What to do if your stomach feels tight at 13 weeks of pregnancy

Most women experience lower back pain during pregnancy at various stages. This most often (but not always) occurs in the first trimester (12–13 weeks). Expectant mothers are concerned about how dangerous these pains are, how to cope with them on their own, and how a doctor can help.

All these questions are quite relevant, and the more information a woman has, the more successfully she copes with this scourge, the calmer her pregnancy proceeds. In fact, there is no reason for serious concern, and this phenomenon is caused by completely natural reasons.


Even if your lower back hurts very badly during pregnancy, you should not panic. These sensations are directly related to the changes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman. You just need to understand their naturalness and stop being afraid of them. The most common reasons are:

  • infectious, colds (read: how to treat a cold during pregnancy), from which pregnant women must be careful: if your lower back is blown, in 90% of cases this entails pain and a feeling that this place is “pulling”;
  • under the influence of hormones, which have become much more numerous in the body compared to the previous period, ligaments, muscles, and joints relax;
  • gradual weight gain changes your posture and puts additional stress on your back;
  • long walking, long sitting, forced stay in a monotonous position also increase pain in the back;
  • even minor cracks from previous difficult births or falls before pregnancy will make themselves felt with renewed vigor;
  • Serious problems with the neck, back, pelvis, spine, which arose even before pregnancy, will now only get worse: a once sprained ankle, a once displaced spinal disc, as well as many other injuries from the past can remind you of lower back pain.

Almost all of the factors listed explain why the lower back hurts during early pregnancy: this is how the body adapts to its new precious “cargo.” But pain in this place occurs periodically throughout the entire pregnancy, especially intensifying just before childbirth, when the period is already 38-39 weeks? Do not be alarmed in this case either: the child grows in the womb, its weight increases, puts pressure on nearby organs, which causes lumbago in the lower back.

Having found out the main causes of pain and made sure that it is not dangerous, it is still necessary to take certain actions in order to neutralize these unpleasant sensations.


It is unacceptable to pick up and carry anything heavy, starting from the 12th week of pregnancy and later. Lower back pain is the easiest consequence that such self-experiments can lead to. After all, a serious complication of the load can be the loss of a child or early birth.

Do not walk with heavy bags, ask someone close to you to help you. If you are a young mother, carrying your first child in your arms to a minimum, do not sit him on your hip.

After 12 weeks, it is better to minimize housework. Ask a relative or friend to perform these duties for you.

. If funds allow, hire a domestic worker.

  • Read in more detail: why lower back pain during pregnancy

Eliminating pain

Many women who find themselves in this situation are interested in what to do if their lower back hurts during pregnancy: is it possible to somehow eliminate these unpleasant sensations. After all, their causes are natural, and you can’t escape or escape from them. However, even at home you can cope with this scourge. All the recommendations given below can also be used as preventive measures if there is a danger of such pain.

Body position

If during pregnancy you began to be bothered by lower back pain, from now on throughout the entire period of bearing your baby you will have to very carefully monitor the position of your own body.

  1. When standing, do not hunch over: straight posture is the key to a healthy lower back.
  2. Every 7-10 minutes, change your position: lie, sit, stand, walk, but do it all alternately.
  3. If the situation is such that you have to stand for a long time, be sure to change the supporting leg so that the weight is distributed evenly.
  4. When lying down or sitting, place a small pillow under your lower back.
  5. Get out of bed or sofa very carefully. Do not make any sudden movements. First, carefully roll onto your side, then slowly sit down, and then stand up.
  6. Buy yourself an orthopedic chair, which you will undoubtedly need after pregnancy.
  7. Do not cross your legs while sitting.
  8. Sit at the computer as little as possible.
  9. If you drive a car, adjust your rearview mirror so you don't have to unnaturally move your head to see what's happening behind you.

Follow the above tips, and the pain will go away, and maybe it will never come back again if you constantly put these provisions into practice.


Heavy weights should not be worn during pregnancy not only because it can cause miscarriage or premature birth. This is a very effective preventive measure to prevent lower back pain.

  1. Take someone close to you to the store for numerous products; don’t even try to lift the heavy bags yourself.
  2. If you already have a baby, do not get used to carrying him on one hip: this will put a very serious load on your back.
  3. If you are forced to run the household alone during pregnancy, the best option would be to hire a housekeeper, especially at 12-13 weeks, when lumbar pain most often worsens.

Sometimes it seems that a basin with washed clothes or a bag with purchased groceries is light and nothing bad will happen from lifting them. The result of such frivolity is lower back pain.


From the first weeks of pregnancy, you need to perform simple, simple exercises that will help your back withstand the increased load on it.

  1. Moderate walking.
  2. Swimming.
  3. Fitness for pregnant women.
  4. Yoga, relaxation - only with the permission of the trainer and attending physician.

Start these classes if lower back pain has become a constant companion of your pregnancy.


Massage is one of the most effective measures against lower back pain, but during pregnancy this matter can only be entrusted to a professional, after first telling him about your problem, and also after consulting with a doctor.

