Why do pregnant women crave sweets?
During pregnancy, women's taste preferences can change greatly. Perhaps you were not previously classified as a sweet tooth, but now you cannot live a day without cakes, pastries and sweets, devouring them at an enviable speed and in large quantities.
The reasons for such a manic craving for sweets may be:
- Deficiency of minerals and trace elements - include in your diet more foods containing calcium (milk, greens, cottage cheese, etc.) and it is likely that your desire to eat sugar will decrease, or even disappear altogether.
- Lack of endorphins (hormones of happiness) - the time of waiting for a baby is considered one of the happiest, but during this period women experience a lot of anxiety and worry. Hormones are raging, changing your mood, and sweets are the fastest way to get a new portion of miraculous endorphins. Adjust your lifestyle, learn to enjoy the world around you, and the desire to create a good mood by eating a lot of sweets will disappear.
- Lack of carbohydrates - the body's energy costs during pregnancy increase many times over. The fastest way to compensate for the lack of carbohydrates is to eat sweets. Cakes, cookies, and candies are simple, quickly digestible carbohydrates. They quickly supply sugar to the blood, but in addition, they provide a feeling of false hunger and contribute to weight gain.
- Poor nutrition - if you are used to eating fast food, canned food, cola and chips, while expecting a child, your body experiences an even greater attraction to the “wrong” foods. You should review your diet even in the early stages of pregnancy , changing it in the direction of the greatest benefit for your own body and the body of the child.
Increased appetite in early pregnancy
A woman's appetite is greatly influenced by the body's hormonal balance. During pregnancy, little estrogen begins to be produced, but progesterone, the main hormone responsible for pregnancy, is produced more.
Literally from the first days, progesterone begins to influence appetite during pregnancy - most women have a decreased appetite in the early stages, but there are also those whose appetite is increased in the early stages of pregnancy.
Why is this happening?
The culprit is progesterone. It is this hormone that begins to prepare the body for pregnancy.
- Firstly, the uterus is “prepared” - its walls thicken and its muscles relax so that spontaneous miscarriage does not occur.
- Secondly, subcutaneous fat accumulates - a “strategic reserve” in case during pregnancy a woman does not receive enough nutrients for the full development of the fetus. The pregnant woman begins to feel hungry and constantly want to eat something.
The harm and benefits of sweets during pregnancy
It’s not for nothing that experts recommend limiting, or even completely eliminating, rich pastries, cakes, sweets and other confectionery products from the diet. Due to the high carbohydrate content, such products have a high calorie content. But despite this, their nutritional value is low. But an excess of carbohydrates can quickly lead to excess weight gain, not only in the mother, but also in the fetus, which in turn threatens various complications during childbirth.
If you rely too much on sweets, making them the basis of your diet, the consequences will not be long in coming:
- Quickly gain extra pounds and centimeters.
- Leaching of calcium and vitamin B1 from the body, and as a result – problems with the liver, pancreas, and teeth.
- If there are prerequisites – the development of diabetes mellitus.
- Complications during childbirth.
- Predisposition to allergic diseases in the baby.
If you really want something sweet and you can’t calmly pass by a bar of chocolate, you don’t need to restrain yourself. Just choose chocolate with a high cocoa content (dark). Choose your dessert wisely, and then you won’t have to force yourself to give it up while you’re expecting your baby.
Is it possible to eat sweets during pregnancy? Without a doubt, it is not only possible, but also necessary! However, from the abundance of delicacies presented, the expectant mother should choose only those that are beneficial for her condition.
When do pregnant women crave sweets?
Nutrition during pregnancy: carbohydrates
Sugar, buns, muffins and cakes contain carbohydrates - the main sources of energy.
But these products are not very healthy, although they are quite high in calories. And if too many carbohydrates enter the body, their excess accumulates in the form of adipose tissue. The weight of the baby will increase. And excessive weight of the child can complicate the course of labor. In addition, the baby may experience allergic rashes after birth. In the first half of pregnancy, the amount of carbohydrates should not exceed 450 g per day. In the second, limit their volume to 350-400 g.
