Unprotected stomach ache after 5 days. Pulling in the lower abdomen after ovulation

What is implantation bleeding during pregnancy?

Implantation is accompanied by destruction of the vascular wall of small spiral arteries that approach the mucous layer of the uterus. They are the cause of implantation bleeding or otherwise bloody discharge in a pregnant woman, which coincides in time with the implantation of the blastocyst.

Typically, implantation occurs around one spiral artery. In time, this coincides with the seventh day from fertilization, that is, days 20-25 of the menstrual cycle. Implantation bleeding can be considered one of the earliest signs of pregnancy.

However, it does not happen to all women and its intensity depends on many factors.

On what day does implantation bleeding occur and how long does it last:

As stated, implantation occurs a week after fertilization. If we consider that on average fertilization should coincide with the date of ovulation, plus or minus a couple of days, then the time when implantation bleeding occurs is 20-25 days from the beginning of the last menstruation.

At this time, the woman may not yet know that she is pregnant. Therefore, as a rule, she does not attach any importance to this, or has absolutely no idea what it is, implantation bleeding or menstruation.

What does implantation bleeding look like?

Implantation bleeding may go unnoticed by a woman, since its intensity is almost minimal. It would be a stretch to call it bleeding. Usually these are a few drops of blood on the panties, which coincide in time with the expected implantation. And the duration of implantation bleeding is short compared to menstruation - only a day, maximum two.

Implantation bleeding, the color of the discharge may also vary. The discharge may be bright scarlet, brown or pink. How many days implantation bleeding lasts and the color of the discharge is always individual. Implantation bleeding lasts several hours, sometimes it can last a couple of days. But severe implantation bleeding never happens. If there is heavy bleeding, this indicates a pathological course of the implantation process.

The introduction of the embryo into the uterine wall, or its implantation, completes embryogenesis. From this moment on, a fetus is formed from the embryo. This is an important stage of development, on which the successful outcome of pregnancy largely depends.

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This process is still little studied, since although the embryo is accessible to scientists (for example, during in vitro fertilization), the process of its penetration into the uterine wall is impossible to see.

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In many cases, despite the good condition of the uterus and embryo, implantation does not occur. This is especially difficult for IVF patients.

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When to see a doctor?

It is very difficult to determine the cause of pain by external symptoms, since the body’s reaction to ovulation manifests itself differently in everyone, for example in some people. In addition, there are a large number of diseases whose symptoms are similar to ovulatory syndrome.

See your doctor if the pain is too severe and pulls in your stomach a week after ovulation.

It is better to see a therapist, since there are diseases whose symptoms can be mistaken for gynecological pain. Delaying your visit can lead to serious complications.


The body is not a clock. Each organism is individual, and the same symptoms can have different nature in different people.

Embryogenesis phases

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The egg is fertilized in the fallopian tube and moves through it into the uterine cavity within 5-7 days. At this time, it continuously divides, forming cells from which the fruit and its membranes will subsequently develop. The outside of this formation is covered with a protective layer. After entering the uterus, the blastocyst (the so-called formed embryo) must attach to its wall in order to receive oxygen and nutrients from the mother’s body.

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On what day does embryo implantation occur after conception?

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The embryo enters the uterine cavity 4-5 days after fusion with the sperm. Then it is freed from the outer cells that protected the egg from re-fertilization, and after 1-2 days it penetrates the wall of the organ. Thus, the general time frame for embryo implantation from conception to implantation in the uterus is 6-7 days.

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During implantation, the embryo undergoes complex processes, moving from the uterine cavity to its wall. This process is conventionally divided into three phases:

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  1. Apposition (attachment).
  2. Attachment.
  3. Invasion (penetration).

After the blastocyst is released from the outer cells, it becomes a freely moving ball. It approaches the surface of the endometrium and attaches to it, despite contractions of the uterine wall and the production of a mucous substance - mucin. This becomes possible due to the release of chemicals - cytokines and chemokines, which are produced by both the blastocyst and the endometrium.

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The production of these substances actively occurs in the first 6 days after ovulation, and in the first phase of the cycle they are practically absent. During the anovulatory cycle, the release of such adhesive substances by the uterus is also minimal.

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After the initial apposition, the next stage begins - attachment. It is mediated by integrin receptors on the surface of the endometrium. As a result of their interaction with the embryo, the latter sinks into the wall of the uterus and is “covered” from above by endometrial cells. Integrins are present in greatest quantities in the uterus immediately after ovulation and during the 2nd phase of the cycle. However, their activity is significantly reduced in women with luteal phase deficiency, endometriosis, hydrosalpinx, and infertility of unknown origin. In such patients, the blastocyst cannot penetrate the mucous membrane.

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At the final stage (10–14 days after conception), the chorion begins to form, which then turns into the placenta. The cells of the embryo dissolve the walls of blood vessels, intermediate tissue and are tightly fixed in the uterine wall.

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What happens after the embryo is implanted into the uterus?

