3 steps to determine pregnancy using baking soda

Pregnancy is a special period in the life of most parents, eagerly awaited even in a large family.

Every woman strives to quickly find out how successful the conception was, calculates the time until the delay, and listens to internal sensations.

It is not necessary to purchase special tests for this - there are many home remedies that are highly likely to confirm conception.

Baking soda is one of them; it is the cooking powder that allows you to verify the long-awaited event.

How to determine pregnancy using soda?

The method is outrageously simple, but just in case, we once again emphasize that this and it has nothing to do with reliable diagnosis. Maybe someone’s results coincided, but that doesn’t mean anything.

However, if anyone is interested in trying it, here is the recipe:

  • Collect a portion of morning urine according to all the rules - in a clean container. Half a glass will be enough. Then pour a teaspoon of soda into it and watch the reaction: if the soda hisses, it is considered that there is no pregnancy, if it “silently” precipitates, you are pregnant, says the public laboratory.

Even this popular pregnancy test must be performed on morning urine. Because it is in the morning on an empty stomach that the pH values ​​are the lowest and the test will be the most accurate.

And now let’s dwell a little more on the acidity of urine...

What is the focus?

As you know, urine is a product of human activity. Along with urine, various water-soluble substances that the body does not need are excreted, and its composition depends on many factors.

Among the various indicators of urine, its pH is also considered. That is, it can be more acidic or more alkaline.

Normally, human urine is neutral or slightly acidic - pH from 4.5 to 8. But depending on a number of reasons and under the influence of various factors, the acidity of urine can change in one direction or the other. It should be understood that if the pH of urine increases, it becomes more alkaline, if the values ​​decrease, it becomes more acidic.

The acidity of urine depends on the pH of the blood, a person’s nutrition, his physical condition, body temperature at the moment, the state of the urinary system and other factors.

Increased pH levels (when urine becomes more alkaline) are caused by:

  • predominance of vegetables and fruits in the diet (mainly vegetarian diet);
  • prolonged vomiting or diarrhea;
  • urinary tract infections caused by microorganisms that break down urea;
  • renal tubular acidosis, Fanconi and Milkman syndromes (increased loss of HCO3);
  • renal failure;
  • metabolic alkalosis without potassium depletion;
  • respiratory alkalosis;
  • hypocorticism;
  • hematuria;
  • alkaline therapy.

Lower pH levels (when urine becomes more acidic) are caused by:

  • the predominance of protein foods of animal origin in the diet, consumption of large amounts of cranberries;
  • starvation;
  • fever;
  • metabolic acidosis (diabetes);
  • metabolic alkalosis caused by potassium depletion;
  • respiratory acidosis;
  • physical exhaustion;
  • kidney tuberculosis.

It is noteworthy that bacterial urinary tract infections can change the level of urine acidity in any direction, which is not at all uncommon during pregnancy. However, pregnancy does not directly affect urine pH levels.

However, it is obvious that the reaction of urine to soda depends on the level of its acidity at the moment. Whether the soda fizzes or precipitates is unlikely to depend on the conception that occurred.

How to determine pregnancy with soda?

For expectant mothers who are eagerly expecting a baby, baking soda is a very effective way to confirm pregnancy. It is inexpensive, effective, and most importantly for expectant mothers, safe and harmless.

Advantages and disadvantages of a home test

According to this folk method, pregnancy can be determined by combining the urine of a woman who is supposedly expecting a child with regular baking soda. If the result is positive, the substance should precipitate, and if the result is negative, it should dissolve to form foam.

How can you explain the different reaction of soda? It is known that substances released during human life – excess water, uric acid, salts, ammonia, etc. – are removed from the body through urine.

Adherents of experiments with soda believe that the composition of the expectant mother’s urine, and, in particular, its acidity (pH level), changes. In an ordinary healthy person, this indicator ranges from 4.5 to 8 units. If the pH level increases, the urine will become more alkaline; if it decreases, the urine will become more acidic.

Precipitation of soda is observed when the urine is alkaline. Therefore, according to this theory, a pregnant woman's pH level should be elevated, which is detected during the test.

Why might there be errors? This may be due to changes in the composition of urine during pregnancy. Urine may be alkaline as a result of the following:

  • dietary habits, in particular, high consumption of fruits and vegetables. This is especially true for vegetarians;
  • vomiting or diarrhea, which leads to dehydration;
  • infectious processes of the urinary system;
  • alkaline therapy;
  • diseases leading to hematuria;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the adrenal cortex;
  • renal failure, etc.

Test strips for acetone in urine

  • predominance of protein foods in the diet;
  • starvation;
  • fever;
  • excessive consumption of cranberries;
  • diabetes;
  • acidosis;
  • lack of potassium in the body;
  • regular vigorous exercise;
  • frequent consumption of acidic foods or citrus fruits;
  • cold with high fever;
  • kidney tuberculosis;
  • exhaustion of the body.

Due to these reasons, soda may begin to bubble and hiss even in the absence of pregnancy. The presence of certain pathologies can give such false results.

The inaccuracy of the test can be explained by the influence of the following factors:

  • elevated body temperature (ARVI, acute respiratory infections, infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, etc.);
  • potassium deficiency in the body;
  • kidney disease;
  • diabetes;
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • taking medications that can affect the acidity of urine;
  • diarrhea, vomiting and, as a result, dehydration.

The pH level is affected by diet (strict diet, excess protein foods on the menu). Changes may be associated with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and inflammatory processes of various etiologies. Why then do many women still use the technique to determine the fact of conception and trust the results of this test?

Traditional methods of determining pregnancy are based on natural physiological processes that occur in a woman’s body. The thing is that during the period of bearing a baby, immunity decreases, which causes an exacerbation of chronic diseases and a change in the normal urine pH.

There are other factors that affect acidity - changes in eating habits, lack of vitamins and microelements, etc. However, it is important to understand that the soda test does not provide a 100% guarantee that pregnancy has occurred.

A false negative result (soda hisses and reacts with urine), the test can show in the following situations:

  • consumption of berries (especially cranberries) before testing;
  • natural juices and citrus fruits in the diet;
  • constant intense physical activity;
  • acidosis (a shift in the acid-base balance in the body towards an increase in acidity);
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

Checking for the fact of conception using soda can give a false positive result if the urine has low acidity. Moreover, during testing, soda very quickly settles to the bottom of the container with urine. What are the reasons for getting a false result? The following pathologies may affect this:

  • renal failure;
  • pathological processes in which bloody clots appear in the urine;
  • vegetarian diet;
  • indigestion;
  • vomit;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary tract;
  • dysfunction of the adrenal cortex.

Various factors lead to a significant deviation in the acid-base balance in the blood and urine:

  • urinary tract infection;
  • renal acidosis, diabetes, tuberculosis, respiratory alkalosis and other diseases;
  • vegetarian or exclusively protein diet;
  • chemical poisoning, vomiting and diarrhea;
  • renal failure;
  • increased load on the muscles or the entire body;
  • abuse of sour berries, citrus fruits and pickled vegetables;
  • long-term therapy with antibiotics or alkaline drugs; elevated temperature;
  • prolonged fasting, fasting and general physical exhaustion.

