Tables for determining the sex of the unborn child: Japanese and Chinese

How to use an online calculator

  1. Enter all the initial data: month of birth of the father, month of birth of the mother, month of conception. If you want to check the calculator for a child who has already been born, then check the box next to “I want to check the method by the child’s date of birth” and enter the child’s date of birth in the field below.
  2. Click "Calculate Floor". The result will show your “couple ratio” and who is more likely to conceive with you in the given month.

You can do this calculation yourself, it’s not at all complicated. The data needs to be looked at in only two tables. The method is described below.

How to determine the gender of the unborn child

Of course, every parent is interested in the question of who will be born: a boy or a girl. Moms and dads guess, grandmothers speak with confidence, relying on folk methods, and only a doctor can say with maximum accuracy the gender of the baby. We will tell you about all the methods on how to determine the gender of the unborn child.

how to determine the gender of the unborn child

Already in the 7th week of pregnancy, you can determine the sex of the unborn child through a medical examination. The DNA test will tell you the answer: if chromosome Y is detected, then definitely expect a boy, and if X, a girl. But this method cannot be considered 100% accurate.

At week 9 you can do a gender test. The method used is similar to a pregnancy test. By the color of the indicator you will determine the gender of your unborn child: orange means you are having a girl, and green means you are having a boy.

To lift the veil of secrecy, if you are lucky, you can find out the sex of the child starting from the 14th week of pregnancy. An ultrasound scan will show how the boy or girl is doing. In the 15th week there are even more chances to be sure. But the most accurate answer will be given by diagnosis at 21-25 weeks. For more pleasure, opt for 3D ultrasound.

DNA test

A 100% result is given only by a genetic study of amniotic fluid; in medical terms, a chorionic villus biopsy or amniopuncture. But it is only indicated in one case - if your doctor suspects a genetic disorder.

Of course, it’s not always possible to “plan” the gender of your unborn child, but you can try. Or remember the course of events, make calculations and understand who you are waiting for.


The sex of the baby depends largely on the father, since the expectant mother contains only the X chromosome. Sperm that carry the Y chromosome are faster than those that carry the X chromosome, but they also live less. If you know the time of your ovulation and keep a calendar, you can be sure that the “boy” sperm will arrive faster and fertilize the egg.

But if ovulation has not occurred, and conception has already occurred, then there is a high probability that you will have a girl.

At the 10th week of pregnancy, heart sounds will be clearly audible. By the number of rhythmic beats you can find out the gender of the baby: if the number of beats per minute is more than 140, then there is a chance of having a daughter, and if less, a son will be born.


There are 2 ways:

  • According to the blood type and Rh factor of the parents.

how to determine the gender of the unborn child

  • By “renewing” the blood.

It is believed that blood has the ability to renew itself. For women - once every 3 years, for men - once every 4 years.

For example, if a man is 36 years old and a woman is 32:

36/4= 9 32/3=10 (remainder 2 years)

A man's blood is younger, which means it will be a boy.

how to determine the gender of the unborn child

First you need to find the number that comes out at the intersection of the parents' birth months. And in the second table you need to find the month the child was conceived and the number from the first table.

how to determine the gender of the unborn child

The ancient Chinese table appeared more than 700 years ago, the original is kept in Beijing, and you can see it above.

To determine the sex of the unborn child, you only need the mother’s age and the month of conception.

  • the waist is visible from behind - a boy;
  • suffers from toxicosis, skin has become problematic - girl;
  • craving for sweets - girl;
  • craving salty food - a boy;
  • the woman became capricious - a girl;
  • the woman became clumsy - boy;
  • The baby kicks hard in the womb - it's a boy.


There are many methods of determination, but there is only one child. As one doctor said, in any case, after 9 months, all parents will find out the gender. Happy motherhood and fatherhood!

About the Japanese method of planning the sex of a child

The Japanese method could not help but appear. Indeed, in this country to this day there is an unwritten rule: a married couple must certainly give birth to and raise a boy - an “heir”. The tradition goes back to the ancient emperors (after all, they need to continue the dynasty). Then the birth of a boy became a “goal” not only for rulers and aristocrats, but also for ordinary farmers.

The Japanese method is not scientific, it is applied, based on generalization of observations.

Tables for calculating gender using the Japanese method

Below are 2 tables that were used to develop the calculator.

The calculation takes place in 2 stages.

1. Using table No. 1 you can find out the coefficient of the pair. At the top, select the column with the month of birth of the father, on the side - with the month of birth of the mother. In the cell at the intersection, look at the number and remember it to work with the second table.

Table 1 - pair coefficient according to the Japanese method

2. Using table No. 2, look at the probability of who will be born to you in a certain month of conception. In the top line you find the coefficient of the pair and then work only with the data of that column. In the column, find the month of conception and then mentally draw the line until it intersects with the “boy” and “girl” columns.

If there are more crosses in the “boy” column for the month of conception than in the “girl” column, then a son is more likely to be born. If it’s the other way around, then it’s a daughter.

Table No. 2 for the Japanese method - who will be born according to the couple coefficient and month of conception

If there is no “preponderance” in the columns towards one gender, then both a son and a daughter can be born with equal probability.

Reliability of the method

Doctors and most sensible women do not trust the Japanese calendar. After all, it is very difficult to predict the behavior of chromosomes during conception, and this process certainly cannot be affected by the dates of birth and conception.

My Japanese method shows the wrong result, although I know exactly the month of conception of my son.

It would be more correct to say that the Japanese calendar simply indicates the likelihood of having a baby of one gender or another. But this can be said about all other methods, including various absurd signs - there will always be coincidences and errors.