It is better to introduce foods containing complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides) into your diet. Bananas, citrus fruits and a little corn are what suits you and your baby best. When you want something sweet, instead of the usual porridge with jam, make corn flakes or muesli with milk for breakfast; make a banana smoothie or orange salad. These products also contain selenium, which is necessary for the normal development of the fetus and a favorable course of pregnancy.
Drink delicious juices. Surely you have a favorite one. Let the little one get used to it. And apple, plum and tomato will be especially useful for both of you.
Crispy, aromatic bread made from wholemeal flour is much healthier than white bread. It contains many B vitamins, which increase immunity, improve intestinal function and have a positive effect on metabolism.
Sweets during pregnancy: nutrition by trimester
Nutritionists advise pregnant women to give preference to dark chocolate. But if you cannot resist a chocolate bar, do not deny yourself the pleasure. Scientists are constantly finding new beneficial properties in chocolate. It contains vitamins B1, B2, PP, provitamin A, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron. These microelements regulate vital processes in the mother’s body and lay reserves for the formation of the baby’s teeth and bones.
The child will also feel the pleasant taste of the treats. After you eat some dessert, the amniotic fluid becomes sweeter. It is not surprising that the baby actively swallows them. He really likes it!
From the second trimester, gradually reduce your intake of sweets. Eliminate jams, jams, sweets and cakes from your diet. Let vegetables and fruits become the main source of nutrients (including carbohydrates) during this period. If they are not available fresh, use frozen fruits.
In the third semester, exclude flour and fatty foods, consume sugar only in the form of honey and dried fruits. Excessive caloric intake of food provokes swelling and can cause gestosis.
Many products contain sugar substitutes (fructose, aspartame, saccharin) instead of sugar. But experts believe that it is better for expectant mothers to avoid dietary supplements that contain any type of artificial sugar.
Listen to our advice and your diet will be balanced:
- replace sweets with dried fruits, candied fruits, frozen berries;
- use honey instead of sugar;
- eat nuts, but only in their natural form or in a yogurt shell;
- Occasionally treat yourself to fruit jellies, marmalade, marshmallows, mixed grain and whole wheat crackers.
- To preserve the natural flavor and essential nutrients of your food, steam it. Boil fruits and berries until juice appears - without sugar.
- It is believed that cravings for sweets indicate the gender of the baby, but this is not entirely true. It’s just that you want doubly what you have to limit yourself to.
By the way, the need for sweets and chocolate often arises when there is a lack of positive emotions. After all, the more glucose enters the body, the more endorphin hormones are produced, which are responsible for a good mood. To avoid overdoing it with sweets, find reasons to be happy more often. Start with the main thing: the happiest event is your pregnancy!
What sweets should pregnant women avoid?
Of course, you can’t live without fast carbohydrates either. Sometimes they are simply necessary to quickly satisfy hunger, and the positive emotions from eating simple carbohydrates are extremely beneficial for both mother and baby. But there are some confectionery products that you don’t need to put too much effort on. Better yet, completely eliminate them from your diet:
- Chocolates - they contain nothing beneficial for the body of mother and child. In addition, consuming a lot of them is dangerous for a pregnant woman; chocolate candies contain trans fats, which have a negative effect on the fetus and women’s health.
- Cream cakes - there is nothing worse than pastry cream for a pregnant woman. Preservatives, food colors and flavor enhancers are its main ingredients. If you still want a cake, carefully read the composition and choose a confectionery product with natural fillings.
- Waffles are the most harmful delicacy in the world, so such products should be avoided while you are expecting a baby.
Eliminate foods containing the sugar substitute saccharin from your diet. Although it has a lower energy value and is several times sweeter than sugar, its effect on embryo development has not been fully studied.
Give preference to fructose - it is a natural analogue of sugar, absolutely safe for both the child and the expectant mother.
Expert recommendations
For proper nutrition and a balanced diet, it is important to listen to the advice of experts:
- Replace sweets containing harmful preservatives and components with fruits, berries, honey;
- consume nuts, marmalade, marshmallows, fruit jellies, and whole grain crackers are occasionally allowed;
- To preserve their natural properties, dishes should be steamed, preferably in a double boiler;
- Boil fruits without using sugar.
