From what month of pregnancy you should not sleep on your stomach and tips on how to improve night sleep

How to deal with insomnia

If the expectant mother cannot sleep, you should not immediately resort to the help of medications and sin because sleeping on your side is very uncomfortable. First you need to use simple rules that will make your sleep as good as possible:

  • Try to avoid eating at night. If mommy has a strong feeling of hunger, you can drink a little milk with honey or tea with soothing herbs, such as mint, sage, chamomile.
  • Before going to bed, you can take a warm shower or bath. Turn on the music, enjoy your situation.
  • The temperature in the room should not be too high. The optimal option is 18-20 degrees.
  • It is recommended to ventilate the room in which a pregnant woman sleeps.
  • Pajamas or a nightgown should be made of natural fabrics and not restrict a woman’s movement.
  • If you have the opportunity to take a walk outside, do not refuse it.
  • In the second and third trimester, you can use special pillows that help elevate your tummy and legs. You can purchase them online or in a specialty store.

It has been proven that following these simple rules helps the expectant mother to have quality rest, get a good night's sleep and feel cheerful and cheerful in the morning.

How to get better sleep?

A good night's sleep is very important at all stages of pregnancy, and therefore a woman needs to adjust her night's rest as best as possible. Numerous hormonal processes occur during sleep; there are vital hormones that are produced exclusively during sleep, and therefore lack of sleep is dangerous for the mother and her unborn child. A woman should sleep at least 8–10 hours. Therefore, night shift work should be changed to a daytime schedule. Employers cannot refuse this to a woman who presents a certificate from a consultation stating that she is pregnant.

It’s better to start training yourself to sleep on your side early. Preferably the left side. There is no compression of internal organs, especially the liver.

Helpful tips and tricks will help you get used to the new position.

  • From the early stages, place a small cushion under your feet; in later stages, several cushions placed between the legs, under the stomach and under the lower back will be beneficial.
  • You can make it yourself or buy a special pillow for pregnant women. It is shaped like the Latin letters C or U. It’s comfortable to sleep on; you don’t need to toss around half the night looking for a comfortable position.
  • Ventilate the room well even in winter, when it’s frosty. The expectant mother should fall asleep and rest in a room that is fresh and a little cool.
  • It should be quiet and dark at night. If you live in an apartment overlooking a central street with neon signs, or there is a busy highway under your window that doesn’t sleep even at night, buy earplugs and blackout curtains. This will help you rest fully and feel better during the day.

A specialist talks more about sleeping on your stomach during pregnancy in the following video.

Sleeping on your stomach in the second trimester

In the second trimester, it is no longer possible to hide an interesting situation. The belly is rounded, and this is a natural process. The baby is growing up. The membranes serve as a protective cushion for it. But it doesn’t hurt for mommy to take care of her health. The muscles of the uterus and amniotic fluid carefully envelop the baby. However, if a woman lies on her stomach, the baby's sleep is far from serene.

Imagine this picture - in fact, you are lying directly on your child. How does it feel to support your weight? The baby feels a lot of pressure. Therefore, gradually give up the habit of resting on the abdominal cavity. Roll over onto your back or side.

Sleep in the last months of pregnancy

Why and when you should not sleep on your stomach during pregnancy 2019

Every month the fetus, and therefore the belly of the expectant mother, becomes larger. Therefore, lying on your stomach during such a period is not only dangerous, but also uncomfortable and difficult.

If a woman tries to roll over and lie on her stomach in her sleep, she will immediately wake up. In addition, the child, with his intrauterine movements and blows, will make it clear that he is feeling bad or difficult, and it is difficult not to wake up from this.

Stomach rest during pregnancy

Adequate sleep for a pregnant woman becomes “worth its weight in gold.” A comfortable posture while resting can ensure good dreams. But the birth of a new life inside the womb introduces a number of restrictions here too. The question arises about the position of the body in sleep, because many women love the so-called “rich man’s pose.” Can pregnant women sleep on their stomach? Will this harm the unborn baby?

At the beginning of pregnancy, the choice of sleeping position is wide. Sleeping on your stomach can be painful due to increased sensitivity and changes in the size of the mammary glands. In this case, it is recommended to change the position of the body, as there is a risk of bad consequences for the breast. At what point can you not sleep on your stomach?

Advice! Some researchers do not recommend such sleep at the beginning of pregnancy. This is due to pressure on the diaphragm, the regularity of which leads to breathing problems. Lack of oxygen plus increased uterine tone can have dire consequences. Therefore, it is better to gradually wean yourself from this habit.

Toxicosis is a common cause of poor sleep in early pregnancy. In this case, experts advise sleeping in an elevated position. A high pillow is the best solution.

