Causes of drowsiness in the third trimester of pregnancy

The last months of pregnancy are the most difficult for a woman. The body is under increased stress, all organs work in an enhanced mode to ensure the vital functions of mother and baby. Psychological problems associated with instability and overstrain of the nervous system also appear. All these factors lead to insomnia during pregnancy in the third trimester. Statistics say that this problem worries 97% of expectant mothers. Let's look at why it appears and how you can fight it without harming the health of the fetus and the woman herself.

The importance of night sleep

Sleep disturbances at any stage should be addressed, be it insomnia in the first trimester of pregnancy or in later gestational stages. Regardless of the factors, these conditions require elimination or reduction of manifestations to a minimum. It is very important to avoid poor sleep during pregnancy at night, because it is during this period of the day that the body actively produces the melatonin hormone.

For reference! Melatonin is necessary for the human body to fully restore nervous system functions, as well as to maintain normal cardiovascular activity. In order for this hormone to be produced in the required volumes, it is necessary to sleep at night, and in absolute darkness.

In order for the baby to be born in excellent health, and for no abnormalities or disturbances to occur in the body due to insomnia in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, it is necessary to treat such sleep disturbances. Experts may recommend taking homeopathic remedies or mild sedative medications, but one thing is clear - such conditions require mandatory elimination. Sometimes you can cope with insomnia in the third trimester of pregnancy without the use of medications.

Possible reasons

Drowsiness protects the nervous system from overload and all kinds of irritants. High concentrations of progesterone are the main cause of fatigue in pregnant women in the third trimester. A sharp change in hormonal levels overloads nervous tissues and takes away an incredible amount of energy.

The pregnancy hormone calms and relaxes the woman. Under the influence of progesterone, even emotional natures become passive and peaceful. The bioactive substance prepares the body for drastic changes, restructuring the usual routine and rhythm of life, and the birth of a child. Sound sleep and good rest help cope with stress, apathy, and compensate for incredible energy costs.

Lack of sleep has a negative impact on well-being and health. It aggravates the course of pregnancy and does not allow the fetus to develop normally.

Pregnancy hormones are not the only cause of late-term fatigue. Certain pathologies lead to weakness and drowsiness:

  • anemia;
  • acute respiratory diseases;
  • hypotension;
  • gestosis;
  • poor nutrition;
  • stress.

Pregnant women do not feel well in stuffy rooms or in conflict situations. Exhausting conditions cause severe drowsiness.

Fatigue after eating

Fatigue and powerlessness in the 3rd trimester are normal. Don't worry if you feel tired. If after eating you want to lie down and take a little nap, you just need to listen to your needs and rest a little.

The body expends a lot of energy when digesting food. Pregnant women have limited vitality. In order for the food to be absorbed, you should reduce your activity - lie in bed for some time.

But late-term fatigue is not always harmless. In some cases, weakness may be a symptom of a certain pathology.


When fatigue occurs along with dizziness, a pregnant woman is likely to develop hypotension (low blood pressure). Fatigue with this pathology is not too scary if the disease is kept under control.

With reduced pressure, blood circulation through the vessels is slowed down. Poor blood circulation causes hypoxia in mother and child. Sometimes oxygen starvation causes the death of a baby.


If you feel lethargic due to hypotension, you should avoid drinking tea or coffee in the morning. During breakfast, it is better to consume fresh juices that can increase blood circulation and saturate the body with oxygen and nutrients. In the diet it is necessary to increase the proportion of fruits, vegetables and foods that can replenish vitality and invigorate.


Gestosis is a late toxicosis that requires treatment. Pathology develops in the last months of pregnancy. With gestosis, the following symptoms are observed:

  • nausea and vomiting syndrome;
  • swelling;
  • headache;
  • high pressure;
  • weakness and drowsiness.

If the disease is not treated, preeclampsia will subsequently occur - a severe stage of gestosis. A complication is indicated by a high concentration of protein in the patient’s urine.

