What is the basal temperature after ovulation, if fertilization has occurred?

Favorable period for conception

Is it possible to get pregnant before or after ovulation? The maximum chance of conception occurs on the day of ovulation. The favorable time after it is calculated in hours and averages less than a day. This is explained by the fact that the oocyte lives only 12-24 hours. The potentially dangerous period is about 8 days (7 days before the oocyte is released and 1 day after it), since sperm live from 2 to 7 days. That is, they can penetrate the tubes even before ovulation and wait for the egg there. In this case, conception occurs on the day the oocyte is released.

To calculate ovulation, you need to divide the average cycle length by two; the error is three days in both directions. This method is not very accurate because ovulation may occur earlier or later than the middle of the cycle. A test for LH (luteinizing hormone) in the urine can accurately determine the yield of the oocyte. An increase in LH levels indicates approaching ovulation. The test allows you to find out about ovulation a day before its onset with an accuracy of 99%.

The concept of basal temperature

Everyone knows how to measure body temperature under the armpit, but these indicators have nothing to do with basal ones, because BT is rectal temperature, which is measured in the rectum according to strict rules, because this indicator can be influenced by a lot of factors, even the simplest movements. Similar measurements can be made in the vagina or in the oral cavity, but the most accurate data will be obtained with rectal measurements.

In fact, basal temperature is the thermodynamic indicators of the body at rest in physical and psycho-emotional terms. Measuring basal temperature is a cheap method for determining ovulatory periods and conception. Therefore, experts recommend such measurements for women who have problems with cycle regularity, as well as to calculate ovulation when planning conception.

During the cycle, BT indicators change periodically. At first it is lowered, and by the middle of the cycle it increases. A basal temperature chart is very convenient to keep for determining ovulation and a favorable fertile period. Therefore, experts recommend drawing up similar schedules for patients who have been unable to conceive for a long time.

Signs of pregnancy

Specific signs signaling a change in hormonal levels will help you understand that conception has occurred. Preimplantation symptoms of conception and fertilization are not reliable, but sometimes accurately indicate the presence of pregnancy.

Bloody issues

Minor spotting that appears after ovulation may indicate conception; this is implantation bleeding that accompanies the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall. This discharge is often mistaken for the beginning of menstruation. But we cannot ignore the bleeding that appears repeatedly throughout the day or more. This could mean an impending miscarriage, a condition that requires medical attention.


Long before toxicosis occurs, a woman may complain of increased gas formation and bloating. These symptoms can be considered a sign of pregnancy if they occur towards the end of the cycle.

Some note intolerance to certain foods and smells, unusual food preferences. These phenomena disappear over time, but having become pregnant for the second time, the woman already clearly knows what the occurrence of these symptoms indicates.

Abdominal cramps

Also, many women indicate such signs of pregnancy as heaviness in the lower abdomen and cramps, sometimes tingling and nagging pain. These symptoms may also indicate increased uterine tone, so if they continue for a week, you should consult a specialist.

Changes in the mammary glands

Soreness, enlargement and engorgement of the breast, enlargement and darkening of the areolas are the main signs that conception has occurred. These phenomena occur before menstruation, but at the beginning of pregnancy they are more pronounced and can last longer. A woman may also notice light discharge from the nipples; this is when the mammary glands begin to produce colostrum.

High basal temperature

If fertilization has occurred, then the elevated basal temperature should remain throughout the second half of the cycle. Sometimes the sensations when an egg is released are mistaken for the onset of fertilization, since the symptoms that occur during ovulation are similar to signs of conception. It is safer not to rely on subjective feelings, but to wait until the 10th day of the expected pregnancy and conduct a test.

After fertilization, basal temperature rises. If the thermometer shows 37 degrees, this allows us to conclude that pregnancy is possible even before the delay. After ovulation and fertilization occur, increased production of progesterone begins. It is he who gives the increase to 37 degrees.

Normal temperature after fertilization is an unfavorable prognostic sign and indicates a lack of progesterone. This condition poses a risk of miscarriage and requires treatment.


The initial signs of pregnancy include increased fatigue, sleepiness and a constant feeling of malaise, which is caused by hormonal changes. After ovulation and conception, the body adapts to its new state and provides protection to the embryo. If pregnancy occurs after ovulation, immunity is automatically reduced so that the mother’s body does not reject the embryo, which it perceives as a foreign body.

Irritability An informative sign of pregnancy is severe irritability and emotional lability, which is also a reaction to hormonal changes occurring in the body. If a woman is nervous and irritated for any reason, then this may indicate that conception has occurred.

Increased PMS symptoms

Unpleasant sensations after ovulation and conception may resemble discomfort before the onset of menstruation. They are evidence of the onset of pregnancy. Severe and prolonged pain may indicate abnormal attachment of the egg, so if it continues for more than 14 days, then you should visit a doctor.

Stomach ache

In the first days after conception, mild pain in the sacrum and discomfort in the lower abdomen sometimes occur. More severe pain occurs with a threatened miscarriage or ectopic implantation, in addition to bleeding.

Gastrointestinal dysfunction

Sometimes the first signs of conception after ovulation are associated with dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. If more than a week has passed since the estimated moment of conception, the woman may experience the following symptoms:

  • nausea, urge to vomit;
  • heartburn;
  • increased gas formation;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • perversion of taste.

These symptoms occur when conception occurs after ovulation and the egg is implanted into the uterus. Before this happens, the hormonal levels remain at the same level and any changes in the functions of the gastrointestinal tract are not informative.