Time allowed for sleeping on your stomach

A frequently asked question is: until how many weeks can you sleep on your stomach? Gynecologists answer: at the beginning of the period (up to about 12 weeks), you are allowed to rest in any position. During this period, the stomach is small, the size of the uterus does not extend beyond the pelvis, which allows you to lie with your back up without consequences. Inside the womb, the fetus is reliably protected by a water “cushion”. This is how nature took care of the safety of the embryo, so moderate pressure from the outside will not cause any harm. Try this experiment: fill a balloon with water, place an object inside, and tie it tightly. Now try to press on the outer shell with your hands (without fanaticism, of course). An object located in a liquid medium will remain unchanged.

Expecting twins and resting with your back up

Carrying twins is a special feat for a woman. Double “happiness” increases the load on the body. In the distant past, the number of future children could only be dreamed of. Today, you can find out about multiple pregnancy as early as the 7th week of pregnancy, thanks to an ultrasound examination and listening to heart rhythms.

Pregnancy with twins means earlier toxicosis and an increased risk of developing varicose veins. In this case, it is also advisable to “double” the rest of the expectant mother. Especially on Thursday, when week-long fatigue at work accumulates and the overall tone of the body decreases.

It is important to know! Sleeping on your stomach is not acceptable even in the early stages. Two embryos inside the placenta take up a lot of space

As a result, the total mass of amniotic fluid decreases. The size of the uterus during a “double” pregnancy is large, even in the first trimester. Therefore, resting with your back up is physically impossible. The optimal sleeping position is “half-sitting” with elevated legs.

You can't sleep on your back for several reasons:

  • Possible lack of air (fainting, dizziness) due to a strong rush of blood to the lower part of the body.
  • Increased urge to go to the toilet due to pressure from the uterus on the bladder.
  • Compression of blood vessels leads to stagnation of blood in the lower extremities. The result is varicose veins.
  • High risk of hemorrhoids.
  • Compression of the main vena cava leads to disruption of the heart (arrhythmia, tachycardia).

Pregnancy with twins is characterized by increased activity during a woman's sleep. “Dividing territory” in the womb is a favorite pastime of intrauterine toddlers. Violent activity often occurs at night, preventing the expectant mother from falling asleep

Therefore, it is important to find the most comfortable position (with the help of pillows or other available means), monitor the air temperature in the bedroom

Why shouldn't a pregnant woman sleep on her stomach?

The first weeks of conception are characterized by minimal external signs. Doctors do not prohibit sleeping on the stomach during this period if the woman does not experience any particular discomfort. The second and third semesters are another matter. The “rich man’s pose” is not only harmful, but also physically uncomfortable.

Why shouldn't pregnant women sleep on their stomach? Try lying on a big ball. Will I be able to sleep well in this position? As the fetus develops, the embryo takes up more and more space in the womb. The amniotic fluid-embryo ratio changes in favor of the baby. Is it comfortable for an expectant mother to lie on her own baby? Any sane woman will make the right conclusion - you should not sleep on your stomach during pregnancy.

Depending on the period

A newly pregnant woman can take the position “facing the pillow” while sleeping. But still, you shouldn’t get carried away with this process, and most importantly, you need to know at what point you can no longer sleep on your stomach.

In the first trimester, when the tummy is still flat, there are no restrictions on posture during sleep.

The process of growth of the embryo, and with it the maternal abdomen, is very individual and depends on many facts. For example, multiparous mothers usually have a belly that rounds faster than those who are carrying a baby for the first time. The same applies to multiple pregnancies - twins and twins need more space. Thus, the expectant mother is able to understand how to fall asleep and whether it is possible to sleep on her stomach during pregnancy. If the position does not cause inconvenience, much less painful or unpleasant sensations, sleeping prone is quite acceptable.

According to medical observations, the answer to the question until how many weeks of pregnancy can you sleep on your stomach is extremely specific - up to approximately 12.

The role of sleep in the life of a pregnant woman

Medical research states that approximately 90% of pregnant women suffer from sleep problems. Some people can't get enough sleep, others constantly suffer from nightmares. The first trimester is characterized by a constant state of drowsiness, and the third - problems with sleep. Gynecologists advise expectant mothers to sleep at least ten hours a day. Only such a long period of sleep, according to experts, will make it possible to feel good and ensure the normal course of pregnancy.

In the early stages, the expectant mother is allowed to follow her desires and sleep longer, because this period is characterized by drowsiness due to hormonal changes in the body. And if it is possible to sleep for an hour or two during the day, then this should be done

You should also remember the importance of airing the room before going to bed, the convenience of the bed for resting a pregnant woman

Relaxing in the “belly down” pose for pregnant women

The waiting period for a child includes a lot of nuances. Every detail of the organization of the expectant mother’s life is of great importance.