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At this stage, direct connections are formed between the embryo and the uterine vessels, chorionic villi develop, and joint circulation of the mother and fetus occurs. This is the embryonic period, which lasts up to 8 weeks. The placenta gradually forms, which begins to function fully from the 20th week of pregnancy.

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If the invasion process is disrupted, placental anomalies develop: with deep invasion, placenta accreta is likely, and with superficial invasion, the risk of preeclampsia and fetal growth retardation increases.

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How long does the embryo implantation process take?

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Three successive phases take 2-3 days.

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With IVF, all these stages may be somewhat lengthened or shifted in time. Typically, embryos that are 3 and 5 days old are introduced into the uterus. However, their implementation under the mucous membrane can take up to 10 days.

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From a medical point of view, implantation continues until the placenta is completely formed, that is, until the 20th week of pregnancy. All harmful factors acting on the expectant mother at this time can disrupt the process of placenta formation and cause further deviations in the development of the fetus.

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When do the first signs of pregnancy appear after conception?

All women are interested in when the first signs of pregnancy appear after conception, by what signals one can recognize the onset of an interesting situation in the earliest stages.

It is quite problematic to make sure that a new life has been born before the delay begins. There are a number of symptoms of conception, both subjective and diagnosable.

Information on how to correctly recognize them and not be deceived by false signs is described in detail in this article.

The first signs of pregnancy, for the most part, are not particularly specific and largely coincide with the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome. Some of them may appear almost immediately, while others appear after a week or two.

The severity of symptoms depends solely on the characteristics of the body. Each of them individually is not proof of a new situation, but their totality should certainly alert a woman. Those for whom the condition of PMS is not typical should pay attention to such symptoms of conception, which appear in the first days, such as:

  • increased basal temperature and low-grade body temperature;
  • malaise and weakness;
  • sleep disturbances, insomnia or, conversely, increased drowsiness;
  • change in libido;
  • tingling in the uterus, felt during the attachment of the fertilized egg to its walls;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • increased appetite in general or cravings for certain individual foods that were previously absent from the daily diet;
  • nausea and heartburn;
  • allergic reactions not previously observed;
  • red or brown discharge, indicating that the embryo has attached to the uterus;
  • low blood pressure.

One of the main, and most importantly, reliably diagnosed, signs of conception is an increase in basal temperature. Measurements must be taken in the morning, immediately after sleep, since physical activity affects the value of this indicator.

We suggest you read: Can the temperature rise during fertilization?

Normally, the value of basal temperature constantly changes in accordance with the phases of the cycle under the influence of hormones. After the end of menstruation, it should be between 36.5 ° C and 36.

9° C, which makes the conditions for follicle maturation optimal. On the eve of ovulation, there is a decrease, and then, with the release of the egg, a sharp increase in temperature by 0.4 ° C or more.

These indicators are not strict; each woman must independently find out what values ​​are typical for her body.

Basal temperature increases due to an increase in the concentration of the hormone progesterone. In case of conception, it continues to work, keeping the basal temperature above 37.0 ° C. If fertilization of the egg does not occur, estrogen production increases, as a result of which the temperature before the onset of menstruation decreases.

Accordingly, if the expected decrease does not occur, this is a significant reason to suspect pregnancy. Also, if fertilization has occurred, a third phase may appear on the graph, reflecting the end of the period of functioning of the corpus luteum.

Implantation retraction - a one-day decrease in basal temperature against the background of a persistent high level - is one of the most reliable signs of pregnancy that appears in the first days after conception. Caused by the release of estrogen that accompanies the attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterus.

Important: fluctuations in basal temperature are the earliest reliable sign of pregnancy. But in order to be able to establish the fact of conception by its increase, a woman needs to keep a diary of measurements and know the values ​​​​characteristic of her body on different days of the cycle.

The question of whether a woman feels that conception has occurred is controversial. Doctors assure that this is impossible, but many young mothers, based on intuition, are convinced of a change in their position even before medical confirmation.

Despite this, you need to remember that all symptoms that occur before the onset of delayed menstruation are unreliable.

They may indicate not only pregnancy, but also cervical erosion and other gynecological diseases. Similar symptoms occur with intestinal dysfunction and urinary tract infections.

It is important to remember that no signs indicating that fertilization has occurred are 100% reliable, and not to attribute any deterioration in well-being to a possible pregnancy. If ailments occur, it is necessary, first of all, to pay close attention to health.

In the first days after conception, the expectant mother can only rely on her own feelings. Neither a pharmacy test nor a laboratory blood test will give a reliable result, since the concentration of hormones is still too low.

If the delay has not yet begun, and the characteristic symptoms are very obvious, you can try using an electronic test with high sensitivity. A visit to the doctor will also not bring a clear answer.

Although the gynecologist will note some enlargement and looseness of the uterus, it may be caused by other reasons.

The first days and weeks from the moment the zygote appears, when pregnancy has not even been established, are an important stage in the development of the embryo. After the fusion of the egg and sperm, the resulting fertilized egg moves through the fallopian tubes within several days.