The early stages of fetal development in many women are accompanied by inflammation of the bladder. The reason for this phenomenon is not so much that the growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder (it is still no larger than a chicken egg), but rather hormonal changes in the body. The immune defense is weakened, as a result, the infection penetrates into the urinary organs and cystitis develops. Problems of this nature can haunt a woman throughout her pregnancy. Treatment is carried out with antibacterial drugs that do not have a negative effect on the fetus.

Disadvantages of the method

There are also some disadvantages inherent in the method of measuring basal temperature when expecting conception:

  • Individuality of the body's functioning: it is not always possible to accurately calculate the day of ovulation, since this process in some women can begin at a fairly low temperature or it does not rise immediately after the cell is released;
  • Possibility of error: the picture in the graph is not always correct due to specific reasons (use of medications, alcohol, inflammatory processes);
  • Incomplete information: there is no data on the growth of the corpus luteum.

Based on this, you should not dismiss other options. Even with “positive” basal temperature readings during ovulation, if fertilization has occurred, it would not be a bad idea to visit an ultrasound scan or conduct an additional test.

The “basal” method cannot be called highly accurate, but it is quite capable of playing its role in determining the day of conception or pregnancy. It is usually used in conjunction with others, for example, the use of tests, ultrasound, the appearance of stringy discharge, breast tenderness, etc.

In that happy event, when the long-awaited fertilization of a mature egg occurs in the body of any woman and the development of the unborn child begins, all systems of the body begin to work in a slightly different mode. The fact of conception is evidenced by various external signs that are well known and widely covered in the literature.

One of them is basal temperature during pregnancy. A properly plotted chart of her monthly changes at specific times (just before and just after ovulation) is as accurate as two lines on a test.

But basal (internal) temperature will reflect the correct picture only if it is measured on time and correctly.

So, what should your basal temperature be in early pregnancy? At what time in the monthly cycles should it be measured? How does the fact of conception affect the schedule after ovulation has occurred and 2-3 days before it? What to do if the temperature drops? Does basal temperature change during frozen pregnancy?

Let's look at all these issues in more detail.

Basal temperature during ovulation and during other phases of the monthly cycles is measured not only to determine pregnancy, but also to avoid unexpected conception.

The graph showing basal temperature fluctuates around 37 degrees Celsius. And if the indicators are measured correctly, its deviations before a woman’s ovulation, immediately after it and during conception will be signs of certain events in the body.

Basal temperature during pregnancy, during ovulation between monthly bleeding and during menstruation is regulated by hormonal processes in the body. Therefore, the graph, which deviates from the indicator of 37 degrees, quite accurately reflects all processes.

During ovulation, after an egg ready for fertilization appears in the body, a sex hormone called progesterone begins to appear from the resulting corpus luteum. It is responsible for maintaining pregnancy. Since this biological substance has hyperthermic properties, an increase in its concentration at this time forces the graph, which reflects the basal temperature, to exceed the mark corresponding to 37 degrees Celsius.

Therefore, basal temperature during ovulation is one of its integral signs.

Signs of conception by day

For the fusion of gametes, a full-fledged egg must be released from the follicle. A mature cell is capable of fertilization and subsequent division. On what day after ovulation does conception and fertilization occur? Most often, on the same day, the life of the egg is short - about 12-24 hours.

First day

Sperm must travel a certain distance to enter the fallopian tube, where the egg awaits them. This process takes about 2-6 hours. After the struggle, the sperm penetrates inside and fertilization occurs. In most cases, there are no signs of conception after ovulation before implantation. A woman does not feel anything on the 1st day of pregnancy. Second day The immune system perceives the fertilized egg as a foreign body, therefore, on the 2nd day of pregnancy, the production of antibodies begins, the so-called immune attack. This makes the expectant mother feel tired and overwhelmed. In addition, on the second day, changes in taste preferences, bloating and nausea may occur, as well as signs of egg fertilization such as engorgement and tenderness of the mammary glands.

A little antiquity in our topic


Everyone knows that in ancient times our ancestors did not have such a rich set of definitions of pregnancy. They, however, like us, always wanted to find out about their child much earlier. I would like to know about conception almost immediately, the very next day.

So our ancestors looked for all sorts of ways to determine pregnancy immediately after ovulation.

So they had their own methods:

  • On such days, Jewish women were forced to walk through tall grass, and if a deep mark remained on it, it meant they were pregnant.
  • Egypt immediately fed its expectant mothers grass and the mother's milk from the mother who gave birth to a boy. If after this the woman felt bad, everything came back, then this was considered a sure sign of pregnancy.
  • Even the ancient Egyptians let girls pee in a container with wheat and barley. As a result, if wheat sprouted, there will be a girl, if barley, there will be a boy. In a situation where there were no results, nothing sprouted, it meant no pregnancy. Interesting fact: later, somewhere in the 20th century, studies were carried out, and so, the results claim that the accuracy of this method is 70%. Here's how. Girls, take note, you will know the gender of the baby before anyone else.
  • And the Germans used women's urine to water flowers. And if after watering they bloomed, came to life and smelled fragrant, then she is expecting a child soon.
  • The Italians generally mixed wine and urine in a 1:1 ratio. If the liquid becomes clear, hurray – pregnancy. In principle, this can be explained scientifically: the reaction of alcohol with protein in the urine.
  • In some ancient civilizations, women collected urine in a container and inserted an ordinary metal key into it. Four hours later he was taken out of there. When they saw the trace of the key at the bottom, they congratulated them on their conception.

There are also completely ridiculous definitions of an interesting situation:

  • In a certain country, two onions were placed in a container of water: one was considered pregnant, the other was not. Whichever one reaches 4 cm first will mean conception or not.
  • The well-known Hippocrates argued that a pregnant woman’s iris changes;
  • Somewhere in one of the countries, the bride wore a necklace at a wedding. Days passed and when the beads began to press on the neck, it meant an imminent addition to the family. Science provides an explanation here too: many expectant mothers suffer from an enlarged thyroid gland.
  • But some scientific luminaries came up with this method: injecting the urine of a possible pregnant woman into experimental animals (mice, rabbits). After 4-5 days, the animal was opened. Enlarged ovaries indicated a positive result. This method of determination was used until the beginning of the 20th century.