We have to pay increased attention to daily activities and rituals that previously occurred automatically. Eating, sleeping, work-rest ratio - everything changes during pregnancy

Every moment of the daily routine is viewed through the prism of its impact on the health of the woman and the embryo. Carrying a child is often accompanied by physical and psychological discomfort. Once you get pregnant, various disturbances in the dream process immediately appear. As the fetus develops, sleep often requires a lot of effort.

Additional restrictions for pregnant women

To ensure a calm and joyful pregnancy, doctors give the following advice:

  1. After the 26th week of an interesting situation, it is better to postpone travel to exotic countries with a different climate. A sharp drop in pressure is fraught with premature birth.
  2. Do not dye your hair with products containing aggressive ingredients. Toxic paints are put off until better times.
  3. Say no to hot baths. It’s better to give preference to taking a shower.
  4. Forget about diets. This does not mean that nutrition can be irrational, not at all. Before you eat something, ask yourself whether this product is healthy or not. If not, then why fill the stomach with it and “nourish” the child.
  5. Fitness training is another taboo. Loads should be limited.
  6. Don't drink a lot of water. Don't make it difficult for your kidneys to function.

Also stop smoking and avoid going to places where people smoke. Politely ask the smoker next to you not to do this, explaining the reason.

Sleeping on your back during pregnancy: is it possible and why not?

During the period of bearing a child, every woman becomes extremely careful in relation to the fetus, so the question often arises: is it safe to sleep on your back during pregnancy? The expectant mother faces restrictions in her choice of foods; she is prohibited from drinking alcoholic beverages, performing hard physical work, and being nervous. This list also includes the position of the body during sleep, since not only women’s health, but also the condition of the fetus depends on the position.

What sleeping position should you choose during pregnancy?

Healthy and sound sleep is vital for expectant mothers to keep their bodies in good shape. It helps restore strength and energy, normalize the functioning of all organs and systems.

  • In the first trimester, women experience a change in hormonal levels, which causes increased drowsiness, so the expectant mother often sleeps, regardless of the time of day.
  • Doctors do not recommend trying to overcome sleep. It will be good for the body to take a break. Sleeping on your back during pregnancy until the second trimester is safe for the woman and fetus.
  • During the first trimester, the uterus and fetus are well protected by the pelvic bones.

At the beginning of the second semester, a woman should get used to sleeping on her side. Lying on your stomach becomes unsafe, as the risk of developing hypertension due to pressure on the uterus increases. In addition, it is harmful to the fetus, despite the fact that it is securely surrounded by muscles and the amniotic sac.

During the second trimester, you should not sleep on your back, as the uterus and fetus grow rapidly, putting pressure on nearby organs and blood vessels.

Sleeping on your back can cause a number of complications:

  • painful sensations in the back;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pressure on the pudendal vein.

In the third semester, sleeping on your back is dangerous.

The side position is best for pregnant women. You should give preference to sleeping on your left side: in this position, the fetus does not put pressure on the liver, and circulatory problems do not occur.

To increase comfort while sleeping, women should use special pillows. With their help, it will be possible to compensate for the inconvenience caused by a large belly.

What is the effect of posture during sleep?

When choosing the wrong body position, compression of the intestines occurs. The load on the back increases, causing damage to the lumbar region and spine. The woman begins to experience aching or severe pain. The functioning of the kidneys is impaired, resulting in swelling in parts of the body.

But the greatest danger for a woman is pressure on the inferior vena cava, since this vessel is responsible for blood circulation between the lower body and the heart.

Symptoms of the pathology include breathing problems, dizziness, increased sweating and darkening of the eyes.

Sleeping on the back causes pathologies in the functioning of the child's body. The main cause of fetal diseases is a lack of oxygen and nutrients.

As a child grows up, he or she may develop pathologies:

  1. Slow growth.
  2. Sleep problems.
  3. Appetite disorders.
  4. Constant anxiety.

These are the main reasons why you should not sleep on your back. Limitations may also be explained by the individual structural features of the mother’s body.

How to improve your sleep?

When women find out that they are pregnant, they should become more caring towards themselves. This is especially true for restoring strength, which is only possible with the help of good sleep.

For normal and healthy dreams, experts recommend:

Ventilate the room.

  1. Sleep on fresh bedding.
  2. Stop taking sleeping pills.
  3. Avoid caffeine.
  4. Do not consume food or drinks 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  5. Take an evening walk.

If any problems with sleep occur, a woman should consult a doctor for advice and take only those medications that he has prescribed.

A qualified specialist will talk with the woman about what will be safe for her and the baby, whether it is possible to sleep on your back and how to make sleep have a beneficial effect on the body.

