Faringosept, instructions for use during pregnancy

Is it possible to take Faringosept during pregnancy? This question interests many expectant mothers, especially those who have caught a cold and want to be cured with minimal risk to the baby’s health. Well, let's look for the answer together.

The world community knows Faringosept as a reliable medicine for treating a sore throat. The manufacturer of the drug, the international pharmaceutical company Ranbaxy, has implemented three main principles in these tablets: effectiveness, efficiency and safety.

When Faringosept comes to the rescue

Before confirming or denying the possibility of using Faringosept to treat a pregnant woman, we will find out for what diseases of the throat and oral cavity these tablets are prescribed:

  • pharyngitis - inflammation of the mucous and lymphoid tissue of the pharynx;
  • tonsillitis - acute or chronic inflammation of the tonsils caused by persistent tissue damage by pathogenic bacteria;
  • stomatitis - an inflammatory reaction of the oral mucosa to a number of external irritating factors;
  • Gingivitis is an inflammatory process that affects the gums, leading to disruption of the periodontal junction.

In addition to treating specific diseases, Faringosept can be used as a prophylactic drug to sanitize the oral cavity before pulling out a tooth or removing tonsils affected by tonsillitis.

Description of Faringosept

Lozenges have a disinfecting effect. The bacteriostatic effect allows the use of Faringosept for diseases caused by streptococci, pneumococci and other pathogens.

Faringosept during pregnancy: instructions for use

Indications for use include tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, tonsillitis and some other pathologies.

Release form of the drug and its mechanism of action

The drug is presented in the form of light brown tablets, 10 pieces in a blister with cells. The cardboard packaging of the drug contains 2 blisters with tablets. The active component of Faringosept is the substance ambazone. Each tablet contains 10 mg of this substance. The component exhibits high activity against staphylococci, streptococci and pneumococci, and they are known to be the most common culprits of sore throat. The drug has a pronounced bacteriostatic effect on the mucous membrane of the pharynx and oral cavity. Faringosept is not a systemic antiseptic, so it “works” only where it is really needed. The drug has shown good results both when used individually and as part of complex therapy. Due to the local effect of the drug exclusively on the affected area, experts consider the use of Faringosept during pregnancy and lactation to be acceptable.

Tablets of the drug need to be dissolved. By the way, patients are pleasantly surprised by their sweet taste. During the dissolution process, the tablets, under the influence of saliva, release the active antiseptic substance ambazon, which stimulates the activity of the salivary glands, thereby increasing salivation. This helps to more effectively moisturize mucous membranes that are dry from a cold, eliminates a sore throat, discomfort during swallowing and other painful symptoms.

For a visible improvement in the patient’s condition, it will take approximately 3 to 5 days - during this time, the active component of the drug accumulates in saliva, while Faringosept does not cause intestinal dysbiosis. The drug is prescribed, as a rule, for a mild form of the disease. Timely prescribed treatment with Faringosept helps suppress the inflammatory process at the initial stage and thus avoid complications, the treatment of which will require the use of more serious systemic antimicrobial drugs.

Faringosept as a medicine

Faringosept is an antiseptic medication used for both prevention and elimination of symptoms of the disease. It is worth noting that this drug softens the symptomatic course of the disease, but does not fight its cause.

This medication is available in the following dosage forms:

  • classic lozenges;
  • lozenges with lemon flavor.

Faringosept tablets - an antiseptic drug

The cost of this medicine ranges from 140 to 190 Russian rubles.

The active component of the drug is ambazone monohydrate, which effectively fights streptococci, pneumococci and staphylococci that develop in the throat, oral cavity, nasopharynx and larynx. The main area of ​​medicine in which this drug is used is otolaryngology, but Faringosept is also successfully used in dentistry.

In addition to the fact that ambazon destroys pathological microorganisms, it also increases the intensity of salivation. Saliva, as is known, contains the substance lysozyme, which represents the body’s natural forces in the fight against diseases, and this factor also helps to moisturize the mucous membranes, so pain is reduced, and the feeling of soreness and congestion in the upper respiratory tract goes away.

Advantages of Faringosept over other antiseptic drugs:

  • is not addictive;
  • non-toxic medicine;
  • does not affect the intestinal microflora, which means its long-term use is not fraught with dysbacteriosis;
  • has a minimum of side effects;
  • its use not only relieves pain, but also helps to destroy pathogenic microflora;
  • relatively low cost.

Possibility of using the medication during gestation

When it comes to prescribing medications to a pregnant woman, the doctor primarily focuses on the teratogenicity of the medications, or, more precisely, on the absence of toxic effects exerted by the active ingredients of the drug on the fetus developing in the womb. Faringosept tablets are a local drug that “works” at the local level, and therefore is not absorbed into the bloodstream. According to the official instructions, the use of this medication is not contraindicated for pregnant women in all three trimesters of gestation. The over-the-counter release of Faringosept from pharmacy shelves and its safety for the fetus do not give a pregnant woman the right to independently decide on its use. At the first signs of discomfort, the expectant mother should consult a gynecologist.