Reading these lines, you think how good it is that the civilized world is outside and science has provided us with many accurate methods for determining an interesting situation without suffering to anyone, including women.

How to understand that conception has occurred after ovulation?

The readiness of the female body to conceive is determined by the level of sex hormones. This process occurs differently for each woman. The day of ovulation depends on the length of the menstrual cycle. The longer it is, the later ovulation occurs. The egg is fertilized by sperm approximately 48 hours after the follicle ruptures. Formally, conception occurs during this period. But the pregnancy cannot be called successful, since implantation has not yet occurred.

The resulting embryo is directed towards the uterus. It takes him 7-10 days to travel. Once in the uterus, the embryo selects the most suitable place for implantation. The implementation process takes a few more days. Only after this the hormone hCG begins to be released into the blood, to which pregnancy tests react.

Signs of conception in the first days after ovulation

How to understand that conception has occurred after ovulation? There are signs of conception after ovulation, which can be used to diagnose pregnancy even before the delay. They are considered subjective, since they are also characteristic of the premenstrual period. Experts recommend analyzing all symptoms together. But the most telling sign of successful fertilization will be a positive pregnancy test or blood test. Indirect signs of an interesting situation include:

  • Heaviness in the abdomen;
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Exacerbation of genitourinary diseases;
  • Changes in basal temperature;
  • Bloody issues.
  • Changing taste habits.
  • Transparent discharge from the genitals. They are odorless and colorless.

Bloody issues

How to avoid unreliable results

To obtain the most reliable data regarding basal temperature, it is necessary to strictly follow all the rules for taking measurements. Firstly, it is necessary to measure BT in the rectum or vagina, or the oral cavity, although the most informative measurement is considered to be in the anus, because the rectum is considered the most sensitive to changes in hormonal levels, or more precisely, to changes in the progesterone hormone.

In addition, measurements should be carried out exclusively with one thermometer to eliminate instrumental error. The choice to measure with an electronic or mercury thermometer remains only for the woman. Take measurements at the same time, early in the morning, as soon as you open your eyes, without even sitting up in bed or turning over on your side. The fact is that the girl’s body should be in a state of absolute rest.

The duration of measurements should be about 5-7 minutes, but if measurements are carried out with an electronic thermometer, then until the sound signal. You need to start drawing up a basal chart from the first day of the female cycle, and measurements cannot be interrupted even during menstrual bleeding.

Exact time

Under some circumstances, your basal measurements may not be accurate. This happens if:

  • At the time of measurements, the patient was suffering from acute respiratory viral infections, accompanied by hyperthermic conditions or fever;
  • Rectal measurements were taken at different times of the day or with different thermometers, for example, one day with an electronic thermometer, and the next with a mercury thermometer;
  • After waking up, the woman got up, for example, to go to the toilet, or went to the bathroom to get a thermometer. The slightest movement leads to an increase in basal temperature, so it is necessary to prepare a thermometer for measurements in the evening, placing it on the bedside table;
  • The patient did not get enough sleep, was too active or was experiencing stressful conditions, psycho-emotional unrest, etc. Even a banal plane flight can not have the best effect on basal indicators;
  • The girl was taking medications, especially from the category of hormonal drugs;
  • A woman has consumed alcohol in any quantity; even a glass of wine at night can distort the rectal temperature;
  • The spouses had sex at night or in the morning before the measurements.

If during the measurements there were any circumstances that could distort the true temperature in the rectum, then when entering data into the basal chart, they must be indicated somewhere below or to the side of the chart.

If according to the schedule the patient clearly sees the presence of pregnancy, and there are still several days before the delay, then there is no need to panic. You need to calmly wait for the day of your next period; if you don’t have them, then do a test. To confirm pregnancy after a positive test, you need to contact the LCD, where the girl will be prescribed an ultrasound scan.

Is it possible to feel the fertilization of an egg after ovulation?

Every pregnancy is unique. There are women who are able to feel pregnancy in the first week. By listening to her body, a woman understands that fertilization of the egg has occurred. It is unlikely that there is such a sensitive woman who can feel that very specific moment of fertilization.

However, there are signs and symptoms that may indicate that fertilization has occurred. Some women report experiencing early symptoms soon after their expected date of conception. If you feel something unusual and want to know if you are pregnant, the fastest way is to take a home pregnancy test, which in most cases gives reliable results.

A little physiology

Unfortunately, if fertilization has occurred, it is impossible to reliably determine this, because all processes of fusion of male and female chromosomal cells occur, although inside the female body, but completely autonomously. It is worth considering how the process of embryo development proceeds, if fertilization of the egg has occurred, by days until the moment of implantation.

On the first day, the fusion of male and female sets of chromosomes occurs, the sex and other characteristics of the child are established, and active cell division (blastomeres) begins. At this moment, the expectant mother can only feel the usual symptoms of ovulation. It is impossible to determine whether fertilization has occurred based only on sensations.

By the third day, the embryo already has 6-8 cells, sometimes 10, and its genetic code is fully formed. It is on this day that the development of twins begins. At this moment, the production of estrogen in a woman’s body increases, a slight causeless increase in body temperature and other symptoms of a mild cold may occur, which can be caused by both increased production of the hormone estrogen and a slight decrease in immunity during preparation for pregnancy.

On the fourth day, the fetus already has from 10 to 16 cells and enters the uterine cavity from the fallopian tube.

