Features of the birth process: does the baby move during contractions?
At what time do the first tremors appear? This is not easy to believe, but in fact
Types of hemorrhoids
Rules for using heparin ointment during pregnancy
Heparin ointment during pregnancy is a product that is not recommended for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
Is it possible to give breast milk to older children? Is it possible to use donor milk from a mother of a child of a different age?
vipcosmetolog.ru → Basic summer wardrobe How beneficial is breast milk for adult children Scientists in America
Hematogen in packaging and without
Hematogen during breastfeeding: is it possible for nursing mothers
Often nursing mothers believe that their diet is quite poor and they want to enjoy something
Consequences of a low placenta
What to do if the placenta is low - treatment of pathology and preventive measures
What does a low location of the placenta mean? What does a low location of an embryonic organ mean? The placenta begins to form
Why and how to do an ultrasound of the symphysis pubis during pregnancy. Norms of ultrasound indicators of the symphysis pubis during pregnancy
In preparation for motherhood, a woman's body undergoes physiological changes. In the normal state of the pelvic bones
bloody discharge when taking jess
Why does brown discharge appear while taking birth control pills: what to do, what the color change indicates, changing the drug
Often, taking hormonal contraceptives is accompanied by noticeable changes in the general condition of a woman and her work.
PCR diagnostics during pregnancy and possible test results
Modern medicine is simply a storehouse of various methods for studying the human body. Of course, to refute the fact
Pregnant woman's contractions
Correct breathing during childbirth and contractions video tutorial
Proper breathing during childbirth makes labor easier and improves the mother’s well-being and
How long does it take for sweets to enter breast milk? How long does it take for food to pass into breast milk?
How long does it take for food to pass into breast milk? In general, it is impossible to accurately answer this question,
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