Home pregnancy test and baby gender with baking soda

The desire to quickly find out which gender heir to expect arises in the expectant mother almost from the first days after she learned about pregnancy. Some parents claim that they do not care whether the child is a boy or a girl, as long as the child is in good health. But the majority still show curiosity: it is much easier to prepare for a new addition to the family when you know what color to buy the baby’s “dowry” and what name you can choose. Is it possible to find out the sex of a child using soda in the urine of a pregnant woman?

Is it possible to determine the gender of an unborn child?

The sex of the unborn child can be found out in two ways: with the help of an ultrasound and a laboratory blood test of the pregnant woman. In the first case, a visual diagnosis of the fetus is carried out using ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity. A person’s sexual characteristics are well formed already at 24-25 weeks of pregnancy, which allows the doctor to see the presence of male or female genital organs. But ultrasound diagnostics does not guarantee 100% accuracy, because The peculiarities of intrauterine development are such that a boy’s testicles can sometimes be confused with a girl’s labia and vice versa.

ultrasound of a pregnant woman

Determining the sex of a child by ultrasound

More accurate results are provided by a DNA test to determine the sex of a child. To do this, the mother's venous blood is taken and examined in the laboratory to determine the presence of the Y chromosome of the male fetus. This test is 95-98% accurate at 4-5 weeks, and 99-100% after 7 weeks of pregnancy.

Gender determination according to the Chinese calendar

Using this table it is easy to calculate the gender of the expected child. To do this, you need to know the month of conception and the full age of the mother, taking into account her intrauterine life, i.e. add another 9 months. The most interesting thing is that information about the father is completely unnecessary.

The Chinese claim that with the help of this table you can not only determine, but also plan the gender of the future baby. Exact matches reach 70%. It is enough to find the intersection of the line with the mother’s age and the column with the month of conception.

DNA blood test for the presence of the Y chromosome

Analysis of the genetic material of a pregnant woman is the most accurate test for determining the sex of the child. How does he work? Already from the first weeks of pregnancy, a small number of fetal fetal cells are present in the mother’s blood. These are the ones that are discovered and studied in the laboratory. If the test reveals the Y chromosome (the part of the genome responsible for the male sex), then we can say with 99% accuracy that a boy will be born. The absence of this chromosome in fetal DNA indicates that the sex of the child is female.

Previously, a laboratory test to determine the sex of an unborn child was done for medical reasons, if it was necessary to determine the likelihood of transmitting a hereditary disease to a male or female fetus. Today, anyone can determine the sex of a child using a DNA test. The advantage of this method is high accuracy, the disadvantage is high cost and a fairly long test period - up to 5 days.

Important! It is possible to find out the gender of a child using fetal DNA analysis with 99% accuracy for only one fetus. In case of multiple pregnancy, the test results will no longer be accurate, because It is impossible to determine the gender of another baby. When a Y chromosome is detected, there can be two options: either they are boys or twins (a boy and a girl).

Causes of increased acidity of urine

The reaction shifts to the acidic side due to natural or pathological reasons. There is no need to worry or worry if:

  • the day before, foods that acidify urine were consumed - sweet, fatty, protein foods;
  • the amount of liquid you drink is too small;
  • the predominant diet is vegetarian;
  • there is physical fatigue.

With diet and adherence to a work-rest regime, you can successfully adjust the pH to the alkaline side.

A pregnant woman must include cabbage, carrots, beets, legumes, and cereal porridge in her diet. Do not get carried away with dairy and meat products. Citrus fruits, sweet apples and plums contribute to urine acidification. It is necessary to observe a drinking regime - at least 1.5-2 liters of clean still water per day.

Pathological factors that increase the acidity of urine are:

  1. liver and kidney diseases;
  2. decreased immunity;
  3. diabetes;
  4. burns, injuries;
  5. poisoning;
  6. use of certain medications and dietary supplements;
  7. stress.

These causes can be eliminated by treating the underlying diseases, eliminating or replacing acidifying drugs.

Important. A pregnant woman needs to register with an obstetrician-gynecologist. You can be observed in a public or private medical institution. They regularly conduct examinations, including urine tests. All recommendations, in case of deviations from the norm, will be given by the attending physician.

