Black feces during pregnancy are a symptom that often appears in women during pregnancy.
The color change may be due to physiological reasons. In most cases, this indicates a serious problem that, if not treated promptly, can harm the health of the expectant mother and affect the development of the fetus.
1The essence of the problem
Why might a pregnant woman have black stool? There are several reasons for this. Some of them are quite harmless, others require immediate medical attention.
Normal stool is colored brown by bile pigments. But depending on changes in the body and the composition of food, the color of the stool can change from white to black. Dark stool may occur after eating intensely colored foods. But severe pathologies in the body can also manifest themselves this way. Discoloration is important for diagnosis, since in many cases it is associated with developing diseases or pathologies.
What are the consequences
If a change in stool color during pregnancy is caused by taking appropriate medications or foods, then there are no consequences. There is absolutely no need to stop taking vitamins that caused darkening of the stool. However, if black stool confirms the fact of bleeding inside the intestines, then the increase in anemia at a rapid pace can have quite difficult consequences.
Dark stool when a woman is carrying a child, which is a sign of an intestinal infection, can cause complications for the gastrointestinal tract and pregnancy in general.
2Non-hazardous reasons
The most common cause of black stool during pregnancy is taking iron supplements.
Iron deficiency anemia has recently been diagnosed in almost 80% of young mothers. The desire to be slim, the lack of a daily routine and proper nutrition lead to the fact that many girls develop this condition even before pregnancy. During pregnancy, it progresses because the developing fetus consumes a certain amount of iron from the mother's body.
Anemia is a very serious pathology that can bring a lot of trouble to the body of a pregnant woman, and especially to the unborn baby. Therefore, when diagnosing this disease, treatment must be prescribed. Iron is not synthesized in the human body; it enters the body only from the outside.
Since this trace element from synthetic preparations is not completely absorbed by the intestines (up to a maximum of 50%), the remainder will be excreted in the feces. It is iron-containing preparations that give stool a black color and a specific odor. In some cases, a change in consistency is observed. Most often, the discrepancy between the color, smell and consistency of normal stool was noted by pregnant women who consumed Sorbifer, Ferrum-Lek, Tardiferon.
Sometimes the body of a woman carrying a fetus, for some reason, does not absorb iron in the required amount. Then preparations with microelements are prescribed together with ascorbic and folic acids. In this case, the appearance of black feces is also characteristic.
Very often, pregnant women are prescribed complex preparations containing vitamins and microelements, such as Elevit or Vitrum. Most of them contain iron. Thus, taking multivitamins can also be the cause of black stool. In this case there is no cause for concern. The color will be restored within 2-3 days after stopping taking iron-containing medications. The same thing happens if a pregnant woman takes activated carbon or drugs containing bismuth (De-nol, Vikalin, Vikair).
Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract can be caused by long-term use of certain medications, such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Nimesulide, Loxidol, Nise, etc.
In most cases, an isolated change in stool consistency or color during pregnancy is not dangerous and can be corrected by following a balanced diet with mandatory product quality control.
Nutrition should be balanced, with sufficient amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
Taking medications should be under the supervision of a doctor, and in the case of correction of anemia, it is necessary to monitor the indicators of red blood cells (in a general blood test). When identifying dark stool during pregnancy, the main thing is to correctly determine the reason for the change in normal stool.
Many women during pregnancy begin to experience a deficiency of vitamins and microelements. This is quite natural, because now two organisms feed on your vitamin reserves at once, and they need to be replenished. For this purpose, doctors prescribe multivitamin preparations to all pregnant women. In addition, often the hemoglobin level also drops during this period and needs to be increased. Therefore, you may also be prescribed iron supplements.
Usually, the gynecologist warns his ward that the stool can change greatly: it takes on a different consistency, black color and a specific smell. But many women do not know about this, and due to their position and increased suspiciousness during this period, they begin to worry unnecessarily.
All multivitamin complexes for pregnant women contain iron. It is this that turns the stool black, which is considered a completely normal phenomenon and does not require any therapeutic measures.
There is an opinion that this fact proves that the vitamins are real, that is, good. Doctors say that in this way excess iron is removed from the body: the body absorbs the required dose, and all the excess goes out in the stool, giving it a characteristic color. Therefore, there is no need to stop taking vitamins. However, some believe that in this case it is necessary to change the vitamins taken to others, since they do not give the desired effect and all the benefits go down the toilet along with black feces. Only one thing can be said with confidence: if you associate the appearance of black stools with the start of taking vitamins or other medications (activated carbon, for example), and at the same time you feel great, there is no reason to worry. But it won’t hurt to tell your doctor about this if you don’t know what to do about it. And in order to reassure yourself, you can check the cause of black stool as follows: stop taking your vitamins for a few days and make sure the color of your stool normalizes.
In addition, there are many different food dyes, the use of which also affects the color of stool, including black. This could be, for example, liver, blood sausage, blueberries, currants. Think about whether you ate something similar the day before.