How to create optimal sleep conditions during pregnancy

Having learned about all sorts of risks and realizing what will happen if a pregnant woman sleeps on her stomach, most expectant mothers, of course, will avoid this position. The only catch is that in the later stages of pregnancy the choice of sleeping positions is very small. The only option left is to lie on your side, but spending all nights in this position constantly and at the same time seeing sweet dreams is quite problematic. The following recommendations will help ease the lot of expectant mothers and create comfortable sleeping conditions:

  • Regular ventilation of the room. Sleeping in a room with cool air is not only pleasant, but also useful. After going to bed, the human body temperature decreases by 1-2 degrees. In a hot room you will certainly feel discomfort and sweating will increase. The level of air humidity is also considered equally important. It should be 50-60%, otherwise drying out of the mucous membranes may occur.
  • Walk before bed. It can make falling asleep easier not only for pregnant women.
  • Light dinner. Loading the stomach in the form of heavy protein or fatty foods will not benefit the body. But she is quite capable of organizing a restless night. The most suitable foods for dinner are vegetable salads, fruits and cottage cheese.
  • Choosing the right pillow. During pregnancy, especially in its later stages, the expectant mother should temporarily abandon pillows of the usual shape. It is much more convenient to get a pillow for pregnant and nursing mothers. The choice of such “gadgets” is currently extremely large. Basically, the appearance of the pillows resembles letters. Thus, there are L-shaped, I-shaped, C-shaped, G-shaped and U-shaped options. The choice of one type or another depends on the preferences of the pregnant woman. Such products have a number of advantages:
  1. Relieves stress from the spine.
  2. Help in choosing the most comfortable sleeping position.
  3. Can be used throughout pregnancy, as well as during subsequent breastfeeding.

Sleeping on your stomach is a position that is not recommended for expectant mothers for most of the entire pregnancy period. Experts recommend gradually weaning yourself from sleeping in this position from the very beginning of pregnancy. This approach will make it easier to break the habit of habitual posture. Temporary inconveniences are subsequently compensated by the joy of meeting a long-awaited little miracle.

Sources: zivote/

Can pregnant women sleep on their stomach?

Pregnancy always means fears, warnings and doubts

Expectant mothers are wary of medications and new sensations. They have many questions that begin the same way: “Is it possible...”

Similar questions arise about sleeping position. Many women slept on their stomachs before the onset of an interesting situation. But what should we do now? What do doctors say about this?

The role of sleep in the life of a pregnant woman

Medical research states that approximately 90% of pregnant women suffer from sleep problems. Some people can't get enough sleep, others constantly suffer from nightmares. The first trimester is characterized by a constant state of drowsiness, and the third - problems with sleep. Gynecologists advise expectant mothers to sleep at least ten hours a day. Only such a long period of sleep, according to experts, will make it possible to feel good and ensure the normal course of pregnancy.

In the early stages, the expectant mother is allowed to follow her desires and sleep longer, because this period is characterized by drowsiness due to hormonal changes in the body. And if it is possible to sleep for an hour or two during the day, then this should be done

You should also remember the importance of airing the room before going to bed, the convenience of the bed for resting a pregnant woman

Sleep at different stages of pregnancy

Of course, in the early stages, a pregnant woman can still sleep on her stomach so as not to suddenly change her usual position. And you don’t need to worry just yet: up to twelve weeks, such sleep is absolutely safe. After all, the uterus does not yet protrude above the pubic bones, the fetus is still too small. After this period, the expectant mother can still sleep on her stomach for some time, but it is already recommended to accustom herself to sleeping on her side. During this period, the fetus is under protective layers - amniotic fluid and membranes, the uterus and abdominal muscles. But as you approach the 20th week of pregnancy, you can no longer sleep on your stomach!

Sleeping on your stomach: is it possible or not?

A person sleeps a third of his life. During sleep, physical and mental resources are restored

That's why it's important to get enough sleep

But man is a capricious creature. Wrong pillow, wrong blanket, wrong room, wrong position - and you can’t close your eyes anymore. Each of us has our own requirements for healthy sleep. One of them is a certain posture. It is unknown how exactly we sleep at night. But we must fall asleep on our back, left side or stomach. In one position. The most familiar and convenient for us.

With the onset of pregnancy, the load on the body increases. The need for adequate sleep increases. From the first weeks, the woman is attacked by drowsiness. But as soon as your head is on the pillow, a thousand disturbances appear. The main one is the inability to choose a pose.

The woman is used to sleeping on her stomach. And now he's afraid. What if the baby gets hurt?! Is it possible to sleep on your stomach during pregnancy?

There are two answers to this question:

  1. . Only in early pregnancy. There will be no harm during this period. The uterus is still small. It is hidden behind the pubic bone, so the baby is reliably protected. In the first trimester, you can sleep in any comfortable position.
  2. . It is recommended to change your habit from the first days of pregnancy. Only twelve weeks will pass - and it will be dangerous to lie on your stomach. You need to get used to sleeping in a different position. Otherwise, there is a high risk of rolling over onto your stomach while sleeping. Unconsciously.