Gender test

The desire of parents to find out the gender of their unborn child often becomes a lever for manipulation. For example, not so long ago the so-called a gender test to determine the sex of a child, which allegedly allows you to determine the gender of the fetus at home. Like a pregnancy test, a baby gender test uses the pregnant woman's urine. It interacts with the reagent and shows either pink (for a girl) or blue (for a boy).

The manufacturer explains this on the same principle as a laboratory DNA test. Allegedly, the drug contains highly sensitive indicators that accurately react to fetal DNA in the mother’s blood and determine the Y chromosome. But is this really true?

The baby test to determine the sex of a child cannot be taken seriously. To determine fetal DNA, only the mother's blood, which contains fragments of this DNA, is required. They can only be detected using high-precision medical equipment during a laboratory test.

You can find positive reviews about the test to determine the sex of the child from women whose results coincided with the sex of the baby born. But this is the effect of the theory of probability, i.e. accident. After all, there are only two options: either a boy or a girl. The dough is the same - either pink or blue. By the way, the manufacturer indicates in small print on the package with the test that discrepancies are possible, thereby relieving itself of responsibility for erroneous results.

How to determine the sex of a baby using baking soda and urine

Dreaming of adding to their family, married couples want to quickly find out who will soon be born. Since many people trust folk remedies, the question of how to determine the gender of a child using soda is considered relevant today. This method is based on observing the body of a woman carrying a fetus and comparing the child who has already been born.

What is the method

When considering the topic of how to determine the sex of a child using soda, you should first delve into the essence of the method in question.

It is considered the most accessible and easy to carry out, which is why it is very popular. The idea is to combine 100 g of morning urine of the expectant mother and 1 teaspoon of baking soda.

Then all that remains is to observe the reaction of this “chemical compound”. There are two possible outcomes here:

  1. Foam will appear on the surface, and the liquid will begin to hiss and bubble. In this case, we can safely say that the lady is carrying a boy.
  2. No reaction occurred, and all the soda settled at the bottom. This sign indicates that a little princess will soon appear in the family.

People often ask doctors how to determine the sex of a child using soda and whether it is possible to do this at all. Doctors point out that this method does not make sense, since it does not give a 100% result and should not be trusted.

After all, the state of urine, as well as its behavior when combined with soda, is individual for each person.

But at the same time, ladies still sincerely believe that the high level of urine acidity is explained by the presence of male hormones in the case of carrying a male fetus, and a girl developing in the womb, on the contrary, adds an alkaline element to the human body.

Soda test

A baby gender test with soda is another method that can be found on women’s forums dedicated to pregnancy. It also requires the use of the expectant mother's urine, which should react with the baking soda and behave differently depending on the sex of the fetus.

This reaction is interpreted in different ways: if it foams and hisses, it means there will be a girl, if not, it’s a boy, and vice versa.

But this test to determine the sex of the unborn baby has nothing to do with either science or common sense. Sex hormones, fetal DNA or other substances in the urine of a pregnant woman cannot influence the nature of the reaction with sodium bicarbonate. The chemical reaction may be caused by the interaction of soda with salts in the urine (sulfates, phosphates, chlorides), but not by the presence of fetal DNA in it.

What's Really Happening

Urine is formed in the human kidneys and is the end product of vital activity. It contains more than 150 chemical elements. These are proteins, sugar, pigments, acids, inorganic elements.

The process of urine formation is not easy. First, as a result of filtration of blood plasma, primary urine is formed, then secondary urine is formed as a result of absorption - the reabsorption of nutrients and water. The remaining biological fluid enters the bladder and is removed reflexively by urination.

Normal urine acidity is 5-7 pH. At this value, reaction with baking soda is almost impossible. The release of gas bubbles and hissing will occur if the acidity is increased. The acids in the liquid react with the alkali to form salts, water and carbon dioxide.

Can it be determined by a pregnancy test?

A regular pharmacy pregnancy test also does not show the sex of the child. It only identifies the fact of pregnancy in a woman by reacting to the concentration of hCG (human chorionic hormone) in the urine. There are no other indicators that can react to fetal cells in the mother's blood in a pregnancy test.

