Etiology A severe cough with sputum never develops on its own. The most common etiological
The hip joints experience the greatest load in the body. They are created by weight while walking,
Why does my left eye hurt? Pain occurs in the left organ of vision for many reasons: Migraine.
The female body faces changes every month. Hormonal levels change, which often affects the condition
The yellow color of the whites of the eyes is a sign that is not associated with ophthalmological diseases. IN
Characteristics of mercury It is a chemical element of the second group of the periodic table of Mendeleev. At room temperature
Blepharitis is a group of eye diseases accompanied by inflammation of the edges of the eyelids and is difficult to treat. At
The health benefits and harms of green tea Green tea is not an unambiguous drink. His
Composition 1 tablet contains ampicillin trihydrate in terms of ampicillin 250 mg; auxiliary
A variety of spinal problems are quite common in modern society. Back pain, spinal curvature,