How long after giving birth can you have an intimate life again and why not right away?

A caesarean section is the only way to save a child if carrying the baby was difficult and the woman’s body is not ready for childbirth naturally. During the operation, tissue is dissected and incisions are made on the internal organs. After childbirth, a woman’s body takes a long time to recover through surgical intervention, so sexual relations are prohibited during this period. Questions that young mothers have: when is sex allowed after a cesarean section, what difficulties will partners have to face, are there any restrictions or prohibitions in bed?

Recovery period

Each woman’s body is individual and has its own characteristics, so the regeneration period for young mothers occurs differently. Wound healing also continues unevenly - for some it takes several weeks, for others it takes months. Doctors recommend completely abstaining from sexual activities during this time, otherwise there is a risk of infection in unhealed wounds, damage to internal organs, and even the appearance of pus. Sexual activity after a cesarean section is allowed only after the wounds have completely healed.

Has your doctor given you permission to have sex after a cesarean section?

Not really

If the partner feels that she is ready to resume sexual relations, it is recommended that she first go to the doctor, who will allow sexual activity. To make sure that the internal genital organs have fully recovered, an ultrasound is performed, which confirms the young mother’s readiness for sex.

Before sexual intercourse, during the recovery period, partners are also recommended to visit a doctor and get advice on how to behave at first. Much depends here on the man, because there is a risk of causing bleeding if he is too active.

You need to ask doctors about positions, depth of penetration, and methods of sex - this will help avoid dangerous consequences for your partner.

Inflammatory diseases

If pain or other unpleasant sensations bother a woman some time after sexual intercourse , most likely, one or more inflammatory processes develop in the organs of the genitourinary system. A sure sign of inflammation is the absence of orgasm in a woman during intimacy.

In the postpartum period, inflammatory diseases such as endometritis and salpingoophoritis may begin. Their development is associated with weakened immunity, nervous tension and exhaustion of the body. A woman needs proper rest and proper medical treatment. A course of therapeutic physiotherapy or special massage is prescribed.

Why you don't want sex after a caesarean section

It often happens that after a caesarean section, everything related to intimate life does not bring any pleasure to a woman; she is even reluctant to start having sex, finding many important reasons to refuse sexual intercourse. Scientists have found that during the lactation period, an increased production of hormones occurs in the body of a young mother. They act no worse than the hormones released during sex.

It is the excess of hormones that most often becomes the reason for the reluctance to engage in sexual intercourse. Usually, after the end of the breastfeeding period, everything goes away, but during lactation it is better for men to prepare for the fact that a woman’s libido will decrease significantly.

It often happens that women take hormonal medications without permission, hoping that their hormone levels will return to normal. It is strictly forbidden to do this without a prior visit to the gynecologist - taking such drugs during lactation can harm the baby. Even hormonal contraceptives are not recommended - it is better to prevent unwanted conception in a safer way - with condoms.

Psycho-emotional state

Quite often it happens that a young mother’s body has fully recovered, but she begins intercourse reluctantly. Some mental disorders (depression) that are caused by cesarean section are to blame. Only after returning to peace of mind will the partner be able to live a full sex life.

Psychological disorders often cause complexes that are closely intertwined with appearance. A woman is embarrassed by the scars left after surgery, the excess weight gained during pregnancy, and the cellulite that appears after childbirth.

It is often difficult to solve the problem on your own, so it is better to first visit a psychologist. A specialist will certainly help you understand the problems and establish peace of mind.

It is not recommended to try to bring a figure that has become blurred during pregnancy into shape without first consulting a nutritionist. Exercising to get rid of excess pounds or cellulite is strictly prohibited - they can cause seams to separate. Even simple exercises at home are not recommended without a doctor's permission.

You should also not start dieting to correct your figure. Breastfeeding your baby is the main reason why you should not limit yourself to certain nutritious foods. A lack of vitamins, nutrients, and beneficial substances in mother's milk can adversely affect the development and well-being of the baby.

Relationship with child

Another problem that can appear with the birth of a baby and become an obstacle to a full sex life is the immense love of the mother for the baby, in which there is rarely room for the spouse. This is especially evident when breastfeeding a child - it is at this time that a woman and her beloved child are connected by invisible bonds that are difficult to break.

