Pregnancy 34 weeks: hard belly - is it dangerous?

Months of pregnancy

The baby in your tummy is growing by leaps and bounds. And along with it, many pregnant women at 36 weeks experience growing anxiety about the upcoming trials of childbirth and worries about future motherhood.

A woman monitors changes in her body more closely, trying not to miss the first signs of the body’s preparation for labor. And some symptoms are already really starting to appear, and they are noticeable not only for the expectant mother herself, but also for her loved ones.

Fetus at 36 weeks of gestation: movements, development, weight and size

It seems that all the space in the tummy has already been occupied, and there is nowhere else to grow, but the height and weight of the fetus continues to increase. At week 36, the baby has stretched up to 47 cm and possibly even more, body weight can exceed 2,600 g. His cheeks and shoulders are rounded, subcutaneous tissue has formed, and fat has appeared.

Of course, such a hero has no room to accelerate, but he continues to flounder and does not stop moving. Listen to them - they can tell you a lot about things. Thus, excessive activity, which is even sometimes painful for the mother, will tell about the inconveniences experienced by the baby due to insufficient oxygen supply or the mother’s uncomfortable position for him. The absence of the baby's movements for even several hours is also an alarming signal, and if present, you should immediately go to the doctor.

On average, at 36 weeks of pregnancy, the mask makes itself felt approximately once every 10-15 minutes. In 12 hours, the baby responds at least 10 times. The baby's jolts and movements are felt very well, but by the end of pregnancy, when the baby grows even more and takes the position before the “start” from the belly, the number of its tangible and intangible movements will decrease by half.

The baby is already the same as you will see him for the first time, but the bones of the skull remain quite soft, flexible and pliable - this is necessary to overcome obstacles on the way to this world and facilitate passage through the narrow birth canal. During childbirth, the baby's head may even become deformed to protect the brain from injury. Nature is unsurpassed in its wisdom!

Future mom

She even cares about the expectant mother. And your sleepless nights are now preparing your body for the night mode after childbirth: the baby will require a lot of attention. However, this doesn't mean you don't need sleep. Find your formula for pre-night calm. Drink less liquid at night, listen to music, ask your husband for a massage, don’t lie on the couch all day so that you can’t find a place in bed later.

Be careful and prudent throughout the day. Do not make sudden movements, do not walk or stand a lot, control your posture: bending backwards, you increase the load on the spine; bending forward, you create a risk of falling due to a shifted center of gravity.

All unpleasant symptoms may intensify even more during this period. Under pressure from the uterus, the bladder and intestines work more actively, driving you to the toilet more often than you like. Your legs may swell more and more - be sure to lift them to an elevated position several times a day. At times you may even feel like you are suffocating - get on all fours, take a deep breath and exhale. However, from the 36th week of pregnancy, the tummy can gradually drop down, opening air access to the lungs. Although some mothers suffer from shortness of breath until the last day of pregnancy. If the baby is in the correct position with his head down, wear a bandage. After giving birth, it will also help you a lot, so take it with you to the hospital right away.

Baby's well-being

Photo of the belly at 38 weeks of pregnancy

The baby already weighs 3 kilograms and even more, his height is 48-50 centimeters. He still feeds through the placenta. As a rule, by this period the fluff on the baby’s body has already disappeared and the volume of vernix lubrication has decreased.

At this stage, the boy's testicles descend into the scrotum. The baby is already quite cramped in the uterus, which is why the number of his movements is reduced. However, the mother may notice that the baby’s movements have become coordinated, and he is almost ready to live outside the womb.

The baby’s normal heartbeat is 120-160 beats per minute, the baby’s head is pressed against the entrance to the pelvis. He was fully prepared for the birth.

Pain at 36 weeks of pregnancy

The bandage is also needed in order to at least somewhat relieve, and in the best case, completely reduce to a minimum, pain in the back and lower back, so common in the last weeks of pregnancy. Avoid standing for long periods of time, unload your back more often, and do not bend or turn your body to minimize pain.

Be prepared for the fact that pain in the pelvic area, hips, and pubis will now make itself felt more strongly. The body completes its final preparations for the start of delivery: at this stage, it produces the hormone relaxin in larger quantities than usual. Under the influence of relaxin, the joints soften and weaken, the pelvic bones slowly move apart, which will make it easier for the baby to travel through the birth canal. Well, this effect of relaxin is now causing you some inconvenience.