Colds and ARVI

Weakness appears with common acute respiratory infections and influenza. In addition to fatigue, women suffer from other characteristic symptoms:

  • chills;
  • cough;
  • nasal congestion;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • high temperature;
  • muscle pain and bone aches.

For colds during pregnancy, women should take medications as prescribed by their doctor.

Iron-deficiency anemia

With catastrophic iron deficiency in pregnant women, anemia occurs in the last trimester. The following signs indicate the development of the disease:

  • dyspnea;
  • hair loss;
  • numbness in the hands.

Iron concentrations are increased by taking medications prescribed by your doctor. During pregnancy, the diet includes beef, buckwheat porridge, legumes, nuts, seafood, beets, herbs and other hypoallergenic foods that contain sufficient amounts of the necessary microelement.

Features of sleep during pregnancy

At different gestational stages, sleep is characterized by certain features. Quite often it is difficult for a mother to sleep during pregnancy in the first trimester. Some doctors even consider problems with sleep to be a characteristic sign of conception that has occurred. In such a situation, sleep disorders are formed against the background of ongoing hormonal changes, and this provokes neurosystem disorders of a reversible nature.

Many pregnant women, upon learning about pregnancy, begin to worry greatly, which becomes the cause of disturbances in the 1st trimester. Such emotional sleep disturbances are usually characteristic of patients who have some difficulties in their marital relationships. Also, a provoking factor for insomnia is toxic conditions, which occur in a third of patients. Typically, toxicosis begins in the second month of pregnancy during 5-6 weeks. In such a state, it is impossible to call a woman’s sleep complete, since it is periodically interrupted by nausea and vomiting.

Many people mistakenly underestimate the importance of a good night's rest.

If the patient feels unwell, she becomes defenseless against other negative factors, such as noise from the street, stuffy air or heat in the bedroom, foreign odors coming through the window from the outside, etc. As a result, mommy becomes terribly irritable and whiny. When, towards the end of the first trimester, intensive growth of the uterine body begins, the pressure on the bladder structures increases, provoking an increased urge to urinate. Then mommy has to wake up often at night, which adversely affects the quality of night's rest. The result is insomnia in pregnant women, difficulty falling asleep and drowsy fatigue during the daytime.

Usually in the second trimester, manifestations of insomnia (as insomnia is scientifically called) disappear, which is due to the elimination of the tension of the first gestational weeks, manifestations of early toxicosis, and doubts and worries about the upcoming birth recede. Since the toxicosis is passing, and the tummy has not yet begun to grow, nothing prevents the pregnant woman from getting enough sleep in the 2nd trimester, watching eventful dreams.

Stabilization of falling asleep and night sleep in the second gestational stage is observed in most patients preparing for imminent motherhood. And also for almost all mothers, the third trimester becomes a special period characterized by poor sleep during pregnancy. This condition has a lot of reasons that require more detailed consideration.

Preventing insomnia in the third trimester of pregnancy

How should a pregnant woman behave in the evening for a good night's sleep?

To avoid insomnia during pregnancy in the third trimester, an evening walk, pleasant communication and listening to soothing positive music are useful. You should not plan any important things for the evening, so as not to cause an outburst of emotions. It is advisable to deactivate your smartphone, refrain from watching films with negative content and protect yourself from stress in every possible way. Do not overload the digestive tract with difficult-to-digest foods. Let's say a light dinner, warm milk, chamomile tea. Immediately before going to bed, it is better to minimize drinking. A warm bath helps a lot if such a procedure is not contraindicated by the attending physician. In the evening hours, do not drink strong green tea and coffee. Aromatherapy, massage and marital duties work great. Sex is good for pregnant women if there are no complications and the gynecologist is not against it.

Milk with honey

A vitamin soothing drink is easy to prepare. Take a glass of warm natural milk and add a teaspoon of honey. This drink is only useful if you are not allergic to bee products.