In these cases, it will not be possible to determine pregnancy using soda due to a significant shift in the pH reaction in one direction or another. The soda may hiss or be silent, giving a false result.

How to test pregnancy with soda?

Many girls are still skeptical about this method of determining pregnancy using soda. And yet, many of them try, share their impressions, and tell their friends about the results. The reviews are mostly positive or completely negative. Expectant mothers either use soda to once again make sure that they are carrying a child under their hearts, or another part of the female sex says that this is all just fiction.

How can you properly use soda to determine your position? Everything is very simple. To do this, you need to fill a small container with morning urine up to half. Mind you, morning urine and nothing else. After this, pour 1 teaspoon of soda inside and observe the reaction that occurs. If the soda hisses, bubbles and foams, it means you are not pregnant. If the soda just fell in a lump or settled to the bottom, then the result is positive, which confirms that you are pregnant. But if you do not use morning urine, then the soda will in any case settle to the bottom and in this case the test result will not be true. It is because of the acid-base balance of urine that such reactions occur, thanks to which you can easily do a pregnancy test with soda.

Preparing for a pregnancy test with soda

It doesn’t matter whether you believe in the result or decide to check it out of interest, you need to use the soda pregnancy detection method according to the rules:

  • The best time to conduct any test is in the morning. During the night's rest, people do not consume food or liquid, so by the time they wake up, the urine is not diluted, and its acidity is normal for each person. At other times of the day, a precipitate usually appears, regardless of whether there is pregnancy or not;
  • the test should be carried out as soon as possible after waking up. It is better to prepare a clean towel and a sterile container for collecting urine in advance;
  • any soap, especially laundry soap, changes the acid-base balance, so for washing it is advisable to use plain water without detergents.

Disposable sterile urine collection containers are made from chemically neutral materials that do not affect the contents and are suitable for use for a long time from the date of production

Determining pregnancy with soda: myth or reality?

Despite the fact that many female representatives are skeptical about this kind of test, they still show a certain curiosity about it. Of course, to be honest, the baking soda test will not give you 100% results. But also, expensive pharmacy tests do not guarantee their results. Therefore, in any case, we have to go to the hospital to confirm our suspicions. But, despite all this, many women, when talking about how to check pregnancy with soda, are satisfied with the results. They confirm that the test is justified in its use. Although there have been cases when girls came up with the idea of ​​​​using the urine of their husbands and even pets in testing. And what do you think? The result was positive! Of course, all this can be explained from a scientific point of view, despite the fact that it looks very strange. First, as already mentioned, baking soda reacts to the acid-base balance of urine, and there are many different factors due to which the acid and alkaline levels can decrease or increase. Accordingly, we cannot determine a man’s pregnancy using soda, but changes in his acid-base environment are very possible. The same applies to animals, because we are all living organisms.

To summarize, we can say that the soda pregnancy test is everyone’s business. Considering that it does not cause any harm, you can experiment and try as much as you like. The authenticity of this test has not been proven or disproved, so judge for yourself. On the one hand, soda shows changes in the body after conception, and a positive result of pregnancy. On the other hand, changes in the acid-base balance of the body can confuse both you and the soda. Since after conducting any test we still strive for medical confirmation, then perhaps by trying we will not lose anything. After all, none of the tests gives a 100% guarantee. So why pay more when you can use the tools at hand for useful purposes.

In the modern world, a huge number of representatives of the fair sex are trying to find the most reliable ways possible to determine whether they should expect a stork in the near future, without leaving home. And the reasons for this can be completely different: the pharmacy is far from home and there is no desire to run, there is no extra money for a professional test, complete trust in folk methods... Some of the ladies are trying to answer this serious question with the help of ordinary soda, well known to everyone. Let's try to figure it out: is the pregnancy test with soda (reviews about it are very diverse) reliable, or are potential mothers still making mistakes?

Folk remedies for detecting pregnancy with soda reviews

Soda is a very useful and versatile, and, moreover, inexpensive remedy. I will not list all its advantages now. ______________________________________________________________ I want to write a review about detecting pregnancy using soda. This is an old folk method, invented a very long time ago, when there were no pregnancy tests. But I want to say, don’t expect a 100% sure result. To confirm the readings of soda, it’s better to do a test or consult a doctor ____________________________________________________________

So this is the method I read on the Internet not long ago. There were a lot of comments on it. But for pregnant girls doing this test, baking soda only confirmed the presence of pregnancy. There were some mistakes, but most of the reviews were positive. My (pregnant) friend and I experimented ourselves.

_____________________________________________________________________ So, the test is done in the morning (it is advisable to have a delay of at least one day). Collect morning urine in a glass . (You need the morning one, because it is in the morning on an empty stomach that the pH values ​​are the lowest and the test will be the most reliable.) Throw a teaspoon of soda . I. We look at the reaction. If the soda sizzles and bubbles appear, there is NO pregnancy; If the soda just sank to the bottom and silently precipitated, there IS a pregnancy and a belly fat already lives inside you)))

This is due to a chemical reaction between soda and a substance in the urine of a pregnant woman. I’m not strong in chemistry, so I can’t write exactly what chemical reactions occur there. ————————————————————

Our results:

I, of course, don't believe in this. But my pregnant friend and I decided to experiment.

I'm not pregnant, but my period hasn't come yet. My reaction was a hiss, that is, everything was correct. Like champagne, let's say))) Bubbles and hissing. That means she’s not pregnant yet) And my pregnant friend ( she’s 4 months pregnant) just had the soda fall to the bottom. That is, complete peace of mind)))) That means she’s pregnant)

So, after all, there is some truth in this test)))

Try it sometime, it’s interesting :))) But I’ll repeat again, this test with soda has nothing to do with a reliable diagnosis.

Thank you for your attention!


Every girl who really wants a child strives to find out as soon as possible whether conception has taken place. Therefore, detecting pregnancy using soda is an ideal option for many. Yes, there are pharmacy tests for home diagnostics, but they are only effective after a missed period. Pregnancy testing using soda can be done the next day after the expected conception. Moreover, the method is very easy and there are many videos on the Internet that show how to correctly carry out a pregnancy test using soda.

However, no one guarantees that pregnancy can be accurately determined by using soda. Quite the contrary. Modern medicine does not recognize this method, although our great-grandmothers used it, and this method has not yet lost its relevance.

If the soda begins to fizz and foam, the test is negative; if it settles at the bottom of the glass, the test is positive.

The method will not cause any harm, so if you want to try it, you can safely proceed. However, you don’t need to get carried away only by grandma’s recipes, because medicine does not stand still. Let's figure out how to correctly determine the onset of conception with soda.

It is very easy to check pregnancy using baking soda. It is enough to read the instructions once to do everything correctly. To perform a pregnancy test, you only need soda and urine.

  1. Collect approximately 150-200 milliliters of morning urine in a container.
  2. Take a teaspoon of the product and pour it into the liquid.
  3. Observe the reaction.