All this time, active cell division is going on. Already from the fourth day, through embryogenesis, the main systems and organs of the unborn child are formed.

Blastomers begin to form - special cells responsible for the dissolution of the uterine mucosa and the attachment of the zygote to its wall, which occurs on the fifth day after fertilization.

By the eighth to tenth day, the development of the fetal neural tube and the formation of the placenta begins. On the twelfth day, the baby is already provided with complete placental nutrition.

This event is considered the moment of pregnancy.

In addition to the measurable and diagnosed signs of conception, in the first days a woman also experiences purely subjective sensations. In each organism, sensitivity to a new position is manifested by different factors. Most expectant mothers note:

  1. feeling of heat followed by chills;
  2. feeling of a cold in the absence of respiratory symptoms;
  3. mood swings;
  4. an unpleasant feeling of heaviness caused by increased blood supply to the pelvic organs;
  5. a sharp change in sensitivity to odors;
  6. persistent feeling of bladder fullness;
  7. discomfort in a sitting position;
  8. changes in the sensitivity of the mammary glands, their swelling, and the release of colostrum.

A woman planning a pregnancy needs to completely change her lifestyle even before conception. It is important to stop drinking alcohol and tobacco, eat right and follow a daily routine, remember the benefits of walking in the fresh air and well-chosen physical activity. It is important to avoid stress and emotional overstrain.

You need to try to predict the possible onset of pregnancy by changing sensations and not harm the child in the earliest stages of development. If there is a suspicion that conception has occurred, it is necessary to stop taking medications that affect the development of the fetus, and also avoid large doses of caffeine.

A pregnant woman’s immunity is lowered, and any infection is a threat to the unborn child, so it is recommended to avoid hypothermia and overheating and to minimize contact with sick people.

During the entire reproductive period, any woman is periodically visited by thoughts of a possible pregnancy. Sometimes beautiful ladies are so waiting for a miracle that they are ready to see all the symptoms of pregnancy 1 week after conception, when there is no pregnancy as such yet, because the fertilized egg has just set off on its mysterious journey through the fallopian tubes.

When asking the question how many days does it take for pregnancy to appear, women sometimes hope to receive an answer that in just a couple of days they will be able to please their spouse with the good news about the imminent addition to the family. But it's not that simple.

Nature has given the egg plenty of time so that it can reach a safe haven - the uterus - and gain a foothold inside. So the signs of pregnancy on the 8th day after conception can only be felt by a few lucky women who, firstly, have exceptional instincts, and secondly, who have already waited for the egg to attach, which rarely happens by this time.

How does the process of formation of the future embryo proceed after a successful attack by a spermatozoon - one of hundreds that has finally reached the desired goal?

The egg, “waiting” for “partners,” is located in one of the fallopian tubes. If the left ovary was active this month, then it will most likely be on the left, if the right one, then vice versa. When the sperm fuses with it, it moves from its place and begins to make its way to the uterus. This is helped by the villi of the fallopian tubes, which push the zygote to the place of future “residence”.

This movement is quite slow, it takes a period of time from 6 to 12 days. During this period, the woman’s body does not yet take any measures to accept and develop the unborn child: no changes occur in it.

Attention: the very first signs of pregnancy after conception cannot be noticed until 6 days have passed: they simply are not there.

So, 6-7 days have passed. During this time, the most “nimble” eggs manage to reach the uterus and enter her body. In this case, signs of pregnancy a week after conception may be as follows:

We invite you to read: 8 things for life after discharge from the hospital that will make life easier for every mother

  • - implantation bleeding;
  • - weak nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • - tingling in the uterine area.

Bleeding is not such in the literal sense of the word. A woman may find a couple of pinkish or yellowish droplets on her underwear. The first thought that usually comes to her is: “How early is your period today!” But at this point the discharge stops, and she forgets about what happened. Sometimes weak bleeding is accompanied by mild pain in the lower abdomen or a tingling sensation.

First signs of pregnancy


Many women are interested in becoming pregnant and eagerly await signs of successful implantation. They are divided into subjective (sensations), objective (external changes) and laboratory.

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Is it possible to feel the implantation of an embryo?

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Yes, during the invasion process the wall of the uterus and its vessels are damaged. Therefore, very slight bleeding may occur. In this case, blood is released in a minimal amount and may go unnoticed.

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A woman may feel discomfort in the lower abdomen, nagging or aching pain spreading to the lower back, along the inner thighs, and her temperature may rise to 37.5°C.

Video: How to get pregnant quickly?

The process of conception seems very simple only at first glance. But in fact, a number of conditions must be met, otherwise pregnancy will not occur. First of all, ovulation needs to occur, otherwise there will be no sperm to fertilize.

In order for sperm to reach the egg, they must be motile. It is also very important that the woman’s uterus is healthy, otherwise the fertilized egg cannot take root inside. A woman’s behavior, both before and after sex, also has an impact. Let's look at what you need to do after sex to get pregnant.

