can you determine your chances of conceiving twins naturally? They will be increased by the following points:

  • there have already been cases of multiple pregnancies in your family;
  • you are 35 years old or older;
  • you used birth control;
  • you are a nursing mother;
  • you have a “double uterus”.

Who has a better chance of becoming parents of twins?

How to conceive twin boys?

  1. Guided by the desire to become parents of twin boys , you can use positions with deep penetration, which are good because it is easier for Y-sperm to have a short distance to the uterus and they live less than their X-rivals. There is information that the favorable penetration of these sperm is much more effective after a woman’s orgasm, since substances are released that contribute to the vitality of Y-sperm.
  2. Have sex before ovulation . It is necessary to guess the timing of this process in the female body due to the short lifespan of Y-sperm. This will increase their chances of getting to a mature egg faster than their counterparts.
  3. Follow a special diet that includes excluding dairy drinks, shrimp, crabs, caviar, sauces, pastries, bread, waffles, green salad, green beans, raw cabbage, dill, nuts, and cocoa from your diet.
    Instead, actively consume tea, coffee, fruit juices, mineral water with soda, all types of meat and fish, sausages, egg whites, biscuits, cookies, semolina, rice, potatoes, mushrooms, lentils, peas, all fruits and dried fruits (prunes , dried apricots, dates), dark chocolate. Salt your food more, eat canned food and dishes prepared with yeast more often.

Of course, all these means give a very small percentage of the chance of conceiving male twins. But in the fight for your dream, as they say, all methods are good.

Go towards your goal and do everything to achieve what you want . Believe me, your efforts will be adequately rewarded.

Even if not twins, but one child. But the happiness of motherhood and fatherhood lies not in the number of children, but in how well you can cope with the responsible role of parents .

What everyone who dreams of twins or twins needs to know

If you are seriously planning to become pregnant with twins, then you should realistically assess your strength and psychological preparation. This is what you should think about first, and only then comes planning a home for two children and the financial aspects.

In multiple pregnancies, birth occurs several weeks earlier. Be prepared that they will not go away on their own. Delivery is carried out by caesarean section.

Body preparation

Multiple pregnancy is a difficult period for the female body. If you plan to go through this stage, you need to prepare in advance. This means going to the gynecologist and solving all possible health problems. During a multiple pregnancy, a disease to which you are predisposed may appear, or it may be latent (hidden). An untreated disease may also worsen, so it is better to prevent the problem.

Get treatment and exercise to maintain your health. It is not necessary to choose strength training; it could be yoga, swimming, aerobics or dancing. These types of activities will keep your body in good shape, improve blood circulation, metabolism and relieve lymph stagnation.

Psychological awareness

Honestly assess how ready you are for having two children at once. Of course, even parents of twins say they were never prepared for this. But ask yourself whether you understand exactly what lies ahead. Some mothers of twins remember that they always dreamed about them, but in their dreams they imagined babies who were 2 years old. It is a real shock for a mother when she is faced with the difficulties of caring for two newborns at once.

Therefore, we discard the ideas that cinema has given us: from “The Dragon Twins” with Jackie Chan, comedies with the Olsen sisters and the funny twins from Harry Potter. Subscribe to blogs for parents of twins or twins. They won’t dissuade you from your dream, but they will help you get a realistic idea of ​​the house where two children appeared at once. So, you will not only prepare psychologically for this stage in life, but also learn useful life hacks for parents.

Expert commentary

The material is commented by Sergey Yuryevich Buyanov , obstetrician-gynecologist, head of the maternity ward, first category doctor. Medical experience – 16 years. You can find out more about our experts here.

The human body is designed to bear and give birth to only one child. No matter how strange it may seem, multiple pregnancies are considered an anomaly from a medical point of view .

The process of conception involves the participation of only one egg and a single sperm. When two eggs are produced, it becomes possible to become pregnant with twins. In this case, children can be of different sexes and different blood groups.

If a single fertilized egg splits exactly in half, copying the genetic code, the result is identical twins . The copying mechanism is known, the reasons are not clear. One way or another, the appearance of monozygotic twins does not depend on the fact of conception.

