PP diet. Diet and menu for a week for weight loss

Proper nutrition for weight loss, sample menu for every day

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09/16/2018 Vladimir One comment

  • What foods are included in the diet for weight loss.
      What to completely exclude from the menu for weight loss.
  • Sample menu for weight loss.
  • Recipes for proper nutrition for weight loss.
      Losing weight with proper nutrition: menu with original sweet recipes.
  • "Beauty requires sacrifice"!
    This phrase is remembered by every girl, woman who once decided unsuccessfully to fit into her favorite jeans after a fun weekend or trying on things for the summer. One of those very “victims” are all kinds of diets, which are strict diets, the essence of which is to severely reduce the amount of food entering the body. Of course, they give quick results (but subject to strict adherence), but they have side effects and one huge disadvantage - the lost kilograms return in an increased volume almost immediately after leaving the diet. If you need to lose weight or want to regain your former slimness, proper nutrition for weight loss will become your “lifeline.” It will help you quickly lose weight without much pain and constant hunger.

    Proper weight loss: why PP

    Proper weight loss: why PP

    What are the reasons for the appearance of extra pounds? Here are several factors that prevent men and women from always being slim and beautiful, and indicate that they urgently need to switch to PP:

    • Regular consumption of products with “harmful” ingredients. Flavor enhancers, carcinogens, flavorings, sweeteners are a real “trick” for our body, forcing a person to eat more and more “sweets” each time.
    • Lack of balance in the daily diet. An unbalanced diet, ignorance of how many calories were eaten over a certain period, leads to rapid weight gain. Most often, more is consumed than spent (you must admit, not everyone goes to the gym or for a walk after meals).
    • Uneven division of meals. According to the rules, the emphasis should be on breakfast, cooking and eating nourishing food that will saturate the body with useful substances for many hours to come. We are used to leaning heavily on dinner, delighting ourselves and our household with delicious, but terribly heavy, high-calorie food, which does not have time to be processed and goes into the fat layer.
    • Nerves and stress conditions. We all know that nervous tension is always eaten with something “delicious”. For most women, this becomes a real vicious circle. Feeling that their body has become several kilograms larger, they feel discomfort, become very upset and lean even more on their favorite foods, eating away their grief.

    Habit is a powerful thing. Few people remain in the “needed” mode immediately after leaving the diet, and sooner or later the kilograms lost with such difficulty return with “reinforcement”. Many people think, why continue to eat according to the rules if the goal has been achieved and they begin to binge on dinners again, eat junk food and wash it down with liters of sparkling water.

    PP is not just a healthy lifestyle, but a state of mind. Once you familiarize yourself with at least the basics of proper nutrition, gray everyday life will be painted in brighter and more cheerful colors.

    The effectiveness of proper nutrition and its differences from other methods of losing weight

    As mentioned above, with proper nutrition, the body receives only the elements it needs.
    This promotes natural and therefore rapid metabolism. Food is digested and eliminated from the body faster, so it does not have time to be deposited in the form of fatty layers. This proves the effectiveness of PP for weight loss. Now let's look at the differences between proper nutrition and other methods of losing weight:

    • Free diet. You don’t have to eat foods you hate; proper nutrition only requires recommendations for food consumption. Any dish can be replaced with a similar composition without compromising weight.
    • Complete nutrition. The PP diet should not be perceived as fasting. Proper nutrition is by no means a reduction in the amount of food consumed, it is only an adjustment of the diet. A person is unlikely to feel hungry, much less eat the same thing for days.
    • Benefit for health. Eating on various mono-diets for a long time often leads to problems with digestion and health in general. Proper nutrition is the consumption of all the elements necessary for the body, so it is good for health, in particular for the immune system. It is noted that people who monitor their diet are less likely to suffer from such common diseases as colds.
    • Versatility. Most diets have contraindications; they are not recommended for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. Proper nutrition, on the contrary, is suitable for everyone. In case of illness, the diet should only be slightly adjusted.
    • Long lasting effect. Typically, diets have a positive effect on weight within a few days (maximum weeks), after which their use becomes useless. Proper nutrition maintains the effect for a long time, so the weight does not come back.
    • Low speed. This is the only drawback to proper nutrition. A nutritious diet does not allow you to lose weight at a record pace. The kilograms are coming off slowly but constantly. However, the process can be accelerated by playing sports.

    What to completely exclude from the menu for weight loss

    What to completely exclude from the menu for weight loss

    Proper nutrition for weight loss is a tricky thing, requiring consideration of many nuances and having numerous prohibitions. In order for the process to start successfully and proceed at an accelerated pace, you must first exclude certain foods from your daily diet.

    Strictly prohibited:

    • Sugar/salt.
    • Mayonnaise.
    • Roast.
    • Smoked meats and pickles.
    • Juices in packages.
    • Baked goods made from wheat flour.
    • Cookies and sweets.

    The list is not as large as it might seem at first glance, and giving up everything is quite possible. And no one forbids, after the weight is normalized, periodically pleasing yourself with your favorite harmful foods, because the metabolism will start, speed up, and a short-term “rest” from PN will not affect the body in any way.

    How to calculate the body's daily calorie needs?

    An insufficient amount of calories consumed per day leads to a failure of the body's metabolic processes. Energy replenishment begins to occur due to a decrease in muscle mass. In order for weight loss to be painless for your health, you need to calculate and adhere to your daily calorie intake.

    You can use different types of formulas. All of them are tied to your individual indicators - height, weight and age. Also, calorie calculations should take into account your physical activity over different periods of time. The minimum norm per day for a sedentary lifestyle is 1500 -2000 kcal. For active everyday life, it is necessary to increase the norm - add from 200 to 500 kcal.