From the fifth to the seventh day, the embryo moves freely inside the uterus, choosing the site of implantation. It is on these days that a woman may notice several bloody spots on her panties, which she will mistake for the early onset of menstruation. In fact, the following happens: the fertilized egg, after a successful attempt at implantation, is implanted into the uterine wall, and the damaged area bleeds a little. It is impossible to determine with a 100% guarantee that implantation has occurred by the appearance of scanty bleeding, but if you take into account additional sensations, you can assume that pregnancy has occurred.

After the seventh day, if implantation has occurred and the laying of the chorion (placental embryo) has begun, on the 8th day after conception the active production of the hCG hormone begins (a pregnancy hormone that promotes normal gestation). Its presence can be determined on the 12th day after conception using pregnancy tests. In addition, if menstruation is delayed 10 days after the expected date of ovulation, you can donate blood for hCG.

The pregnancy hormone is concentrated in the blood much earlier than in the urine, and on the 10th day its level is quite sufficient to determine pregnancy.

It is necessary to carry out such an early analysis if unpleasant sensations arise that are similar to signs of toxicosis.

But with a period of 10 days, an analysis for the presence of hCG can be either false positive or false negative - its reliability is influenced by many factors occurring in the woman’s body (rejection of the fertilized egg for up to 10 days or, conversely, weak production of the hormone when an interesting situation occurs) .

Symptoms of conception after ovulation in the first days.

In each individual case, symptoms will manifest themselves individually. The psychological factor is of great importance. If a woman does not plan a pregnancy, then she will not notice the changes occurring in the body. The main symptoms of pregnancy are:

  • Emotional lability;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Increase in size and appearance of soreness of the mammary glands;
  • Bloating;
  • Fatigue;
  • Change in libido;
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.


Painful sensations in the abdomen

Signs of conception after ovulation, as a rule, make themselves felt after 10-12 days. Among them are pain in the lower abdomen. They are triggered by the implantation process. As the embryo implants in the uterus, blood vessels may become damaged. In addition, muscle spasms occur. The uterus gradually increases in volume. The combination of these processes stimulates pain. The woman feels light sipping sensations that do not affect performance.

Features of the pregnancy process

Before and after menstruation, as well as during ovulation, the graph, which clearly and conveniently displays the basal (internal) temperature, makes some deviations up to 37 degrees Celsius. This has already been mentioned.

Let us dwell in more detail on this question: what is the basal temperature in women during pregnancy?

Immediately after the end of menstruation, the graph drops to readings starting at 36.5 and ending at 36.8 degrees. This internal temperature promotes the proper development of the egg in the follicle. A few days before ovulation, the basal (internal) temperature drops a little more, and after that it sharply rises to 37 degrees Celsius. It is this jump that serves to determine the onset of ovulation. It is used to create a schedule of “safe” days, knowing which days you can protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy. The appearance of the egg is the most favorable time for conception; in medicine it is called the fertile window.

Subsequently, after the end of the next ovulation, about a week before the next menstruation, the indicator begins to decrease again and the graph drops below 37 degrees Aim. Naturally, not during pregnancy.

Otherwise, the basal temperature will behave completely differently.

As you already know, the entire process described is influenced by progesterone. In the absence of fertilization, its concentration begins to decrease, which, by the way, causes the onset of menstruation.

However, progesterone is necessary during pregnancy. Accordingly, the graph showing the basal temperature will remain at 37 degrees. If a woman is not lazy to measure her readings every day, she will notice changes in her body even earlier than a pregnancy test.

Already a week before menstruation, you can indirectly determine the fact of conception. After all, after ovulation the indicator (37 0 C) will not decrease. By the way, basal temperature during an ectopic pregnancy, as mentioned earlier, shows the same picture as during the normal beginning of the baby’s development, however, the first case requires medical intervention.

But one should not assume that an increased basal (internal) temperature immediately before the onset of the next period is a 100% sign of conception, since this phenomenon may indicate a number of diseases not related to the birth of offspring:

  • gynecological problems;
  • infections;
  • heavy loads on the body;
  • taking certain pharmacological agents.

I would also like to reassure some ladies who believe that the basal temperature drops during a frozen pregnancy. This statement is not supported by scientific evidence and should not be taken seriously.

At the slightest suspicion of deviations from the norm, it is better to seek advice from a medical institution.

Signs of conception after ovulation by day (fertilization by day after ovulation).

After ovulation, how can you tell if conception has occurred? Knowing which days after conception what happens, you can detect pregnancy in advance. To do this, you should listen to the body, paying attention to even the smallest details. Signs of egg fertilization after ovulation appear 1-2 days after implantation of the fertilized egg. This process occurs 7-12 days after the sperm meets the female oocyte. For some women, signs of pregnancy do not make themselves felt until menstruation is missed. The test will indicate pregnancy 2-3 days after implantation.

4 days after ovulation - signs of pregnancy

On day 4, there will be no signs of successful conception after ovulation. This is due to the fact that the female body does not understand what happened since there was no implantation. In especially rare cases, it is possible to determine the level of hCG.

5 days after ovulation - signs of pregnancy

If you conceive on the fifth day after ovulation, the signs of pregnancy will be as follows:

  • An increase in basal temperature by 0.1 - 0.2 degrees from normal temperature in the second phase of the cycle;
  • Nausea and trembling in the hands;
  • Pain and tingling in the lower abdomen;
  • Increased breast volume;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • Cystitis after ovulation as a sign of pregnancy (Due to decreased immunity)

6 days after ovulation - signs of pregnancy

On the sixth day, the following symptoms are possible:

  • Nausea;
  • Increase in basal temperature;
  • Tugging or tingling in the ovary;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • Breast swelling.

