Blueberries during pregnancy: beneficial properties of wild berries

Useful properties for women during the “interesting” period

Blueberries grow in a significant part of the territory of Russia (west-eastern regions) and Ukraine (slopes of the Carpathian Mountains, Lviv, Sumy, Zhitomir regions), preferring regions with coniferous forests and swamps.

The berry is a favorite treat in the diet of many. In addition to their delicate taste, blueberries contain a lot of vital vitamins, micro- and macroelements: vitamins A, K and C, choline (vitamin B4), potassium, phosphorus, manganese and copper.

Like most berries, it is low-calorie - 100 g of blueberries contains only 50 kilocalories, since almost 85% of the berry consists of water.

Many expectant mothers are concerned about the benefits and harms of blueberries during pregnancy, but the berry should be safely included in your diet while expecting a baby. For pregnant women, blueberries are a real superfood:

  1. Helps control weight gain during pregnancy, as it normalizes metabolism.
  2. Strengthens the immune system, which is especially important to avoid taking medications.
  3. Antioxidants reduce stress levels and improve cognitive function of the brain.
  4. Strengthens the cardiovascular system, which bears a considerable load in the “interesting” position of a woman.
  5. Due to the iron content, eating berries helps normalize hemoglobin levels and reduce the manifestation of anemia in pregnant women.
  6. Normalizes daily trips to the toilet. Due to the rich content of dietary fiber, blueberries normalize intestinal function, which is also important during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester.
  7. Accelerates the removal of toxins and harmful substances from the body, useful for poisoning. Also has bactericidal properties.

Did you know? In the list of foods that slow down aging, blueberries take an honorable first place. This conclusion was reached by employees of the Food Research Center at Boston University. The dark blue berry has various positive effects on the growth and development of the baby, namely:

  • Due to their polyphenol content, blueberries promote bone development in the fetus.
  • Prevents premature birth.
  • Prevents low birth weight in newborns.

It should be remembered that if you eat more blueberries, the body, alas, will not receive more nutrients - they simply will not be absorbed. Therefore, to achieve a pronounced beneficial effect from consuming the berry, it is necessary to continue taking it for 1-1.5 months.

If you are using dried berries, 1-2 tablespoons will be enough, which must first be soaked for several hours or overnight. When drinking freshly squeezed blueberry juice, the norm is 1/2 glass per day.

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If the desire to indulge is stronger, you should strictly adhere to the norm, and it is best to first consult with your doctor.

Important! Berries tend to accumulate radioactive substances that can cause great harm to the health of a pregnant woman and child, so it is extremely important to be sure that blueberries grew in an environmentally friendly area, far from industrial zones and waste disposal sites.

What are the benefits of blueberries during pregnancy?

Also, do not forget that blueberries can cause food allergies, like any other product.

You can drink blueberry juice if there are no problems with the biliary tract, because the berry can provoke the passage of stones from the gallbladder, and this is invariably accompanied by spasm and pain.

To ensure that you get the most useful and healthy berries on your table, you need to pay special attention to the rules for buying blueberries. What you should pay attention to:

  • Color - the berries should be evenly colored in a black-blue hue, but if there are berries that are lighter, this means that the blueberries were picked before they had time to fully ripen.
  • The presence of a bluish or whitish coating - do not be alarmed if you find a similar coating on the berries, it indicates the freshness of the fruit, health and proper transportation.
  • Storage containers - boxes, boxes or pallets must be kept clean and dry.
  • Availability of quality certificates. Never hesitate to ask the seller if there is a laboratory report on the product. The document must indicate the place where the fruit was collected, the level of nitrates, metals, radioactive and toxic substances.

You should not buy berries near highways near settlements and villages - the fruits can absorb cadmium and lead from car exhaust.

By the way, the standard lead content in 1 kg of blueberries should not exceed 0.42 mg, as for cadmium, it should be within 0.058 mg per 1 kg. Radioactivity levels should not be higher than 500 Bq/kg.