It is very important to take the morning portion of urine. Also make sure that the container is sterile. It is best to buy special jars at the pharmacy.

The soda fertility test is effective because it uses an alkali that begins to foam and become active after reacting with urine. Therefore, if the substance begins to bubble and hiss, this means that the acidity is normal and conception has not occurred. When white powder settles at the bottom of the glass, the urine is most likely low in acidity, and this often indicates that conception has occurred.

The main reason for the error is the pH value in the urine

Now you know how to quickly determine pregnancy. But the method has not received medical recognition, so do not rely on it completely.

Before you start doing a baking soda pregnancy test, you need to know that the composition of urine can change under the influence of many factors.

The pH level is one of the possible indicators of urine, so it can be acidic or alkaline. In a normal state, pH ranges from 4.5 to 8, and the urine itself is neutral or slightly acidic. However, due to certain reasons, the acidity level may change. The same goes for raising the ph level. In this case, the soda will contain more alkali.

Urine becomes more alkaline due to various factors. This is influenced by the condition of the genitourinary system, body temperature, diet, various diseases and the general condition of the person.

It is because of this that pregnancy detection can lead to a false negative result. Also find out everything about a blood test for antibodies during pregnancy and a calendar for determining the sex of the unborn child.

Obtaining a negative result upon conception is possible due to the following reasons:

  • constant consumption of sour foods and citrus fruits;
  • colds accompanied by fever;
  • lack of potassium;
  • acidosis;
  • regular and vigorous physical training;
  • various kidney pathologies;
  • diabetes.

In addition, testing for conception using regular soda can give a false positive result. This occurs due to decreased acidity of urine as a result of:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary system;
  • refusal to eat meat products;
  • dysfunction of the adrenal cortex;
  • renal failure of various etiologies;
  • pathologies that cause blood in the urine.

Despite the fact that determining pregnancy using soda is a popular method, the opinions of girls are divided: some of them claim that classic test strips often show the wrong answer, so they prefer traditional methods; others claim that they are not even going to find out how to test for pregnancy with baking soda, since it is too unreliable a method.

The main advantages are low cost and accessibility

If you analyze all the reviews about the pregnancy test using soda, you can highlight the pros and cons. The advantages include:

  • cheap price: the method is cheaper than a pharmacy test;
  • accessibility: the necessary ingredient can be found in every housewife’s apartment.

There are also disadvantages that raise doubts among girls who want to use soda to find out about the onset of conception:

  • medicine does not confirm the effectiveness of the method;
  • often girls get the wrong answer.

Obstetricians and gynecologists believe that such testing should be considered as a playful method, and not a serious study. They urge you not to trust him and to use modern, proven tests purchased at a pharmacy. In some ways they are right, because medicine today has stepped far forward.

Unlike our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, we can use modern means. But, if you want to try traditional methods, why not? After all, even expensive tests can make mistakes and give a false result.

There are many reviews on the Internet about the procedure for determining pregnancy using soda. Some girls are in favor, while others express a neutral opinion.

I tried to detect pregnancy using soda. I learned about this method from the Internet. My period has not yet arrived, but there is no delay. We decided to try it together with my sister, who is already expecting a baby. My sister’s lye fell to the bottom of the container with urine and did not cause any reaction, but I started to hiss. It's amazing that this method works.

I decided to take a risk and determine the onset of pregnancy using simple baking soda, because my beloved grandmother told me about this method. I threw a teaspoon of the ingredient into the urine and the hissing began. I was upset, but after a week my period had not started, so I had to do a test, which turned out to be positive, so the method did not work for me.

I wanted to try to determine the onset of pregnancy with the help of soda, because the delay was already seven days. The powder immediately fell down, so I had to run for the dough. He showed a positive result. It's a miracle, but the method worked.

About the author : Borovikova Olga


Girls, I’ll say right away that I don’t take such methods seriously, however, while we are in the process of waiting for the result (day X and tests are boring in the home medicine cabinet), let’s take a break from the usual testomania and just have a little fun. So, there are several popular ways to determine pregnancy:

—Place the urine in a glass and add a little soda. It is believed that if the soda fizzes, then there is no pregnancy, and if it “silently” precipitates, then you are pregnant.

- Take a small container and fill it with urine. Next, you need to add a drop of iodine there. If the drop blurs, then there is no pregnancy. If iodine remains on the surface (in one place), then the woman is pregnant.

—At home, you can determine an interesting position by moistening a piece of paper in urine. Iodine is dripped onto it. In a pregnant woman, iodine turns purple. If conception has not occurred, then the iodine will be blue.

This test is absolutely hilarious (but I believe that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did this))))))

—The urine of a pregnant woman is saturated with hormones. If you water flowers with such urine, they begin to grow quickly and luxuriantly. To see the flowers grow, you need to water the flowerbed for at least three days. After this period, you can draw conclusions about your situation.

—If you feel sorry for the flowers, you can boil the urine in a saucepan

As soon as boiling begins, it is poured into a glass container. In pregnant women, flakes appear in the urine and precipitate. A pregnant woman's urine is saturated with hormones.

***Using onions Take 2 small onions and plant them in different pots (glasses). Make a guess in advance which one will mean pregnancy. Next you need to wait until the feathers grow. The first bulb whose feathers have reached 4 cm will indicate your position - this is, of course, a long process

***Examining the pulse You need to lie on your back and feel a certain point on your stomach. It is located at a distance of 7-8 cm below the navel. Pulsation in this place is an indicator of pregnancy.

I suspect that now everyone will run to combine urine and soda :)))) Write about the result. And I’ll tell you mine later))))) And while I’m waiting, I want to try iodine))

Naturally, there is an explanation for everything here from a scientific point of view, namely the acidity/alkalinity of urine. But remember. A healthy person without hormonal or other disorders has acidic urine. Accordingly, alkali (soda) + acid (urine) = a violent reaction of neutralization and transformation of urine into “water”. But in non-acidic urine there will be no reaction. But this may also be an indicator of some kind of disorder in the genitourinary system. So... if soda says that you are pregnant, but the test and the gynecologist deny this fact, perhaps you should also consult a urologist. It is necessary to understand that if the pH of urine increases, then it will be more alkaline, but if the indicators decrease, then it will be more acidic.

There are many factors that can change the normal pH of urine. But pregnancy is not one of them. However, there is an opinion that the urine of pregnant women becomes alkaline, so no reaction occurs and it settles to the bottom. Ho! The acidity of urine is affected by the pH of the blood, a person’s nutrition, his physical condition, body temperature at a certain moment, the state of the urinary system and other factors.

Py sy: Traditional methods for determining pregnancy are simple techniques that do not take much time. Such methods have their merits. But you shouldn't trust them 100%. Only a qualified doctor can accurately determine pregnancy, and traditional methods for determining pregnancy are simple techniques that do not take much time. Well, what, girls? Reade set Go.