It’s another matter if black feces during pregnancy are not associated with the above factors.
In this case, it is necessary to do a general and biochemical blood test. If you have had a stomach or duodenal ulcer in the past, you may need to test your stool for occult blood. The fact is that black stool can be a symptom of gastric bleeding. True, in this case, the stool becomes liquid, the color of coffee grounds, and other signs of internal bleeding appear: collapse, pallor, sticky cold sweat, etc. In this case, blood in the stool can be traced unchanged. If you observe something like this, you need to urgently contact a surgeon.
Especially for – Elena Kichak
3The influence of food on the color of stool
The color of stool is greatly influenced by the composition of the foods consumed. Black color can be given by:
- all varieties of black grapes, sultanas;
- black berries (blueberries, blackberries, black currants);
- dark-colored fruits (prunes, chokeberries);
- dishes containing liver;
- dishes containing animal blood (rare steak, blood sausage).
Many foods can darken stool. This:
- leafy greens in large quantities;
- beet;
- tomatoes;
- pomegranate, kiwi;
- strong coffee.
The dark color of stool comes from artificial colors found in processed foods and liquids (such as powdered drinks). When eating certain fruits (for example, bananas), black inclusions in the form of strings or small pieces may be present in the stool.
Natural reasons for stool turning black during pregnancy include indigestion under the influence of so-called pregnancy hormones. They are “to blame” for the increased excitability, suspiciousness, and nervousness of the expectant mother.
If black feces appear due to anemia
Anemia is a deficiency of iron in the body, which provokes a decrease in hemoglobin levels and, as a result, oxygen starvation of organs and tissues.
In turn, the black color of the stool is due to the “getting rid” of unabsorbed iron by the body during the period of taking iron-containing drugs and vitamin complexes.
The latter are prescribed by the attending physician for the above-mentioned deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood at the first signs of anemia.
If the patient follows the recommended drug treatment , then it is quite natural that the stool will acquire a characteristic dark color. The same reaction will be caused by an alternative to medications - a special, iron-fortified diet .
A pregnant woman does not take iron supplements or eat anything that could affect the color of her stool? Then you should pay increased attention to this as a symptom not of iron deficiency, but of hemolytic anemia .
1The essence of the problem
Why might a pregnant woman have black stool? There are several reasons for this. Some of them are quite harmless, others require immediate medical attention.
Normal stool is colored brown by bile pigments. But depending on changes in the body and the composition of food, the color of the stool can change from white to black. Dark stool may occur after eating intensely colored foods. But severe pathologies in the body can also manifest themselves this way. Discoloration is important for diagnosis, since in many cases it is associated with developing diseases or pathologies.
Reasons for changes in stool in a pregnant woman
During the period of bearing a child, internal organs undergo a peculiar restructuring. This creates comfortable conditions for the development of the fetus. In the first trimester, toxicosis often manifests itself, accompanied by malfunctions of the digestive system. There is a change in hormonal levels.
A woman may complain of diarrhea or constipation, poor appetite due to constantly present nausea accompanied by vomiting. This condition often leads to a change in the color of the stool, which is quite natural in the absence of additional complaints. If the general condition of the pregnant woman worsens, a thorough diagnosis is indicated.
It is important to correctly determine when all processes in the body occur within normal limits, and when medical attention is needed.
2Non-hazardous reasons
The most common cause of black stool during pregnancy is taking iron supplements.
Iron deficiency anemia has recently been diagnosed in almost 80% of young mothers. The desire to be slim, the lack of a daily routine and proper nutrition lead to the fact that many girls develop this condition even before pregnancy. During pregnancy, it progresses because the developing fetus consumes a certain amount of iron from the mother's body.
Anemia is a very serious pathology that can bring a lot of trouble to the body of a pregnant woman, and especially to the unborn baby. Therefore, when diagnosing this disease, treatment must be prescribed. Iron is not synthesized in the human body; it enters the body only from the outside.
Since this trace element from synthetic preparations is not completely absorbed by the intestines (up to a maximum of 50%), the remainder will be excreted in the feces. It is iron-containing preparations that give stool a black color and a specific odor. In some cases, a change in consistency is observed. Most often, the discrepancy between the color, smell and consistency of normal stool was noted by pregnant women who consumed Sorbifer, Ferrum-Lek, Tardiferon.
Sometimes the body of a woman carrying a fetus, for some reason, does not absorb iron in the required amount. Then preparations with microelements are prescribed together with ascorbic and folic acids. In this case, the appearance of black feces is also characteristic.
Very often, pregnant women are prescribed complex preparations containing vitamins and microelements, such as Elevit or Vitrum. Most of them contain iron. Thus, taking multivitamins can also be the cause of black stool. In this case there is no cause for concern. The color will be restored within 2-3 days after stopping taking iron-containing medications. The same thing happens if a pregnant woman takes activated carbon or drugs containing bismuth (De-nol, Vikalin, Vikair).
Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract can be caused by long-term use of certain medications, such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Nimesulide, Loxidol, Nise, etc.
To determine the specific causes of black stool, the specialist will prescribe the following to the woman:
- Examination of the gastrointestinal tract.
- CT.
- Magnetic resonance imaging.
- X-ray.
- Endoscopy.
A biochemical blood test and urine test are prescribed to determine why black or green diarrhea occurs during pregnancy.
Self-diagnosis is not worth doing.
Reasons for changes in stool color during pregnancy
The reasons for dark, almost black coloring of stool during pregnancy vary. In some cases, you should immediately rush to see a gastroenterologist, especially if you have a history of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. However, more often you just need to remember what foods were in your diet the day before.
Doctors reassure: almost always this phenomenon can be eliminated by selecting the right menu. However, if the stool turns black, you should definitely find out the reason. Situations that can be dangerous:
- varicose veins of the esophagus;
- gastrointestinal ulcers;
- neoplasms;
- injuries to the mucous membrane of the digestive system due to rough food.
Hormonal changes in the body
The first trimester is characterized by complete restructuring in the female body. From now on, everything that happens to the expectant mother in labor is related to the protection of the fetus and is aimed at its harmonious development. It’s not easy for women, because they often suffer from moderate or severe toxicosis at the beginning of pregnancy. It is associated with sudden vomiting, heartburn, decreased appetite, constipation or diarrhea.
Black-colored feces are often added to this list. Doctors attribute this to hormonal changes, which do not require medical intervention. However, there are situations when, in the event of such a phenomenon, it is best for the expectant mother to be under the supervision of reliable specialists.
Often the stool takes on an unnatural color due to the food that was in the diet the day before. If you detect black feces, you should remember what foods could cause the unusual phenomenon. Repainting the intestinal contents:
- drinks – coffee, sparkling waters, powdered red wines;
- meat products – blood sausage, beef liver;
- fruits - blackberries, blueberries, blueberries, pomegranate, dark grapes, chokeberry, prunes;
- vegetables - beets, tomatoes.
The above foods contain pigments that are only partially absorbed by the intestines. The rest is excreted undigested, causing the stool to have an unusual dark hue. If you exclude these foods from your diet, everything will soon return to normal.
Certain medications
The cause of anxiety about black stool in a pregnant woman is often the medications prescribed by the doctor. Usually a specialist warns about this; you can also read about the side effect in the instructions for the medications. The following have the ability to give intestinal contents a black color:
- Activated carbon;
- multivitamins;
- products with iron, bismuth;
- long-term use of anti-inflammatory drugs.
Activated charcoal is taken by expectant mothers in the hope of reducing the symptoms of toxicosis.
Sorbent components are eliminated through the digestive tract in full, giving stool an unnatural color. Dark stool is often observed during pregnancy due to taking the drug Elevit Pronatal.
This multivitamin complex contains iron, which is not completely broken down in the digestive tract. Its remains are passed out in feces. Black stools when taking any anti-anemia drug are normal during pregnancy.
Causes of dark stool in the first trimester
The appearance of dark stool in early pregnancy often depends on poor nutrition, hormonal changes, and hypovitaminosis. During gestation, the body experiences a several-fold increase in progesterone, which is necessary for the full growth and development of the baby. However, it affects the metabolic processes of the expectant mother.
At the very beginning of pregnancy, under the influence of progesterone, peristalsis decreases, as a result of which the movement of feces through the intestines slows down. Accordingly, the masses become dark in color with a very pungent odor.
If the woman’s well-being has not worsened, then nothing can be done in this case. Loose stools during pregnancy indicate changes at the hormonal level. Diarrhea often accompanies well-known toxicosis (frequent feelings of nausea, gag reflexes). In the second trimester everything will return to normal.
What does it mean if the stool is green?
What color should a pregnant woman's stool normally be? Like any person - brown. A slight change in color (darker or lighter) is acceptable as the liver is under stress.
Possible reasons for different colored stools are listed below:
- Light. Excessively light-colored stools indicate impaired fermentation and insufficient bile production. They are observed with hepatitis, the presence of stones in the bile ducts. In pregnant women, this phenomenon occurs as a result of consuming dairy and plant products.
- Green. It is observed when eating mainly plant foods rich in chlorophyll (colors the stool green). Other, more serious situations are intoxication, tumors, inflammatory processes in the intestines. Green stool can be observed with an intestinal infection, which should be treated under the supervision of a doctor. Black-green feces are evidence of intestinal dysbiosis, the death of beneficial microflora in it.
- Red. Observed after eating foods with a high content of bright coloring pigments. It can also be caused by internal intestinal bleeding.
- Yellow. Characteristic of celiac disease (atrophy of the mucous membrane of the small intestine), pathologies of the pancreas.