The fact is that heavy metals like lead and cadmium tend to accumulate in the body, including in a pregnant woman, and therefore can cause irreparable harm to the unborn child, causing impaired brain activity, cognitive diseases, kidney pathologies and bone fragility.

Important! It is impossible to distinguish an environmentally friendly berry from an infected one solely by appearance. Therefore, the presence of quality certificates will be a critical point for the health safety of the expectant mother and baby.

To prolong the pleasure of enjoying a juicy berry, you need to resort to freezing. Fresh blueberries can retain their appearance and properties for several days in the refrigerator. To increase this period, you must do the following:

  1. Select fully ripe, whole, beautiful berries. You cannot wash the fruits!
  2. Prepare a plastic container with holes for air circulation and several paper towels to absorb excess moisture.
  3. Place towels along the bottom of the container, scatter the fruits evenly.
  4. Place the berries for storage on the middle shelves of the refrigerator. It is better to avoid shelves that are too cold (low temperatures can destroy the beneficial properties of fruits) and drawers for storing fruits (there is insufficient air circulation and high humidity).

The optimal temperature for storage is 10 °C. When performing the above steps, the berry will retain its appearance and properties for 7-10 days. However, it is worth sorting through the fruits daily in order to remove spoiled ones in time.

To increase the shelf life to 1 month, it is necessary to treat the fruits with a vinegar solution. To prepare, you need to mix vinegar and water in a ratio of 1:3. Rinse the berries using a sieve and dry them.

Then place the harvest in a ventilated storage container, the bottom of which is also lined with paper napkins. This method will be convenient for storing large quantities of berries. You can also store blueberries in the freezer - with this method, you can enjoy the fruits for at least several months.

After 3-4 hours in the freezer, the harvest can be poured into a permanent container and sent back to the chamber.

Did you know? Blueberry bushes typical for the Russian region do not exceed 40-50 cm in height. However, not all plants of this species are so miniature. For example, Caucasian blueberries grow as tall as a person, and sometimes reach 3 m.

What are the benefits of blueberries during pregnancy?

To make blueberry tea, you need to use dried blueberry leaves. This drink in the form of compresses will be useful for skin diseases.

When you have a cold, blueberry tea should be consumed internally. For the expectant mother, this method of combating the disease is much safer than medications.

You can make many desserts from the berries: jelly, fruit drinks, jams, toppings for ice cream and baked goods, and add them as a filling to dumplings. For gourmets, the combination of meat dishes with blueberry sauce will be interesting.

The fruits will also add a piquant taste to Italian pastas and rice.

Allow yourself a little imagination, and you will certainly be able to prepare a healthy treat with berries! So, we looked at the benefits of blueberries during pregnancy, how to choose them and how much to eat, we studied ways to store the berries and options for consuming blue fruits for expectant mothers. During peak blueberry season, indulge in a handful of fragrant, dark blue berries!

Precautionary measures

Pregnant women should be especially careful when choosing blueberries, as they easily absorb pesticides and toxins, and when collected along roads, they become simply life-threatening. Berries purchased from trusted sellers or collected personally in an environmentally friendly place will help avoid poisoning.

Blueberries can be stored in the refrigerator unwashed, but they must be thoroughly washed before eating. It is recommended to eat fresh berries within 2-3 days.

Blueberries are a low-calorie, nutritious and tasty food that deserves to be part of a pregnant woman's daily diet. In the absence of allergies and urolithiasis, it can be consumed without fear of any negative consequences for the fetus, and its medicinal properties will help normalize blood sugar levels, cope with various inflammatory processes, stool and digestive disorders.