In addition to pharmacy pregnancy tests, there are a bunch of all sorts of “grandmother’s” recipes for determining that very pregnancy. Although, I must admit, I haven’t heard about one from my grandmother))) Some recipes were invented by people who clearly had no idea what they were writing at all. And some are not at all cunning, cheap and funny.

The test is based on the fact that a healthy woman has a pH value ranging from 4.5 to 8 units. In such urine, the soda will begin to foam and hiss. This means there is no pregnancy. If a woman is pregnant, her pH level is reduced, then the soda simply precipitates. It is recommended to carry out the test in the morning on an empty stomach, because... pH levels may change throughout the day.

I, as is natural for me, did not follow all the rules and took the test at four o’clock in the afternoon, immediately after I found it on the Internet. If the test really works and there is no pregnancy, and there are no problems with the kidneys, then the pH level cannot jump so critically. Therefore, it does not matter what time you collect your elixir for this experiment.

We take two vessels. Pour soda into one, pour fresh elixir into the second.

My soda precipitated. I was then in the third week of pregnancy.

Coincidence? I don't know, but in this case it worked.

And one more thing about determining gender using this test. Some sources say that if there is no foam, then you are expecting a girl and vice versa. It is not true. My soda precipitated, and I was expecting a boy)))

Calambia Pictures presents: Traditional methods for determining pregnancy with iodine!

I found two ways on the Internet. I decided to definitely try it. Moreover, it is not as expensive as pharmacy tests. It's a pity that it's not so true.

Test No. 2. Iodine and urine and even a piece of paper.

You need to soak the paper in urine, then drop in iodine and see what color the paper becomes. If it’s purple, there’s a pregnancy, if it’s blue, there’s no pregnancy. I’ll tell you straight away, it’s complete nonsense.

Here's what I got

With the same success, a test with iodine can be carried out with the urine of men, children, animals, and even drop plain water onto paper with iodine!

Iodine in its pure form has a very dark violet color, close to black. Iodine can change its color when interacting with starch (if you drop iodine on a potato, it will turn gray or blue). The same thing happens during an experiment with paper: depending on the quantitative content of starchy substances in paper pulp, the sheet is painted a certain color.

And drop iodine onto its surface. If the drop lingers for some time, the test should be taken as positive, and if there is no pregnancy, the iodine will immediately dissolve in the urine.

I made. I splashed a few drops.

First, the drop began to float around the glass, then it began to collect in one place

The iodine itself never dissolved

You cannot trust these methods 100%. This pampering, according to probability theory, sometimes coincides)))

An even less accurate way to determine pregnancy. You pay 400 rubles and the test shows that there is no pregnancy, a super-sensitive super-duper test


In the modern world, a huge number of representatives of the fair sex are trying to find the most reliable ways possible to determine whether they should expect a stork in the near future, without leaving home. And the reasons for this can be completely different: the pharmacy is located far from home and there is no desire to run, there is no extra money for a professional test, complete trust in folk methods. Some of the ladies are trying to answer this serious question with the help of ordinary soda, well known to everyone. Let's try to figure it out: is the pregnancy test with soda (reviews about it are very diverse) reliable, or are potential mothers still making mistakes?

Of course, no one ever forces anyone to immediately rush to the kitchen for a pack of soda in order to determine a possible pregnancy with its help. But if girls go online or consult with friends about this matter, then the information presented in this article will be very useful to them.

So, how to do a pregnancy test with soda? Reviews regarding the definition of a belly dweller are very different. Some mothers, who have already given birth to their child, advocate this method with both hands, because for them it turned out to be one hundred percent correct. Others doubt it, sincerely not understanding how, using one spoon of soda, well known from childhood, one can understand whether the baby will be born or not. Indeed, in their understanding, a test is a set of complex chemical components, and only they can guarantee pregnancy. For third mothers, a pregnancy test using soda, reviews of which they literally “shoveled” on the World Wide Web, did not cause delight. Because he turned out to be unreliable and did not help them in any way. In general, as many people as there are, so many opinions. Until you try it yourself, it’s impossible to be sure.

A home pregnancy test with soda (reviews about it, as mentioned above, are very varied) are more than simple. But first you need to decide that this is just a folk method, and it does not apply to reliable diagnosis. The more suitable option here is: I believe or I don’t believe, I convinced or I didn’t convince. Of course, in some cases the results coincide 100%, but this does not mean anything. If anyone is interested in trying this method, then it can be done without leaving home. It takes only a few minutes.

To begin with, according to all the rules, you need to collect a little morning urine in an ordinary small container (only half a glass will be enough for the experiment). Then pour a teaspoon of soda into it and carefully observe the reaction.

It is believed that if the soda sizzles, then pregnancy has not occurred (and this can be both a tragedy and a joy for every woman). If the soda quietly precipitates, then the woman is expecting a baby (here too - some are happy, and some are shocked).

A similar pregnancy test with soda (reviews of this method include stories about how wives check its veracity with their husbands) should be carried out strictly in the morning, using only such urine. After all, only at this time of day are the lowest pH values. As a result, the test is the most reliable.

To understand more precisely what a pregnancy test with soda is, reviews of which can be obtained, including from girlfriends, it is necessary to dwell in a little more detail on the acidity of the urine itself. Probably everyone knows that urine is a waste product of the human body. It is thanks to it that water-soluble substances it does not need are removed from the body. Numerous factors influence its composition.

One of the indicators of urine that is subject to the most careful consideration is its pH. Urine may be more alkaline or more acidic. Slightly acidic or neutral urine is considered normal. The pH level should be no lower than 4.5 and no higher than 8. Since the acidity of urine depends on many reasons and various factors, it can change in one direction.

Thus, it can be argued that the acidity of urine is influenced by the pH of the blood, a person’s nutrition, his body temperature at a certain moment and other factors.

An increase in the pH level (and the urine will be more alkaline) is affected by vomiting or diarrhea; alkaline therapy; respiratory alkalosis; significant content of vegetables and fruits in the daily diet (this mainly applies to vegetarian nutrition); renal failure; urinary tract infection; hematuria.

A decrease in pH levels (and the urine will be more acidic) is affected by eating a significant amount of cranberries; diabetes; starvation; predominance of protein products in the daily diet; physical exhaustion; kidney tuberculosis.

Attention should be paid to the fact that any bacterial infections of the urinary system can cause the level of urine acidity to change in one direction or another. And during pregnancy this is not at all uncommon. But the specific state of pregnancy does not in any way affect the pH level in the urine.

And this is where you can doubt a little: is the pregnancy test with soda really that accurate? Reviews about it express some doubt as to how correct its results are. But it is already clear that at some certain point, how urine reacts to soda will depend on the level of its acidity. Whether the soda will fizz and form a fluffy cap or precipitate does not depend in any way on the conception that has occurred.

So, we have already learned a lot about how to take a pregnancy test with soda. Reviews about it are very diverse. Some mothers claim that in this way they can determine who will be born in a few months - a boy or a girl. They say that if there is a boy, then the soda will hiss, but if it is a little princess, then it will precipitate, because the expectant mother, who is pregnant with her daughter, has an alkaline environment in her urine, which is why this sediment is obtained.