Many women are interested in how long they need to lie down after intercourse in order for conception to occur successfully. It is important to know not only how long you need to lie down, but also how to do it correctly, because a woman’s posture after sex determines how many sperm will end up at the cervix and be able to compete for the right to fertilize the egg.

If a woman gets up immediately after PA, then a significant part of the ejaculate will simply flow out, and with it the sperm. As a result, all these gametes will no longer participate in the fertilization process, and the chances of pregnancy will be low.

To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to remain horizontal after intercourse. How long to lie down after intercourse to get pregnant? It is necessary not to get out of bed for at least 30 minutes. If sperm washes the cervix all this time, then pregnancy will certainly occur.

For the best effect, you need to raise your pelvis. To do this, you can raise your legs, imitating the “birch tree” exercise, or place a pillow or a rolled-up blanket under your pelvis. If a girl is afraid of getting the bed dirty, then you can put a towel or diaper under the basin.

At this time, it is better to relax as much as possible, you need to think about the good. It must be remembered that stress and negative thoughts lead to the production of hormones that provoke muscle spasms throughout the body. This condition can negatively affect conception.

Self-determination of implantation

Measuring basal temperature will help determine possible implantation if such a procedure is carried out regularly, for 6 or more cycles. In the first phase of the cycle, the temperature in the rectum is low, about 36-36.5°C. At the moment of ovulation it sharply increases to 37°C. If the cell released from the ovary has been fertilized and the embryo has implanted into the wall of the uterus, upon implantation of the embryo, the basal temperature will briefly (literally within 1 day) decrease by 1-1.5°. This usually occurs 6-12 days after ovulation. This phenomenon is called implantation retraction and with great accuracy confirms the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall.

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In the following days, the temperature in the rectum will increase again and will remain within 37°C for the next 3 months. This is due to the high level of progesterone, which is produced by the corpus luteum of pregnancy.

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If, after a sudden decrease in the second phase of the cycle, the temperature does not rise again, this will indicate a lack of consolidation of the embryo or termination of pregnancy.

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Determining basal temperature is a fairly accurate way to recognize ovulation and embryo implantation. It is used not only in the routine practice of gynecologists, but also after in vitro fertilization. In the latter case, the information content of this method is lower, because the woman’s body is under the influence of hormones.

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How should you lie down to definitely get pregnant?

Over time we figured it out. But in what position should you lie after sexual intercourse?

It will be enough to just lie on your back.

The main criterion is the absence of seed leakage.
You can also place a pillow under the buttocks
, then the seminal fluid will flow down the female genital organs to its target.

Also, if you press your knees to your stomach

after PA, seminal fluid is more likely to reach the uterus.

If you monitor your ovulation and know in which ovary (left or right) the egg has matured in this cycle, then it is recommended to lie on that side. Thus, under the influence of gravity, it will be easier for sperm to penetrate into the desired fallopian tube.

It is also worth mentioning that it is important for a man to complete coitus as deeply as possible

in a woman, the head of the penis should be as close to the uterus as possible. Immediately after ejaculation, the man must withdraw from the woman and not continue friction, so as not to spill the precious drops.

Birch tree pose for conception

There is another popular opinion: in order to help sperm even more, many women recommend getting into the “birch tree” position after sex, thereby making the difficult path to achieving their goal easier. Some even recommend having sex in this position, but if a woman does not have special physical training, this is very problematic. But after PA it is enough to stand in this position for 1-2 minutes

so that the sperm flows down the walls of the vagina as close to the cervix as possible.

How to lie for conception when the uterus is bent

A special point worth highlighting are the postures for conception when the uterus is bent. With such a pathology of the reproductive organs, women in about 50% of cases experience difficulties in getting pregnant, since it is difficult for sperm to penetrate into the uterus due to the bend in the cervical area.

It should be noted that there is no general recommendation in this case, since the uterus can be bent in different directions. Regarding the preferred position in each specific situation, you should consult with the observing gynecologist. For the most common form of bending - backwards - it is usually advised to lie in the same missionary position with your knees tucked to your chest. The second version of the posture when the uterus is bent is the knee-elbow position, which in some cases helps straighten the bent.

Violations of the embryo implantation process

In some cases, the fertilized egg becomes ready to be implanted into the uterus earlier than necessary. Early implantation of the embryo occurs, in most cases ending in tubal pregnancy. The embryo is freed from the outer cells and attaches to the wall of the tube, without having time to pass into the uterus. This usually occurs 4-5 days after fertilization or 6-7 days after ovulation.

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As the embryo develops, it supports the existence of the corpus luteum of pregnancy in the ovary. Then, due to the thin walls of the tube, the destruction of its vessels by the growing fertilized egg, the latter is rejected, the level of hormones drops, the mucous membrane of the uterus separates and comes out.

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If the embryo still managed to get into the uterus, its walls are not yet ready to accept it, so it is expelled out, and pregnancy does not occur.