Author: Evgenia Limonova, especially for

Blueberries during pregnancy: benefits and harms

  1. Summer fruits stand out among all others with their characteristic shade and dietary qualities. It is the calorie content of 43 units that attracts ladies who are in a “ticklish” position. It contains a lot of potassium and magnesium, minerals necessary for the circulatory system and the heart.
  2. Blueberries are rich in calcium, phosphorus, and copper. The listed compounds are responsible for the strength of teeth, the prevention of oral diseases, and the strengthening of bone tissue. Expectant mothers need iron to prevent anemia and increase hemoglobin levels. Thus, the general condition is normalized, depression and apathy disappear.
  3. Among the vitamins, blueberries boast the presence of the B-group, namely pyridoxine, thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid, pantothenic acid. All these substances are necessary for a woman to have a stable psycho-emotional background.
  4. Girls carrying a child are often exposed to viruses and fungal infections. Particular danger is noticed in the first trimester. Since blueberries accumulate a lot of ascorbic acid, the immune system of the expectant mother is strengthened. The likelihood of “catching” the virus during a seasonal epidemic of influenza and ARVI is reduced.
  5. But dietary fiber and pectins have the greatest benefits. They are needed for the esophagus, cleansing the intestines of putrefactive phenomena, and accelerating metabolic processes. Pregnant women often complain of constipation and heartburn; summer berries eliminate these problems in one fell swoop.
  6. The ability of the berry to reduce the concentration of sugar in the blood encourages women in an interesting situation to consume blueberries with enviable frequency. It will be extremely useful if a pregnant woman suffers from diabetes. There is no need to take targeted medications.
  7. Experts who study changes in women's body weight during pregnancy note that blueberries are required to maintain a toned figure. With its frequent use, weight is normalized, kilograms are not deposited in prohibited areas.
  8. If we touch upon the formation of the fetus, which is significantly strengthened, the following points can be highlighted. Summer berries are responsible for the development of the musculoskeletal system because they contain a lot of calcium and phosphorus. Blueberries also have a beneficial effect on the formation of the psyche.
  9. During gestation, a woman’s body receives an enormous load, and the kidneys especially suffer. In order to normalize their activity and reduce tissue swelling due to the removal of fluid, you need to eat berries regularly.
  10. Blueberries have the best effect on eye health. It is on its basis that various medications and dietary supplements are produced to strengthen vision, prevent cataracts, and glaucoma. If a pregnant woman experiences visual impairment, blueberries will become an indispensable home healer.
  11. Naturally, one cannot miss the bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties of the fruit. Be sure to include berries in your diet when the seasons change. It is eaten during climate change (travel, business trips, vacations, etc.).
  12. The beneficial qualities extend to the gastrointestinal tract, but only the method of receiving the raw materials differs. For example, if you are constipated, you need to consume fresh fruits. Dried blueberries will be beneficial for diarrhea.

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  1. During pregnancy, any girl can catch a cold and get a sore throat. To cope with an unpleasant illness, it is recommended to gargle with blueberry juice. To prepare the remedy, it is recommended to combine 60 ml. fresh juice and 250 ml. warm water. The product also helps with stomatitis.
  2. For colds during pregnancy, as an additional health remedy, you should systematically consume tea based on dried fruits and leaves of the plant. This drink has good antipyretic and antiviral properties.
  3. If you regularly take blueberry juice, girls during pregnancy can avoid the development of hemorrhoids. It is also recommended to sometimes resort to decoctions based on the leaves of the plant. This product works great against skin ailments. To prepare you need to pour 240 ml. boiling water 30 gr. dry leaves.
  4. Leave the decoction for about 1 hour. Use lotions and compresses for dermatitis, eczema, cuts, allergic rashes and burns. If the damage to the skin is quite serious, it is recommended to apply compresses throughout the night. Carry out treatment procedures until complete recovery.
  5. If you suffer from a gastrointestinal ulcer while expecting a baby, you should take the advice of nutritionists. To do this, you should consume about 35 grams. fresh fruits before meals. To cope with diarrhea, it is recommended to eat dried blueberries or regularly drink jelly made from berries.

cherries during pregnancy

Viburnum has long been known as a very potent and extremely effective remedy for combating many ailments:

  • It helps treat colds as it contains high doses of vitamin C
  • Treats diseases of the digestive tract
  • Strengthens immunity
  • Raises hemoglobin levels due to high iron content
  • Has a beneficial effect on kidney function
  • Reduces blood pressure, which a very limited number of plant-based products can do

Viburnum is not good for pregnant womenViburnum is not beneficial for pregnant women.
But the very substance that lowers blood pressure, namely viburnin, poses a danger to expectant mothers.