In the second and third trimester, lying on your stomach is not only uncomfortable, but also dangerous. Although the baby’s internal protection is great, the weight of the mother’s body is still felt. Moreover, during sleep we have no control over our movements. Therefore, there is a risk of injury to the unborn baby.

Find out if you can smoke during pregnancy.

“Pregnant” dream: choosing a position

Proper sleep is extremely important for an expectant mother. A woman needs to get enough sleep. Then the child will be happy. A sleep-deprived mother is irritable, inattentive, and angry. She feels tired all day. Will the baby benefit from this condition? Hardly.

In what position can a pregnant woman sleep? Let's consider the opposite options. We have already decided that you can’t sleep on your stomach. After the twenty-eighth week, when the fetus is quite large, it is not recommended to lie on your back. The belly is impressive. It puts pressure on the lower back and intestines, causing various types of disorders. The lumen of the vena cava may narrow. Because of this, blood flow is disrupted. Cells and tissues lack oxygen. Signs of compression of the vena cava:

frequent dizziness;

What do pregnant women usually ask each other and rarely ask their doctor?

02.02.2009 Every time expectant mothers ask each other, or mothers who have already given birth, questions like: “When will my belly start growing?”, “When will the baby start pushing,” or “When will I finally give birth?” - I I never cease to be amazed. Regardless of the time of year, age, social and financial status, all pregnant women are interested in the same questions.

But the main thing is that they ask them not to their local obstetricians - gynecologists, but to more “experienced” pregnant women or mothers. But not all people communicate on forums or special sites and have the opportunity to ask a question of interest to the right audience. Therefore, I took the liberty and compiled a list of the most common, in my opinion, among expectant mothers, questions that they do not ask

doctor, but they like to ask each other. Perhaps someone will disagree with me. But I did not compile this list from scratch, but over 6 years of continuous communication with pregnant women, both in real life and on the Internet.

1. What gender will the child be?

Only a specialist can tell you this during an ultrasound examination. The accuracy of sex determination depends on the duration of pregnancy. Until 8 weeks, the embryo's genitals have not yet formed. The process of their formation is completed only by 12-13 weeks. The doctor will be able to most accurately determine the sex of the unborn baby only starting from the 15th week of pregnancy.

2. When will toxicosis begin?

There are two types of toxicosis: early and late. Early toxicosis usually begins by 5-6 weeks of pregnancy and is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, changes in taste, excessive salivation, sometimes dizziness, and even loss of consciousness. Late toxicosis is a disorder of water-salt metabolism that sometimes occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy. If late toxicosis starts, the child will not receive additional oxygen and the necessary nutrition, and this can negatively affect the baby’s nervous system.

3. When will toxicosis end?

Early toxicosis usually ends by 12-14 weeks of pregnancy. Less commonly, it can last up to 17-18 weeks. Late toxicosis can continue until childbirth.

4. Do pregnant women have to go to the hospital at least once?

Not at all necessary. If the pregnancy proceeds smoothly, and your obstetrician-gynecologist, as well as other specialists, do not find any cause for concern, you can carry the pregnancy to term without having to be in the hospital even once.

5. From what stage of pregnancy can you sleep on your stomach?

The non-pregnant uterus does not extend beyond the level of the symphysis pubis, so when you lie on your stomach, the uterus is protected by the non-deformable bones of the pelvis. In pregnant women, the uterus appears from behind the womb only after 12 weeks, so during the first trimester of pregnancy you can sleep on your stomach. After this period, sleeping on the stomach is also allowed if there are no medical contraindications and this position is comfortable for a pregnant woman. But as practice shows, many people refuse this sleeping position because they experience discomfort: physical (they compare it to sleeping on a ball), or psychological (how can I sleep on a child).

How to survive toxicosis?

Toxicosis is not just a word for many expectant mothers, it is a real torment.

6. When is it not recommended to lie on your back?

It is not recommended for pregnant women to lie on their backs, starting from the fourth month, since by this time the uterus has already reached a significant size. When lying on your back, the enlarged uterus compresses large vessels passing next to the spinal column. Because of this, blood flow to the vessels of the placenta decreases and the baby experiences a lack of oxygen and nutrients. In addition, pregnant women who lie on their back very often experience a decrease in blood pressure and dizziness, even to the point of fainting.

7. Are monitor and CTG the same thing?

Yes, this is the name of the same research method. Cardiotocography (CTG) is a method of functional assessment of the condition of the fetus during pregnancy and childbirth based on recording the frequency of its heartbeats and their changes depending on uterine contractions, the action of external stimuli or the activity of the fetus itself.

8. What is the norm for CTG?

The normal fetal heart rate is 120-160 beats per minute. But when you move, your heart rate should increase by about 20 beats per minute.