Be that as it may, a lot has been said about such an option as a pregnancy test with soda (reviews, photos of the method are displayed in our article). Moreover, both about the option of determining the presence of pregnancy, and about determining the sex of the unborn baby. All this is quite interesting, especially if you remember that there are a great many other folk recipes on this matter. Determining the presence or absence of pregnancy can be done, for example, using ordinary iodine or wine.

Should we believe or not how baking soda and urine (pregnancy test) will help determine a woman’s current condition? Reviews from women who have already resorted to this method are very different, and they speak both in favor of believing in this option and against it. But everyone must decide for themselves what to do in each specific case. Medical workers can only be “for” this method if it is used at a time when a woman does not have access to a pharmacy to buy a regular test, or to doctors. And this can happen if a woman, for example, went on vacation, but she wants to know whether to expect the arrival of a stork or not.


The chemical reaction of soda and urine is the precursor to the striped identifiers of interest. It was used at the first suspicion of fertilization, long before the first test strips offered in a large assortment. Today you can even order them online if you don’t want to arouse suspicion from your pharmacist friend at the pharmacy. The easiest way to find out about pregnancy at home is with the help of soda, then check in the women's office.

Experts say that with the onset of pregnancy, the acidity of urine noticeably decreases; in women before pregnancy, it has a more acidic reaction. Therefore, by changing the pH level, a soda pregnancy test is performed.

Chemists call baking soda sodium bicarbonate, which neutralizes low levels of acid in urine. This is visually noticeable by the release of gas bubbles in the test liquid - urine fizzes like champagne. Pregnant women do not experience a reaction; this is a household pregnancy test with soda.

Important: Doctors look with a great deal of skepticism at determining pregnancy using soda, arguing that it has nothing in common with more reliable testing - based on the content of the hCG hormone. The results may be the same, but this is not a reliable test, such as pharmacy tests. But among the popular “determinants” of conception, they are on the same level in terms of trust.

To test at home, you need regular soda, which can be found on any housewife’s kitchen shelf. Every chemist will tell you that sodium bicarbonate is a typical alkaline base that, in an aqueous solution, reacts with an acid by reacting. Using soda, they find out whether the acid-base composition of urine has changed - this is how pregnancy is determined using soda.

Tip: If you want to test for yourself how this test works, use only morning urine. For comparison, women can take baby urine from a potty or ask family members to collect “tests” in a jar.

How to determine pregnancy using soda? Everything is extremely simple:

  1. Collect urine in a clean jar or other transparent vessel, after performing hygiene procedures in the perineum.
  2. To observe the reaction, do not rush.
  3. About a teaspoon of baking soda or half a tablespoon is enough.
  4. Half a glass of urine is enough (or the volume that can be collected in a half-liter jar in the morning).
  5. Bring a spoonful of soda to the surface of the liquid being tested and slowly pour it there.
  6. Observe the chemical reaction - bubbles appear or not.

Attention: Although this is not a laboratory test, it is important to collect urine according to all rules for any test. The morning portion is better suited for determining pregnancy with soda. It is most concentrated if you do not eat watermelons in the evening or drink a lot of liquid. The container for testing urine must be sterilely clean and dry.

How should the reaction of determining pregnancy by soda and urine manifest itself if a woman is pregnant? In this case, the urine has a neutral or alkaline reaction. The soda simply falls to the bottom of the jar (glass) without any reaction - no hissing bubbles. In this case, it can be argued that conception has occurred, especially when there are other signs, including delay.

Attention: Changes in the acid-base balance in the female body also occur for another reason, which only a physician can clarify. The doctor does not take into account the traditional method of determining pregnancy using soda.

Chemical compounds change urine levels; the acidity level ranges from 4.5 to 8 units. The acidity of urine depends on the pH (pH) of the blood; this indicator is also influenced by how a person eats (whether it is protein or plant foods).

The result is also affected by elevated temperature due to inflammatory processes, as well as the state of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system. After lunch and in the evening, the acidity of urine increases slightly compared to morning values. Such a determination of pregnancy using traditional methods using soda will not be 100% reliable.

Various factors lead to a significant deviation in the acid-base balance in the blood and urine:

  • urinary tract infection;
  • renal acidosis, diabetes, tuberculosis, respiratory alkalosis and other diseases;
  • vegetarian or exclusively protein diet;
  • chemical poisoning, vomiting and diarrhea;
  • renal failure;
  • increased load on the muscles or the entire body;
  • abuse of sour berries, citrus fruits and pickled vegetables;
  • long-term therapy with antibiotics or alkaline drugs; elevated temperature;
  • prolonged fasting, fasting and general physical exhaustion.

In these cases, it will not be possible to determine pregnancy using soda due to a significant shift in the pH reaction in one direction or another. The soda may hiss or be silent, giving a false result.

And yet, is it worth carrying out home pregnancy testing with soda before a delay, when more accurate pharmacy determinants are not at hand? Women tend to keep notes in a diary or notebook, take photographs of tested tests and describe all this in detail on forums.

As they say, “no matter what” a pregnant woman enjoys, as long as she doesn’t cry when she learns about the delay. Often, even after several quite reliable studies, ladies go to women’s forums and ask something like “how to check pregnancy at home - I’ve already tried soda, iodine and onions.”

Attention: Although the folk method of determining pregnancy using soda is not considered completely reliable, it is the most accessible means of self-diagnosis.

It makes sense to use a home pregnancy test with soda, if only for the sake of comparison with more accurate test systems. It is especially interesting when this is the first pregnancy, and the expectant mother is very amused by all these new experiences.

A cheerful mood with an inquisitive mind is always good. It is quite possible that the home method of determining pregnancy with soda will turn out to be true - the alkali will be “silent” in urine, like a fish in water. Have a good mood, pregnant women!


In the modern world, a huge number of representatives of the fair sex are trying to find the most reliable ways possible to determine whether they should expect a stork in the near future, without leaving home. And the reasons for this can be completely different: the pharmacy is located far from home and there is no desire to run, there is no extra money for a professional test, complete trust in folk methods. Some of the ladies are trying to answer this serious question with the help of ordinary soda, well known to everyone. Let's try to figure it out: is the pregnancy test with soda (reviews about it are very diverse) reliable, or are potential mothers still making mistakes?

Of course, no one ever forces anyone to immediately rush to the kitchen for a pack of soda in order to determine a possible pregnancy with its help. But if girls go online or consult with friends about this matter, then the information presented in this article will be very useful to them.

So, how to do a pregnancy test with soda? Reviews regarding the definition of a belly dweller are very different. Some mothers, who have already given birth to their child, advocate this method with both hands, because for them it turned out to be one hundred percent correct. Others doubt it, sincerely not understanding how, using one spoon of soda, well known from childhood, one can understand whether the baby will be born or not. Indeed, in their understanding, a test is a set of complex chemical components, and only they can guarantee pregnancy. For third mothers, a pregnancy test using soda, reviews of which they literally “shoveled” on the World Wide Web, did not cause delight. Because he turned out to be unreliable and did not help them in any way. In general, as many people as there are, so many opinions. Until you try it yourself, it’s impossible to be sure.