Green loose stool
The most common reasons:
- Dietary food dominated by leafy vegetables, for example, spinach, parsley, lettuce. The pigment chlorophyll colors feces and causes green diarrhea during pregnancy.
- Excessive intake of vitamins fortified with iron and calcium. These elements, when in excess, are not absorbed by the body.
- When intestinal perforation occurs, bloody discharge mixes with stomach bile and produces green, liquid stool.
- Abnormal movement of food through the intestines, in which it is retained in the intestine, the passage of food is reduced, which causes a certain color in the feces.
- Exposure to bile as food moves quickly through the digestive system. In this case, the intestines simply do not have time to process bilirubin.
- Taking antibiotics can cause green diarrhea in a pregnant woman. Usually, with the end of the course of treatment, the stool returns to normal.
- Disruption of the pancreas, leading to insufficient fermentation and incorrect absorption of food. Moreover, in addition to the green tint, the pregnant woman’s stool contains pieces of undigested food.
- Dysbacteriosis and disruption of intestinal microflora are common causes of abnormal stool color. Often the problem leads to the development of fermentation and rotting processes.
- One of the most common symptoms of dysentery is green stool. In addition, diarrhea is accompanied by streaks of blood, mucus and an increase in body temperature.
- Liver dysfunction, liver failure, and inflammatory processes lead to an abnormal color of feces.
- Food allergies cause green diarrhea during pregnancy.
If the change in stool is not accompanied by nausea, vomiting, weakness, or increased body temperature, the woman has no reason to worry. If the greenish tint persists for several days and there is no improvement, you should visit a doctor.
When to see a doctor?
You should consult a doctor if the change in the color of your stool is not due to the reasons mentioned above.
In this case, the expectant mother experiences general malaise, diarrhea, a fever, or is suspected of intestinal bleeding. It is important to establish why changes occur in order to distinguish a normal phenomenon from a pathology that requires help. The patient’s complaints, as well as information about the progress of pregnancy, will help the doctor (general practitioner or gastroenterologist) make a diagnosis. Taken into account:
- gestation period;
- gestosis (after 30 weeks);
- frequency and consistency of bowel movements;
- chronic diseases of the digestive system;
- woman's diet for the last 2-3 days.
The information will help the doctor in choosing diagnostic methods. It is likely that a blood test, coprogram, ultrasound, and stool test for Gregersen's reaction will be prescribed.
Conditions requiring attention
But you shouldn’t give up rational alertness. An established diagnosis of peptic ulcer disease, concomitant weakness, pallor, cold, sticky sweat and even abdominal pain should increase vigilance. If at the same time the stool is dark in color and has a mushy consistency, then there may be gastrointestinal bleeding. It is necessary to take a general blood test as early as possible to monitor the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells, a biochemical blood test to monitor possible organ damage, feces for coprogram and feces for occult blood to clarify the disease. You should also consult a doctor who can prescribe an FGDS, make a final diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.
Black feces during pregnancy can appear during exacerbation of chronic diseases.
Gastritis, hepatitis, enterocolitis contribute to disruption of food processing and release excess amounts of enzymes. As a result, the dark color of the stool is formed by pigments and black, poorly digested food particles. In this case, if the stool darkens, it is necessary to undergo a stool test for an extended coprogram, which includes chemical, macroscopic and immunochemical examination. You should also consult your doctor.
It would seem that with the birth of a small miracle, all adversity should pass, but why do the conditions described above persist after childbirth? It’s simple: the body has adapted for a long time to the developing child, so recovery also takes time. After childbirth, stool returns to normal within a month, but dark-colored bowel movements may persist longer if the woman continues to take iron supplements or multivitamins.
What to do if the color of the stool has changed?
Correction of changes in the shade of stool involves the use of traditional and traditional medicine, homeopathy. Rest, lack of physical activity, and a diet based on easily digestible foods are required.
Nutrition should be structured according to this scheme:
- absence of sour, smoked, salty dishes;
- The preferred heat treatment is cooking;
- menu based on low-calorie products - for example, boiled potatoes, semolina and buckwheat porridge, yogurt 1.5%;
- refusal of baked goods, wheat bread, sweets;
- drinks – weak tea, clean water;
- absence of legumes, protein should be obtained from steamed fish and chicken.
If an intestinal infection is confirmed, which is usually characterized by green stools, immediate treatment is required. It is based on antibacterial drugs, sorbents and probiotics to restore intestinal microflora. Medicines are selected taking into account the course of pregnancy; they should not affect the development of the fetus.
Therapy is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Approximate treatment program:
- Antibiotic Cephelim. The drug is administered intramuscularly, the course is 1 week. Side effects for the expectant mother include headache, allergies, and digestive dysfunction.
- Smecta sorbent. The contents of the sachets are dissolved in water and taken for 5-7 days. The drug is not prescribed for intestinal obstruction and individual intolerance.