Get more positive emotions from your favorite activities, which will significantly reduce the desire to consume sweets. Try to look for more reasons for a joyful, happy mood, which will be very useful for your body and baby. A woman’s pregnancy is one of the main and most joyful events in her life, which gives her a reason to be constantly in a great mood.
Especially for beremennost.net - Maria Dulina
How can you replace artificial sweets?
Excessive consumption of sweets is not good for anyone, and during pregnancy it contributes to the exacerbation of candidiasis, disturbances in the development of the child’s nervous system and other problems. If you are constantly craving sweets, it is better to give preference to products that combine sweet taste and benefits:
- Natural dried fruits - dried apples, prunes, figs, dried apricots, dates, etc.
- Honey – you can sweeten your life with natural honey. However, you need to be as careful as possible with this product, especially if you are prone to allergic reactions.
- Marmalade and marshmallows (without chocolate) - prepared independently according to traditional recipes, such delicacies are harmless to health and will cover the need for sugar.
- Berries, fruits and sweet vegetables are an excellent alternative to confectionery, and you don’t need to limit yourself as strictly in their consumption as with other delicacies. Drink more fruit and vegetable smoothies, fresh juices, juices, and eat fresh salads.
Even signs of pregnancy are associated with a craving for sweets. Usually, if a woman cannot live without buns and sweets, the birth of a daughter is predicted for her. There are other observations regarding boys. It is believed that sons are born to women who are very fond of meat dishes.
Doctors treat such signs as fiction. None of them are true. The gender of the child and eating habits during pregnancy are not related in any way. Therefore, you should not buy pink clothes if you crave sweets throughout your pregnancy. The probability of having a daughter in such a situation is only 50%.
Craving for sweets during pregnancy is a normal and physiological phenomenon. However, you don’t always have to blindly follow your desires. When consuming sweets during this period, you need to listen to common sense.
Craving sweets during pregnancy?
In addition to a missed period, the first signs of pregnancy include changes in eating habits. There are many stories about women who thought about the fact of a possible pregnancy only after noticing changes in perception in relation to food. Many women are puzzled why such metamorphoses occur during pregnancy. In fact, there is a completely reasonable explanation for this phenomenon. During pregnancy, a woman may lack some nutrients. The body begins to send peculiar signals, forming a desire for a certain type of food.
It is believed that if a woman wants chalk, then she lacks calcium. If you want to try activated carbon, then perhaps we are talking about slagging in the body. But the need for sweets is due to psychological rather than physiological processes. During pregnancy, a woman subconsciously seeks positive emotions. Sweet foods, especially chocolate, are ways to increase the level of serotonin in the body, which is considered the hormone of happiness.
Increased appetite during pregnancy: how to eat right?
Today on the women's website “Beautiful and Successful” we will talk about increased appetite during pregnancy and whether it is necessary to fight it. After all, if the pregnant body wants it, then it needs it? But on the other hand, large weight gain is undesirable during pregnancy.
What to do and what to do if your appetite is increased during pregnancy?
What to do when you want something sweet?
Excessive consumption of sweet foods can harm your health and cause rapid weight gain. But this does not mean that a pregnant woman should infringe on her desires. If you want sweets while you are pregnant, then you should meet your desires halfway. But it is necessary to give preference to those products that are most beneficial for health. A good alternative in this case can be fruits, curd desserts, jelly sweets, etc. They contain a sufficient amount of glucose and, at the same time, benefit the body, saturating it with energy and nutrients. The BJU level of some products can be seen in the table.
Product | Squirrels | Fats | Carbohydrates | Calories |
Banana | 1,5 | 0,2 | 21,8 | 95 |
Orange | 0,9 | 0,2 | 8,1 | 36 |
Kiwi | 1 | 0,6 | 10,3 | 48 |
Walnut | 15,2 | 65,2 | 7 | 648 |
Dried fruits (figs) | 3,1 | 0,8 | 57,9 | 257 |
For a woman to stop craving sweets, she must receive a sufficient amount of positive emotions. Therefore, experts recommend being less nervous and walking more in the fresh air. In addition, do not forget about taking vitamin complexes. They are prescribed by a gynecologist who monitors the pregnancy.