A home pregnancy test with soda (reviews about it, as mentioned above, are very varied) are more than simple. But first you need to decide that this is just a folk method, and it does not apply to reliable diagnosis. The more suitable option here is: I believe or I don’t believe, I convinced or I didn’t convince. Of course, in some cases the results coincide 100%, but this does not mean anything. If anyone is interested in trying this method, then it can be done without leaving home. It takes only a few minutes.

To begin with, according to all the rules, you need to collect a little morning urine in an ordinary small container (only half a glass will be enough for the experiment). Then pour a teaspoon of soda into it and carefully observe the reaction.

It is believed that if the soda sizzles, then pregnancy has not occurred (and this can be both a tragedy and a joy for every woman). If the soda quietly precipitates, then the woman is expecting a baby (here too - some are happy, and some are shocked).

A similar pregnancy test with soda (reviews of this method include stories about how wives check its veracity with their husbands) should be carried out strictly in the morning, using only such urine. After all, only at this time of day are the lowest pH values. As a result, the test is the most reliable.

To understand more precisely what a pregnancy test with soda is, reviews of which can be obtained, including from girlfriends, it is necessary to dwell in a little more detail on the acidity of the urine itself. Probably everyone knows that urine is a waste product of the human body. It is thanks to it that water-soluble substances it does not need are removed from the body. Numerous factors influence its composition.

One of the indicators of urine that is subject to the most careful consideration is its pH. Urine may be more alkaline or more acidic. Slightly acidic or neutral urine is considered normal. The pH level should be no lower than 4.5 and no higher than 8. Since the acidity of urine depends on many reasons and various factors, it can change in one direction.

Thus, it can be argued that the acidity of urine is influenced by the pH of the blood, a person’s nutrition, his body temperature at a certain moment and other factors.

An increase in the pH level (and the urine will be more alkaline) is affected by vomiting or diarrhea; alkaline therapy; respiratory alkalosis; significant content of vegetables and fruits in the daily diet (this mainly applies to vegetarian nutrition); renal failure; urinary tract infection; hematuria.

A decrease in pH levels (and the urine will be more acidic) is affected by eating a significant amount of cranberries; diabetes; starvation; predominance of protein products in the daily diet; physical exhaustion; kidney tuberculosis.

Attention should be paid to the fact that any bacterial infections of the urinary system can cause the level of urine acidity to change in one direction or another. And during pregnancy this is not at all uncommon. But the specific state of pregnancy does not in any way affect the pH level in the urine.

And this is where you can doubt a little: is the pregnancy test with soda really that accurate? Reviews about it express some doubt as to how correct its results are. But it is already clear that at some certain point, how urine reacts to soda will depend on the level of its acidity. Whether the soda will fizz and form a fluffy cap or precipitate does not depend in any way on the conception that has occurred.

So, we have already learned a lot about how to take a pregnancy test with soda. Reviews about it are very diverse. Some mothers claim that in this way they can determine who will be born in a few months - a boy or a girl. They say that if there is a boy, then the soda will hiss, but if it is a little princess, then it will precipitate, because the expectant mother, who is pregnant with her daughter, has an alkaline environment in her urine, which is why this sediment is obtained.

Be that as it may, a lot has been said about such an option as a pregnancy test with soda (reviews, photos of the method are displayed in our article). Moreover, both about the option of determining the presence of pregnancy, and about determining the sex of the unborn baby. All this is quite interesting, especially if you remember that there are a great many other folk recipes on this matter. Determining the presence or absence of pregnancy can be done, for example, using ordinary iodine or wine.

Should we believe or not how baking soda and urine (pregnancy test) will help determine a woman’s current condition? Reviews from women who have already resorted to this method are very different, and they speak both in favor of believing in this option and against it. But everyone must decide for themselves what to do in each specific case. Medical workers can only be “for” this method if it is used at a time when a woman does not have access to a pharmacy to buy a regular test, or to doctors. And this can happen if a woman, for example, went on vacation, but she wants to know whether to expect the arrival of a stork or not.


Impressions of what is happening

Of course, no one ever forces anyone to immediately rush to the kitchen for a pack of soda in order to determine a possible pregnancy with its help. But if girls go online or consult with friends about this matter, then the information presented in this article will be very useful to them.

So, how to do a pregnancy test with soda? Reviews regarding the definition of a belly dweller are very different. Some mothers, who have already given birth to their child, advocate this method with both hands, because for them it turned out to be one hundred percent correct. Others doubt it, sincerely not understanding how, using one spoon of soda, well known from childhood, one can understand whether the baby will be born or not. Indeed, in their understanding, a test is a set of complex chemical components, and only they can guarantee pregnancy. For third mothers, a pregnancy test using soda, reviews of which they literally “shoveled” on the World Wide Web, did not cause delight. Because he turned out to be unreliable and did not help them in any way. In general, as many people as there are, so many opinions. Until you try it yourself, it’s impossible to be sure.

What to do?

A home pregnancy test with soda (reviews about it, as mentioned above, are very varied) are more than simple. But first you need to decide that this is just a folk method, and it does not apply to reliable diagnosis. The more suitable option here is: I believe or I don’t believe, I convinced or I didn’t convince. Of course, in some cases the results coincide 100%, but this does not mean anything. If anyone is interested in trying this method, then it can be done without leaving home. It takes only a few minutes.

To begin with, according to all the rules, you need to collect a little morning urine in an ordinary small container (only half a glass will be enough for the experiment). Then pour a teaspoon of soda into it and carefully observe the reaction.

Using iodine to confirm conception


It is not necessary to purchase a commercial test to confirm pregnancy; another effective home remedy is recommended.

The use of iodine has been practiced for many years, the results almost 100% confirm the indications of medical tests.

To determine pregnancy, iodine and freshly collected urine are needed. Rinse the container first, sterilize it, and dry it.

The testing recipe is simple:

  1. Fill the container with urine (about 200 ml of liquid will be needed).
  2. Drop 1 ml of iodine onto the surface with a pipette (syringe).
  3. The pharmaceutical drug remains a drop on the surface of the urine - there is a high probability of conception.
  4. The iodine began to settle and spread across the surface like a dark spot - conception is excluded.

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Do not rely on the results of one procedure - carry out manipulations using sodium bicarbonate and iodine alternately for several days in a row.

If the performance of home remedies remains constant, you can trust them 100%.

What is the essence of this method?

It is believed that if the soda sizzles, then pregnancy has not occurred (and this can be both a tragedy and a joy for every woman). If the soda quietly precipitates, then the woman is expecting a baby (here too - some are happy, and some are shocked).

A similar pregnancy test with soda (reviews of this method include stories about how wives check its veracity with their husbands) should be carried out strictly in the morning, using only such urine. After all, only at this time of day are the lowest pH values. As a result, the test is the most reliable.

How does baking soda help determine if you are pregnant?