    IMPORTANT: The most common and accurate formula for calculating daily calorie intake: Mifflin-San Geor formula 10*weight+6.25*height-5*age

    In the absence of physical activity, the result must be multiplied by 1.2

    When adding a day of vigorous activity to your schedule, you need to multiply the result by a factor of 1.3 to 1.7, depending on the intensity of the load.

    Sample menu for weight loss

    Sample menu for weight loss

    Don’t confuse PP with diets and their strict nutrition programs. Having a huge list of permitted products in hand, you can create varied, and most importantly, delicious menus for every day, week. To correctly decide and create a good daily diet, you do not need to have the skills and experience of nutritionists. It is enough to follow two factors, and success will be guaranteed to you:

    • The total number of calories per day should not exceed 2000. During weight loss, calories can be reduced to 1600 or less.
    • We use only nutritious, healthy products to prepare dishes from the new healthy menu for the week, month, day.

    We offer several sample menu options for the day and week in tables that will help you create your own unique diet.

    Myths about proper nutrition

    Proper nutrition is expensive!

    A common misconception. It all depends on the choice of products. Proper nutrition will be expensive if you eat red fish, seafood, choose marbled beef and exotic fruits. An ordinary table with dishes of white fish, chicken, and porridge will cost much less, but it also fits within the framework of proper nutrition. In winter, instead of imported tomatoes and cucumbers, it is better to eat cabbage, radishes, carrots, and beets. Also, for clarity, you can compare the cost of a chocolate bar and meat; translate the price of beef per 100 g. It’s unlikely that you can buy good chocolate for this amount, but it’s easy to cook a whole cutlet!

    Juices are healthy!

    From the point of view of proper nutrition and weight loss, fiber is beneficial for humans. And it goes from vegetables and fruits into pulp and is thrown away. Therefore, there is little benefit in such drinks. Fruit and berry juices contain sugar, provoke hunger, and increase appetite.

    The main thing is to move!

    Movement helps you lose weight, but a lot still depends on nutrition. To obtain quick and stable results, it is advisable to combine an active lifestyle with PP.

    Muesli is the best breakfast on the PP!

    A common misconception about proper nutrition. Muesli is high in calories and often contains sugar syrup, nuts, and dried fruits. As a result, a healthy breakfast for weight loss can add 400 or even 600 kcal. This is too much, it is wiser to choose regular porridge.

    Basics and rules of PP for weight loss, how to go on a diet and not break?

    Nutritionist answers to questions

    People who begin to learn proper nutrition often encounter a number of difficulties. For example - how to switch to healthy food? Should you track the amount you eat? A nutritionist helped answer these and other questions.

    The right transition to proper nutrition

    How to switch from the usual type of nutrition to the right one? From the beginning of the first steps there are several recommendations to consider:

    1. When starting to follow tips on proper nutrition, it is worth remembering that meals should not be skipped. Each missed dose provokes hunger, which will lead to new fat deposits “in reserve.”
    2. Drink more water. Liquid helps speed up metabolism and the body gets rid of harmful substances faster.
    3. Use spices in the cooking process. Let’s not forget that bland food, even the most varied, quickly becomes boring, and this will inevitably lead to breakdowns. Herbs and spices will help make food more appetizing.
    4. Sweets should not be excluded. You just need to remove regular flour from baking and replace it with rye flour. Instead of the usual sugar, you can use honey or a sweetener.
    5. Give preference to fruits that contain healthy dietary fiber.
    6. Also, do not completely exclude pasta; just choose durum varieties.
    7. It is useful to replace white rice with brown rice.

    Advice. The last meal is taken no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

    Why do you need a food diary?

    How to eat right to lose weight? This question interests millions of people around the world. Leading nutritionists advise: you need to keep a special food diary that helps you track everything you eat in a day. Records will help you control the amount of food you eat and make nutritional adjustments.

    There are several ways to keep a food diary for weight loss and count calories:

    1. Use a regular paper notepad or resort to an electronic sample.
    2. Entries are made every day of the week, after the next meal.
    3. It is most convenient to draw a table that will record the amount of food eaten, calorie content of dishes, etc.
    4. It is better to record the volume of food eaten in milliliters.

    Advice. To calculate calories, there are certain programs installed on your phone. It is recommended to always carry a diary with you.

    Watch the video about creating the PP menu:

    How much weight can you lose with proper nutrition?

    If you adhere to a diet that focuses on food tables and daily menus, you should not expect lightning-fast weight loss. Metabolism must accelerate, this takes time. Most of the first pounds lost are water. Gradually, swelling is eliminated, and metabolism improves.

    A positive result is supported by a person’s physical activity - the higher it is, the faster the weight is lost. However, sudden loss of kilograms is harmful to health. For this reason, weight loss will be about 3-4 kg per month. These indicators are relevant for light physical activity. Increasing the load, for example, strength training, will help to further increase the weight loss by 2 kg.

    Examples of other fast diets in pictures

    Five day diet
    Five day diet

    Diet to lose 3 kg in 7 days
    Diet to lose 3 kg in 7 days

    Seven-day fasting diet
    Seven-day fasting diet

    Effective diet
    Effective diet

    Diet ladder for 5 days
    Diet ladder for 5 days

    Six day diet
    Six day diet

    Ten day diet
    Ten day diet

    Diet for losing weight by 1 kg per day
    Diet for losing weight by 1 kg per day

    Seven-day fasting
    Seven-day fasting

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