Comfortable clothes

Do you think that comfortable clothing during pregnancy is only needed to avoid squeezing the stomach, and along with it, the pregnant baby? One of its main functions is to relieve stress from your back, so take your choice of clothing for this period of time seriously: this will help avoid lower back pain.

  1. Wear shoes that are the right size so that your feet do not feel cramped in them, but also do not dangle or slip in them. A wide but low heel and strong but not squeezing straps are what should distinguish the shoes of those who struggle with lower back pain.
  2. You also need to choose the right size for your bra, which should have wide, comfortable straps: they will allow you not to overload your chest and shoulders.

If your lower back hurts during pregnancy, you don’t have to endure it. After all, any discomfort and unpleasant feelings that a woman has at the moment negatively affect not only her general condition, but also the development of the baby in the womb. Be sure to use these tips and stop the pain using any methods available to you in this position, but not medications. Even a doctor, who must know about these pains, will advise you only traditional methods of treatment and gymnastics - nothing more.

There are also non-traditional methods of treating lower back pain (herbal medicine, acupuncture, reflexology, homeopathy, aromatherapy, osteopathy, etc.), but they have a lot of contraindications, and not every pregnant woman will risk using such methods: treatment at home will not give such side effects effects like them.

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source: www.vse-pro-detey.ru

Lower back pain. period 13 weeks. who has encountered something similar?

girls, I don’t know what to think. I don’t want to think about bad things and I drive away all such thoughts from myself. According to the ultrasound, there was no tone either at 6 weeks or at 11 weeks. During the examinations, the doctors also did not notice anything like this. There was no spotting and no, my stomach doesn’t hurt, thank God. but over the past few days my lower back has started to hurt. Basically, if I lean forward, I pull it. I must say that in the last year my lower back bothered me quite often, about a week before M, it ached. and the last few months before B I could have been aching for no reason at all. but in cycle B itself, oddly enough, it didn’t bother me at all until today. and now I'm just confused. It seems like nothing is bothering me except my lower back, but still, what could cause it to hurt? Could this be due to natural processes during B? I really don’t want to think that something is wrong with the baby. I can only see the doctor on Thursday. Should we sound the alarm? who has encountered something similar?

panteroshka August 1, 2011 — 16:47

As far as I know, pregnant women should not stretch. When my lower back was straining and hurting in the early stages, rest and popaverine saved me

panteroshka | Yes, I don’t reach out on purpose, I just bend over for something. The most interesting thing is that my lower back started hurting while I was on vacation and had a lot of rest. was at rest.

The only thing I still consider as an option is that it was hot and I slept under a fan. The lower back may have blown. I don’t know what to think.

Hello, all my pregnant friends complained about their lower back, and I also get cramps. It’s okay, just stick your little daddy in your butt and get plenty of rest. It starts to hurt a lot when I sit for a long time. Don't you want to go to the pool?

NL August 1, 2011 — 17:07

Hello! I started having lower back pain at 12-13 weeks. There was no tone either. The lower back bothered me, mainly when moving and bending (minor - sitting down and standing up), periodically there was pain in the leg. I contacted a neurologist and explained this by the increased load on the spine and pelvis due to osteochondrosis. I recommended exercise therapy + bandage. The gynecologist then said that no exercises or bandages are needed, the joints should adapt. And indeed, everything went away by 16-17 weeks. Good luck)))

Cocoa August 1, 2011 — 17:10

I think it's okay too. Many people complain of lower back pain, although most of them after the 25th week, when the baby begins to grow rapidly. By the way, does the pain go away if you lie down? If yes, then everything is all right. Tell your doctor at your next visit if it doesn’t go away. But I think everything is OK. Good luck and have an easy pregnancy.

//Pupasena//* August 1, 2011 - 17:11

And my lower back pain is due to the fact that leukocytes were slightly elevated in the urine, and my kidneys apparently can’t cope. The doctor, who is also my husband, prescribed hofitol. But it didn’t hurt often, only when I stood or walked for a long time. Now everything has passed, we are 17 weeks.

Pregnant Irun | I’ll be honest, maybe it’s my quirk or something else, but now I’m terribly afraid of picking up something, some kind of rubbish. )) that's why I don't want to go to the pool.

I wonder if your lower back might start to hurt when you lie down all the time? )))) I just had a terrible tox and I only had the strength to go to the toilet. so basically for the last month and a half I have been lying down.

girls, thanks for the answers. I also try not to panic. I hope everything is fine with the baby. But of course I’ll definitely consult a doctor.

Cocoa | no, lying down doesn’t relieve my back either. It’s easier when I’m lying down, especially if I’m on my side. but it still doesn’t go away completely.

Violetta August 1, 2011 — 17:41

My lower back hurt. It turned out to be a pinched nerve between the vertebrae. You need to see a neurologist. Most likely it's the back, not the baby.

Soreness in later stages

It’s rare that anyone is surprised when the lower back begins to hurt at 38 weeks of pregnancy. Due to the large fetus, the spine is constantly subject to a high load, which increases even more when the body prepares for labor. The abdominal muscles gradually relax. The sacral ligaments are stretched even more.