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Late implantation is observed 10 or more days after fertilization and is often accompanied by moderate bleeding, which women mistake for regular menstruation. An increase in hCG levels helps diagnose pregnancy with late embryo implantation. Late implantation of the embryo can be observed during in vitro fertilization.

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Despite good ovarian activity and regular fertilization of eggs, embryos may not implant into the uterine wall, resulting in infertility. Why embryo implantation does not occur:

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  • the thickness of the uterine mucosa is too thick (more than 13 mm);
  • low levels of progesterone in the blood, which is necessary to delay menstruation and maintain pregnancy (read about the causes of deficiency below);
  • lack of nutrients in the blood and, accordingly, in the endometrium;
  • genetic disorders that cause the inability of cells to divide and the death of the embryo at an early stage;
  • disorders of hemostasis, that is, increased blood clotting, leading to poor supply of nutrients to the implanting embryo;
  • malformations of the uterus, for example, synechiae (intracavitary adhesions);
  • fragmentation of sperm DNA, leading to the impossibility of normal division of the fertilized egg.

After IVF, the implantation of the embryo does not occur for the following reasons:

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  • endometrial pathology (consequences of endometritis, polyps);
  • hormonal pathology in the mother;
  • woman's age over 40 years;
  • transfer of a previously frozen embryo;
  • genetic abnormalities of the embryo that make its development impossible.

In general, we can say that disturbances in the attachment of the blastocyst are caused by changes in the embryo that are incompatible with its further development, or severe damage to the uterine wall, which will subsequently lead to the impossibility of adequate nutrition of the fetus.

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The reasons why there is a decrease in progesterone, the hormone that supports pregnancy:

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  • premenopause;
  • ovarian pathology – chronic oophoritis, endometriosis, cyst, tumor;
  • intense physical activity;
  • diet or fasting;
  • prolonged stress, leading to disruption of the regulation of the entire hormonal system of a woman through its effect on the brain, hypothalamus and pituitary gland;
  • diseases of the pituitary gland, accompanied by insufficient production of gonadotropic hormone.

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On what day after ovulation does fertilization occur?

Signs of pregnancy in the first days after fertilization.

Ovulation, or the release of an egg from the ovary for the purpose of fertilization, occurs approximately 4-7 days after the completion of the last menstruation. As a result of unprotected sexual intercourse and provided that the female reproductive system is ready, conception can occur with a high degree of probability.

The fusion of an egg and a sperm produces a new cell - a zygote. It is she who becomes the precursor to the formation of the future embryo.

From the moment the zygote is formed and its division begins, a woman is considered pregnant. After this, you should expect changes in the usual functioning of the body and the appearance of the first characteristic signs. As a rule, they appear quite quickly - a few days after ovulation.

Healthy sperm (sperm) that enter a woman’s body, as a rule, can remain viable for 2-3 to 5-7 days. Therefore, conception after ovulation is possible even if sexual intercourse took place several days before the follicle ruptured and the egg was released. Moreover, Y-chromosome carriers (male sex) are faster and less durable. Their activities may be limited to two days. Sperms with X chromosomes are slower, but they are active for 7 days.

Sperm are able to cover the distance from the vagina to the ampullary part of the fallopian tube, where the mature egg is located, in one and a half to two hours. Therefore, conception may coincide with the day of ovulation. After three days, the ability of sperm to fertilize sharply decreases. Approximately 10.3% of pregnancies occurred after PA one day after ovulation, 0.8% two days later.

Gynecologists and obstetricians are in no hurry to call the successful fusion of male and female reproductive cells fertilization. We can talk about it only after the zygote enters the uterus and is implanted into its wall. This process, including conception after ovulation, lasts about 6-7 days.

Keeping a graph of basal temperature for at least three menstrual cycles will allow you to find out about conception before this fact is confirmed by tests. When pregnancy occurs, the BT schedule will differ from the usual.

If follicle rupture is followed by fertilization and implantation, the curve on the graph sharply goes down by 0.2-0.3 degrees (but implantation retraction is not always visible on the graph) on the 7-10th day. Then it quickly rises and remains at this level. BT steadily remains at the top even during the onset of a new cycle and expected menstruation - delay.

Let me remind you that the basal chart is valuable for its dynamics, and not for absolute indicators. If it is not possible to compare indicators with previous cycles, you should not wait for an objective assessment of the current results. And of course, there is no need to start measuring now.

After conception has occurred, normal BT will be consistently high, approximately 0.3–0.5 degrees more than the average value of phase I. This is a common manifestation of the work of the hormone that supports pregnancy - progesterone.

The basal temperature at 7 DPO is consistently high - the test should be done from 12 DPO
Note(!) The implantation of the embryo can be asymptomatic (even painless) and without any changes on the graph. In this case, the test should be done as standard at 12-14 DPO, or better later, from the first day of the delay, but only if BT remains elevated.

  • if there was a sharp drop in basal temperature with an increase the next day;

    The next day after implantation retraction, you can do a test

  • if there was no retraction, but at some point the BT became even higher and more stable (in comparison with the same phase II) by about 0.2-0.3 degrees. This phenomenon is called the third phase on the BT chart.