7 days after ovulation - signs of pregnancy

  • Toxicosis;
  • Slight light brown or pink discharge;
  • May pull in the lower abdomen as before menstruation;
  • Possible burning sensation;
  • Changes to the BT schedule.

8 days after ovulation - signs of pregnancy

The beginning of the second week of embryonic development corresponds to the first critical period of formation. During this period of time, teratogenic factors lead to the death of the embryo. But if he survives, then he does not have any developmental defects. 8 days after ovulation, pregnancy symptoms may be as follows:

  • Edema;
  • Itching in the chest;
  • Bloating and gas;
  • Diarrhea after ovulation is a possible sign of pregnancy;
  • You may feel constantly tired;
  • Headache;
  • Dizziness.

9 days after ovulation - signs of pregnancy

It is easy to assume that on the 9th day after ovulation, a woman enters the luteal phase. During this period, the so-called corpus luteum is formed.

If conception has occurred, then androgen, progesterone, and estradiol will be produced until childbirth. If fertilization does not occur, the concentration will gradually decrease and lead to rejection of the endometrium of the uterus and the beginning of a new menstrual cycle.

Alarming sinking of BT during pregnancy

Each girl does not have uniform values ​​for what the rectal temperature should be, because all organisms are individual. But sometimes situations occur when dangerous retractions of BT occur during pregnancy. There are many reasons for such retractions, but the most dangerous conditions are frozen pregnancy, miscarriage and ectopic.

  1. Ectopic location of the fetus. When thermal indices in the rectum increase to 37.5-38°C, which are observed over several days, there is every reason to suspect the presence of an inflammatory process in the patient’s reproductive system. Meanwhile, an infectious pathology or ectopic pregnancy can develop in the female body. If the embryo attaches to the wrong place, a specific reaction with thermal surges and depressions may occur, so the curve on the graph looks incorrect with uncharacteristic depressions.
  2. Abortion or freezing of the fetus. If a girl is confident that she is pregnant, then a drop in temperature below 36.9°C should definitely cause concern. With such symptoms, there is every reason to believe that the patient has a frozen or miscarried pregnancy. Such a decrease in temperature is associated with a decreased level of progesterone, which occurs due to the death of the fetus. There is no longer a need to support fetal life, so the yellow-bodied gland reduces its production and the content of progesterone in the body drops, which leads to a decrease in basal temperature.

By maintaining a basal schedule, you can promptly detect suspicious signs and avoid dangerous consequences.

What should you do after sex to increase your chances of getting pregnant?

For conception to occur, unprotected sex is not enough. The egg must not only be fertilized, but also successfully attach to the uterine cavity. For this to happen, a woman should refrain from lifting heavy objects during the luteal phase of her cycle. You should also not take strong medications. Proper nutrition will have a positive effect on implantation. It is recommended to ensure a supply of vitamins A, E and C.

Healthy eating

To increase the chances of conception, a woman needs to lie down for some time after intimacy. This will allow sperm to freely enter the fallopian tubes. It is better to practice sexual intercourse the day before ovulation and within 24 hours after it occurs. During these periods, a woman's fertility reaches its peak.

When a new life is conceived, eggs and sperm travel a long way before the embryo is implanted in the uterus. Changes occur in the body that prepare the genitals for bearing a child.

How is ovulation related to pregnancy? The connection is the most direct: before fertilization, a mature oocyte must leave the follicle. In other words, without ovulation, the fusion of germ cells is impossible.

Let's take a closer look at the connection between ovulation and pregnancy.

How does pregnancy proceed in the first weeks?

So, pregnancy did occur. What changes are now occurring in the body, and what conditions can we expect?

Weight change

Normally, your weight should now increase a little every week. This indicator is necessarily monitored by a gynecologist when a pregnant woman registers with the antenatal clinic.

The weight should not grow too quickly, but it should not stay still. In practice, anything can happen, even reducing it.

This may be due to heavy workload at work or at home, as well as stress, lack of sleep and poor nutrition.

These are signs of toxicosis in the first trimester. Toxicosis does not affect everyone, and the exact causes of this condition are still unknown.

Frequent urination

This symptom appears twice during the entire period: in the first trimester and in the second, only the reasons are different. In the first trimester, the reason for frequent urination is a sharp rush of blood to the pelvic organs, as a result of which the kidneys switch to a different mode of operation for some time. Usually this symptom manifests itself within 1-3 weeks.

Light-colored vaginal discharge

This is cervical discharge and is normal. During the entire period of bearing a child, the discharge changes its color and consistency.

The uterus continues to grow

Every week, the gynecologist records the rise of the uterine fundus. This is one way to monitor the progress of pregnancy.

This happens gradually during the first trimester. The pressure drops from the normal 120/70 to approximately 100/60, but this indicator is very individual.

This happens because the volume of blood in the circulatory system of a pregnant woman increases by 1.5 times.

Constipation, accumulation of gases in the intestines

This unpleasant symptom occurs due to weak intestinal motility against the background of altered hormonal levels during pregnancy. The fact is that one of the main hormones at this time is progesterone, which has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles, which is primarily necessary to maintain the uterus in a relaxed state.

The effect of progesterone also affects the intestines, worsening its peristalsis. To prevent constipation, it is important to adjust your diet.

Also, during pregnancy, a woman may change her attitude towards certain smells, develop a change in taste, or develop an addiction to a certain product. The latter may indicate a lack of vitamins and microelements. Micronutrient deficiency may also present with other symptoms. For example, if there is a lack of calcium, muscle cramps may occur.