Thanks to close contact with the child, the young mother is in no hurry to begin sexual activity even after the regeneration of the body and genital organs injured during surgery. A lot depends here on the partner - he needs to be patient and prove that he plays no less important role in a woman’s life than the baby.

Increased mom activity

Another reason that negatively affects a young mother’s desire to have sex is the woman’s high activity, which manifests itself after the birth of a baby by caesarean section. Many new responsibilities appear that take up not only a lot of time, but also energy. Simple fatigue caused by regular washing, cooking, caring for the baby, shopping - all this does not contribute to the emergence of sexual desire.

Adequate rest will help to induce sexual desire, so a partner who misses sexual games is recommended to take on some of the responsibilities. Otherwise, you will have to wait a long time until your partner is ready to continue her usual sex life.

What kind of sex can you have after a cesarean section?

The difficulty that arises for partners who are determined to resume sexual relations after the birth of a baby is what kind of sex is allowed to be performed so as not to injure the tissues of the woman’s organs? Doctors warn that you should not start playing too actively - even after recovery there is a risk of bleeding, especially if the surgery involved complications.

The sex positions recommended immediately after the rehabilitation period are classic ones; they are the least safe for a woman. Deep penetration, which occurs in some positions, is undesirable - mechanical movements of the male penis can cause injury.

Immediately after the recovery period, oral sex is also undesirable. With his tongue, a man can introduce an infection into a woman’s genitals, which can cause dangerous complications. It is better to wait with such sexual games until the body is completely restored, which may take many months.

Is it allowed to have anal sex, how does this affect the body of a partner who has undergone surgery during childbirth? Even if a partner is eager for sex and expresses a desire to engage in love games, it is better to refuse so as not to cause additional problems. Doctors warn that it is not recommended to start anal sex after a caesarean section before the internal organs have fully recovered. When moving the partner's penis, there will certainly be pressure on the damaged uterus; this is no less dangerous than during traditional intercourse.

Another reason that completely prevents sex after a cesarean section with anal penetration is hemorrhoids. Often, during the period of bearing a baby, a woman suffers from this unpleasant and extremely painful illness. You should not even talk about any anal penetration with hemorrhoids - this can lead to severe pain for your partner.

When can you have sex after a caesarean section?

It is not recommended to resume sexual games between partners until the female body is fully restored. It is better to determine when you can have sex after a caesarean section by consulting with doctors. Experienced doctors, through special studies, will determine whether the young mother is ready for sexual games.

After what time is bed sex allowed? The first thing a woman should make sure of is that postpartum discharge has completely stopped. If bloody secretion continues, there is a high risk of infection, so it is better to postpone sex.

The average duration of the recovery period is 5-7 weeks. It often happens that with complications caused by a cesarean section, regeneration of tissues of internal organs takes a little longer - up to 9 weeks.

An examination with a doctor and an ultrasound will determine with accuracy when you can sleep with your husband, which will help you find out how actively healing is taking place and whether the stitches have come apart. If necessary, you will have to undergo a short course of treatment, after which the doctor will allow you to engage in sexual activity.

Pain during intercourse

Pregnancy and surgery often cause an unpleasant complication - muscle tissue and ligaments tighten, losing mobility. This becomes the main factor causing discomfort - having sex for a woman after a cesarean section is painful and unpleasant. Some ladies compare the first intercourse with a partner after a period of regeneration with the loss of virginity - the pain is no less severe than when the hymen is damaged.

How long is it prohibited to engage in lovemaking after surgery? Usually, painful sensations appear even after complete restoration of the tissues of the internal organs - after 6-8 weeks. If doubts remain, it is better to contact a gynecologist with this problem - he will accurately determine how successful the regeneration of the excised tissue was.

Spine pathologies

During childbirth, a woman can receive not only soft tissue ruptures , but also injuries in the lumbosacral spine. If the fetus is too large, then a woman can receive these damages during pregnancy. In this case, pain bothers the woman not only during intimacy, but also in everyday life, for example, when walking or making sudden movements.

In order to get rid of these pains, a woman is recommended to wear a special medical bandage both during pregnancy and after childbirth. It is advisable to sleep on an orthopedic mattress, as well as take medications aimed at strengthening bone tissue and improving blood circulation in the body. Only a doctor can prescribe them.