9. Will stretch marks necessarily appear, and will they disappear after childbirth?

Not necessary. Everything is very individual. Our skin feels thick and elastic to the touch. These qualities depend on the presence of elastic and collagen fibers in it. The quantity and quality of these fibers are genetically inherited; this trait determines the possibility of stretch marks. Stretch marks can appear on the chest from the second month of pregnancy, when the mass of the mammary glands rapidly increases, and on the abdomen and buttocks - by the end of the fourth month of pregnancy, when the abdomen begins to enlarge and an intensive increase in body weight occurs. They are formed as a result of the rupture of collagen and elastin fibers of the skin. After childbirth, the scars lose their pink color and take on the appearance of white stripes.

10. How will I understand that I am definitely in labor?

If contractions occur with regularity - 5/45, i.e. in five minutes, 45 seconds - you can be sure that this is IT. Go to the maternity hospital immediately. Another undoubted indication for going to the maternity hospital is the breaking of water. If the waters have broken, you cannot hesitate for a minute, otherwise, with a prolonged waterless period, the child may die.

Can pregnant women take a bath?

Well, tell me, is it possible to imagine the life of a pregnant woman without life advice and prohibitions from mothers, mothers-in-law, grandmothers and other “wise women”, including doctors? But times change, but people remain the same, and everyone continues to give their useful recommendations...

11. At what stage of pregnancy can you not have sex?

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, that is, there is no threat of miscarriage and there are no urogenital infections, then inactive sexual intercourse is allowed (except for the first three months and the last month of pregnancy), since during sexual intercourse the muscle fibers of the uterus contract, which increases its tone. These are doctors' recommendations.

In practice, many expectant mothers, if there are no contraindications (especially for contraindications such as uterine hypertonicity and the threat of miscarriage), have had sex at all stages of pregnancy. The only thing is that they all advise constantly using a condom to prevent any infection.

12. When will your belly start to grow?

This is also very individual. With a normal physique, pregnancy becomes noticeable after 20 weeks. And if a woman is plump, then pregnancy may become noticeable closer to childbirth.

13. Can pregnant women use the pool?

If pregnancy is normal and hygiene standards are observed, swimming in the pool is not contraindicated.

14. What can pregnant women take for heartburn?

The main recommendations of specialists in the case of “pregnant” heartburn are as follows:

  • Don't overeat
  • Include foods with alkaline properties in your diet: cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, soft-boiled eggs.
  • It is better to boil vegetables before eating, and bake fruits.
  • Include foods that prevent constipation in your diet (beets, prunes).
  • Completely exclude fatty meat and fish, hot seasonings, sour fruits, and berries from your diet; vegetables with coarse fiber
  • The last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime.

Sex during pregnancy
All pregnant women and their men are always interested in the question: is sex safe during pregnancy? Is it possible to have sex with a pregnant wife or is it better to abstain?

15. When will I start to feel the baby move?

As a rule, the expectant mother begins to feel the baby's movements after 16 weeks of pregnancy. In primigravidas, this may occur closer to 20 weeks.

16. When will your stomach drop?

For some, the stomach drops 2-4 weeks before giving birth, and for some during the birth itself.

17. Can pregnant women take hot baths?


Can. Only the water should not be too hot, and the bath should not be long.

18. What if the baby is not alone there? When will this be known?

This will become known at the first ultrasound. The doctor will tell you exactly, and write in the conclusion, how many fertilized eggs, or embryos, are in the uterine cavity.

19. When does maternity leave begin?

In Russian legislation, this issue is regulated by Art. 255 Labor Code. Working women who are pregnant or have a young child are entitled to leave, which is granted upon their application and in accordance with a medical report. The duration of maternity leave is:

  1. before birth 70 days, in case of multiple pregnancy 84 days;
  2. after childbirth 70 calendar days, in case of complicated childbirth 86 days;
  3. at the birth of two or more children - 110 calendar days with payment of state social insurance benefits in the amount established by law.

20. Is ultrasound harmful to the fetus?

According to the World Health Organization, ultrasound does not have a harmful effect on the fetus.
During pregnancy, ultrasound is performed routinely at 12, 24-26, 37-38 weeks, additionally as indicated. Elina Kiyan

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Negative effects of sleeping on your stomach during pregnancy

Experts say that during any period there is an active development of small life. Sleeping on your stomach increases your risk of something going wrong to one degree or another. In the second and third trimester, there is even a threat of injury to the newborn baby. In addition, this position increases the likelihood of developing heartburn and other dyspeptic disorders in the expectant mother.

Despite the fact that the baby is protected by the amniotic membrane, pressure on the abdominal area can provoke an increase in the tone of the reproductive organ, which is very dangerous for the baby and can cause placental abruption, miscarriage or premature birth.

Expert opinion Ksenia Dunaeva Expert in working with users and moderator of comments. Higher medical education and more than 5 years of actual practice.

Starting from the second trimester, women carrying a baby should stop sleeping on their tummy. The best position, which is considered the safest for mother and baby throughout the entire period, is sleeping on the side, optimally on the left.