If you develop hemorrhoids during pregnancy, you are guaranteed to experience pain in the anus. There is no need to be ashamed of this sensitive problem: tell your doctor about the disease, consult about further actions and try to cure hemorrhoids.

Analyze the nature of the pain that occurs in the lower back. So, now the lower back can really hurt for a very common reason: due to the greater load placed on it. But, at the same time, pain in the lumbar region may also indicate uterine hypertonicity and the associated risk of premature birth. With hypertonicity of the uterus, pain in the lower back is nagging, spreading to the abdominal area. If you feel nagging pain in parallel in the lower back and abdomen, periodically experiencing a feeling as if your stomach is turning to stone, be sure to report these symptoms to your doctor.

Even if up to this point you haven’t been particularly bothered by swelling, by the 36th week of pregnancy you will probably feel the full extent of swelling. But don’t let your guard down here either: severe swelling may indicate the development of a serious complication in the second half of pregnancy - gestosis. In addition to severe edema, signs of gestosis include high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine.

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What's happening to the baby?

At this time, the fetus is already developed. There are cases when women give birth at this stage, and the child born is not considered premature, but born prematurely. He is quite viable, can breathe on his own and does not need special care.

At 34 weeks of pregnancy, the amount of lubricant that covers the baby's body increases. Now it protects him from the effects of amniotic fluid, and in the future it will help him pass through the birth canal more easily.

The development of the fetus is completed, its weight at 34 weeks already reaches 2-2.2 kg, and its height is 40-44 cm. At this stage of pregnancy, hair begins to grow in the child, replacing the fluff. The baby needs calcium, which he should receive from his mother.

Fetal movements at 34 weeks

The mother begins to feel the movement of the baby inside the womb at 18-22 weeks of pregnancy; by 25-27 weeks the baby’s movements are felt most clearly, sometimes causing the mother inconvenience and even pain. By the 34th week of pregnancy, the baby becomes large, and its movements are limited by the placenta. Changes in the baby's behavior are noticeable, but you should not be afraid of a decrease in his activity. Fetal movements at this stage become smoother. A pregnant woman should listen to the movements of her baby; they should be regular and daily, although not as active as in earlier stages.

Belly at 36 weeks of pregnancy: tugs, hurts, droops

We have already mentioned above that a pulling stomach in combination with a pulling lower back is a sign of increased uterine tone. Before going to the doctor for an appointment, if you notice such signs, take No-shpa and lie down in bed. No-spa should relieve spasms and relax the uterus, helping to reduce the risk of premature birth.

Abdominal pain can also be caused by dysfunction of the digestive system. A long pregnancy, changes in the mother’s body associated with the constant enlargement of the uterus, most likely presented the woman with surprises more than once in the form of stomach and intestinal disorders: constipation and flatulence became commonplace for the mother.

Another change may very well occur with the belly at 36 weeks of pregnancy: often by this time it seems to drop. So, at some point, the pregnant woman feels as if her stomach has really dropped, and it has become easier and more free for her to breathe. This is a consequence of the baby’s descent in the uterus: it presses against the pelvic floor, preparing to pass through the birth canal. The prolapse of the abdomen is also associated with a decrease in the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs: mommy breathes easier, her painful heartburn disappears. But, having descended, the uterus now puts pressure on the bladder, which is accompanied by increased urination.

Pregnancy 34 weeks: hard belly - is it dangerous?

During pregnancy, the expectant mother may have many reasons for concern and worry. One of them is a hard belly. Is this symptom dangerous and what could cause it? How to deal with this?

Even if your stomach hardens without pain, you should tell your doctor about it. Each woman is individual and has her own body characteristics. For example, some people do not experience severe pain during childbirth, which means they may simply miss or not recognize the first real contractions.

Is this normal?

So, if you have a hard belly at 34 weeks pregnant, is this normal? In general, you should pay attention to other accompanying symptoms.

The uterus is a muscular organ that, naturally, can sometimes contract. So if the stomach hardens for a short period of time and the expectant mother feels well and does not notice any other alarming manifestations, then most likely everything is in order. Although it would be completely useful to tell your doctor about your experiences.