To use this method, you need to pour ordinary soda into female urine. If the result is positive, then it precipitates, and if negative, it dissolves and foam forms.

Why is this happening? Together with urine, the body gets rid of various substances it does not need, for example, excess fluid, uric acid, salt, ammonia. The urine of a healthy person has an acidity of 4.5-8 units. When it increases, this biological fluid becomes alkaline, and when it decreases, it becomes acidic. It is believed that with the onset of pregnancy, the pH level of women's urine increases. Therefore, during this test, soda interacts with an alkaline environment and settles at the bottom of the container with biological fluid if conception has occurred.

Pay attention to ph

One of the indicators of urine that is subject to the most careful consideration is its pH. Urine may be more alkaline or more acidic. Slightly acidic or neutral urine is considered normal. The pH level should be no lower than 4.5 and no higher than 8. Since the acidity of urine depends on many reasons and various factors, it can change in one direction.

If it increases, it will become more alkaline. If it decreases, it will be more sour.

Thus, it can be argued that the acidity of urine is influenced by a person’s diet, his body temperature at a certain moment and other factors.

Increase and decrease pH level

An increase in the pH level (and the urine will be more alkaline) is affected by vomiting or diarrhea; alkaline therapy; respiratory alkalosis; significant content of vegetables and fruits in the daily diet (this mainly applies to vegetarian nutrition); renal failure; urinary tract infection; hematuria...

A decrease in pH levels (and the urine will be more acidic) is affected by eating a significant amount of cranberries; diabetes; starvation; predominance of protein products in the daily diet; physical exhaustion; kidney tuberculosis...

Attention should be paid to the fact that any bacterial infections of the urinary system can cause the level of urine acidity to change in one direction or another. And during pregnancy this is not at all uncommon. But the specific state of pregnancy does not in any way affect the pH level in the urine.

And this is where you can doubt a little: is the pregnancy test with soda really that accurate? Reviews about it express some doubt as to how correct its results are. But it is already clear that at some certain point, how urine reacts to soda will depend on the level of its acidity. Whether the soda will fizz and form a fluffy cap or precipitate does not depend in any way on the conception that has occurred.

Can you trust baking soda as a pregnancy reagent?

Long-term disputes between skeptics and fans of the technique in practice rather confirm the opinion of the former. There are many factors that can affect the balance of acid and alkali in the human body.

The acidity of urine increases:

  • diet with a predominance of meat dishes;
  • a shift in the acid-base balance - acidosis caused by gout, leukemia and a number of other pathologies;
  • increased physical activity, working at high temperatures and living in hot climates;
  • lack of carbohydrates in the diet;
  • some medications;
  • kidney disease and diabetes.

A decrease in acidity is caused by:

  • vegetarianism or simply rare consumption of animal proteins;
  • urinary tract infection;
  • severe and frequent vomiting;
  • diseases of the stomach, adrenal glands and thyroid gland;
  • increased alkalinity in urine after surgery - due to drug therapy.

As you can see, even an unbalanced diet can affect the result of a soda pregnancy test. Therefore, the reliability of the technique only makes doctors smile. But doctors are in no hurry to speak out against traditional methods, guided by the principle “Whatever pregnant women enjoy, as long as it does not harm their own health.”

Video: popular ways to find out about pregnancy from a medical point of view

Believe it or not?

So, we have already learned a lot about how to take a pregnancy test with soda. Reviews about it are very diverse. Some mothers claim that in this way they can determine who will be born in a few months - a boy or a girl. They say that if there is a boy, then the soda will hiss, but if it is a little princess, then it will precipitate, because the expectant mother, who is pregnant with her daughter, has an alkaline environment in her urine, which is why this sediment is obtained.

Be that as it may, a lot has been said about such an option as a pregnancy test with soda (reviews, photos of the method are displayed in our article). Moreover, both about the option of determining the presence of pregnancy, and about determining the sex of the unborn baby. All this is quite interesting, especially if you remember that there are a great many other folk recipes on this matter. Determining the presence or absence of pregnancy can be done, for example, using ordinary iodine or wine.

Should we believe or not how baking soda and urine (pregnancy test) will help determine a woman’s current condition? Reviews from women who have already resorted to this method are very different, and they speak both in favor of believing in this option and against it. But everyone must decide for themselves what to do in each specific case. Medical workers can only be “for” this method if it is used at a time when a woman does not have access to a pharmacy to buy a regular test, or to doctors. And this can happen if a woman, for example, went on vacation, but she wants to know whether to expect the arrival of a stork or not.

Every girl planning a pregnancy wants to know as early as possible whether conception has taken place. If pharmacy tests to determine the presence of pregnancy at home work only after a missed period, then many traditional testing methods can be used the very next day after the expected conception. Of course, no one guarantees an exact result, quite the contrary. Modern medicine does not recognize any of these methods, despite the fact that every day such home studies are becoming increasingly popular.

Despite everything, many representatives of the fairer sex prefer various folk methods and adhere to their grandmother’s advice.

If conception has occurred, how to find out about it? You can try to detect pregnancy using soda or iodine by testing at home. This method will not do you any harm, so if you really want to, then arm yourself with everything you need and get started. However, when a woman is carried away only by traditional methods of testing and treatment, doctors begin to sound the alarm. Therefore, you should not rely only on grandma’s recipes.

Restrictions on testing using baking soda

Despite the safety and proven effectiveness of sodium bicarbonate-based products over the years, there are a number of women for whom testing will be useless.

Some features of the body provoke the inevitable sedimentation of baking soda in the urine, so the results are known in advance - even in the absence of conception, the cooking powder will settle to the bottom.

A waste of time testing at home in the following cases:

  • vegetarianism (regular abundant consumption of fruits and vegetables);
  • prolonged fasting, strict diet;
  • treatment with aggressive pharmaceutical drugs (especially antibiotics);
  • exhaustion of the body, anorexia;
  • thrush;
  • insufficient production of hormones.

It is recommended to go to the pharmacy and purchase a medical test that can show the correct results in any case.

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Determining pregnancy using soda

How does this principle work? It would seem, how can soda be connected with a developing pregnancy? It's quite simple.

The acidity of urine helps determine pregnancy using baking soda. Normally it ranges from 4 to 8 units. As is known, upon the onset of fertilization, acidity decreases somewhat, as evidenced by the reaction under study.

It is worth recalling that, like all tests, pregnancy testing using soda should be carried out strictly on the morning urine sample. This is the most favorable time when hormones in the female body are at their peak, and acidity is at a level closest to the normal value.

Soda and urine in a pregnancy test: the cause of the error

Due to changes in hormonal levels and other indicators, the expectant mother's urine acidity level changes noticeably. A non-pregnant woman's pH ranges from 4.5 to 7, but an expectant mother's pH often becomes more alkaline.

pregnancy detection using baking soda photo result

According to popular theory, if you add soda to urine, the substance will react with an alkaline environment. The reaction will be manifested by precipitation of soda if pregnancy is present. It is important to remember that such a pregnancy test is just a home experiment. To get accurate results, use a pharmacy test that determines pregnancy not by the pH level, but by the presence of the hCG hormone.