Possible risks

A visit to the doctor is necessary not only to determine the possibilities of having sex, but also to prevent possible risks. Among them:

  • bleeding;
  • strong unbearable burning sensation;
  • discomfort even with shallow penetration, accompanied by painful sensations;
  • organ injuries;
  • divergence of seams.

After examination, a specialist may recommend using lubricants during the first acts after regeneration, allowing muscles and ligaments to gain elasticity and restore mobility. Creams and gels will also make penetration easier for a man, since the partner’s lubricant secretion after a caesarean section is extremely poor and is not enough for comfortable penetration. Dry intimate areas will not only lead to painful sex, but can also cause bleeding.

It is recommended to use condoms in addition to lubricants. This will not only protect the woman’s body, which has not had time to fully recover, from infection, but will also prevent the risk of another pregnancy. After a cesarean section, you can get pregnant quite quickly, since the genitals are ready for a new conception, although the body has not yet recovered to carry the fetus again. It is unlikely that your partner is ready for pregnancy, so it is better to use protective contraception.

What you should pay attention to

Having figured out with the help of doctors when, after a caesarean section, you can start engaging in sexual games, you need to understand the peculiarities of intercourse. In addition to the discomfort that a young mother certainly experiences, libido decreases, so a man will have to devote a lot of time to foreplay, which can arouse desire in a lady.

Another mandatory requirement is that if intimate life begins after a caesarean section, carefully observe the sensations. If a lady complains of severe pain, it is better to stop intercourse and seek help from a doctor. The use of lubricants is usually recommended, but if they do not help, you will have to undergo a course of therapy aimed at stretching the muscles of the internal organs.


Pain in the vagina during insertion of the penis can be caused by various infections: candida, chlamydia, herpes.

In this case, a woman should be concerned not only about discomfort during sexual intercourse, but also about unpleasant sensations that appear at any time: itching in the perineal area, yellow-green discharge, an unpleasant odor.

All this indicates the presence of infections, so a woman should urgently seek medical help to prevent the development of inflammatory processes.

Doctors' opinion

Before returning to a full-fledged relationship in terms of sex, it would be a good idea to find out what experts think about this, and when you can have an intimate life without risking the health of the mother in labor. Doctors warn that restoration of the genital organs can take a lot of time, so you should not rely on statistics or recommendations from relatives or friends. Each female body has its own characteristics, even tissue healing for some can last only a few weeks, for other women it will take up to six months or even longer. It may happen that you will need the help of doctors in order to prepare the muscles for sexual intercourse and to recover after surgery.

For a more comfortable return to sexual life, doctors recommend:

  • do not have sex before the bleeding from the vagina stops;
  • use lubricants (be sure to first make sure that their composition is completely free of hormonal substances - during lactation they can cause harm to the baby by penetrating the small body with milk);
  • warn your partner to be careful - all movements should be slow, smooth, it is not recommended to dive too deeply, especially during the first sexual intercourse;
  • do not forget about foreplay - they allow a woman who has undergone a caesarean section to relax and prepare for penetration;
  • use condoms that can prevent the introduction of infections dangerous to the female body onto the uterine mucosa and vaginal walls;
  • allow the woman to determine the position in which she will be most comfortable;
  • stop sexual intercourse at the first complaint of the partner about unbearable pain, otherwise the risk of serious injury is inevitable.

Another rule that doctors recommend strictly following is to carefully monitor during sexual intercourse to ensure that re-conception does not occur. A new pregnancy is impossible earlier than two years after a caesarean section. This is exactly how much time is needed for the complete healing of the injured tissues of the genital organs and uterus. Premature pregnancy can lead to dangerous consequences for the fetus, and even cause developmental pathologies.

Vaginal injuries

A common cause of pain during sexual intercourse is all kinds of vaginal injuries that a woman received during childbirth: ruptures, scars, etc.

Even their complete healing does not guarantee the organs and tissues their original elasticity. This is where the pain comes from. Massage, physiotherapy, and laser therapy can help in this case .

If the scars formed at the sites of ruptures turn out to be too dense, then the woman is recommended to consult with a surgeon about surgical removal of the scars.

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