You can prepare a mixture of equal volumes of honey and fresh cranberries. The sweet dessert is taken half an hour before each meal with a large spoon. Cranberry honey helps you become calmer and fall asleep successfully.

Herbal collection

To improve body function and restful sleep, you can brew a drink from medicinal herbs. Thyme, bitter orange, lavender, licorice, lemon balm and chamomile are optimally combined in tea. Take all types of plant materials equally and brew with hot water and leave.

Folk remedy with turnip

In a root vegetable - turnip, beet or radish, you need to make a hole, put a teaspoon of natural honey there, leave for 2 hours, then take the resulting infusion.

Herb tea

To make an aromatic drink, take 2 parts of oregano and half as much valerian. We combine these herbs with a third of a glass of water and boil for a while. Then leave the product for about an hour and take it in the evenings.


Brew about 20 grams of chopped celery in a glass of boiling water and leave to steep for half an hour. Filter the product, drink a third of a glass three times a day.


Blackcurrant berries, which provide vitamin supplementation and a calming effect, can be used fresh, taken as food, or prepared as a decoction, drinking it instead of evening tea.

If a pregnant mother leads a healthy and active lifestyle, follows all the recommendations of the observing gynecologist, eats right and avoids stress, then the likelihood of sleep problems is minimized.

Insomnia 3 trimesters

Quite a variety of factors, determined by the physiological characteristics of the pregnant state, can provoke insomnia in the last trimester of pregnancy.

  1. The baby is kicking. In recent months, the baby has been growing rapidly, increasing physical activity, which does not go unnoticed by the pregnant woman. The baby kicks and pushes his stomach from the inside not only during the day, but also at night. An interesting fact is that the baby’s wakefulness and rest in the womb do not coincide with the traditional time of day. Therefore, while mommy is sleeping at night, the baby can easily do exercises, actively demonstrating his acrobatic abilities.
  2. Difficulty falling asleep in a forced position. In late gestation, sleeping on your back or stomach down is not recommended, as such positions can become dangerous for the baby. Mommy cannot sleep on her stomach due to understandable pressure on the fetus and discomfort for the patient herself. Sleeping on your back is dangerous due to pressure on the venous channels, which leads to a deterioration in the general well-being of patients, fainting, etc. Therefore, pregnant women need to sleep on their side.
  3. Frequent urination. In the 3rd trimester, the uterus grows rapidly, the fetus puts pressure on the urinary tract, which forces the mother to get up to go to the toilet several times during the night. And this adversely affects sleep.
  4. Heartburn. At the end of pregnancy this is a typical condition for most girls. If you lie down after eating, the unpleasant burning sensation in the epigastric region only becomes stronger, and therefore sleep is seriously disturbed.
  5. Back and pelvic pain. By the third trimester, there is a pronounced shift in the center of gravity, and therefore the load on the spine and back increases significantly. As a result, mommy becomes very tired, her muscles become overstrained, and discomfort and even pain arise. As for the pelvic bones, towards the end of gestation they become softer, which is also accompanied by quite unpleasant painful sensations.
  6. Training contractions. Such uterine contractions are chaotic in nature, they do not exhibit any cyclicity, and the pain does not have an increasing tendency, which distinguishes such contractions from traditional prenatal uterine contractions. Usually “training sessions” occur at night. Which leads to sleep disturbances.
  7. Childbirth is approaching quickly. A pregnant woman’s worries about the upcoming delivery are quite appropriate and understandable, especially in the case of the birth of her first baby. The last days of pregnancy are literally saturated with anxiety and excitement, which is why insomnia during these nights is quite relevant.

Sometimes in the later stages, sleep disorders are caused by unpleasant memories of previous births, an increase in estrogen hormone, and exacerbation of varicose veins with frequent cramps at night.

