Skin cancer - what is it?
The 10 most dangerous types of cancer are named: the first symptoms
What does cancer look like? What he really is? These and many other questions are asked
Solcoseryl has a rejuvenating effect
Solcoseryl injections - instructions for intramuscular use, reviews and analogues
Composition and active ingredient The composition of Solcoseryl includes: Solcoseryl injection solution 1 ml
Causes of dermatitis: what are they associated with?
Inflammatory allergic formations on the skin, the cause of which is allergy or toxicosis, in medicine
zinc ointment - what is useful - how to use
Zinc ointment for children: instructions for use, main indications and precautions
Zinc ointment is an over-the-counter dermatological medicinal product with mild astringent and mild antiseptic properties.
What is the difference between Levomekol and Levomethyl
Levomikol has long been known as an excellent wound-healing and anti-inflammatory agent with antimicrobial properties. Very many
Pityriasis rosea - treatment with tablets and ointment: TOP-17 remedies
Pityriasis rosea - treatment with tablets and ointment: TOP-17 remedies
Pityriasis rosea is a dermatological disease of viral, infectious or other origin. Its second name is
aloe vera
Benefits of Aloe Vera Capsule Supplements. Benefits for the human body. Selection of the most effective supplements from world-famous manufacturers
Aloe vera has been famous for its unique healing properties since ancient times. The fame of a succulent capable of providing unsurpassed
How to easily reduce the treatment time for influenza or ARVI by 3-5 days
Polysorb is a drug whose main therapeutic effect is the removal of toxins of various origins
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