Not all berries are good for pregnant women
Not all berries are good for pregnant women

A few berries probably won't do anything, and even a whole handful, if they were eaten at once, probably won't do anything either. But drinking viburnum juice during pregnancy, and regularly, is definitely not worth it.

Viburnum during pregnancy: a page from the encyclopedia {amp}quot;medicinal plants{amp}quot; Ilyina Viburnum during pregnancy: a page from the encyclopedia “Medicinal Plants” by Ilyina
The fact that viburnum provokes the tone of the uterus and stimulates its contractions is very bad for pregnant women. However, these same properties will be useful during childbirth!

Viburnum is also used in other cases when it would not hurt to increase the tone of the uterus, for example, with heavy and painful menstruation and immediately after childbirth.

To prepare a vitamin cough drink from viburnum, do the following:

  1. Place fresh or thawed viburnum berries in a cup
  2. Grind them with sugar
  3. Add boiling water or warm boiled water

But, given that viburnum can be harmful during pregnancy, you should not use a whole bunch of berries, as is recommended in ordinary cough recipes. For pregnant women, only 6-7 viburnum berries are added to the drink, and even this is associated with certain risks.

Tea with viburnumTea with viburnum
Blueberry is very useful and can cure many diseases; in the old days in Russia it was even called a “rejuvenating berry.” Nowadays, blueberry extracts are included in many pharmaceutical preparations. So why not use natural blueberries as medicine?

Contraindications for taking blueberries during pregnancy are minimal. The berries and a decoction of the leaves have an astringent effect, which is not very good for pregnant women, since they tend to be constipated anyway.

The magical combination of vitamins, microelements and other substances necessary for the body makes blueberries an excellent medicine. For women who are expecting a baby, the following beneficial properties of this berry are especially relevant:

  • Blueberries stimulate metabolic processes, which means that they will help you easily cope with hormonal changes during pregnancy.
  • This plant helps get rid of toxins and has a diuretic and choleretic effect. Without harmful substances, it will be much easier for the body to cope with the double load. But these same properties of blueberries make them dangerous for women who suffer from urolithiasis or cholelithiasis, since they can provoke an attack
  • Blueberries are a dietary and at the same time tasty product, so they are suitable for the diet of those who are afraid of gaining excess weight

The positive properties of blueberries outweigh the negative ones
The positive properties of blueberries outweigh the negative ones

Almost all parts of the plant are used to prepare medicinal raw materials: berries, twigs, leaves and even roots. Blueberry leaves should be collected in May-June, when they already contain many useful substances, but are still quite fresh.

  • To make a decoction, add 100g of dried blueberry leaves to a liter of water, then bring the pan to the boil, cover and leave for at least 15 minutes.
  • Blueberry leaves can also be brewed directly in a cup, like regular tea. For 200 ml of water you need to take a tablespoon of dried leaves. First, pour a small amount of boiling water over the leaves and leave for 15 minutes, then add the remaining water and sugar.

Blueberry leaves and berriesBlueberry leaves and berries
Blueberry leaves are used during pregnancy as a natural and harmless anti-inflammatory agent:

  • When you have a cold, drink infusion or tea from blueberry leaves.
  • For sore throat and stomatitis, gargle with the same decoction
  • For inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, drink tea from blueberry leaves
  • Sometimes a decoction of blueberry leaves is used externally to relieve inflammation of the skin.
  • Jams and canned compotes are made from blueberries and sugar, which are then used as vitamin preparations. It is especially important for pregnant women that blueberries contain iron and B vitamins, which are so important in the first trimester
  • A decoction is made from blueberry leaves. Pour two tablespoons of raw material into a glass of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes, then leave the broth until it cools down. This decoction is used as a mild laxative and helps normalize intestinal function.