- Probiotic Linex. Restores intestinal microflora. Reception is indicated in capsules, duration – 3-7 days.
Treatment of black stool with traditional methods must be approved by a doctor. An infusion of chamomile flowers (3 tablespoons of raw material per liter of water) helps to improve digestion. You can drink it instead of tea three times a day, 100 ml, sweetened with honey. Sage is used for the same purpose. From homeopathy, for intestinal inflammation, Viburkol rectal suppositories and Nux vomica-Gomaccord drops are used.
Treatment of black stools in pregnant women
Therapeutic measures for the appearance of black feces are necessary only in cases of the development of pathologies for which the black color of the feces leaving the body is a symptom.
Several types of agents are used in treatment:
- pharmacological drugs;
- traditional methods;
- homeopathic medicines;
- adjusting the diet;
- physiotherapy.
In any case, pregnant women will have to avoid excessive stress, however, performing gentle exercises will be very useful.
The main method will be diet. Adjusting the diet includes the following restrictions and recommendations:
- Eat food warm. Too hot and too cold food is an additional burden on the digestive organs.
- The calorie content of dishes must be kept to a minimum. You should exclude foods saturated with fats and add dietary fiber. This will stimulate intestinal motility.
- Limit the consumption of sour, salty, smoked, flour, sweet, fried foods as much as possible. Butter baked goods often lead to the formation of adhesions in the intestines.
- Introduce enveloping porridges into the diet that are not capable of irritating the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.
- Limit your consumption of legumes. Eat animal proteins in the form of boiled lean meat.
- Avoid factory-produced juices with high levels of glucose, additional preservatives and colorings. They can cause additional fermentation and watery diarrhea.
- Fruits and vegetables should be consumed steamed or boiled, eliminating additional stress on digestion.
After confirming the presence of an intestinal infection of bacterial origin, which is often the cause of black stool in pregnant women, complex therapy is carried out. The doctor prescribes an acceptable antibiotic, probiotics, symbiotics and sorbents. Prolonged stool disorder leads to disruption of the water-salt balance, so it is necessary to replenish lost fluid in the body. When diarrhea is accompanied by intestinal bleeding, drinking liquid normalizes the volume of circulating blood in the body. This is vital for the stable development of the embryo.
Enterocolitis with blood discharge into the intestinal cavity is treated with intestinal antiseptics of the nitrofuran series. To restore the intestinal mucosa, it is recommended to take lactobacilli to populate it with “useful” microflora. Antibacterial therapy is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor over the condition of the mother’s body and embryo.
Black feces of liquid consistency are usually accompanied by a disruption of the excretory functions of the intestinal walls and the accumulation of large volumes of toxins and breakdown products. Thus, taking sorbents will allow the “slagged” intestines to free themselves and restore the microflora necessary for normal digestion.
Of the probiotics, symbiotics and painkillers, the following are safe for pregnant women:
- "Linex". Available in capsules. The composition includes lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria. The drug helps stabilize the intestinal microflora and also has an antidiarrheal effect. "Linex" has no side effects on the body of the mother and embryo.
- "Bifidumbacterin". Available in the form of powder, rectal suppositories and tablets. The composition includes several types of microorganisms, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the drug. No side effects on the body of the mother and baby were identified.
- "Floristin" Available in the form of a suspension. Use half an hour before meals. Normalizes the digestion process and restores the balance of beneficial microorganisms in the intestinal environment. Indicated for pregnant women and children.
- "No-Shpa." Available in tablets and ampoules. No pronounced effect on the embryo is observed, since the placental barrier prevents the penetration of “aggressive” components to the fetus.
Article on the topic: Is No-shpu® possible during pregnancy?
Physiotherapeutic procedures for ulcerative pathologies are carried out only in the remission stage, since in the acute stage the ulcer can provoke serious complications.
Surgical interventions for black stool in pregnant women are not used. Radical surgery is used only in cases where severe complications occur.
A good effect can be achieved by enemas with sea buckthorn oil, which will promote rapid healing of the affected areas of the mucosa.
Decoctions of chamomile, sage, yarrow, and sophora flowers will have a soothing and restorative effect on irritated mucous membranes of the digestive system. Of course, the use of enemas and herbal teas by pregnant women must be coordinated with the gynecologist observing the gestation.
Why is there black stool during pregnancy?
In the first trimester of an “interesting” position, the most important stage in the formation of a future person begins - organogenesis. During this period, many women suffer from moderate or severe toxicosis, which is often accompanied by all sorts of gastrointestinal disturbances: poor appetite, nausea, sudden bouts of vomiting, constipation or diarrhea. To this list you can also add a change in the consistency and color of stool. This occurs due to hormonal changes and does not require special intervention. But there are also clinical cases of black feces, then the most important thing for a pregnant woman is to be in the reliable hands of qualified specialists.