Any woman planning a pregnancy wants to find out as early as possible whether conception has taken place, because with the advent of this “interesting situation,” the need arises to change the usual rhythm of life. As soon as a woman finds out that she is pregnant, she begins to take more care of her health, changes her taste habits and tries to protect herself from various kinds of situations that threaten her position. Therefore, in this publication we will try to figure out how to understand that conception has occurred?

As much as we didn’t want to, it is not possible to determine with high accuracy the moment when fertilization of the egg occurred. After all, all processes of fusion of male and female reproductive cells occur, although inside the female body, but completely autonomously. Therefore, the first sensations after conception, indicating the development of a new life in the womb, appear only after implantation - the attachment of an already fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. But first things first.


During ovulation, which occurs from 12 to 24 hours, if unprotected sexual intercourse has taken place, the man’s sperm enters the fallopian tubes and only 1, less often 2, of them reaches its “goal” - the egg. At this moment, the fusion of male and female sets of chromosomes occurs, the sex and other characteristics of the child are determined, and active cell division - blastomeres - begins. At this stage, a woman can only feel signs of ovulation occurring. Therefore, it is not possible from a physiological point of view to determine at this stage whether conception has taken place or not, based only on sensations.

Signs of pregnancy: what are they?

After implantation of the gestational egg into the wall of the uterus, the following signs may indicate pregnancy:

  1. Increased body temperature. The readings on the thermometer should not be too high - no more than 37.3-37.5°C. This symptom is caused by an increased level of hormones in the body of the expectant mother, which is provoked by its active restructuring to more intensive work. It’s worth saying a few words here that when pregnancy occurs, basal temperature indicators also increase. Therefore, if a woman keeps an appropriate calendar, then based on consistently high BT levels - not lower than 37 ° C - she will be able to determine both the onset of ovulation and conception.
  2. In the first days after implantation, physical sensations may also become a sign of conception. For example, a change in gastronomic preferences, attacks of nausea, vomiting. But if the first sign of the above is associated with hormonal changes, then the last two, as many doctors say, are the body’s reaction to an increased level of toxic substances in it, to which the fetus reacts very sharply, provoking the notorious toxicosis.
  3. Vaginal discharge. After pregnancy, their number increases significantly. And if they are not accompanied by itching and an unpleasant odor, then they are considered normal. Otherwise, the woman is advised to consult a doctor, because regardless of the position, the discharge should not cause any discomfort.
  4. Tingling in the uterus. This symptom of conception can last for 2 weeks from the moment of embryo implantation.

How else can conception manifest itself?

In addition to the signs of pregnancy described above, indirect symptoms may also occur, indicating that a new life is actively developing in the woman’s body.

So, some time after the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus, changes in the mammary glands can be observed: they begin to increase in size, which is accompanied by an increase in their sensitivity. This symptom is associated with the same hormonal changes, due to which the breasts begin to actively prepare for lactation. New lobes begin to develop in it, and the number of cells responsible for milk production increases.

Speaking about changes in the mammary glands, it is worth noting that the onset of pregnancy can also be accompanied by a change in the isola: it acquires a darker shade.

If an unwanted pregnancy occurs, a woman can decide to terminate it. And the sooner she learns about the fact of conception, the lower the risk of developing the consequences of such a procedure. And that is why it is very important to know what the first signs of conception are.

When does conception occur after ovulation?

Normally, the menstrual cycle is 21-35 days. During this time, the dominant follicle matures, from which the oocyte emerges. The gamete moves into the fallopian tube, where it waits to meet the sperm.

In a standard cycle, the ovulatory phase occurs on days 14-15. This is the most favorable time for conception.

Is it possible to calculate how many days later it will appear? Yes, this is possible: you need to subtract 14 from the total number of days of the cycle.

If it is 31 days, the release of a mature egg should occur on the 17th day: 31 – 14 = 17. When you have an irregular cycle, use other methods of calculating ovulation - pharmacy tests, calendar method, BT measurement, ultrasound.

The oocyte is viable for a short time - about 12 - 36 hours. Successful conception is possible if sexual contact occurs a few days before and during ovulation.

During this period, the female reproductive cell must meet the male one. If fusion does not occur, the germ cells die.

Fertilization occurs 3-6 hours after sexual intercourse. The sperm penetrates the oocyte and it turns into a zygote. Depending on the individual characteristics of the woman, the timing of conception may shift by 1-6 days.

Having calculated the date of ovulation, some parents plan the birth of a boy or girl. To do this, they use special calendars and calculate the sex of the child upon conception on the appropriate days. True, there are no sufficient scientific grounds to confirm this planning method.

Changes in BT indicators during the cycle

Carrying out basal measurements is one of the cheapest methods for determining ovulatory periods and conception. Throughout the cycle, BT changes in accordance with hormonal changes.

  • When menstruation ends, the rectal temperature remains at 36.3-36.6 degrees. It is against the background of such thermodynamic indicators that each cycle the maturation of female germ cells occurs with the active participation of the estrogen hormone, which controls these processes.
  • By the onset of ovulation, there is a sharp but insignificant decline, and then a rise in temperature to 37 degrees and even higher. Such a temperature dip is a sign of the release of the egg from the follicle, i.e. ovulation.
  • If a female cell merges with sperm, then the basal temperature after conception will remain stably at elevated levels, exceeding 37 degrees.
  • If there was no conception, then a few days before menstruation the temperature begins to drop to 36.6 degrees.

Similar changes occur in the female body every cycle.

On what day do these signs appear?

Specific symptoms of pregnancy occur already in the early stages of pregnancy. Already a week after fertilization, hormonal changes in the female body occur.

It is the change in the endocrine background that is responsible for the time when manifestations of an “interesting situation” occur. Count the number of days after ovulation when they appeared. This way you will understand whether conception has occurred.

On what day can you notice signs of pregnancy?