Necessary medical observations, tests and examinations

How to sleep in the third trimester of pregnancy

Diagnosis of pregnant women is a rather complicated issue, because many types of examinations may be unsafe during this period. But this does not mean that with the problem of insomnia you should not seek advice from a doctor - an X-ray or CT scan for a pregnant woman, of course, is unlikely to be prescribed, but finding out what the cause of sleep disturbances is quite possible and using more gentle methods.

In addition, through examination and history taking, concomitant diseases can be detected in the expectant mother that worsen the quality of night's rest, for example, high blood pressure or cramps in the calf muscles, and a blood sugar test sometimes reveals uncompensated diabetes mellitus, in which frequent urination and skin itching makes sleep shallow and interrupted.


Insomnia is divided into several types. Depending on the severity of clinical manifestations, insomnia can be mild, moderate or pronounced. Mild insomnia occurs periodically, with almost no effect on the flow of life rhythm. With moderate insomnia, the patient experiences slight problems with sleep; she has difficulty falling asleep almost every night. With severe insomnia, the patient suffers from sleep disturbances every night.

Water has a beneficial effect on both physical and psychological well-being.

In addition, insomnia is divided into types such as initial, middle and final. With initial insomnia, mommy cannot fall asleep for half an hour or an hour. With moderate insomnia, patients wake up several times during the night, while their sleep is shallow. With final insomnia, awakening is noted at a very early time of the day.

Types of insomnia during early pregnancy

Some women constantly want to sleep during pregnancy, regardless of the intensity of physical activity, while others, on the contrary, cannot fall asleep for a long time, but if a miracle happens, it does not last long at all: only a few hours a day.
Depending on the causes of sleep disturbance, three stages of insomnia can be distinguished:

  1. Starting.
    At this stage, the natural process of going to sleep is disrupted. Women toss and turn for a long time and cannot fall asleep, but if they still manage to immerse themselves in the desired state, then often even the slightest rustle can interrupt a good rest. This stage is characterized by increased motor activity before plunging into a night's rest: it is difficult to find a comfortable position for the body, various kinds of disturbing thoughts creep into the head.
  2. Median
    . Unlike the first phase, everything here is much more complicated. Not only is the woman unable to fall asleep due to her long hours, but she also often wakes up at night. Waking up can occur every half hour and there is practically no complete rest at this stage. Nightmares and anxious experiences are frequent companions encountered at this phase of the disease.
  3. Final
    . The most difficult phase, very difficult to treat. Characterized by abnormally early morning awakening. For an ordinary person, the morning hours of sleep are considered the deepest and most complete; pregnant women suffering from insomnia wake up at this time and are no longer able to prolong their night's rest. This problem can cause irritability, headaches, drowsiness, and in some cases even hallucinations.

The second and third stages most often occur in the last stages, and the problem requires urgent medical intervention. Such types also occur in the early stages and this phenomenon is associated with a hormonal surge as a result of new emotions and experiences.

The dangers of insomnia

Sleep problems can be dangerous when pregnant. During this period, the patient needs more energy and strength to perform the usual manipulations. If she constantly lacks sleep, her health will deteriorate, and the patient herself will become overly irritable, nervous, and even aggressive. Psycho-emotional changes are dangerous due to neuroses or depressive states, excessive anxiety.

Also, chronic lack of sleep is fraught with hormonal disorders, which can increase uterine tone and provoke miscarriage or premature delivery. Poor rest at night leads to constant drowsiness and chronic fatigue, sudden surges in blood pressure or rapid heartbeat. In this case, the general psychosomatics of the pregnant woman suffers greatly. If insomnia is prolonged, then coordination is impaired, attention and concentration are depressed, and reaction slows down. As a result, when dizziness occurs, the patient may fall and injure herself. This is why lack of sleep requires treatment.