    Basal temperature chart: from the 7th day after ovulation, BT began to increase in relation to phase 2

All of the listed signs and characteristic symptoms can be assessed later than the 7th DPO. If they occur, you can do a test the next morning.

If a very, very pale line appears - a ghost, it is better to quietly postpone your joy until the day after tomorrow and repeat the test (in case there is a reagent). During a real pregnancy, the hCG level doubles every two days and the second line will certainly become a little brighter.

If the test is negative, don't be upset. This happens when the hormone has not yet entered the urine. Repeat testing every other day or donate blood for total hCG - it is the most accurate.

Observe your condition, but not anxiously and with constant worry, but calmly, with a joyful and happy expression, as if the pregnancy has already been confirmed.

If this time there is no result, but there is definitely ovulation, another reason for the absence of a child is possible. This material describes in detail the reasons for the absence of pregnancy and the steps that should definitely be taken.

To everyone planning a successful pregnancy and healthy babies!

Preparation for implantation

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To increase the likelihood of pregnancy, every woman, after consulting a doctor, can take prenatal vitamins, folic acid supplements, and vitamin E.

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During IVF, reproductologists include special medications in the patient’s management regimen for better embryo implantation:

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  • gestagen derivatives;
  • Heparin or its low molecular weight forms;
  • Aspirin and others.

For the successful development of pregnancy, the psychological comfort of the patient is important, especially when awaiting the implantation of an embryo transferred during IVF. Therefore, it is permissible to use herbal sedatives - motherwort, mint, lemon balm, which can be brewed and added to weak tea. During this period, it is recommended to give up caffeine, alcohol, smoking, and taking medications without a doctor’s prescription.

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It is necessary to follow simple rules that increase the likelihood of normal implantation of the embryo:

  1. Get proper sleep and, if necessary, rest during the day.
  2. Eat more fruits, vegetables, dairy products.
  3. Limit salted, smoked, fried foods.
  4. Refuse to visit the solarium and avoid being in the sun.
  5. Do not engage in sports or other strenuous physical activity.
  6. Provide emotional peace and good mood.
  7. Abstain from sexual activity for a while.
  8. Avoid contact with people with acute infections, do not visit crowded places, and do not travel on public transport.

You can talk about pregnancy only after implantation has taken place. Without it, the embryo will not be able to develop, even if fertilization of the egg has taken place. Therefore, many women who dream of motherhood are interested in how many days after ovulation implantation occurs and whether it is possible to somehow influence the success of this process.

When to have sex: morning or evening to get pregnant?

Pregnancy can occur both after morning and evening sex. However, the likelihood of fertilizing an egg increases slightly if you have sex in the afternoon. During this period, sperm activity increases to its maximum.

IMPORTANT: If a man has sexual problems, morning sex will be the best, since it is at this time that the body produces large amounts of testosterone, which is responsible for sexual desire.

The main rule when choosing a sex position: sperm should not leak out.

. Thus, all positions in which the woman is on top are immediately excluded.

IMPORTANT: Various sexual positions are acceptable, but in order for fertilization to occur, shortly before ejaculation you will have to change the position to the most favorable one.

The choice of position should also be aimed at shortening the sperm path as much as possible. Most often, conception occurs in the following positions: “woman from below” and “man from behind”.

Physiological aspects

Implantation is a complex process during which the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus, where it will develop and grow until birth. Often women are interested in how to distinguish ovulation from implantation. Ovulation is the process of releasing a mature egg ready for fertilization, and implantation is the introduction of an already existing embryo into the endometrial (inner) layer of the reproductive female organ. These are two completely different processes that serve the same purpose - procreation.

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception

What do periods mean if you are pregnant?

Whether menstruation can occur after conception depends on many factors: inflammatory processes in the woman’s genital organs, hormonal levels, and the location of pregnancy (in the uterus or outside it).

Fertilization at the same time as menstruation can be a dangerous symptom for the woman and the fetus. Menstruation during pregnancy often indicates pathologies such as:

  1. Unsuccessful embryo attachment. This may cause a small amount of blood to be released over a period of several weeks. As a rule, this happens due to the presence of endometriosis in a woman or fibroids/fibroids.
  2. Hormonal imbalance, often an increase in the level of male hormones, as well as a decrease in the concentration of progesterone.
  3. Rejection of one embryo from a couple. It rarely happens that two fetuses develop, after which one of them stops developing and is rejected, causing bleeding.
  4. Abnormalities in fetal development during the intrauterine period can cause miscarriage.
  5. Presence of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case of ectopic pregnancy, menstruation is associated with the development of the fetus in the abdominal cavity, tubes, and cervix. As the embryo grows, soft tissue ruptures with damage to blood vessels and bleeding.

Could there be other deadlines?

The timing of implantation may differ from those indicated, but in this case they speak of either early or late implantation. In some cases, the fertilized egg moves too quickly, overcoming all obstacles with ease, and already 3-4 days after arriving in the uterine cavity, the baby can find its place of attachment and move on to the adhesion stage. Doctors consider early implantation to be one that is completely completed within 5-6-7 days after ovulation.