Black feces in early pregnancy: what's in the expectant mother's refrigerator
Often, the unusual color of the stool directly depends on the food that the pregnant woman ate. If you find very dark or black stool, the first thing to do is try to remember what you ate in the morning or the night before. Some products, due to their composition and the presence of coloring pigments, can “recolor” the contents of the intestines:
- fruits with a high content of pigments - pomegranates, dark grapes, blue plums, chokeberry;
- vegetables and dried fruits - beets, tomatoes, prunes;
- deli meats and offal - blood sausage, liver;
- drinks - multi-colored soda, natural coffee, powdered wine.
All these products are only partially poisoned by the digestive organs, and the pigmented particles are excreted along with the feces, giving it a frightening dark shade. When a pregnant woman, having analyzed her diet, temporarily refuses the product that caused this symptom, her stool will most likely return to normal very quickly.
Black feces during pregnancy: taking “coloring” medications
Black stools during pregnancy are often caused by pharmaceutical medications taken by pregnant women. The following agents have the ability to stain the contents of the intestines black:
- black activated carbon;
- mono- or polycomponent compositions with iron;
- medicines containing bismuth;
- multivitamins.
What pregnant woman did not take several tablets of activated charcoal when the symptoms of toxicosis became especially painful? The sorbing components of coal are not absorbed by the stomach, therefore they are excreted in an undigested state in full, giving the stool an unnatural appearance.
Or here’s another thing - women often ask on forums what to do when black stool appears during pregnancy after taking Elevit Pronatal. A multivitamin preparation that contains iron is prescribed to many expectant mothers to help the female body provide the child with all the necessary nutrients. Naturally, Elevit and other iron-containing products are not completely broken down in the stomach and intestines, so the remaining iron is excreted from the body in its original form. That is, black feces during pregnancy against the background of treating anemia with special drugs are considered an absolutely normal phenomenon.
Sometimes the following situations occur: a pregnant woman had previously taken some vitamins and nothing bothered her. After some time, she resumed taking the same drug, but this time she was very worried because the stool had become very dark. There is nothing to be afraid of! At first, the body experienced such a severe iron deficiency that it completely used the microelement for its needs. Another time, when the “thirst” was not so strong, only the necessary part of the iron was absorbed, and the body got rid of the excess. In this case, it is reckless to refuse general strengthening vitamins, since nothing threatens the woman and her baby.
Black feces during pregnancy: when to go to the hospital
When black feces appear during pregnancy after taking iron, the cause is physiological factors. The situation is completely different with darkening of the stool in an expectant mother who has been suffering from gastritis, gastric or duodenal ulcers for a long time. Then black feces are considered as the first symptom of internal intestinal bleeding, which appeared as a result of an exacerbation of the disease.
Etiology of symptoms in 2-3 trimesters
The change in the color of stool in the second and third trimester is due to the restructuring of the body and the mobilization of all forces for the birth of a child. Due to the increase in the size of the uterus, pressure on internal organs – the bladder and intestines – increases.
The food a woman eats may not be completely digested, which is reflected in the appearance of impurities in the stool and a change in its color.
Iron-containing preparations and products
Black stool is normal after taking iron.
The fact is that during a biochemical reaction, the trace element is oxidized to oxide or hemin, which has a black tint. They remain in the intestines and exit the body along with the stool.
For this reason, feces turn black . The compounds cause a specific odor in stool. This is a physiological phenomenon that does not require treatment. It is enough to stop taking the drug, and the stool will return to normal.
Other reasons
Not only iron-containing preparations, but also many medications can affect the change in color of stool. These include activated carbon, preparations with bismuth, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
These include vitamin complexes with iron among the components. For example, the color of stool in pregnant women changes after taking Elevit.
How does nutrition affect
In early and late stages, black stools occur due to the consumption of certain foods:
- black berries - blackberries, currants, blueberries, chokeberries;
- fruits - grapes, pomegranate;
- vegetables - red beets, tomatoes;
- meat food - blood sausage, other products containing animal blood;
- offal - liver;
- drinks – red wine, natural coffee.
If the reason for the darkening of the stool lies precisely in diet, there is no need to immediately run to the doctor. After finishing taking this or that product, the color of the stool also normalizes.
Diseases and pathological conditions
Black stool after bowel movement in the 1st and 2nd trimester, as well as in the 3rd trimester, may indicate the development of a serious disease that requires specific therapy.
Among them:
- internal bleeding, including intestinal bleeding;
- stomach ulcer;
- progressive anemia;
- perforation of the intestinal walls;
- infection of the abdominal cavity;
- blood poisoning;
- embryo infection;
- premature birth.
To prevent the development of negative consequences, it is better to consult a doctor at the first changes in stool.