A gift from the north - blueberries
Gift of the North - blueberries

Who are blueberries for?

A storehouse of minerals and vitamins, if taken correctly, will not harm the expectant mother. But it’s worth taking into account when blueberries will bring maximum benefit and when they can be dangerous.

So, for the following diseases, it is advisable to eat berries:

  • acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza (as treatment and prophylactic therapy);
  • a sharp decline in immunity;
  • the appearance of spider veins, weak walls of blood channels;
  • diabetes;
  • decreased hemoglobin levels;
  • diarrhea that develops due to E. coli damage;
  • low intestinal motility;
  • respiratory infections;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • swelling;
  • constipation;
  • heartburn.

Blueberries are famous for their minimal caloric content, so they should be eaten if you have loss of appetite and slow metabolism. At the same time, the food will be absorbed faster, the girl will not gain excess weight than the doctor prescribed.


You need to understand that if you are susceptible to allergies, the berry is strictly contraindicated. It will harm the expectant mother and child. In most cases, allergies appear due to the accumulation of salicylic acid in the fruit.

strawberries during pregnancy

Blueberries: benefits, harm, contraindications

Blueberries during pregnancy have a beneficial effect on the body of the mother and fetus, but excessive consumption of berries and preparations from the plant can lead to negative reactions and consequences.

Blueberries contain the following beneficial substances:

  • The most important are antioxidants, which have an effect at the cellular level and help prevent the development of malignant tumors.

    Blueberries during pregnancy: benefits and harms

  • Essential acids are malic, citric, lactic, succinic, oxalic and quinic.
  • Vitamins – ascorbic acid, pantothenic acid, vitamin PP, B6, A, K and E.
  • Microelements – iron, copper, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, manganese.
  • Pectic substances – promote the evacuation of decay products from the intestinal tract and the removal of heavy metal salts.
  • Carbohydrates – found in large quantities, sugar makes up up to 30%.
  • Tannins (tannids) – have an astringent effect, thicken the structure of the mucous membranes.

In addition, blueberries are a low-calorie product, containing 44 kcal/100 g of fresh berries.

Thanks to the variety of beneficial substances, blueberries have anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, regenerating, antitumor, antimicrobial, astringent and anti-putrefactive effects, and saturate the body with vitamins and microelements.

  • Considering the low calorie content of berries, when consumed, a woman need not worry about excess weight.
  • Due to the content of antioxidants, aging is slowed down and the risk of developing tumors is reduced.
  • The high calcium content in blueberries helps strengthen the bones of the mother and fetus, and also has a positive effect on the hair and nails of a pregnant woman.
  • The fruits have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system: they strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity, reducing blood clots. Due to their potassium content, berries improve heart function in diabetes mellitus.
  • Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties help a woman fight viral and infectious diseases, which are dangerous during pregnancy, when the body is already weakened. If stomatitis occurs, rinse the mouth with an infusion of berries or blueberry leaves.

    Blueberries during pregnancy: benefits and harms

  • If a pregnant woman suffers from constipation, systematic consumption of fresh berries will help. Dried fruits in teas are useful for diarrhea.
  • For stomach diseases - gastritis and ulcers - the berries are often used in the form of jelly. Reduces inflammation, promotes mucosal regeneration. Reduces putrefactive processes in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Decoctions, infusions and teas from fruits and leaves reduce cholesterol.
  • Memory improves due to the effect on metabolic processes in the body and on the functions of the central and peripheral nervous systems.
  • Increased iron content helps prevent and treat iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women.
  • Vision improves due to carotene content. The use of the plant is useful for retinal detachment, myopia and other eye diseases.
  • Fruit drink or blueberry compote or a handful of fresh berries reduce the manifestations of toxicosis.
  • An infusion or decoction of the leaves acts as an anti-inflammatory for urinary tract infections.
  • Reduces sugar levels in gestational diabetes mellitus.