Sleeping in mid-pregnancy

Some believe that in the second trimester of pregnancy, the question of whether it is possible to lie on the stomach should no longer worry a woman. However, expectant mothers are very worried, so questions remain.

Many gynecologists are categorically against such sleep, because it can be dangerous. Already from the third month of pregnancy, the fetus begins to actively grow, the uterus expands, and the tummy becomes noticeable.

Lying on her stomach, the woman will put pressure on the baby with her weight. This can have a detrimental effect on the development of the baby and even lead to the freezing of the fetus in the womb.

Therefore, in the second period of pregnancy, a woman needs to overcome herself and look for another position for comfortable lying, albeit not as comfortable and familiar, but safer.

Possible harm to the baby from mom's sleeping on her stomach

The thing is that in the last stages of pregnancy the baby reaches its normal weight and height, and it kicks in the mother’s tummy. To preserve the integrity of the bubble and prevent it from rupturing, cracking, etc. (and this is at least premature birth), you should not put extra pressure on it by resorting to sleeping in the “stomach” position. Also, some doctors indicate the danger of squeezing the blood vessels of the uterus in this position, which entails oxygen starvation of the fetus. But in this case, it is much more dangerous to sleep on your back, since near the spine there are many more large vessels connected to the uterus and placenta than in the abdominal cavity, and when sleeping on the right side, since the growing uterus is attached there, and it is on the right that there are more the same blood vessels that supply it with oxygen.

If you sleep on your back or on your right side, then the baby’s reaction will not be long in coming: he will kick and tickle with his hiccups. The baby will create discomfort for you too, which will not slow down your search for a new position that is comfortable for both of you.

Signs of fetal oxygen starvation:

  • does not gain weight well, does not grow well (bad habits of the mother may also be the reason);
  • in the last months of pregnancy, it seems to you that the baby is hiccupping in utero (this causes ticklish periodic spasms, reminiscent of sensations inside the uterus), but as soon as you change position and drink some water, everything goes away (this can also happen when the baby is wrapped in the umbilical cord).

In addition, sleeping on the right side can cause hemorrhoids and pain in the back and spine for a pregnant woman.

How then to sleep? On the side. Moreover, on the left, not the right.

What about psychology?

If the expectant mother strongly doubts whether she can sleep on her stomach in the early stages and whether this will harm the baby, psychologists still advise against this position. The fact is that now a woman has no need for unnecessary worries and worries.

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What about psychology?

Doctors are of the opinion that a girl carrying a baby should get used to sleeping on her side as early as possible. This position is considered safe for the baby at all stages.

Why is it difficult to sleep during pregnancy?

Very often during the first trimester of pregnancy, women are drowsier and sleep more than usual. You feel tired because your body is working hard to provide the best environment and nutrients for the baby growing in your womb. Typically, in the later months of pregnancy, women begin to have trouble sleeping.

The first and main cause of sleep problems in the last months of pregnancy is the increase in the size of the fetus, which does not allow the woman to find a comfortable position for comfortable sleep. If you're used to sleeping on your back or stomach, you may find it harder to get into the habit of sleeping sideways for a short period of time so as not to put pressure on your uterus.

Other common symptoms that accompany pregnancy and may affect your sleep quality:

  • Frequent urination – During pregnancy, your kidneys work very hard, so you urinate more often than before, especially at night. Additionally, as the size of the uterus increases, the uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder, causing you to urinate more frequently.
  • Rapid heartbeat and difficulty breathing – The rapid heartbeat during pregnancy speeds up to allow more blood flow to the uterus and fetus. Additionally, as the fetus grows, especially if you lie on your back, the diaphragm becomes compressed, making breathing difficult.
  • Leg cramps and back pain are complaints related to the added stress that the limbs and back place on a growing child. Additionally, during the last months of pregnancy, the hormone relaxin is released into the body to prepare the body for the upcoming birth, but also causes ligaments throughout a woman's body to loosen, making pregnant women more susceptible to injury and pain, especially in the back area.
  • Moral stress before the upcoming birth. Or fear of the unknown, or fear from memories of previous births. Worry about the unborn child, vivid colorful dreams and nightmares, jealousy of the husband.

Already in the first months of pregnancy, try to learn to fall asleep. Thus, the fetus puts the least pressure on the diaphragm and facilitates the work of the heart

Additionally, many women feel more comfortable with a pillow placed between their legs. Experiment and see how comfortable you are.

How to deal with sleep disorders

There are many reasons for poor sleep during this sensitive time. Many different ailments, unusual volumes, anxiety and hormonal changes. But you need to sleep, so you need to look for a way out. Most importantly: do not use medications without a doctor's prescription. After all, there are good, proven and absolutely safe means. This is what any doctor would recommend.