  • spotting: on days 8 – 10;
  • pain in the abdomen: 8 – 10;
  • discomfort in the mammary glands: 7 – 14;
  • increase in basal temperature: 8 – 10;
  • increase in hCG levels: 9 – 12;
  • digestive disorders: 14 – 20.

Exceptions to the rules

Sometimes on thematic women's forums and in communication with real women, you can hear statements that you still managed to get pregnant after sex, which took place a few days after ovulation.

Here you need to understand that we are not talking about sexual intercourse after ovulation, but about late ovulation, about a shift in the day the egg is released at a later date, which the woman had no idea about . But sometimes so-called double ovulation also occurs, which can also theoretically cause pregnancy, even if the act, in the woman’s opinion, was carried out later than the expected date of release of the oocyte from the follicle.

Late ovulation

This is considered to be the release of an egg in a time exceeding that expected due to the lengthening of the first phase of the cycle. This condition is associated with hormonal imbalance, usually with late or insufficient production of LH and estrogen deficiency. And also the reason may lie in a reduced level of FSH, which is why the follicle grows slowly.

Ovulation may occur later in women who have recently had an abortion, or if their cycle has recently begun to resume after childbirth. Strong feelings, psychological instability, emotional turmoil and stress are the causes of menstrual irregularities. Ovulation can be late when traveling, changing climate and time zone, since all the settings of the “biological clock” are lost.

Late ovulation sometimes occurs due to the abolition of oral contraceptives, as well as after the flu or acute respiratory viral infection that a woman has had. The reasons may lie in sexually transmitted infections, obesity, disruption of the ovaries, hypothalamus and pituitary gland, thyroid gland, and adrenal cortex.

Important! The onset of pregnancy during late ovulation and after it is less likely than with the timely release of the germ cell from the follicle.

If pregnancy occurs, the risk of spontaneous abortion, miscarriage, and fetal development abnormalities increases, since when overripe, the quality of the genetic material of the female reproductive cell suffers, and the endometrium is less ready for implantation, which is fraught with the development of pathologies of the chorion and placenta.

Double ovulation

The very phenomenon of double ovulation among doctors still causes professional disputes and doubts. Many believe that two eggs cannot ripen sequentially twice per cycle; only simultaneous maturation of two follicles and the release of two eggs on the same day are possible. There are also supporters of a different opinion, who claim that in an atypical cycle, the sequential release of two eggs is quite possible.

With simultaneous double ovulation, everything is clear - instead of one, two germ cells come out either from one ovary or from different ones. In this case, when both cells are fertilized, twins can be born - children unlike each other, perhaps even of different sexes. If one of the eggs, for reasons unknown to science, splits on the 3-4th day of zygote fragmentation, then there is also a chance to give birth to triplets, with two being same-sex and similar twins, and one on its own.

Things are much more complicated with double ovulation, in which there is a certain time gap between the first and second. It can be several hours or several days, but no more than seven days. This is exactly how long it takes for the corpus luteum to enter the flowering stage and begin to produce significant doses of progesterone, which suppress the activity of the follicles.

Double ovulation is a rare occurrence. Typically, this can occur as a hormonal disorder of ovarian function, for example, against the background of hormonal stimulation of ovulation. The first ovulation is stimulated, and the second can be spontaneous, for example, 3-4 days after the first.

Pregnancy can occur during double ovulation. If this did not happen the first time, it is quite possible to conceive the second time, and the woman herself will not even think that she now has a viable egg . For her, the period will be barren, because all calendars and calculators say so. Double pregnancy during ovulation with a temporary gap can also happen, but this is a completely unique phenomenon. Usually, the second embryo cannot take hold in the uterine cavity, since the first one has already been implanted there, and there are no conditions for implantation and development of the second one. In world practice, there are only a few cases where both embryos implanted in a woman’s womb, but in all cases the difference in ovulation was no more than three days.

What to do after sex to increase your chances of getting pregnant

Not every couple can conceive a child on the first try. It often takes several menstrual cycles for a woman to become pregnant.

Doctors recommend following rules that increase the likelihood of fertilization. If the partners do not have health problems, pregnancy will occur with a high degree of probability.

What do we have to do:

  1. Stop taking birth control. To ensure fertilization occurs, stop using contraceptives in advance. It will take time to restore female reproductive function.
  2. After intimacy, lie on your back with your pelvis elevated or raise your legs, resting them on the wall.
  3. Prepare yourself psychologically for pregnancy, but don’t focus on it. Worries and excessive mental stress negatively affect fertilization. Try to reduce intellectual work, rest and sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  4. Visit your gynecologist. In case of progesterone deficiency, the doctor prescribes Duphaston or Utrozhestan after ovulation. Gestagens compensate for hormone deficiency and promote better attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine wall. The specialist will also prescribe vitamins. With their help, the child will develop correctly.
  5. Stop taking your medications. Some drugs (antidepressants, psychostimulants) negatively affect a woman’s reproductive health. To stop taking medications, consult a doctor who will tell you about the possible risks and help you stop taking them correctly.
  6. Use sage infusion. The plant is used if conception has not occurred within several months. It promotes the production of estrogen, thickening of the endometrium and regularity of the menstrual cycle. 1 tsp. crushed dried leaves pour 200 ml of hot water. Boil for 1 minute, cool and strain the broth. Drink a third of a glass 3 times a day.

And some more useful tips in this video:

Physiology and conception of a child

In order for fertilization to occur, it is necessary to have two mature, full-fledged germ cells, ready for fusion and capable of exchanging DNA information - male and female. With men, there are usually no questions. They are produced and regularly continuously renewed in representatives of the stronger sex from youth to old age. Sperm are ready to perform their function at any time if the man is healthy. But the female reproductive cell has to wait.