The accuracy of the pregnancy test at home does not exceed 75%, because its indicators are influenced by various factors: tumors, previous abortions, taking certain groups of drugs containing hCG, irregular cycles, kidney disease and others.

Tests for independently determining the sex of a baby: Gender Marker, Gender Test and others

There are tests for independently determining the sex of a child that can be used at home. Their use is possible from 6–8 weeks of pregnancy, but the results do not always coincide with reality. Also popular among pregnant women are folk methods, with the help of which pregnant women hope to determine the gender of their unborn child.

Operating principle

Manufacturers of gender tests claim that using the urine of an expectant mother, it is possible to determine the gender of a conceived child. The operation of the devices is based on the fact that fetal sex hormones are present in the urine of a pregnant woman, which react with a special reagent. As a result, the indicator turns pink or blue, thereby indicating the gender of the child.

Mode of application

The Gender Marker test is a plastic cassette with two windows, one of which is for urine, the other for displaying the result. To use this test, you must complete the following steps:

  1. collect the urine in a clean container and leave for 2–3 minutes to cool to room temperature;
  2. take the pipette included in the kit and collect a few drops of urine;
  3. squeeze a couple of drops onto a special window in the device;
  4. wait 15 seconds and look at the result determination window.

If the window turns orange or pink, this indicates the presence of a female fetus. If a green or blue tint appears, then the pregnant woman’s urine contains the boy’s sex hormones. When determining the results, it is convenient to use the color table included in the kit. The day before the procedure, you must avoid sexual contact.

Cost of goods

How much do gender tests cost? The price for Gender Marker and TestPol is at least 1,500 rubles. On official websites the cost is lower, in pharmacies it is higher due to the markup.

When ordering tests from manufacturers, the goods are dispatched within 24 hours after funds are received in the bank account. Delivery is carried out by Russian Post, express mail. You can pay for goods by bank transfer and in cash.

Which method is the most accurate?

It is impossible to find out the sex of a child using a test at home, no matter what manufacturers promise. This is a purely commercial trick that plays on people's curiosity, lack of medical education, ignorance and superstition. They have nothing in common with accurate laboratory tests to determine the sex of the fetus.

It is also impossible to determine the sex of a child using:

  • calculating the day of ovulation or conception based on the last menstruation;
  • determining the blood type of the father and mother or based on their age and date of birth;
  • numerological calculations based on dates of conception and upcoming births;
  • test of saliva or other body fluids;
  • special tables, determination of the phase of the moon, positions of planets and constellations, etc.

If parents have a very strong desire to find out who they will have, it is better to take a test for the gender of the child in a certified laboratory, paying money for an accurate result. Such a waste is justified, in contrast to home pseudo-tests with an unknown chemical composition.

Instructions for taking the test:

The test contains 60 different statements with answer options “Yes” and “No”. Your task is to quickly answer questions by choosing the appropriate answer. Test feature

is that another person (a competent judge) can pass it for you.
You can offer to answer questions for you to close people: friends, wife
. This way you will know how others see you.

The sex of the baby directly depends on whose blood - mom's or dad's - is younger, that is, whose blood was renewed later.

By blood renewal/blood type

Many people believe that the sex of a child can be determined by the degree of “rejuvenation” of the blood. If the father's blood is younger, a boy will be born, and if the mother's blood is younger, a girl will be born. It is believed that male blood renewal occurs once every four years. Women's blood is renewed every three years. Blood renewal is also influenced by events accompanied by blood loss: transfusion, surgery, childbirth and others. This must be taken into account when determining the sex of the baby. The calculation itself using this method is quite simple. If mom is now 24 years old and dad is 27 years old, then we get:

  • 24/3=8,0;
  • 27/4=6,75
  • Now look at the rest of the resulting values. Mom has 0, dad has 75. Accordingly, mom’s blood is younger, and a girl should be born. It is also believed that there is a relationship between the blood type of the parents and the gender of the unborn baby. In particular, the following dependence is assumed:

    This statement is considered quite reckless and is easily refuted in the case of the birth of two children of different sexes to the same parents.

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