basal hilar pneumosclerosis
Pneumosclerosis of the lungs: symptoms of the disease, life expectancy, treatment methods
Basal pulmonary pneumosclerosis is a pathological condition in which healthy tissue is replaced by connective tissue
Streptococcus agalactiae in a smear in men
Streptococcus parasanguinis what is it
Definition Streptococcus agalactiae in men (or otherwise streptococcus agalactia) is a conditional pathogenic bacterium belonging to
Signs and symptoms of sore throat in adolescents as a signal for immediate treatment
Author's rating Author of the article Shutofedova Ksenia Yuryevna General practitioner Articles written 578 About the author V
Naphthyzine poisoning in a child
"Naphthyzin": side effects, indications and contraindications
Can a child be poisoned by Naphthyzin? Yes maybe. Even the simplest and safest ones
Hearing loss 2 degrees: treatment. Hearing loss: symptoms, causes
How is sensorineural hearing loss treated? What medications does an otolaryngologist usually prescribe to restore hearing? In what
To prescribe adequate therapy, you must consult an otolaryngologist.
Effective medicines, tablets and remedies for sinusitis
Video Sinusitis is a disease in which the inflammatory process is localized in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses
Proper nutrition for weight loss
PP diet. Diet and menu for a week for weight loss
Proper nutrition for weight loss, sample menu for every day Skip to content VDiete Website
What is spirometry? Norm, table, transcript
How is spirometry performed - what is it, normal values ​​(table)
The essence of the study What spirometry is becomes clear from the name of the procedure: spiro meter translates as
Croupous pneumonia
Croupous pneumonia: causes, symptoms and treatment
Lobar pneumonia is an acute infectious disease that affects one or more lobes of the lung,
Tubootitis: treatment at home with folk remedies and medications
Eustachitis is a disease of the Eustachian tube, which results in impaired ventilation on average
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