Sleeping in the second trimester

A woman’s well-being improves after 12 weeks of pregnancy. Mood swings and morning sickness disappear. By this time, the troubles associated with hormonal changes had already ended. And new inconveniences, such as back pain, excess weight, clumsiness, have not yet begun. They appear, as a rule, in the last months. But the question of how to sleep is becoming increasingly pressing. Which pose should you choose?

How to sleep in the third trimester of pregnancy

Sleeping on your stomach is no longer suitable for this time. After all, it increases so much that in this position you can crush the baby with your weight. It is worth considering other options in order to ensure uninterrupted and sound sleep. After all, you yourself will probably feel uncomfortable in this position because of your round belly.

The optimal position in the second trimester is on your back. Since the baby’s weight is still small, the expectant mother will feel comfortable - the diaphragm and spine will not be compressed. However, after the baby begins to move, it is advisable to change the position. The most comfortable and beneficial way to sleep at this time is to sleep on your side. The left one is best, but in the middle of pregnancy the right one will do.

In the second trimester, the woman begins to feel better. She no longer feels nausea or frequent mood changes. This is due to the fact that hormonal changes have already occurred. However, other difficulties that are associated with weight gain and abdominal growth have not yet begun. The pregnant woman still has to endure these inconveniences. But at this time, the issue of posture during sleep becomes more acute.

During this period of pregnancy, you should no longer sleep on your stomach. The abdomen increases in size to such an extent that there is a risk of crushing the child. To sleep peacefully and soundly, you need to choose other positions. After all, it will be uncomfortable for a woman to lie on her stomach.

The best option for a pregnant woman to sleep during these months is on her back. The baby still weighs a little, so the woman will be quite comfortable. Her organs will not be compressed. But when you feel that the baby is moving, the position will need to be changed. Sleeping on the side in this case will be both the safest and most comfortable for the woman and the baby. It is advisable to sleep on your left side. But in the middle of pregnancy, you can sleep on the right one.

How to fight

Mothers who are faced with such conditions should have an idea of ​​how to deal with insomnia during pregnancy. It is unsafe to engage in independent drug treatment, since most drugs are contraindicated. You need to try to solve the problem using safe home methods and without medications. It is quite possible to cope with insomnia. There is a whole range of measures to help cope with lack of sleep quickly enough. The psycho-emotional sphere of the patient is of no small importance for a full and sound sleep.

  1. For a good mood, the patient should be protected from any worries and anxiety.
  2. The patient should spend more time walking or doing her hobbies.
  3. There is no need to overload; mommy already needs more energy right now.
  4. If the patient sleeps during the day, then it is better to abandon such rest in favor of night rest.
  5. In case of severe nightmares or worries, mommy should find support from family members and talk to them about troubling problems. This trick allows you to get rid of internal fears without using a sedative.
  6. The bed is intended for sleeping, so you should not lie in it with a book or laptop. The body must get used to the fact that when it goes to bed, it falls asleep.
  7. It is useful to normalize night sleep by walking more and swimming in the pool. By doing daily exercises, you can easily normalize falling asleep and night rest in general. It is better to go for a walk a couple of hours before you are supposed to go to bed.
  8. In the evening, mommy should stop watching disturbing films (horrors, thrillers) and avoid eating heavy food. A warm bath and a cup of chamomile tea will help you get a restful night's sleep.
  9. Proper massage will help get rid of unpleasant discomfort in the legs and back. If after sexual intercourse the mother feels sleepy, and there are no contraindications for sex, then it is quite possible to use such a “sleeping pill.”

Following simple rules will help make it easier to fall asleep and have a restful night's sleep.


If mommy used all sorts of methods, but they did not help normalize sleep, what to do in such a situation. Doctors recommend seeking qualified help from specialists. Prescribing medications is considered a last resort in the treatment of insomnia, but sometimes it is impossible to do without them, for example, with excessively high blood pressure or intense migraines, etc.

You should consult a specialist about taking any medications.