Personally, both during pregnancy and lactation, I tried to avoid the use of various types of medications. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, such as pain and sore throat, nasal congestion and general malaise, I tried to drink a large amount of sweet, warm drinks. This includes: fresh milk with butter and natural honey, cranberry and raspberry fruit drinks. To reduce pain, I gargle with chamomile infusion. For nasal congestion, I dilute aloe juice with boiled water at room temperature in a 1:1 ratio and drip this mixture three times a day into the sinuses. I would like to note that there is an opinion that for medicinal purposes it is necessary to use aloe that is more than three years old. And one of the important rules that a pregnant woman must follow is bed rest.

Dr. Komarovsky recommends following these rules when treating ARVI symptoms:

  • warm clothes;
  • clean cool air;
  • food restriction, that is, you cannot overeat;
  • plenty of warm sweet drinks;
  • Constantly rinsing the mucous membranes of the mouth and nasopharynx with saline solution to prevent them from drying out.

Faringosept during early pregnancy

When conception has taken place and a woman cannot find a place for happiness, her body, on the contrary, experiences severe stress. Pregnancy triggers complex mechanisms for restructuring all systems for comfortable development of the fetus. The immunity of the expectant mother is under attack at this time - it decreases several times compared to the “pre-pregnancy” state. It turns out that nothing else prevents the colonization of a woman’s respiratory tract by pathogenic microflora. A pregnant woman becomes especially vulnerable in spring and autumn, during seasonal colds.

The excellent characteristics of Faringosept as an effective local antiseptic make it an ideal medicine for a woman who is at the beginning of a long journey called pregnancy. The drug is not systemic, therefore it does not affect the functioning of the body as a whole and, accordingly, cannot in any way affect the embryo.

Faringosept during pregnancy 1st trimester

In the first trimester of pregnancy, a real miracle occurs when the body of the future person begins to form from one fertilized cell. Perhaps this is the most important time of all nine months of the “interesting” situation. Now all the organs and systems of the child are being formed - the fetus is extremely vulnerable and fragile. Even a slight influence of environmental factors can disrupt this amazing process and lead to irreversible consequences of pregnancy (the development of birth defects or even the death of the baby). This is why a common cold can be a real shock for an expectant mother: treatment should be started as early as possible, at the same time, many medications are strictly prohibited during this period. Many classical treatment regimens during pregnancy become radical, because they can cause serious harm to the baby. Even today, the well-developed pharmacological market includes literally a few drugs whose treatment will be safe for the expectant mother. Faringosept as a non-systemic bacteriostatic drug is one of them. In addition, the tablets have no side effects, so a sore throat can be treated with them without the slightest doubt.

Faringosept during pregnancy 2 trimesters

With the onset of the second trimester of pregnancy, a new phase begins in the relationship between mother and baby - they begin to feel and understand each other. Having caught a cold during this period, many women do not dare to take pharmaceutical “chemistry”, preferring traditional medicine that is safe, in their opinion. Expectant mothers cannot be accused of being too frivolous, because, on the contrary, they are trying to protect their child from any outside influence. Unfortunately, “grandmother’s” recipes are not always effective, and against the background of such ineffective treatment, pathogenic microflora manages to gain a proper foothold in the body. And if at the very beginning of this cold it was possible to get away with a slight fright, then after the disease has become more complicated, in most cases it can only be overcome by complex treatment with systemic drugs. Timely administration of Faringosept at the first signs of a cold in the 2nd trimester of a delicate situation will help nip the disease at the root and avoid serious consequences.

Reviews from women about the use of Faringosept during pregnancy

It is useful to know about the action of the drug in theory, but it is useful to look at the practical experience of using it by women expecting a baby.

I always used Faringosept during pregnancy. He always helped me, there were no complications after him. I even took it late in pregnancy when I was sick, and everything was fine. She gave birth to a healthy daughter. I can’t say anything bad about this drug, it has always helped me.



I first encountered this drug at the very beginning of my pregnancy with my son. I didn’t yet know about my interesting situation, but my body had already reacted to the changes with terrible gingivitis. My gums became inflamed due to hormonal changes in the body. My heart told me that it was no coincidence that I got sick, so Metrogil dente, which I usually used for stomatitis, this time I preferred Faringosept. After all, these lozenges are approved for use during pregnancy. In four days, Faringosept relieved me of discomfort and relieved inflammation. Subsequently, Faringosept helped me and my family members more than once with pharyngitis and stomatitis of various etiologies.



This drug is quite old, time-tested. I remember that even as a child, my mother tried to treat me with it, but because of the specific taste of cocoa, I could not absorb it. Although many people, on the contrary, like this taste. Well, during pregnancy, when there is nothing special to treat with, I had to get used to this taste. But the effect is excellent!



I took Faringosept, it quickly cured my sore throat in the 2nd trimester.