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What pregnant women should not eat

  • In addition to the beneficial properties of this berry, if blueberries are consumed in excess, negative processes can develop in the body of the mother and fetus. These include:
  • They can manifest as urticaria, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock, which is dangerous for a pregnant woman and unborn child.
  • Excessive intake of calcium from fetuses contributes to its deposition in the skeletal system of the mother and fetus, and can cause complications during childbirth due to the strengthening of the pelvic bones of the mother and the skull of the newborn.
  • With excessive consumption of berries, pathological accumulation of oxalic acid salts in the kidneys and excretion in the urine occurs.
  • Formation of stones in the kidneys and gall bladder.
  • Accumulation of harmful substances.

Associated with violations of the collection and procurement of blueberries.

In environmentally unfavorable areas, it is capable of accumulating radioactive substances, which lead to poisoning of varying degrees of severity, causing fetal malformations and cancer.

  • Overeating blueberries can lead to gastrointestinal disorders and constipation.

[yt_playlist mainid=»qXIcX3P1Y58" vdid=»qXIcX3P1Y58" novd=»1"]If a pregnant woman suffers from urolithiasis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, oxalaturia, then eating blueberries in any form is strictly prohibited.

Blueberries are a healthy and tasty berry, but it is important to remember about possible adverse effects when consuming them. Use with caution during pregnancy, as a negative effect on the fetus cannot be ruled out.

It is worth gradually introducing blueberries into your diet and monitoring for possible allergic reactions and other pathological manifestations; if these occur, you should stop eating blueberries and consult a doctor.

It is used in traditional and folk therapy schemes, in fresh and dried form. Prescribed in the form of infusions, decoctions, compotes, fruit drinks, jelly.

The content of the article

People have been using blueberries in their daily diet for a long time. Moreover, in the folk calendar of August an entire holiday is dedicated to this berry. She was so loved in Rus'. In this article we will look at what blueberries are, their benefits and harm to human health. What is made from it, and what diseases are treated.

Blueberry is a small shrub with edible berries. The natural habitat is wetlands and coniferous forests. Tolerates sudden changes in temperature and significant cold well. The habitat is very wide, and therefore the berry is not so rare.

It is impossible to overestimate the beneficial qualities of blueberries. There are many elements necessary for human health:

  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • cellulose;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • vitamins A, B1, B6, C, PP;
  • and others.

Addition. In addition, there are organic acids, iron, copper, pectins and other mineral elements.

This berry absorbs toxins from the environment, so blueberries can only be collected in ecologically clean areas. Collection in different regions begins at different times, most often in early July. In the morning or evening in dry weather.

Blueberries are very delicate, so they are collected by hand using low trays or baskets. It is not recommended to rearrange them again.

When ripe, the berries have a coherent structure, round shape and rich black color. They should be elastic, sweet, slightly tart and odorless. It is not recommended to take fruits with obvious white and dark spots.

They are best consumed fresh. However, in this state, blueberries cannot be stored in the refrigerator for more than 5 days. For longer storage, the berries undergo the necessary processing. Most often blueberries:

  • dried under the sun, in installations;
  • placed in vacuum packaging;
  • frozen;
  • cover with granulated sugar and store covered in the refrigerator (you can grind the berries with sugar at a ratio of 1:1);
  • prepare jam and compotes.

Naturally, the benefits of blueberries in fresh and dried states are much greater. During heat treatment, the value of this product is significantly reduced.

Dried blueberries are just as valuable as fresh ones. However there are some differences:

  • with the same weight of either product, in dried form the calorie content increases by about 6 times and the sugar content by 7 times;
  • half of the antioxidants are lost during the drying process;
  • minerals from a dried product are absorbed better than;

This berry is rightfully considered a unique plant. The miraculous properties of its fruits and leaves were noticed back in the Middle Ages. It is currently used in various industries.