When the problem of lack of sleep is caused by increased uterine tone and the threat of interruption, the mother is usually admitted to a hospital where an infusion of a solution of magnesium with calcium is administered. Such a system will help relieve excess tension from the abdomen and lower back, and also restore the psycho-emotional state.

If the root of the evil is heartburn, then taking remedies like Phosphalugel, Gastal or Rennie is indicated. It is better to avoid using sleeping pills during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, when the baby is just forming, and in the later stages it is better not to resort to such pills unless necessary.

Medications to eliminate insomnia during pregnancy are the latest method, and therefore are prescribed only in extreme clinical cases. Only a specialist can prescribe any sleeping pills, taking into account the likely risks and the patient’s condition. Even drugs for insomnia that are relatively safe for pregnant women are prescribed only in 3-5-day courses.

Home methods

Folk remedies cope with lack of sleep much safer. For example, a glass of slightly warmed milk with honey added. This is far from the only remedy. You can also cope with insomnia through aromatherapy using essential oils. Peppermint or lavender, chamomile or lemon balm oils are most effective in normalizing sleep. You can add them to the bath or drip a few drops onto a special aroma medallion before going to bed, which you need to hang above the head of the bed. You should consult with a competent specialist about the possibility of using aromatherapy.

Melissa tea with ginger and lemon juice has an excellent sedative effect. You can improve your night's sleep with plain water and honey. Dissolve a large spoonful of honey in a glass of warm water and drink it before bed. You can also prepare a herbal mixture of valerian and oregano (1:2). Pour a third cup of boiling water over a spoonful of this mixture, cook over low heat for a quarter of an hour, then leave for another hour. Drink before bed. A mixture of cranberries and honey (1:1) also makes falling asleep easier. This mixture should be consumed before meals, half an hour before, with a large spoon.

To restore normal sleep, it is recommended that a pregnant woman exclude caffeine-containing drinks from her diet and avoid drinking black or green teas in the evenings. The consumption of smoked, fried or fatty foods is also contraindicated. Simple things like reading your favorite book or listening to calm music, knitting or any other handicraft help you fall asleep faster. As soon as you feel like you're falling asleep, you should immediately go to bed.

How to improve your sleep

There are many ways to ensure a certain comfort when falling asleep. To do this, you need to follow these medical recommendations:

  • Create a specific atmosphere in the room. To do this, you need to monitor the temperature in the room where the patient sleeps. It shouldn't be hot here, but it shouldn't be warm enough. The ideal environment for night sleep is 18-20 degrees. Humidity should also be normal. If there is dry air in the room, it will interfere with healthy sleep, as it causes severe thirst or general discomfort, nasal congestion, etc.
  • Before going to bed, it is recommended to drink a glass of herbal tea or milk with honey. Among the soothing herbs, lemon balm, St. John's wort or valerian are recommended.
  • Mommy should sleep comfortably. Only in this case will the patient get a good night's sleep. It is better to sleep on the left side of the body, because in this case nothing interferes with the sleep process.
  • Specialized pillows for pregnant women, which are placed under the tummy or back for a more comfortable sleep, greatly facilitate sleep.
  • It is also worth taking care of an orthopedic mattress. High-quality linen and bedding will ensure complete comfort during a night's sleep. Linen should be selected from natural fabrics.
  • During pregnancy, it is worth removing items from the bedroom that collect dust, for example, carpets and rugs, soft toys, etc.
  • Fresh air must be supplied to the room, because in the later stages most patients develop respiratory problems, causing oxygen deficiency.

Before going to bed, it is recommended to take a bath with added sea salt. Such procedures will help you fully relax and fall asleep immediately.

How can an expectant mother prevent sleep disturbances?

Carlson's well-known life principle from a children's book is calm, only calm! - relevant for a woman carrying a child. And to prevent negative emotions from poisoning your life and leading to insomnia, you should take care of yourself. Then the worries will go away, the nervous system will strengthen, the head will be occupied with positive thoughts.