I still took it periodically during B and during breastfeeding, it only helps me with the first symptoms of a cold. Personally, I consider it harmless)))



Faringosept during pregnancy 3rd trimester

A grown-up baby, as before, is an integral part of the female body, so a mother’s cold can also affect the health of the fetus. If the infectious-inflammatory process is not suppressed in time, it will penetrate through the blood through the placenta into the child’s body. Faringosept acts exclusively within the tissue affected by the infectious process, so the expectant mother does not have to worry about the stability of the balance of the gastrointestinal tract. As you know, it is the intestines that are the source of the synthesis of immune cells that strengthen the immune system, which has been weakened as a result of a cold. This means that Faringosept can be taken completely safely in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

By trimester

How exactly does Faringosept work in different trimesters? Let's take a look at the table.

1st trimester Allowed, minimal side effects. It is worth consulting your doctor.
2nd trimester Does not affect the fetus, can be used.
3rd trimester Allowed for pregnant women.

In a word, this clearly shows why this remedy is so popular among expectant mothers, despite the fact that it does not always help.

How to take the drug

The instructions for using Faringosept during pregnancy indicate that when treating nasopharyngeal diseases, tablets of the drug should be dissolved 3 to 4 times a day.

An adult and a child over 7 years old are advised to take 1 tablet 3 to 5 times a day, which in terms of the active substance is 30 - 50 mg of ambazone. The tablet must be kept in the mouth until it is completely dissolved by saliva - it cannot be chewed or swallowed immediately, otherwise there will be no therapeutic effect. Faringosept is taken a quarter of an hour after eating, and after it is absorbed, do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours.

The course of treatment with Faringosept is at least 3 to 5 days. If the doctor deems it necessary, the duration of treatment will be increased, and this will not affect the condition of the fetus in any way.


The main active ingredient is ambazon, additionally there are cocoa, vanillin, sucrose and other components added to improve the taste and smell. The manufacturer Ranbaxy (a Romanian pharmaceutical company on the market since 1920) produces Faringosept in only one dosage form - lozenges. There are 2 versions: one with cocoa flavor and the other with lemon. In addition, their composition is no different from each other, so you can safely choose any option.

In what cases should treatment with the drug be abandoned?

Many medications have long lists of contraindications for their use. Let us hasten to reassure you - Faringosept is not one of them. It is not worth treating with these tablets only in one case - when the body of a pregnant woman, due to individual characteristics, cannot tolerate ambazone or any of the auxiliary components of the drug. Also, Faringosept is not prescribed to children who have not yet reached the age of 3 years, since they simply will not be able to keep the tablet in their mouth until it is completely dissolved.

As for unwanted side effects after taking Faringosept, they were not recorded in the history of treatment with this drug. Lozenges are very well tolerated by patients, including pregnant women.

There is nothing to fear from an overdose of Faringosept if you strictly follow all the recommendations for its use, which are detailed in the instructions for the drug. If the daily dosage of the drug was accidentally exceeded, you need to take standard precautions for this case: induce vomiting, drink a lot of clean water, and also take any drug from the group of sorbents (Polysorb or Atoxil, for example).

Reviews about taking Faringosept during pregnancy are generally positive. Women who happened to take these pills while pregnant claim that the drug works effectively, suppressing inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx in a matter of days. It is also captivating that Faringosept copes with pathogens of infectious and bacterial origin without causing harm to the fetus in the womb.

Note! Faringosept is a medicinal product, so a pregnant woman does not have the right to take it for her own prescription. The possibility of treatment with this drug must be discussed with a qualified specialist.

Faringosept is a safe bacteriostatic agent on the modern pharmacological market. Its active components quickly suppress the inflammation that engulfs the nasopharynx, and also destroy the harmful microflora that caused the disease. This is the best choice to get rid of sore throat during pregnancy.

Contraindications and side effects

There is only one contraindication for this drug - an allergic reaction to one of the components or to the main active ingredient. Side effects are very rare. They are mainly associated with an allergy to one of the components. Most often these are urticaria, itching, irritability, local fever, and Quincke's edema. To eliminate the likelihood of such a reaction, you just need to listen to your body after taking the first pill. If any unpleasant sensations appear, a feeling of fullness, burning, etc., it is best to stop taking it and consult a doctor for advice.

In addition, due to the presence of simple sugars in the tablets, patients suffering from diabetes should consult with doctors before starting to take it so as not to exceed the permissible dose.

Faringosept contains lactose, which not all people digest. It should be noted that sometimes problems with milk sugar begin in adulthood. For example, up to the age of 30, the body could normally perceive such a substance, but then problems began with digesting milk and a number of dairy products, indigestion, and allergy symptoms.

If you have a negative reaction to lactose, then you should treat this drug with caution. However, this does not mean that you should definitely give it up: tonsillitis or tonsillitis when carrying a child can harm the body, at least no less. Just consult your doctor.

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