Features of diagnosing black stool during pregnancy
When dark stool appears during pregnancy, it is extremely important to find out the cause of this symptom, as well as to distinguish the pathological condition from the physiologically determined norm. In addition to the patient’s complaints, to establish the correct diagnosis, the doctor collects the following information about the expectant mother:
- gestational age;
- are there gestosis (if black feces appeared during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester);
- whether there are diseases of the digestive system;
- frequency of black stools;
- black stool consistency;
- what foods make up a pregnant woman's diet.
Based on the data obtained, the doctor will decide on a diagnostic method that will complement the mandatory detailed blood test, general urine test and stool test:
- coprogram;
- analysis of a stool sample for the Gregersen reaction.
- Ultrasound;
- esophagogastroduodenoscopy;
- breath test.
Changes in stool in the 3rd trimester
Before giving birth, a woman’s body begins to rebuild, all forces are mobilized to release new life into the world. The uterus is maximally enlarged in size, it puts pressure on both the bladder and the esophagus. Therefore, some food may not be completely digested, thus changing the color of the stool.
In the third trimester, a woman feels especially uncomfortable, and any undesirable phenomenon can be perceived overly emotionally. There is no need to panic or get upset; if necessary, you can consult a doctor who will provide a completely logical explanation for the darkening of the stool.
Dark stool in later stages rarely indicates any significant disturbances in the functioning of a woman’s body; most often this is associated with changes in taste preferences. In the absence of additional symptoms, it is necessary to think about what can be changed in the diet in order to normalize the color of stool.
What to do if your stool is black during pregnancy
Correction of the diagnosed pathology, which manifests itself in the form of darkened stools during pregnancy, not only involves the use of medications, but also allows for recourse to homeopathy and traditional medicine. The pregnant patient is advised to stay in room mode without unnecessary physical and emotional stress. You can’t do without a special diet.
Treatment of black stool during pregnancy: diet
The new diet is based on the consumption of gentle foods that are easily and quickly poisoned:
- If you need to heat-treat food, give preference to cooking. Eat the finished dish warm;
- choose low-calorie foods without high dietary fiber content (for example, applesauce, boiled potatoes without peel, semolina, steamed fish, milk);
- there is a strict taboo on sour, smoked foods and pickles;
- You will also have to give up simple carbohydrates - remove sweets, sweet pastries and white bread away. Replace them with complex carbohydrates in the form of oatmeal, which is known for its enveloping effect;
- Eat protein every day - boiled meat and fish. It’s better to hold off on legumes;
- dairy products are allowed in very modest quantities;
- The preferred drinks are warm, weak tea, homemade fruit drinks and uzvars.
A moderate diet is an integral component of successful treatment of the gastrointestinal tract during pregnancy.
Treatment of black stool during pregnancy: medications
If the diagnosis has confirmed the presence of an intestinal infection of bacterial origin in a pregnant woman, the treatment combines the use of an antibacterial drug, an adsorbent and a probiotic. Medicines are prescribed taking into account the patient’s special situation, which imposes certain restrictions on the use of medications. The doctor is obliged to select only those drugs whose effects will not affect the intrauterine life of the fetus. During the treatment period, the condition of the mother and baby is constantly monitored in order to take emergency measures in the event of the development of certain complications.
An approximate treatment program for a pregnant woman who complains of black stool during pregnancy may be based on the following drugs:
- Cefepime is an antibacterial agent belonging to the 4th generation cephalosporins. The active substance of the drug effectively destroys a wide range of pathogenic bacteria. Cefepime is produced in the form of a powder for injection, 1 g. The daily dose of the drug is 1 g and is intended for intramuscular or intravenous injections. The course of treatment usually lasts up to 1 week. The medicine does not have a teratogenic effect on the fetus and pregnancy in general, but can cause complications such as headache, fatigue, allergies and gastrointestinal dysfunction.
- Smecta is a popular and time-tested sorbent. It is used to cleanse and normalize the excretory capacity of the intestines, eliminate heartburn and flatulence. Sold in pharmacies in 3 g sachets. The use of the medicine is safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding - Smecta does not linger in the tissues and comes out undigested. However, the drug is not recommended due to the presence of individual intolerance or intestinal obstruction. A bag of Smecta is diluted in 100 ml of water immediately before use. The medicine is taken 3 times a day for 5 - 7 days.
- Linex is one of the probiotics that should accompany any antibiotic treatment. The product in capsule form contains “live” bacteria, which restores healthy intestinal microflora and helps eliminate diarrhea. Allowed during pregnancy and has no serious side effects. Prescribe Linex 2 capsules three times a day after meals for 3 to 7 days.
Vitamins during an exacerbation of the gastrointestinal tract, which is accompanied by the appearance of black stools during pregnancy, are not taken during the main treatment.