Use in cooking

It is consumed raw and dry, making pies, dumplings, and flour delicacies. There are many blueberry dishes.

Use in pharmacology

Many medicines for various diseases are produced from the berries of this amazing plant.

There are a large number of different masks using this plant. Sometimes blueberries are ground and applied to infected skin, or used as a preventive measure for skin diseases.

Beneficial features

Let's take a closer look at what blueberries are, their beneficial properties and contraindications for humans. Let's start with the first one - usefulness.

  1. Does not cause allergies, suitable for use by people of any age category.
  2. It has a large list of vitamins, which significantly strengthens the immune system.
  3. At the initial stage of diabetes mellitus, it can replace insulin.
  4. It contains tannin compounds that have a good effect on the digestive tract. Blueberry jelly helps with indigestion.
  5. It is considered a remedy that can relieve inflammation and is used in the treatment of the oral cavity. It can even resist typhoid microorganisms.
  6. Helps strengthen the circulatory system and reduces the risk of blood clots.
  7. Saturates the human body with iron and prevents anemia.
  8. A decoction of berries and leaves helps remove stones and sand from the kidneys and gall bladder.
  9. It is recommended for people with poor eyesight to consume fresh berries. They are able to strengthen the eye muscles, improve lubrication of the mucous membrane, and prevent the formation of cataracts.
  10. Normalizes pressure in the arteries, stops bleeding in the intestines.
  11. Prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
  12. Helps lubricate the rectum and eliminate chronic constipation.
  13. Cleanses the human body of heavy metals and can be used as an easy prevention of cancer.
  14. Applying crushed berries to wounds can cure skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema).
  15. The decoction cures pneumonia.
  16. It has a positive effect on brain function, and therefore is included in our list of products for the mind and memory.
  17. Its dietary properties are no less valuable, because a few calories contain a huge amount of useful substances.

Contraindications and methods of use

The consumption of these berries has practically no contraindications, with the exception of persons:

  • having an allergic reaction to eating bush fruits;
  • with inflammation of the pancreas;
  • with inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • having urolithiasis.

When eating blueberries, it is recommended to avoid thermal exposure, since this causes them to lose their beneficial properties.

The best option is to eat fresh berries. Also, the fruits of the bush do not lose their properties when stored in the freezer. Freshly squeezed blueberry juice is another excellent method of consuming the product, which does not decompose the substances necessary for the expectant mother.

If blueberries are cooked, you should try to reduce them to a minimum. The fruits of the plant make tasty and healthy compote, jam, preserves, and jelly. From blueberry leaves, which are not inferior in composition to the berries of the bush, you can make tea and decoction.

In order for the pregnancy to proceed favorably, in addition to blueberries, the expectant mother needs to include other healthy foods in her diet. The basis of the diet should be lean meat, fish, cereals, chicken, fresh vegetables and fruits. When carrying a child, you should limit the consumption of strong tea, soda, coffee, chocolate, smoked and fatty foods.

Are blueberries good for pregnant women?

Since pregnant women experience an acute lack of vitamins and microelements, they eat 20 grams. blueberries per day, you can replenish the supply that is necessary for the full development of the fetus. The beneficial properties of blueberries make it possible to take the berry for preventive purposes in case of poor blood clotting. Since they are hypoallergenic, doctors recommend blueberries to both pregnant and nursing mothers. But here there are some restrictions: you need to reduce the daily intake of berries by half if a woman has intestinal problems (constipation, obstruction), also with gastritis and high acidity. It must be remembered that this forest beauty contains 6 types of acids: citric, oxalic, lactic, quinic, malic and succinic, which promote rapid metabolism, but can irritate the intestines and stomach.