How often can pregnant women eat sweets?
Most girls trust signs, trying to determine if they want sweets during pregnancy, who will? It is generally accepted that when a mother-to-be is expecting a girl, she certainly wants to snack on a sweet product. But in order not to harm your health and your baby, you need to look for healthy alternatives. Let's consider the best options for products that will replace cakes and sweet pastries.
- Bananas. In addition to meeting your needs, you can replenish your body with useful vitamins and microelements. Bananas can be made into smoothies or eaten as a snack.
- Tea with honey. But only if you are not allergic to honey. You can add a little sugar to your tea, but it is very important not to get carried away.
- Dried fruits. Using these products you can prepare a healthy dessert in the form of candies. Use dates, figs and dried apricots.
- Marshmallows, marmalade and marshmallows. Give preference to quality products with natural ingredients. The main composition includes: fruit or berry puree, agar-agar, egg white, sugar and other similar ingredients. A pregnant woman does not need flavorings or flavor enhancers, so try not to buy products with similar ingredients.
- Black chocolate. You can take no more than 10 grams, and then in the absence of contraindications. Because, in addition to being an allergen, eating chocolate can increase blood pressure.
There is no exact schedule, but you can build on the “80/20” rule - for every 80% of proper nutrition according to the diet for pregnant women, you can add 20% of sweets from the corresponding list.
You can eat sweet foods during pregnancy. It is only important to maintain the norm and control what exactly you eat. Stick to natural foods and reduce your consumption of artificial sweets. In practice, the diet formed during pregnancy often remains the diet for many years.
Before you limit yourself, you need to imagine exactly what impact the product has and how it can be used for good.
How is it related to gender?
There is an opinion that taste preferences during pregnancy may indicate the gender of the child. It is believed that if a woman craves sweets during pregnancy, she will give birth to a girl. This statement is not supported by scientific facts. However, statistics show that in most cases it works. Any woman wants to know for sure who will be born. Ultrasound examination can determine gender only from the 15th week of pregnancy. The entire period before this time, the woman only has to guess what gender the child will be. Any methods are used, including folk signs.
Some women believe that a special diet can help in planning a child of a certain sex. According to this technique, if you eat more sweet foods, a girl will be born. In fact, the chromosomes of the sperm are responsible for the sex of a person. XX indicates female and XY indicates male. Scientists have not found a relationship between the future sex of the child and the woman's diet .
How to overcome increased appetite during pregnancy?
How can you fight increased appetite during pregnancy with healthy food (as doctors advise), if after eating a bowl of salad, half an hour later you want to eat again? The women's website sympaty.net conducted a study of forums where they found how expectant mothers dealt with this problem. Here are a few secrets of the “experienced”:
- Kefir helped me. And the toxicosis subsided, and the feeling of hunger passed.
- Zhor attacked at night. I hid crackers made in the oven under my pillow. Still better than eating sandwiches.
- Dried fruits and nuts are what I quickly pop into my mouth when I feel the first urge to eat something.
- I drink liters of tea...
- You need to take vitamins! Just make sure that they don’t contain iodine, otherwise your appetite will increase even more during pregnancy. I drank Vitrum, Zincite and calcium gluconate. All this for the night.
- I eat bran. Enough to satisfy your hunger for 2-3 hours.
- Before I ate anything, I drank a glass of milk.
Also, do not forget about the basic rules of nutrition for a pregnant woman:
- Switch to fractional meals.
- It is necessary to eat healthy foods and not overeat.
- Follow the full menu.
- Monitor the amount of fluid you drink per day.
If you have excessive cravings for food and your appetite is constantly increased during pregnancy, consult your doctor about what to do. Also remember that hunger can be caused by boredom. You need to find something to do that will distract you from the desire to eat something.
Allergic reaction
Sometimes it happens that a woman wanted something sweet, but after she satisfied her desire, she had an allergic reaction. In this case, itching, skin rashes or swelling may occur. In this situation, a woman should completely give up sweets and see a dermatologist. During pregnancy, the body's defense mechanisms weaken. Any substance can trigger an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is very important to identify the source of irritation as soon as possible. This is necessary in order to protect the woman and her child. Recently, very often children are born with an existing predisposition to allergies. Its acquisition occurs during the pregnancy stage.