These pains are considered natural and should not be feared. In order for the manifestations of pain to decrease, it is necessary to limit movements that increase the load on the lower back, and begin to treat yourself like a crystal vase. when picking up something from the floor - do not bend over, but squat, get up from the bed in several steps, etc.

There is very little left.

If, from the very beginning of the “interesting situation,” you introduce calcium-rich foods into your diet and perform simple exercises, the pain will be minimal. You should also change your clothing style - move from tight things to looser ones. This is not done to disguise pregnancy, but to improve subcutaneous blood supply.

A special bandage will help relieve stress on the spine. Usually they start wearing it from 27 weeks.

You need to give up high heels. Natural body position reduces painful symptoms.

Pain at 13 weeks of pregnancy

While waiting for a baby, despite all the joy of upcoming motherhood, a woman faces many dangers, one of which is pain at the 13th week of pregnancy . Of course, the severity depends on what hurts and what caused the pain.

Most often, at this stage, a pregnant woman may encounter the following phenomena:

  • headache
  • stomach ache
  • nagging pain in the back
  • lower back pain

The main problem is that when you feel pain at 13 weeks of pregnancy . you won't be able to take a painkiller or simply ignore the discomfort.

Pulling the lower back at 13 weeks of pregnancy

Very often, women complain that their lower back is pulled at the 13th week of pregnancy . As a rule, this is caused by the fact that at this stage a pregnant woman’s body changes, a curve is visible on the lower back, just a little, but the tummy is already noticeable.

During the same period, the woman’s gait begins to change. Due to the fact that the stomach grows, a woman has to spread her legs a little wider when walking. And it takes some time to get used to such changes. If these are the only reasons why you have lower back pain at 13 weeks of pregnancy . there is no reason to worry. Everything will go away on its own as soon as your body gets used to the changes. Try not to make sudden movements and reduce physical activity as much as possible.

The back and lower back of pregnant women at this stage may hurt as a result of long walking or wearing uncomfortable shoes, sitting for a long time or simply being in an uncomfortable position. But if you feel that pain in the 13th week of pregnancy is caused by other reasons, it doesn’t matter whether your back, head or legs hurt, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Headaches at 13 weeks

Reasons why a woman experiences headaches at 13 weeks of pregnancy . there are many. These include hormonal changes, unhealthy diet, stress, and many others.

Most often, women who have a permanent job are susceptible to headaches at the 13th week This is due to the fact that working women are more likely to find themselves in stressful situations than those who sit at home. And stress, tension, overwork cause tension in the neck muscles. The result is a feeling as if your head is being squeezed by a steel hoop.

The head can also hurt from poor nutrition, as well as from hunger, which negatively affects not only the health of the expectant mother, but also the development of the fetus. On the other hand, some women, on the contrary, stop feeling headaches at 13 weeks of pregnancy . Everything is individual.

The beginning of the second trimester, like any other period of pregnancy, has its own characteristics and dangers. Pain is one of them. If you have a stomach ache, a headache, or simply a lower back pain at 13 weeks of pregnancy . You should definitely determine the cause of the pain by consulting a doctor.

Healthy pregnancy - healthy offspring

Pregnancy 12 weeks and 3 days severe back pain

Hello, I have ostichandosis of the lumbar region, my back used to bother me, but now it’s unbearable pain that radiates from the lower back to the right thigh and under the knee, if I lie down for more than 10 minutes, then I can’t get up, my back shoots, it’s already dark in my eyes, I’m afraid to move at night , the gynecologist referred me to a neuropathologist, he said that there may be a hernia or protrusion, but he can’t help, I can’t take a picture, injections and ointments are also forbidden, all that was recommended was fastum gel, where pregnancy is written in the contraindications, and injections Baralgin for severe pain, I gave the injection once, it didn’t help, I’m in pain and crawling out of bed in the morning, tell me what to do, how to relieve the pain so as not to harm the baby.

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Elena Berezovskaya 2014/06/18, #

In such cases, it is possible, and even necessary, to take a photo. You want to be pregnant and not suffer from pain. But a diagnosis of a hernia (and this is a serious diagnosis) cannot be made without an x-ray, and at 12 weeks, when all organs have been formed, x-rays are no longer contraindicated. And the treatment is no longer so scary, even if pregnancy is contraindicated - look at the category of the drug, and if it is B and C, then it’s okay if you take the drug for several days. Pain and your suffering can cause pregnancy loss. So, by suffering, you are already harming yourself more than the medicine.

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» Pain during pregnancy

Abdominal pain in women

The information on the site is posted for informational purposes and cannot be used for self-medication

Abdominal pain in women with gynecological diseases is most often noted in the lower abdomen on the right or left (sometimes spreading to the entire abdomen and lower back ), then other signs characteristic of a particular disease appear. Conventionally, two types of pain in the lower abdomen in women .

severe sharp sharp pain in the lower abdomen

A woman has pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy or the woman is not pregnant . This issue is of great importance for choosing the correct examination and treatment

In case of severe acute abdominal pain, in any case, it is necessary to call an ambulance for urgent hospitalization of the woman in a hospital and examination. Surgical treatment of a disease that causes sharp, severe pain in the lower abdomen is often necessary.

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