The first dose should be minimal, just a few berries. If absorption is normal, increase the dose every day until you reach a quarter glass. Remember that saturation with vitamins occurs gradually; they accumulate with each intake of berries. Blueberries to improve vision must be taken for several months for the results to be noticeable. Vitamins do not disappear if you make compote from berries or make jam with a minimum amount of sugar.

Blueberries during pregnancy promote better hematopoiesis, they resist anemia, fight viruses, improve immunity, and the succinic acid in the composition promotes vascular elasticity. For pregnant women, it is an irreplaceable source of health.

How much can you eat blueberries?

Taking into account all the benefits of blueberries during pregnancy, do not forget that this berry is an allergen. Therefore, it should be used with caution. To begin with, try eating just a couple of berries and monitor the body’s reaction; if no changes occur, the quantity can be increased. But this does not mean at all that you should overeat on it, because you really want to. Keep it in moderation!

When is the best time to eat blueberries?

Blueberries are a summer berry, their fruits appear in early July. This is the most suitable period for use. Don't trust the delicious looking blueberries on supermarket shelves during the winter. It’s safer to enjoy blueberry jam during this period if you really want to.

Be careful and do not always listen to the opinion that pregnant women can eat whatever they want. This is very individual and it is impossible to accurately predict the body’s reaction to a particular product, so be careful when eating blueberries during pregnancy.

Harm of berries

The product's harm to the health of a pregnant woman is minimal. The only thing that can happen is an allergic reaction if you eat too many berries. Also, when purchasing, you should remember that this is a seasonal product and if you purchase it out of season, there is a risk of getting berries with a high content of nitrates and harmful substances.

It is important to know! By consuming blueberries in large quantities, you can achieve a fixing effect, which will lead to constipation!

You should not buy berries in autumn and winter to reduce the risk of getting a low-quality product. Blueberry juice or blueberry juice will be much healthier.

Very often doctors hear the question: can pregnant women have blueberry jam? Expectant mothers love sweets and a few spoons of jam or preserves will not do any harm. The main thing is not to abuse the quantity.

Is it possible to eat blueberries during pregnancy and their benefits for the body?

Much has been said about the benefits of fresh blueberries, but are frozen blueberries healthy? Berries lose some of their beneficial properties after freezing. But they can still be used for making compotes and baking.


There are practically no contraindications to the use of the product, except for a few exceptions:

  • blueberries should not be consumed by women prone to allergies;
  • for constipation, the berry can aggravate the situation;

This is where all the contraindications to eating blueberries end. Can pregnant women eat blueberries? Not only is it possible, but it is necessary! The berry is a real record holder for the number of beneficial properties.

Any doctor can recommend this berry for consumption. The baby will receive all the necessary vitamins, and the mother will receive a delicious treat. A healthy product that often goes unnoticed can become a wonderful dessert on the table of a woman who is waiting for a miracle.

Blueberry consumption rate

  1. There is an opinion among almost all people that a pregnant girl should not deny herself practically anything if she wants to eat something. It is important to understand that such an assumption is a grave mistake. Everything should be in moderation.
  2. Optimal consumption of blueberries will have a positive effect on the health of the expectant mother and the development of the baby. Therefore, it is worth following some rules. You are allowed to eat no more than 90 grams per day. fresh fruits, after a full meal.
  3. It is also allowed to take decoctions, tea, jelly, jam and simply ground fruits with sugar in moderate quantities. It is important to control yourself and not overeat.


Blueberries are found throughout temperate climates. Prefers shady forests and is not cultivated under artificial conditions. Blueberries are harvested in mid-summer, and the leaves are dried from the beginning of May. Juicy blueberry fruits leave hard-to-wash stains on skin and clothes, which is where the name of this plant comes from.

Blueberries contain the following beneficial substances:

  • vitamins A, B, C;
  • mineral elements: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, chlorine;
  • tannins;
  • organic acids (citric, quinic, malic, succinic, oxalic, lactic);
  • glycosides.

The calorie content of fresh berries is only 57 kcal. When dried, the calorie content of the product increases to 80-90 kcal.

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