Is there any benefit?
We have sorted out the question of why you crave sweets during pregnancy. It is clear that it is not always easy to tame the desire to eat candy. But we need to look for possible alternative products that not only contain a sweet taste, but also have beneficial properties.
In the first trimester, nutritionists allow you to replace sweets with dark chocolate, as it contains useful elements. In addition, this product helps to lift your mood.
Why do you crave salty and sour foods during pregnancy?
The taste preferences of expectant mothers sometimes amaze and even cause a sincere shock to those around them: pregnant women can happily eat herring with jam or pineapples with onions, washing down breathtaking gastronomic innovations with a glass of milk flavored with herbs and spices. However, this is not the limit - many women in position daily eat things that are absolutely unsuitable for this - chalk, whitewash, lime, etc. And although such culinary addictions seem absurd, sometimes they have a completely logical explanation from a medical point of view.
Several popular signs for pregnant women
Signs for pregnant women play an important role. It is interesting that even non-superstitious women begin to believe various superstitions during the period of bearing a child.
This is easily explained by the state of increased anxiety, which to one degree or another accompanies any pregnant woman. But be that as it may, there are signs that are not without meaning, and there are those that have no underlying reason. We will look at several of the most well-known signs for pregnant women from the category “must be taken into account”, “myths”, “this is interesting”. Well, shall we get started?
It is necessary to take into account
1. You cannot step over a log.
And not only through a log, but also through a high curb, for example, because a somewhat clumsy expectant mother can easily fall.
Why do you crave salty foods during pregnancy?
For expectant mothers, pickles and herring are the best treats! And although not every woman, upon the onset of conception, notices an irresistible craving for salty foods, such addiction occurs quite often, especially in the first trimester. And the reason for this is physiology.
In fact, the desire to treat yourself to something salty is not at all a whim of an “interesting situation.” In the first months, the hormone progesterone is abundant in a woman’s body, which is necessary for the successful attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus and the subsequent development of pregnancy. However, one of the actions of progesterone is the relaxation of blood vessels, which leads to symptoms of toxicosis - shortness of breath, lethargy, apathy, drowsiness and dizziness. Increased salt consumption, on the contrary, constricts blood vessels and thereby increases low blood pressure to a normal level, easing the condition of the expectant mother. Drinking liquid after a portion of salty food also contributes to this process.
Another reason for the craving for salty foods is the lack of nutrients, the need for which increases sharply during pregnancy. Salt is a good source of sodium, calcium, and iodine (of course, if it is iodized), so many mothers subconsciously try to compensate for the lack of these elements by adding salt to their dishes.
The need for salty foods usually decreases along with the level of progesterone in the blood, that is, by the second trimester. If this does not happen, such a food addiction may be a reason to consult a specialist - perhaps it is due to abnormalities in the thyroid gland, severe psycho-emotional stress, or an infection of the urinary system.
Appetite in the second and third trimester
As we have already figured out, decreased or increased appetite in the first trimester of pregnancy is often associated with changes in the level of progesterone in the body of the expectant mother. a lack of nutrients necessary for the full development of the fetus can cause increased appetite in a pregnant woman in the second trimester and in the later stages
This is not surprising, because the body begins to expend additional energy to bear a healthy child. Therefore, the diet of the expectant mother must contain foods rich in substances necessary for a growing body: proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and fats.
If the body lacks these substances, the woman will experience a constant feeling of hunger, and her appetite will constantly increase during pregnancy.
Standards for salt consumption
If in the first trimester expectant mothers are allowed to pamper themselves with salty foods, then as the period increases, this eating habit should be controlled more and more strictly. Daily norms for pure salt consumption vary depending on the month of pregnancy and are:
- up to 12 grams over 1-3 months,
- up to 9 grams in the second trimester,
- up to 3 grams – in the third.
Moreover, many obstetricians recommend giving up salt altogether from the 8th month, because its entry into the body can provoke an attack of hypertension or severe swelling. However, the advisability of such a strict framework can only be determined by the attending physician who is familiar with the peculiarities of the pregnancy of a particular patient.