The splitting of the egg occurs later. If for some reason it occurs later than the zygote stage, the result is conjoined twins, first described in Thailand - Siamese.

Reasons for the formation of multiple eggs

A woman's cycle normally involves the release of only one egg. It appears and turns on the mechanism of the second phase of the menstrual cycle. This happens throughout a woman’s childbearing years. The greater the supply of follicles, the longer the menstrual period lasts.

Hormonal changes that promote the formation of multiple eggs:

  • taking hormonal contraceptives for three months and then discontinuing them;
  • drug stimulation of ovulation;
  • heredity;
  • duplication of the uterus in the embryonic period.

Rebound effect

This is the formation of an egg after discontinuation of a hormonal drug. When taking hormonal contraceptives, the ovaries “rest” for three months. The hormonal cycle is supported artificially.

The ovaries function in turn. In one month, ovulation occurs in the left, in another - in the right. After the break, both appendages are “triggered.” At the same time, two full-fledged eggs are obtained.

The rebound effect is a phenomenon, although planned, but uncontrollable. Its appearance is spontaneous.

Conditions and methods of conception

There is an opinion that the “younger blood” method is one of the main determining factors in the sex of the baby. Based on the fact that a woman’s blood is replaced every 3 years, and a man’s every 4 years, it is possible to count the periods of blood replacement from the date of birth or from significant blood loss (trauma, surgery, childbirth). Whose blood turns out to be younger, the sex of that parent will be inherited by the newborn.

Blood renewal method

Second, the condition is active sex at the beginning of ovulation. It is possible to correctly determine the favorable period by measuring rectal temperature daily. It is useful to contact your gynecologist for detailed recommendations.

But don't try too hard! A man and a woman should not “make” children by the sweat of their brow. Beautiful, talented children are born only from great mutual love!

Correct calculation of ovulation

Another effective method of hormonal therapy, rebound effect

, is that the ovaries relax for three months, as the hormonal cycle is supported externally by contraceptive drugs. In normal mode, eggs mature on the appendages one by one, one month on one, the next on the other ovary. After rest, both appendages “shoot.” Unfortunately, the rebound effect can be planned, but cannot be controlled.

Effect of contraceptives

Pharmacological stimulation causes the simultaneous maturation of several follicles, but all or none can be fertilized.

Contraceptives have no effect on the identical conception of twins.

Good help for the desire to become happy parents of twins, folk methods and recipes:

  • start taking folic acid three months before your planned pregnancy;
  • include in the diet: milk. meat, eggs. whole grains, walnuts, dates, dried apricots, prunes;
  • plan conception for the warm and humid summer season of the year;
  • have sex as often as possible;
  • breastfeed as much as possible;

    Folk methods and recipes for multiple pregnancies

  • support your intention with meditation and prayer;
  • find a partner who has had multiple mothers in the family.

Additional factors contributing to the conception of twins

Conditions that are independent of the state of a woman’s body, but influence it, are considered additional factors.

Climatic factor

Under certain conditions: length of daylight, humidity and natural radioactive background, the work of the appendages is activated. Several eggs are produced in the ovaries. In some areas, an increased number of multiple pregnancies has been observed.

A trip to such places for one or two days does not guarantee the birth of twins. The formation of the egg occurs within two weeks.

Age factor

Women over 33-35 years old experience a hormonal surge. The synthesis of follicle-stimulating hormone increases significantly.

This is how several eggs are formed, but it is not a fact that each of them, after fertilization, turns into an embryo. Implantation depends on the woman’s health condition.

With multiple ovulation, only one child may appear. Or none.


The conception calendar is calculated quite simply, but it also does not guarantee a 100% result; with its help you can only find out the most favorable periods. The highest chance of having twins is in women with the shortest cycle (21 days).

This approach requires planning your sexual life; conception is impossible during menstruation , as well as for several days before and after this period. The rules are no different from the rules that must be followed when conceiving one child, only sexual intercourse must be planned directly on the day of ovulation, when the eggs are released into the fallopian tubes.

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