Some women are sure that by using soda you can find out the sex of the child. In practice, this theory is not confirmed by anything, so you shouldn’t rely too much on this method.

To determine the sex of the baby using soda:

  • Add 1 tsp. baking soda in 100 ml. morning urine.
  • Observe the reaction of the substance. If the substance begins to hiss and foam, it will be a boy. Well, if the soda fell to the bottom, you should wait for the girl to appear.

Testing technique

In order to determine pregnancy using soda, you need to collect morning urine in a container with a volume of 150-200 milliliters.

After this, take a teaspoon of baking soda and add it to the existing liquid. Next, you need to carefully monitor the reaction. Everyone knows that soda is an alkali. When interacting with an acidic environment, it begins to become active and foam.

If the baking soda begins to react with your urine, fizzing and bubbling, your urine is likely normal in acidity and you are not pregnant.

If the white powder calmly settles to the bottom of the glass, then your urine has low acidity, which may indicate conception has occurred.

Determining pregnancy using soda has never received medical recognition in all the years of its existence. That is why you cannot completely rely on it. This is more of just fun and testing than serious research. In addition, many factors can affect the acidity of urine.

How to find out if you are pregnant using baking soda

So, everything is ready to carry out the test, now the main thing is not to deviate from the step-by-step instructions:

  1. After waking up, get out of bed without sudden movements.
  2. In the bathroom, wash with warm, clean water, but douching is strictly prohibited. Firstly, if there is still a pregnancy, doctors insist on avoiding douching during pregnancy. Secondly, water from the syringe can mix with urine along the way and dilute it.
  3. Dry the perineum with a towel, avoiding rubbing movements.
  4. Wash your hands and wipe dry. It is best to wear disposable gloves;
  5. Collect the urine in a container, preferably a special disposable container from a pharmacy. Drain the first few drops past the jar and collect the next 160–200 ml of biological fluid.
  6. It is not recommended to delay the test for more than 15 minutes after collecting urine.
  7. Take one teaspoon of baking soda and quickly pour it into a container with urine.

If a reaction occurs - there is foam and a hissing whistle - most likely you are not pregnant. When soda is lowered into sediment at the bottom without sound and visual special effects, they say it’s worth buying diapers, but this is not certain. Following the above tips increases the chance of detecting pregnancy with soda, but does not provide 100% accuracy. The effectiveness of the method is significantly inferior in reliability to even the cheapest tests from the pharmacy. Whatever the result of sodium bicarbonate and urine, it will be possible to speak with certainty about pregnancy only after a visit to the doctor and laboratory tests prescribed by him. Only a doctor can tell if there are any pathologies in the case of conception.

We tested it together with our 9-year-old son. I’m not pregnant (it’s true), but my son has a chance to receive a million dollars from Charlie Chaplin, which he, according to rumors, bequeathed to the first man who gave birth. Draw your own conclusions.

Increased acidity of urine (false negative result)

You can check pregnancy using soda and get a negative result if there is a fertilized egg in the woman’s uterus for several reasons:

  • Presence of diabetes mellitus.
  • Various kidney diseases.
  • Severe physical exertion and fatigue.
  • Acidosis of various types.
  • Potassium deficiency.
  • Colds with fever.
  • Active consumption of citrus and sour foods.
  • Various diets.

Factors that may affect test results using sodium bicarbonate

Healthy eating

There are many factors that do not allow one to accurately determine conception. If possible, it is recommended to eliminate them a few days before the procedure.

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If the reason remains, you should not trust the results after using NaHCO3 - in most cases they turn out to be false.

The accuracy of the results can be influenced by factors:

  • abuse of citrus fruits and fermented milk products;
  • colds and infectious diseases accompanied by an increase in body temperature;
  • diabetes;
  • lack of potassium in the body;
  • pathologies of internal organs (kidneys, liver);
  • intense sports activities;
  • inflammatory processes affecting the genitourinary system.

A sudden change in diet, strict diets, refusal of meat products is another reason that can negatively affect pregnancy testing with baking soda.

Soda for determining pregnancy: pros and cons

As for the fairer sex, they were divided into two camps. Some of them will never conduct such tests, because they consider them stupid and unreliable. Others do not trust classic test strips, claiming that they often show a false result. That is why they always prefer determining pregnancy using soda.

There are times when a woman is cut off from the outside world and is, for example, on vacation. If it is impossible to purchase a pregnancy test in those places, then soda will come in handy. Surely every housewife has it in her house.

What do obstetrician-gynecologists and famous professors say about this? They argue that soda testing is more of a hobby than a serious study. You shouldn’t trust him, much less promote him.

Research also shows that despite the fact that the onset of pregnancy is somewhat reflected in the acidity of urine, various minor factors have a much greater influence on it. All these reasons cannot be reliably established even in the laboratory, let alone at home.

Baking soda as a reagent for home pregnancy tests

The main advantage of the described study is that testing is easy to perform at home.
It takes just 5 minutes, without any special financial investments, since soda is always available in the house. However, you should not rely on the reliability of the results - the pH of urine increases not only in pregnant women. This is why experts are skeptical about the technique and recommend not to trust this method and not to use it in the early stages as an alternative to a pregnancy test. Only an examination by a specialist, a blood test for human chorionic gonadotropin and an ultrasound from 5-6 weeks can accurately confirm the fact of conception. The chemical reaction of soda and urine is the precursor to the striped identifiers of interest. It was used at the first suspicion of fertilization, long before the first test strips offered in a large assortment. Today you can even order them online if you don’t want to arouse suspicion from your pharmacist friend at the pharmacy. The easiest way to find out about pregnancy at home is with the help of soda, then check in the women's office.

Experts say that with the onset of pregnancy, the acidity of urine noticeably decreases; in women before pregnancy, it has a more acidic reaction. Therefore, by changing the pH level, a soda pregnancy test is performed.

Chemists call baking soda sodium bicarbonate, which neutralizes low levels of acid in urine. This is visually noticeable by the release of gas bubbles in the test liquid - urine fizzes like champagne. Pregnant women do not experience a reaction; this is a household pregnancy test with soda.

And yet, is it worth carrying out home pregnancy testing with soda before a delay, when more accurate pharmacy determinants are not at hand? Women tend to keep notes in a diary or notebook, take photographs of tested tests and describe all this in detail on forums.

As they say, “no matter what” a pregnant woman enjoys, as long as she doesn’t cry when she learns about the delay. Often, even after several quite reliable studies, ladies go to women’s forums and ask something like “how to check pregnancy at home - I’ve already tried soda, iodine and onions.”

It makes sense to use a home pregnancy test with soda, if only for the sake of comparison with more accurate test systems. It is especially interesting when this is the first pregnancy, and the expectant mother is very amused by all these new experiences.

A cheerful mood with an inquisitive mind is always good. It is quite possible that the home method of determining pregnancy with soda will turn out to be true - the alkali will be “silent” in urine, like a fish in water. Have a good mood, pregnant women!

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