You may have to change your daily routine, menu, and living conditions.

Daily regime

It is better to wake up between 7 and 9 am. A light warm-up won't hurt. If you work, leave the house early to get your morning exercise. If you are sitting at home, go out too: pregnant women need fresh air to saturate the body with oxygen.

It is contraindicated for sleepyheads to lie in bed for a long time in the morning: the blood pressure will increase, and insomnia will not be slow to appear at night. As soon as you feel that you are beginning to fall asleep worse, give up daytime naps.

Try to avoid traveling on public transport during rush hours: stuffiness and crowding are of no use to you.

If your job is sedentary, get up every hour to walk. This will avoid stagnation of blood in the vessels and increase the tone of the body.

At home, it won’t hurt to do your usual things: cleaning the apartment, ironing clothes, washing dishes. Take a break every 15 minutes to avoid becoming overtired.

After little physical activity, the expectant mother sleeps better

Walking at night is a great way to strengthen the nervous system and relieve the stress of the day. In general, expectant mothers are recommended to spend 2-3 hours in the air every day.

Plan to go to bed at 22 or 23 hours.


Pregnant women have a special diet. To prevent insomnia, it is important to have a healthy dinner.

After eating, go to bed: this regime guarantees restless sleep. Set the table 2-3 hours before bedtime. Eliminate fatty foods from the menu, which will take half the night to digest; In addition, you will get heartburn. Eat dinner with dairy products, vegetables, and fruits.

Do not drink strong tea and coffee, they tone the nervous system and do not allow you to relax and get ready for sleep. Refuse large amounts of liquid: it provokes swelling and night trips to the toilet.

Bed and bedroom furnishings

To get a good night's sleep, it is best to purchase an orthopedic mattress: you will be able to support your spine in the correct position, and therefore avoid back and lower back pain.

Before going to bed, cover yourself with pillows: one under your stomach, another between your knees, and a third under your side. They will soften the aching pain and make the bed more comfortable. Now they also produce special pillows for pregnant women - in the form of a horseshoe, bagel, banana, and so on.

One pregnancy pillow will replace several regular ones and allow a woman to settle down on the bed with all the comforts

The best bed linen is made from natural fabrics, satin or cotton. Will not cause allergies, will not interfere with normal air circulation. When choosing pajamas and nightgowns, put aside the tight and uncomfortable ones: spacious nightwear made from natural materials will help you sleep comfortably.

Before going to bed, thoroughly ventilate the bedroom. If there is a TV in the room, ask to remove it. Also leave your smartphones outside the door.

Sleeping position

From the middle of the 2nd trimester you can no longer lie on your stomach: this position threatens the fetus. And by the end of the 2nd trimester, you have to give up sleeping on your back.

The expectant mother has little choice: right side, left side. Doctors recommend lying on the left because:

  • normal blood circulation is maintained;
  • nothing puts pressure on the liver;
  • the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus is difficult, which means heartburn will not be tormented;
  • Due to gravity, the pressure on the heart decreases, which promotes better lymph outflow.
  • Sleeping on the left side is safe for the heart muscle.

However, with a transverse presentation of the fetus, it is better for the woman to lie on the side where the baby’s head is located.

What is prohibited

If insomnia occurs, it is prohibited to take sedatives and hypnotics at your own discretion. Any medications, even vitamins, should be prescribed only by a doctor who is managing the pregnancy and knows all the nuances in the case of each specific patient. Also, do not tone yourself up by drinking a lot of coffee or tea. Pregnant women are generally not recommended to drink a lot of liquid during the day, especially in the later stages, because this is fraught with the development of hyperedema.

If herbal infusions are used to eliminate insomnia, they should only be water-based; the use of alcohol-based tinctures is contraindicated. Because even a drop of alcohol can seriously harm a child’s development.

How much sleep do pregnant women need?

Pregnant woman sleeping
You need to sleep as much as you like

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