If a woman has certain problems with the condition of the fallopian tubes and the quality of the endometrium (for example, its thickness is insufficient), as well as with hormonal balance, then the progress of the embryo may be slow. Then they talk about late implantation . This is considered to be the immersion of the fertilized egg later than 9 days after ovulation.

Premature implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine wall is considered more dangerous, because the endometrium has not reached the required thickness, which increases the likelihood of spontaneous abortion, as well as the development of placental pathologies.

Too late implantation is also not a very favorable sign. The endometrium only has the ability to accept a fertilized egg for a limited amount of time. Already on the 11th day after ovulation, the number of special cells in it - pinopodia - significantly decreases, and on the 13th day after ovulation there are no such cells left at all. Even if a viable (miraculously surviving) embryo descends by this time, implantation will not occur. On the 14th day after ovulation, the next menstruation usually begins.

Is it possible to be pregnant during menstruation?

The logic of many women is clear: if you have your period, it means you are not pregnant. However, possible fertilization of the egg cannot be ruled out.

There are a number of conditions under which menstruation may occur after conception:

  1. Time of implantation of the fertilized egg. At 2–4 weeks after fertilization, the fertilized egg implants, damages blood vessels , which cause spotting, vaguely reminiscent of menstruation. More often, this process occurs without bleeding; in rare cases, a woman may notice, during her period when her period should have begun, small brownish spotting for 1–3 days in a row. This is a harmless condition that does not require medical intervention.
  2. The period when the egg has not yet implanted into the lining of the uterus before the onset of menstruation. In this case, scanty discharge may be observed. The whole process takes from 1 to 2 weeks, especially when conception occurred towards the end of the second half of the cycle. That is, menstruation begins exactly at the time when the fertilized egg “looks” for a place for implantation.
  3. The maturation of two eggs at the same time is the rarest case when a woman can become pregnant during menstruation. The eggs develop in different ovaries. One is rejected, stimulating the onset of menstruation, the second is fertilized and continues to develop.
  4. Hormonal imbalance. An excess of male hormones and a lack of progesterone can cause slight bleeding during conception.

The nature, color, and volume of this discharge determines whether such “periods” can threaten pregnancy. A small brownish smear most often does not pose a threat to the development of the fetus, while heavy bleeding is a symptom of miscarriage.

Many women very often wonder whether menstruation can occur during early pregnancy. However, in this matter it is better to immediately contact a specialist to avoid serious consequences.

Why can time change?

In a natural cycle, if a woman has not received hormonal treatment, implantation usually “fits” within natural periods and is rarely early or late. The reasons for the delay are usually hormonal disorders, age, as well as gynecological diseases that are associated with pathologies of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes.

If a woman becomes pregnant not on her own, but with the help of doctors in an IVF treatment cycle, then it is counted not from ovulation, but from the date of embryo transfer. Five-day-old embryos can implant as early as the same day, while three-day-old embryos usually take up to 3 days to complete the task of implantation.

If a woman has undergone IVF with cryotransfer, then the likelihood of late implantation increases.

What is postovulatory syndrome and how to eliminate it?

Postovulatory syndrome is a set of symptoms characteristic of the period after the release of an egg from the follicle into the fallopian tube. Its duration can vary: from 2-4 hours to 3 days. According to statistics, every 7 women experience this condition.

In addition to the pull in the lower abdomen after ovulation, postovulatory syndrome can manifest itself as emotional outbursts (irritability, laughter or tearfulness), changes in vaginal discharge, and increased sexual desire. The combination and severity of these symptoms vary from person to person.

As a rule, postovulatory syndrome does not require any treatment - it is a normal physiological process. But if there is severe discomfort that interferes with everyday activities, you can take a painkiller tablet (Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Mig).

How to determine?

Implantation is a process that occurs at the cellular level, and therefore it is believed that it cannot have any objective symptoms. And most women really don’t feel it. Only a small percentage of women with a low pain threshold can feel nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, headaches, and deterioration of well-being on this day.

Women often say that they felt a “metallic” taste in their mouth, a slight nausea, some indicate the presence of short, scanty bleeding that appeared about a week after ovulation and quickly stopped. This is implantation bleeding, which does not occur in everyone, and is due to the fact that when immersed in the endometrium, the fertilized egg disrupts the integrity of the blood vessels. Such discharge is spotting in nature, the total volume of blood does not exceed one and a half to two milliliters.

It is not possible to establish the fact of implantation either by ultrasound or by laboratory tests. Only a week after it, blood tests show a high level of hCG, and simple pharmacy pregnancy tests, which detect the concentration of this hormone in the urine, become “striped.”