  • Calcium deficiency. You don't need to grind chalk or eggshells. You have to follow a pregnancy diet, so add curd, curd and more curd. Only natural product without chemical additives.
  • Toxicosis. Ventilate the room, don’t overeat, take a walk before bed. Drink milk with honey. Before you go to bed, eat dry, fresh saltine crackers or cookies. If the pregnancy is normal, this is enough. If not, you should consult a doctor.
  • Leg cramps. When they appear, you need to pull your thumb towards you and straighten your leg at the knee. This technique is not only used by pregnant women, but has also saved many swimmers.

Recommended pose

Having found out that pregnant women are not recommended to sleep on their backs, the expectant mother wonders: how can she sleep then? Obstetricians and gynecologists advise lying on your side. This position is considered the safest. It poses no threat to either the health of the mother or the health of the baby. For maximum convenience, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • This position is considered the most suitable
    - lying on the left side;
  • the right hand should be placed at an angle above the stomach (it serves as a support and does not allow you to roll onto the stomach), the left hand should be bent;
  • you should not put your upper limbs under your head, because they can become numb in your sleep;
  • The right leg should be bent at the knee, the other should be left straight.

The pillow helps to fix the body in the most comfortable position. It is placed under the legs, stomach, back, while maintaining the position on the side.

Benefits of sleeping on your side

Being on your side while sleeping while expecting a baby is not only convenient, but also safe. This position provides a number of positive processes:

  • Relaxation of the spine. The next morning, the expectant mother will feel truly rested.
  • Relieving stress from internal organs. If there is no pressure on the internal organs, they work without failure, and there is no pain.
  • Normalization of kidney functions. The absence of disruptions in the functioning of this organ eliminates the appearance of swelling.
  • Improves blood circulation and heart function. This guarantees that the fetus will be supplied with oxygen in the required quantity: the risks of hypoxia are reduced.

It is recommended to lie on your side not only at night. The pose should be taken when the expectant mother has simply decided to lie quietly or read her favorite book. Although at the beginning of pregnancy you can take any position, however, a woman should get used to sleeping on her side, especially if she did not like this position before.

How to lie down and get up correctly

How to go into the world of dreams? Simple recommendations should be followed:

  • During pregnancy, it is not so easy to perform the usual actions
    of sitting on the edge of the bed;
  • put the body in the desired position (to do this, you need to rest your hands on the bed);
  • tighten your legs;
  • bend the lower limbs;
  • Using a pillow, take the most comfortable position for yourself.

Is it possible for pregnant women to stand up abruptly? You will have to forget about getting up quickly until the birth. You need to get up extremely carefully. When suddenly moving to a vertical position, a pressure drop often occurs. The jump can make you feel very dizzy, which can lead to loss of balance. This is dangerous: a pregnant woman can fall and hit her stomach. To avoid risks, you need to climb calmly, with smooth movements as a priority.

When lifting, it is recommended to first lower your legs and only then rise. You definitely need to help yourself with your hands. It is advisable to have a support nearby. It must be reliable. A chair, an armchair, a bedside table, and even a headboard will do.


Best sleeping position

The best position for sleeping is on your left side, with your legs tucked under you or curled up. In this position, the load on the heart and kidneys is reduced, heartburn disappears and the flow of oxygen to the fetus improves.

Also, gynecologists do not recommend stroking a growing belly, because such a pleasant process for the mother can result in an increase in the tone of the uterus. It is better to touch the belly during kicks and movements, and communicate with the baby. Such communication will make it possible to introduce the baby to his parents in utero.

To improve the quality of rest, you need to regularly ventilate the room, do a massage, take warm baths, drink warm milk, cocoa, and herbal teas at night.

As pregnancy progresses, a woman has to change her usual lifestyle and deny herself many usual things. Sleeping on the stomach becomes impossible due to the growing uterus and fetus, this position becomes dangerous. To get enough sleep and gain strength before childbirth, gynecologists recommend being patient a little and resting only on your side.

Assistant pillow

To ensure a comfortable sleep, it is recommended to use anatomical pillows:

  • U-shaped pillows support the head and relax the body muscles, as if “hugging” the pregnant woman from one side and the other.
  • J-shaped, which, thanks to one shortened side, can take any shape.
  • V-shaped pillows support the body only from the back or the belly.
  • C-shaped models, similar in functionality to horseshoe-shaped pillows, but somewhat narrower in size.
  • I-shaped pillows provide support on one side only, but due to their flexibility, they can be shaped into any shape, such as being able to be hugged while lying on your side.
  • G-pillow is the most voluminous of the possible models. It is convenient to take any pose with it. It will also be useful after childbirth - for feeding the baby.

You can replace a special pillow with regular ones, for example, placing them under your back or between your legs. But ordinary pillows do not meet the physiological needs of pregnant women, so they will have to be adjusted frequently after changing body position.

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