No-spa during pregnancy: how to take it in the early stages in the 1st trimester and in the late stages of the 2nd, 3rd trimester

Release form

Forms of release of the drug:

  • No-Shpa tablets, 6 or 24 pcs. in blisters, 1 blister per package, 60 pieces in polypropylene bottles equipped with a piece dispenser, 1 bottle per pack;
  • No-Shpa Forte tablets No. 20, 10 pcs. in blisters, 2 blisters in a cardboard box;
  • No-Shpa injections, No. 25 (5×5), 2 ml per ampoule, 5 ampoules (located in a tray), 5 trays in a cardboard box.

Tablets 40 mg are biconvex, round, yellow with an orange or greenish tint. Each tablet is engraved with "spa".

No-Shpa Forte is a biconvex, oblong-shaped tablet of yellow color with an orange or greenish tint. There is a fault line on one side and "NOSPA" is engraved on the other.

The drug in injection form has the appearance of a transparent yellow-green liquid.

What to do if you have a headache (often occurring)?

First, you should call your doctor, antenatal clinic or, in extreme cases, an ambulance. Secondly, based on the recommendations received, decide for yourself whether it is worth taking the medicine or whether it is possible to get rid of the pain by other methods (warm garden tea, shower, rest, wet towel, etc.). Thirdly, if you still decide to take medications, the dosage of the drug must be strictly observed. Fourthly, if it is not possible to consult a doctor, during pregnancy you should not use No-Shpa tablets for more than 1-2 days in a row.

No-Shpa is one of the universal drugs for headaches, not only during early and late pregnancy, but also in the everyday life of all people. Of course, like a number of other medications, it has its contraindications, but they are quite rare. If you feel unwell after taking the pills or injections, you should inform your doctor and postpone taking the medications for a while.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Drotaverine is a myotropic antispasmodic . The action of the drug is aimed at reducing the tone and motor activity of the smooth muscles of internal organs. Moreover, these effects are accompanied by a moderate dilation of blood vessels.

Compared to Papaverine, it has greater antispasmodic activity and duration of action. There are no pronounced effects on the cardiovascular, central and autonomic nervous systems.

The drug is effective for both muscle spasms and spasms of neurogenic origin. Regardless of the type of autonomic innervation, it helps to relax the smooth muscles of the biliary tract, digestive and urogenital tracts.

Since drotaverine acts directly on smooth muscles, it can be used to relieve spasms even in cases where the use of drugs from the group of anticholinergics (for example, with prostatic hypertrophy or glaucoma ).

When taken orally, absorption of drotaverine is one hundred percent. The substance is absorbed from the digestive tract very quickly. During the first passage (passage) through the liver, only 65% ​​of the dose enters the bloodstream. TCmax - from 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Drotaverine in tissues and penetrates smooth muscle cells. Does not pass through the BBB. The substance and/or products of its metabolism can pass through the placental barrier in small concentrations.

T1/2 - from 8 to 10 hours. Within 72 hours, the substance is almost completely eliminated from the body. More than half of the drug is excreted - mainly in the form of metabolites - by the kidneys, about a third - through the gastrointestinal tract (excretion into bile). Unchanged drotaverine is not found in urine.

What effect does no-spa have?

The drug no-spa effectively helps with spasms of smooth muscles of a muscular and neurogenic nature:

  • muscle activity, tone and contraction frequency decrease;
  • blood vessels dilate;
  • blood circulation in the spasmodic area improves.

The active substance - drotaverine - is quickly absorbed and evenly distributed throughout the tissues of the body, penetrating into smooth muscle cells. The maximum concentration of the substance in the blood is reached 45-60 minutes after administration.

Slight penetration of the drug through the placenta is possible. Complete elimination of no-shpa metabolites occurs within 72 hours. When used together with other antispasmodics, a mutual enhancement of the effect is possible.

Indications for use of No-Shpy

What do No-Shpy tablets help with?

Indications for use of No-Shpy:

  • spasms of smooth muscles caused by diseases of the biliary tract ( cholecystitis , cholangitis , cholangiolithiasis , cholecystolithiasis , pericholecystitis , papillitis );
  • spasms of smooth muscles of the urinary tract with cystitis , uro- and nephrolithiasis , pyelitis , bladder tenesmus .

As an addition to the main therapy, the drug can be used to relieve spasm of smooth muscles, which is caused by diseases of the stomach and intestines . Indications for use are: peptic ulcer , flatulent forms of spastic colitis , as well as SRCT with constipation , spasms of the pylorus and cardia .

In addition, it is advisable to take No-Shpu for headaches and dysmenorrhea . No-Spa for headaches is effective if the cause of the pain is a spasm of blood vessels (tension headache or tension pain).

Forte tablets are prescribed when it is necessary to provide a longer lasting effect and reduce the frequency of use.

What is No-Shpa for injectable form?

No-Spa in ampoules is used mainly in situations where taking pills is impossible.

The tablets contain lactose. Its content in one tablet is 40 mg - 52 mg, and in one tablet 80 mg - 104 mg. In this regard, patients with lactose intolerance may experience complaints from the digestive system.

People with glucose/galactose malabsorption syndrome, lactase deficiency and galactosemia should be prescribed only No-Shpa injections.

Parenteral administration of the drug is also indicated for pancreatitis : the disease is often accompanied by debilitating vomiting, due to which taking pills does not give the desired effect.

Does No-Spa help with toothache?

It is generally accepted that the drug does not help with toothache. And this is not surprising, since the main effect of drotaverine is antispasmodic. The cause of toothache is:

  • damage to tooth enamel or dentin;
  • inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth root;
  • pulp inflammation.

Smooth muscles do not play a role in the development of pain, therefore, taking No-Shpa for toothache does not make sense. However, in some cases, tablets can still help. If you put the tablet on your tongue, you may feel that your tongue begins to quickly go numb at the point of contact with it.

While not an analgesic , the drug provides an analgesic effect, and this allows it to be used to alleviate the condition in situations where it is not possible to quickly see a doctor. To relieve pain, the tablet is applied to the diseased tooth or placed in a carious cavity.

It should be noted that the medicine will only work if the pulp chamber has already opened.

No-Spa for menstruation

According to doctors, No-Shpa is one of the best remedies for relieving pain that occurs during menstruation. Drotaverine helps relax the uterus, while providing an analgesic effect.

For menstrual pain, drugs that suppress Pg synthesis in the body (for example, Brufen , Butadione or Indomethacin ) can be added to No-Shpe.

No-spa in the early stages (1st trimester of pregnancy)

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