Treatment of black stool during pregnancy: traditional medicine recipes
The use of medicinal herbs in the treatment of black stools during pregnancy has a general anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. Here are simple recipes that an expectant mother can use without fear:
- dry crushed leaves of St. John's wort and immortelle pour 1 tbsp. water, boil for 5 minutes, then leave for 10 minutes. Take 1/4 tbsp of the cooled and strained drink. three times a day;
- 3 tbsp. l. Brew chamomile flowers in 1 liter of boiled water and leave for 1 hour. Sweeten the finished medicine with honey and drink half a glass three times a day;
- 2 tbsp. l. Brew sage in 1 liter of boiling water, leave for about 1 hour, then strain and quench your thirst with herbal infusion, 1/2 cup twice a day.
Treatment of black stool during pregnancy: homeopathic remedies
Adherents of the science of homeopathy believe that treatment with microdoses of natural medicines during pregnancy is safe and can effectively combat diseases of any severity:
- Nux vomica-Gomaccord - drops with a combined composition. Copes perfectly with the inflammatory process in the intestinal area. Use 10 drops per 1 tbsp. l. water three times a day. In isolated cases, an allergy to the drug was observed.
- Mucosa compositum is a natural remedy known for its pronounced restorative, relaxing and inflammation-blocking effect. Moreover, the medicine is useful if there is a need to strengthen intestinal motility. Mucosa compositum is a solution for injection, 2.2 ml. In case of exacerbation of the pathology, injections are given into the muscle or under the skin in a dose of 2.2 ml once a day, for indolent disorders - once a week. Allergy development is possible.
- Viburkol is an excellent analgesic and antispasmodic that effectively eliminates extensive foci of inflammation. It is produced in the form of suppositories and is indicated for rectal administration 3 times a day (morning, afternoon and evening) 1 suppository. Viburkol has no contraindications, and it rarely provokes undesirable effects such as allergies.
When is therapy needed?
Treatment of black feces in the early stages and in late stages that have changed color as a result of physiological processes is not required. In this case, it is enough to exclude provoking factors.
If the stool turns black, and the doctor confirms the presence of pathology, appropriate therapy is prescribed based on the cause of the symptom.
Drug treatment
If the cause of darkening of feces is a bacterial intestinal infection, complex treatment is prescribed using antibacterial, sorbent agents and probiotics. With severe vomiting and diarrhea, it is important to regulate the drinking regime, because along with vomit and feces, the body loses fluid.
Among antibiotics, preference is given to drugs that have a gentle effect on the woman’s body and the development of the fetus. Intestinal antiseptics from the nitrofuran group and fluoroquinolones are prescribed.
You can use cephalosporins - relatively safe drugs with antibacterial effects.
Of the probiotics, Linex with lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria is most often prescribed. The medicine has no significant side effects .
To eliminate spasms and pain symptoms, Drotaverine or No-shpu is prescribed. The antispasmodic agent does not have a pronounced negative effect on the fetus, because its components are not able to penetrate the hematoplacental barrier.
The use of folk remedies
Traditional medicine helps alleviate the symptoms of the underlying disease, which occurs with stool disturbances and darkening of the stool. However, such drugs are not used as monotherapy.
Treatment should be comprehensive and only as prescribed by a doctor.
The following folk remedies will help normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract:
- prunes and beets: ingredients in a volume of 100 g, after drying, mix with the same amount of oatmeal, add 2 liters of water, simmer over low heat for 1 hour, filter, consume 200 ml on an empty stomach in the morning;
- prunes, dried apricots, raisins, honey: all components, taken 100 g each, mixed, pre-chopped, use 2 tsp. before bedtime.
Despite their safety, folk remedies during pregnancy can cause an individual reaction if some components are intolerant. Characteristic symptoms are skin rash, itching, hyperemia.
Changing your diet
Since blackening of stool can be caused by the inclusion of certain foods in a pregnant woman’s diet, in order to get rid of the symptom, it is enough to limit their consumption.
If constipation develops, it is recommended to enrich your diet with foods with a laxative effect, for example, dried fruits.
Prevention and diet for stool disorders
As for preventive measures, they are aimed at eliminating and preventing the causes of black feces.
When carrying a child, a woman should eat a healthy and balanced diet. This is the only way the body receives the required amount of nutrients and vitamins. The consumption of foods that provoke strong fermentation and stimulate intestinal motility should be minimized.
Prevention also involves following hygiene rules (thorough washing of food, hands, personal items, etc.). It is worth protecting yourself from contact with infected patients, because A pregnant woman's immunity is weakened and there is a high risk of infection. If there is a history of ulcerative pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, preventive treatment is indicated even before conception.
Black stools during pregnancy may be normal or a sign of a serious illness. It is important to correctly and timely assess the risks and, if necessary, seek professional help.
It's a pity that there are no statistics on how many women have black stool during pregnancy. These statistics would certainly comfort you right away, even without explaining the probable reasons for this phenomenon. Because in reality, dark stools are observed in very, very many expectant mothers already in the very early stages of pregnancy. And in almost one hundred percent of cases, its darkening is due to taking medications containing iron.