How much sweets can a pregnant woman eat?
At the beginning of pregnancy, you can allow yourself more carbohydrates than in the second half. There are recommended norms in grams:
- in the first trimester and until the middle of the second, consumption of 400-450 g is allowed;
- from the middle of the second to the end of pregnancy - 300-400 g.
If a woman really wants to eat cake for her birthday, then she shouldn’t completely deny herself this. You can eat it, but not a very large piece. Giving up your favorite and desired food is also not good.
What salty foods can you eat and in what quantity?
Not every salty dish can be included in the diet of expectant mothers. For example, it is better to avoid chips, smoked meats and other fast food altogether, since such a menu will not bring the slightest benefit. How to satisfy an irresistible desire?
- Pickled cucumbers. Of course, pickled vegetables are far from the healthiest food, but 2-3 cucumbers a day will not harm a pregnant woman in the first trimester.
- Pickled tomatoes. This type of vegetable is not as harmless as cucumbers - they can lead to swelling and pressure surges, but eating one tomato once a week is not prohibited.
- Lightly salted fish. Red varieties soaked in salt marinade are especially useful for expectant mothers. A few slices of salmon or trout every day will compensate for the lack of nutrients and allow you to satisfy the desire to enjoy something salty.
- Caviar. Of course, red and black varieties have the greatest benefits, but herring caviar is suitable as an economical option for every day.
- Sauerkraut. Although it is not as salty as we would like, sauerkraut perfectly satisfies hunger, curbs cravings for salt, and also provides the body with folic acid, which is especially necessary during the first trimester.
Is it possible to determine the sex of a child by eating preferences:
- We are waiting for a girl.
- Waiting for the boy.
- Can you trust omens?
We are waiting for a girl
We are waiting for a girl
The most important sign that a girl is born is the desire to eat sweets. Expectant mothers absolutely cannot pass by bakeries, cafes with designer cakes, and specialized departments in stores: candies, cookies, cakes and other confectionery products attract with terrible force.
Girls in the stomach also “ask” for tender and sweet fruits: persimmons, apricots, peaches, and watermelons. But vegetables, especially potatoes, legumes, and corn, become completely unpleasant. The same goes for juices: you like sweet drinks made from apricot, peach, banana, mango, plum, pineapple - expect a baby to appear in the family.
Is it possible to determine the sex of a child by eating preferences? In 90% of cases, mothers of girls enjoy eating dairy products throughout their pregnancy. And not only cottage cheese or yogurt, even such simple products as kefir, fermented baked milk, whole or baked milk, which not everyone likes, can become almost the main dish on the menu during pregnancy.
Waiting for the boy
Mothers of boys love completely different products. Firstly, sour and salty: pickled and pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, cabbage, mushrooms, pickled onions, sour sauces, black olives. Craving for tomato juice - wait for the birth of a guy. Salted fish are also held in high esteem: anchovies, herring, mackerel. Even those who traditionally prefer completely different foods eat kilograms of pickles during pregnancy. Although mothers of girls are also not averse to eating something savory, right after the cream cake.
The boy in the stomach, like a true future man, demands meat, and more of it. Therefore, even vegetarian mothers find it difficult to resist delicious steaks, golden-brown sausages, chicken with oranges or cutlets. And as a side dish - fried or boiled potatoes, which is also preferred by those who are expecting boys.
The boy is evidenced by a sudden love for fruits with a bright taste - citruses, lemons, kiwis, cranberries, cherries, apples. They are especially useful fresh or as fresh juice.
Interesting fact: mothers of boys cannot resist cola and dark chocolate. This is not to say that these are healthy products, so you should limit yourself.
Can you trust omens?
It is noticeable that mothers of boys and girls love completely different foods: the former prefer salty, meat and simple foods, like men, and the latter prefer dairy dishes, sweets and delicate fruits, like women. Moreover, taste preferences, according to popular wisdom, are so different that they do not overlap: for example, those expecting a girl cannot stand the smell of meat, and those expecting a boy cannot even stand the sight of dairy products. Except that almost all expectant mothers want pickles.