It matures during the first half of the female cycle within the dominant follicle. The process of its rupture with the subsequent release of the germ cell is ovulation. Usually it falls in the middle of the cycle, more precisely, on the day two weeks before the expected date of the next menstruation (you need to subtract 14 from the duration of the cycle). The process itself lasts about an hour. During this time, the female reproductive cell manages to exit along with free fluid from the follicle into the abdominal cavity, where it is captured by the villi of the fallopian tubes and drawn into the ampullary part of the fallopian tube. It was there that nature created the most favorable conditions for fertilization.

From this moment a kind of countdown begins. The egg is not given a long life. It exists with hormonal support of the female body for 24 to 36 hours. It is during this period that one can become pregnant, that is, the fusion of gametes is physiologically possible.

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception

Ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of the menstrual cycle (with a 28-day cycle - on the 14th day). Deviation from the average value occurs frequently, so the calculation is approximate.

Also, together with the calendar method, you can measure basal temperature, examine cervical mucus, use special tests or mini-microscopes, take tests for FSH, LH, estrogens and progesterone.

You can definitely determine the day of ovulation using folliculometry (ultrasound).

  1. Losos, Jonathan B.; Raven, Peter H.; Johnson, George B.; Singer, Susan R. Biology. New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 1207-1209.
  2. Campbell NA, Reece JB, Urry LA ea Biology. 9th ed. - Benjamin Cummings, 2011. - p. 1263
  3. Tkachenko B. I., Brin V. B., Zakharov Yu. M., Nedospasov V. O., Pyatin V. F. Human physiology. Compendium / Ed. B. I. Tkachenko. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2009. - 496 p.
  4. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ovulation

If the sperm does not meet the oocyte within 36 hours, the egg will die, descend into the uterine cavity, from where, along with the excess endometrium, it will be released with the next menstruation, and the cycle will begin again.

Sperm may be present in a woman’s genital tract in anticipation of ovulation if the act took place 1-4 days before the release of the egg. In this case, there is often no need for sex directly on the day of ovulation - male reproductive cells immediately fertilize the oocyte released from the follicle, fusion occurs, DNA is exchanged and a zygote is formed - a new cell, your future baby.

The likelihood of pregnancy is also high if the sperm reaches the oocyte before it loses its viability (within 24-36 hours). Considering that the male reproductive cell moves at an average speed of 2-4 mm per minute, it can take about 40 minutes to travel from the vagina to the ampullary part of the fallopian tube.

Conception on the 4th day after ovulation 4

Useful tips

​​​​​​If you are planning a pregnancy, then intercourse after ovulation is not an option for you. To increase the likelihood of conceiving a baby, it is worth starting sexual intercourse about 4-5 days before ovulation, and having sexual intercourse every other day (to improve sperm quality). It is definitely worth carrying out the act on the day of ovulation, or, in extreme cases, on the first day after it. Do not use lubricants or douche before or after sexual intercourse.

If your goal is to protect yourself from an unwanted pregnancy, then pay special attention to the likelihood of an “interesting situation” occurring after ovulation. Especially for atypical reasons for the shift of ovulation to a later date. It is not always possible to “catch” late ovulation by sensations, tests, and there is nothing to say about double ovulation (even doctors are not always able to diagnose it accurately). This is why the calendar method of contraception is considered unreliable, and experts in the field of reproductive health argue that, theoretically, one can conceive at any time, because a woman cannot control complex internal processes.

Therefore, those taking precautions, in order not to wonder whether it is possible or not to conceive after ovulation, are advised to select, together with a doctor, such means that will remove all further questions and will be safe for women’s health.

There is a large selection of contraceptives with different effects. And while taking popular oral contraceptives, ovulation does not occur at all, and therefore there is no risk of pregnancy.

Conception on the 4th day after ovulation 8

medical reviewer, psychosomatics specialist, mother of 4 children

At the 4th DPO, with successful conception, a woman feels all her usual symptoms of the second phase: increased BBT, tissue swelling, pain, increased sensitivity or bloating in the chest, minimal discharge (sticky creamy). Pregnancy has not yet manifested itself. It can only be determined after implantation of the embryo.

Next, we will talk about the sensations and symptoms on the fourth day after ovulation. What about the embryo, if it did exist? And when should you start taking pregnancy tests?

Breast soreness

Immediately after conception, intense hormonal changes occur, as a result of which the body of the expectant mother begins to prepare for the birth of a child and breastfeeding. Hormones are the reason why a woman’s mammary glands begin to ache. In particular, this is influenced by the hormone hCG, which triggers the processes of stimulating their growth.

Immediately after the embryo begins to develop, hCG provokes an increase in the proliferation of glandular cells. For this reason, the cells of the glandular epithelium begin to put pressure on the nerve endings, and as a result, the woman experiences unpleasant painful sensations in the chest. Some, in addition to pain, sometimes experience itching, tingling and a slight burning sensation.

Symptoms in the third and fourth weeks

So, will the test show pregnancy on the 11th day after ovulation? Yes, it will show.

The third week after ovulation and presumptive fertilization (from 11 to 21 days after ovulation) in gynecology is usually called a completed pregnancy.

This means that the embryo has successfully taken root in the uterine cavity and the process of its development is in full swing. It is during this period that its internal organs begin to form, and three protective covers are formed around the fertilized egg, which will later become the bone, circulatory and nervous systems.

Against the background of such processes, the woman increasingly begins to feel signs of pregnancy. Around the fourth week after ovulation and conception, drowsiness and severe mood swings appear. In addition, women often experience breast tenderness and the formation of Montgomery tubercles.

We looked at the signs of pregnancy on the 11th day after ovulation.

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