Women who keep basal temperature charts may notice a strange downward jump in BT just on the day of implantation. This is due to hormonal changes during pregnancy. The decrease in temperature itself is called implantation retraction. The day after implantation, the temperature rises again to high values ​​and does not fall again.

medical reviewer, psychosomatics specialist, mother of 4 children

Toxicosis in the early stages and other symptoms of conception



Nausea, urge to vomit and aversion to certain odors are soon added to the early signs. Everything taken together indicates the presence of toxicosis - a special reaction of the female body to the development of the embryo.

In the first month after conception, nausea and vomiting most often appear in the morning and become more frequent day by day. A negative reaction can be caused by the aroma of a previously favorite perfume or food odors emanating from the refrigerator.

In addition to those already mentioned, the following symptoms of pregnancy after ovulation are noted:

  • spasms in the lower abdomen that appear as a result of the embryo being in the uterus;
  • pain in the breast, changes in its shape and size, increased sensitivity of the breast nipples, expansion and dark pigmentation of their halos;
  • a sudden feeling of extreme fatigue and apathy with the usual lifestyle;
  • noticeable pallor (in the first two days), persistent headaches, swelling and fainting;
  • rashes all over the body and face, flatulence, signs of colds and rhinitis;
  • excessive irritability and nervousness (this symptom is associated with the body’s adaptation to hormonal changes)

Other common symptoms of conception include hypotension (low blood pressure) and frequent urge to urinate.

It is important to monitor the status of vaginal discharge after ovulation. In the first days they may take on shades ranging from light brown to pink. This color is normal and is associated with the process of attachment of the embryo to the walls of the uterus. The predominance of red or dark brown discharge may indicate the development of pathology. After the embryo has finally established itself in the cavity of the reproductive organ, disorders in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract appear.

The first symptoms may disappear after a couple of days or, on the contrary, intensify every day. Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), insomnia, back pain, and increased pigmentation of the skin may gradually appear.

The strange behavior of pregnant women has long become the talk of the town. In an interesting situation, many people develop previously unnoticed tastes and preferences. For example, a pregnant woman may eat foods that previously did not interest her.

Often, pregnant women become sentimental and overly emotional. They may experience bursts of tenderness and love, suddenly followed by bouts of irritability, aggression, and even hysteria. This causes discomfort and creates misunderstanding among others. In the first days, forgetfulness and inability to concentrate on daily activities are often noted.

Medicine explains such phenomena as side effects of a strong hormonal “explosion” occurring in the body of the expectant mother. The following is characteristic: if mood swings and increased nervousness occurred in a woman earlier, during the first days before the onset of menstruation, they are likely to appear during pregnancy.

There are situations where the most common signs of an interesting position were not one hundred percent proof of the presence of an embryo in the uterus. Such symptoms may indicate the presence of various gynecological diseases or indicate the development of an ectopic pregnancy.

The most striking symptoms, such as absence of menstruation, tenderness of the mammary glands or pain in the lower abdomen, may indicate problems with the reproductive system of the female body. They can appear with excessive weight loss, as a result of the use of hormonal oral contraceptives, or indicate the presence of chronic inflammation, developing tumors, or hormonal imbalance.

Pain in a woman's abdomen and bloody discharge from the vagina may indicate the possibility of a miscarriage or missed pregnancy, be a side effect of taking certain birth control pills, infections or injuries received during sexual intercourse.

Frequent urge to urinate may be a symptom of the presence of some serious diseases in the body - diabetes mellitus or diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis). They may develop as a result of excessive fluid intake or abuse of diuretics.

In this regard, the most reliable way to confirm pregnancy is still to take all the necessary tests and be examined by a gynecologist.

Exceptions to the rules

We have already looked at the general signs of early pregnancy; they are found in the vast majority of expectant mothers. But there are some peculiar symptoms

, let's say, exceptions to the rules. Such symptoms are quite rare, and are not always perceived by a woman as a signal that conception has occurred.

  • Changes in libido. Hormonal changes affect the level of sexual desire. It can either rise or fall, and women rarely associate this with fertilization.
  • Atypical menstruation. With the onset of pregnancy, periods do not always disappear immediately; sometimes they simply change slightly before disappearing completely. The discharge changes in degree of abundance, and an unusual odor is mixed in with it.
  • Early toxicosis. It usually occurs at 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, but in rare cases it begins at 10-20 days. Most often it is not very abundant, but there are exceptions.
  • Frequent trips to the toilet. The growing uterus and its pressure on the bladder have nothing to do with it, the period is too short. The reason lies in hormonal surges.

These symptoms can confirm the main signs of pregnancy.

Once a woman becomes confident

in her new status, she needs to start closely monitoring her health, because the well-being of the unborn baby is in her hands!

When can you donate blood for hCG?

three days late, test negative. and the condition is normal, as if they are not going to come (Critical days) How long after unprotected PA can you donate blood for hCG? A week has passed since the last PA. Is it too early?

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Sheludyakov Sergey

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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Psychologist, Psychologist-consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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Psychologist, Gestalt therapist in training. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Natalya Maratovna Rozhnova

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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Psychologist, Online consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Alexander Trofimov

Psychologist, Online consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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