Science is very skeptical about such methods to determine the gender of the unborn baby. Some people with limited medical knowledge try to explain these patterns by linking them with male and female hormones, respectively. But such arguments are complete fiction.
Moreover, signs, like horoscopes, are just an emphasis on a certain moment, nothing more. Self-hypnosis. Most mothers want apples today, a bun tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow they want to nibble on chalk. And only some people maintain stable food preferences throughout pregnancy.
Is it possible to determine the sex of a child by eating preferences? Definitely not. It happens that a pregnant woman’s taste preferences change dramatically, but this does not depend on the gender of the child. As an experiment, you can try to guess the gender of the baby based on signs, but this will be just a random coincidence.
Why do you want sour?
Another fairly common desire during pregnancy is sour foods. Lemons in their pure form, fruit drinks without sugar, cranberries - all this seems attractive and incredibly tasty to pregnant women. The fact is that a sharp sour taste is a sure sign of a high content of vitamin C, which is extremely necessary for a pregnant woman. The functions of this substance cover many physiological processes in the bodies of the fetus and the expectant mother:
- promotes the absorption of calcium and iron,
- reduces the symptoms of stress, which somehow affects pregnant women,
- reduces the tone of the uterus,
- improves digestion and relieves constipation, which affects many pregnant women,
- strengthens the immune system and helps resist colds.
Therefore, if you want something sour, feel free to chew lemons, washing them down with concentrated cranberry juice - none of this will harm you during pregnancy. However, make sure that such a diet does not cause side effects - in people with high acidity, foods high in acid can cause heartburn, stomach pain and intestinal upset. If you notice at least one of the above signs, you should consult a doctor and adjust your daily menu, supplementing it with vitamin supplements with ascorbic acid - when the level of the vitamin in the body is normalized, the craving for sour foods will disappear by itself.
Harm of sweets to the health of a pregnant woman
- Sweets during pregnancy, consumed in large quantities, provoke a set of additional kilograms. While expecting a baby, excess weight poses a threat to the normal course of pregnancy and can cause hospitalization.
- About 90% of expectant mothers are susceptible to candidiasis, or thrush. This is due to the active reproduction of the Candida fungus in the body, provoked by a change in hormonal levels and a weakening of protective mechanisms. Excessive consumption of desserts creates favorable conditions for the life of this microorganism. The presence of thrush, in turn, increases the risk of premature birth, creates a threat of polyhydramnios and premature rupture of amniotic fluid.
- Pregnancy is a time of increased stress on all internal organs of a woman. Excessive indulgence in sweets can lead to a malfunction of the pancreas, which is already forced to function in a more active mode. This can lead to attacks of nausea, increased gas formation, bowel disorders and other gastrointestinal disorders.
- During the period of waiting for a baby, teeth are a vulnerable link in a woman’s body. Eating a lot of sweets during pregnancy accelerates the process of thinning and destruction of tooth enamel.
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Alternative to store-bought sweets
Experts recommend that pregnant women prepare sweets at home. Today there are a large number of recipes for dishes that can be consumed within reasonable limits. One of the healthy and delicious homemade desserts is ice cream, which is made from yogurt and fruit. Homemade marshmallows made from dried fruits, kozinaki made from oatmeal, honey and nuts, and fruit jelly have beneficial properties. If there is a strong desire to eat sweets during pregnancy, then it is quite possible that the expectant mother is experiencing tension and stress. In such cases, you should not tirelessly eat sweet foods, but try to switch to healthy activities. It is important to receive more positive emotions in the process of work, which are transmitted to the baby in the womb. If you didn’t know how to do something before, then try to realize your dreams. For example, learn how to make toys with your own hands, sew a blanket for your future baby, clothes. Finding activities of interest today is not difficult and is practically accessible to every woman. In particular, you can sign up for swimming, which will help you cope with stress and relax as much as possible. You should go for walks in the fresh air more often, which will be useful for mother and baby. Listen to your favorite music, start drawing. All available pleasures are not dangerous for the health of the child and the expectant mother, and do not cause allergies, excess weight gain or other problems.