You should never become fixated on the birth of a baby of one gender or another, even if the family already has a son or daughter. It is much more important to remain calm and enjoy your wonderful position. And various calendars, tables, online calculators should be perceived simply as entertainment and nothing more.

All folk methods of determining the sex of an unborn child should be taken simply as entertainment, but not taken seriously.

Video: is it possible to plan the gender of the unborn child (opinion of a geneticist)

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Japanese and Chinese method: the difference

There is an alternative option for calculating the gender of the unborn baby according to the Chinese traditional system. The difference is that the graphic on the left states:

  • Age of the expectant mother
  • At the top is the month in which conception occurred.

We draw lines from each value, and at their intersection the result will be revealed: a boy or a girl. To achieve the most accurate results, it is recommended to use two methods simultaneously.

I read about the Japanese conception calendar and decided to approach the matter responsibly in order to avoid mistakes. I have two children, and in each pregnancy my husband and I used Japanese tables to determine the sex of the child. I can’t say how much of a coincidence this is, but after using it twice, the results were consistent. First, I calculated the time of ovulation online, and then looked at the obtained value in the table.

I used two tables at once: Japanese and Chinese, but my results differed. As a result, the values ​​obtained using the Japanese method turned out to be reliable. The main thing is to be sure to find out the exact data. I'm having problems calculating ovulation, and I don't trust online services. After visiting my gynecologist, she helped me make an accurate calculation. Comparing both calculation options, I can say with certainty that the Japanese pregnancy calendar is correct. I checked it from personal experience.

My result was incorrect. They were expecting a boy, but in the end a beautiful girl was born. But it was only after the birth of my third child that I realized that I myself had been using it incorrectly. As a value, I took the date when I found out about pregnancy. Dear women, do not repeat my mistakes. Only the moment of ovulation is taken into account. This seriously affects the result, so if there is no way to find out some data, it is better to use tables altogether.

Personally, not a single table helped me. According to the results of my calculations, according to the Chinese and Japanese tables, a girl should have been born. As a result, a beloved son was born. I double-checked the results several times, but I still couldn’t find the error. Most likely, I was one of the people who experienced some kind of error. In general, I want to note that the principle itself is very interesting and I wouldn’t mind using it again to make sure that it really doesn’t work.

Find out about the reliability of conception calendars from the video:

Origin of the table

According to one foreign website, the Chinese table was created more than 300 years ago. She was kept under the guardianship of dedicated eunuchs in the Qing palace and was not shown to other people. It was developed on the basis of the “Book of Changes” (an ancient Chinese book for fortune-telling and predictions) and was exclusively created for the imperial family, where it proved its effectiveness in specifically planning the birth of boys.

During the Boxer Rebellion towards the end of the Qing Dynasty, most of the empire's extraordinary treasures were looted. This table came to England, where the king translated it and treasured it so much that he never showed it to anyone else. Later she made her way to Austria into the hands of a professor. After this, when a Chinese scientist visited the professor and studied this document in detail, he finally returned it to his homeland. 1

Pros and cons of the Japanese method

The Japanese method of determining the sex of a child is very popular because it has many advantages:

  • very simple and easy to use;
  • helps determine the sex of the child;
  • makes it possible to plan the gender of the child based on the date of conception;
  • quite accurate, according to parent reviews.

But still, like any other folk method of identifying a child, this cannot give a 100% guarantee. Therefore, you should not trust him unconditionally. Personally, this method did not work for me.

How to calculate the gender of a child using a table

The twelve months of the year were represented horizontally on the clay tablet. Vertical - mother's age. Knowing the date of conception, it is easy to determine the expected sex of the child in the intersection cell. According to the table, an eighteen-year-old woman is more likely to have a boy (blue), and a twenty-one-year-old woman is more likely to have a girl (pink).

Many people test this table using their own example of having children and are disappointed in the results. Two things must be strictly observed:

  • the mother's age should be calculated according to the lunar calendar and at the time of conception;
  • the day of pregnancy must be calculated as correctly as possible (a difference of two or three days at the end or beginning of the month can radically affect the result).

To correctly determine age, women, except those born in January and February, need to add one year. In China, a child is determined to be nine months old from birth.

Can the ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of an unborn child guarantee the result?

The Chinese, forced to plan for the birth of boys, use the table to this day. The onset of pregnancy with the prospect of giving birth to a girl often becomes the reason for its termination. According to statistics, for every 106 boys, 100 girls are born, which cannot be explained in any way from a scientific point of view, except by numerology. Some scientists believe that it was she, and not other factors, that formed the basis of the sex determination table. Residents of China consider the reliability of the results to be 90-95%.

The Internet is replete with sites where women who have already given birth are surveyed in order to determine the percentage of results that match. Such a calculation cannot be correct, because initially a woman must correctly determine the day of ovulation and calculate her age on this day according to the lunar calendar. Therefore, the result is erroneously presented as 50/50. In reality, the percentage is much higher, and this is the phenomenon of ancient Chinese predictors.

Calculation method based on genetic predisposition

The Chinese table and the Japanese gender of the child have clearly defined conditions for testing. When calculating the gender of your unborn child by predisposition, everything depends on the individual personality.

As you know, the gender of the unborn baby largely depends on the man. It is his predisposition that is taken into account when carrying out this type of calculation. Keep track of who was born more often in a man's family: boys or girls. Usually, if there is a strong advantage, it is necessary to prepare for the birth of a child of the winning gender.

This method does not exclude the birth of a child of the opposite gender, but this probability is much lower.

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