The main reasons why a pregnant woman’s stomach can become hard should be listed.

  • Hypertonicity of the uterus. This is a condition in which there is increased contractile activity of the uterus, that is, it is constantly under tension. This condition usually results in a very hard, painful abdomen. Pain may be experienced in the lower abdomen and even in the lumbar region. Sometimes the pain can even be cramping.
  • Training contractions. From about 20-25 weeks of pregnancy (it’s different for everyone), the uterus begins to gradually prepare for the upcoming important event - childbirth. It begins to contract, and so-called false contractions (training contractions) occur. In most cases, they are painless and are manifested by short-term abdominal tension and hardening. Some feel nothing at all, and some complain of the pain and intensity of such contractions.
  • The beginning of labor. It happens that for some reason labor begins earlier than expected, for example, at 34 weeks. And if a pregnant woman wants to know why her stomach is hard and hurts, then she should pay attention to her condition. So, if no measures help (rest, warm bath, No-shpa or Papaverine), the pain continues, and the stomach hardens even more, then there is a high probability that labor will begin. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance, since doctors will probably be able to maintain the pregnancy and stop the process.
  • Factors such as stress, fatigue, exhaustion, overexertion, physical activity, and so on can also provoke tension in the uterus. Another reason is inflammation or infection of the pelvic organs, for example, colpitis or chlamydia.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.

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  • Viral diseases of a pregnant woman, especially those accompanied by a cough: influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections.
  • Malformations of the organs of the reproductive system, in particular, bending of the uterus.

What to do if your stomach gets hard at 34 weeks of pregnancy?

If a pregnant woman has a hard lower abdomen, then it is important to find out the cause of this phenomenon. If this reason lies in some deviations or health problems of the expectant mother, then, naturally, they should be eliminated. But if this symptom is detected, a pregnant woman can take some measures on her own (preferably after consulting a doctor, at least by phone).

First, you need to lie down and ensure yourself peace. It is best to lie on your side. You should not make sudden movements. You can try to sleep.

Secondly, taking a warm bath can help (if there are no contraindications). Water at a temperature of approximately 37 degrees relieves tension, relaxes all muscles, and soothes.

Thirdly, if the tension does not go away, then you can take a drug such as No-shpa (but only after consulting a doctor!). It is allowed during pregnancy and relieves muscle spasms.

Papaverine suppositories will also help get rid of increased uterine tone.

Since the cause of a hardening of the abdomen can be stress, you can take a herbal-based sedative, which is allowed during the pregnancy stage (this should not be done without the advice of a doctor).

If all else fails, it is better to call an ambulance.

Alarming symptoms

So, for what symptoms should you immediately call a doctor? The main ones are listed below.

  • Drawing and persistent pain in the lower back and abdomen.
  • Cramping pain, especially at certain intervals. If the interval between them is reduced to 10 minutes, then immediate hospitalization is indicated.
  • Diarrhea, as well as the urge to defecate.
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge: pink, brown, green and especially red.


If the stomach has become hard, then you need to take the necessary measures. What can be done to prevent this from happening?

So, a pregnant woman should not be nervous and overexerted, as these factors can provoke the appearance of uterine tone. In addition, you should not make sudden movements, as this can also lead to hardening of the abdomen due to tension in the muscles of the uterus.

You can't lift heavy things. It is also worth closely monitoring your health and undergoing all examinations and tests in a timely manner in order to identify abnormalities at an early stage and avoid many problems.

All these measures will minimize the risk of uterine tone.

Hormones can affect the condition of the uterus. For example, there is a hormone called oxytocin, which can trigger uterine contractions. It may begin to be released in increased quantities, for example, during sex or during severe stress and the release of adrenaline into the blood.

In conclusion, it remains to add that a pregnant woman should pay attention to any little things and the slightest changes in her body and body. Often, the health of the baby depends on timely assistance for abnormalities detected in the early stages.

Childbirth at 36 weeks of pregnancy

Even if the belly has dropped, this does not mean that you will give birth in the first few hours: after the belly has dropped, the mother may well wait another 1-2 weeks before labor begins. Moreover, starting from the 36th week, you must be prepared for the fact that the baby will ask to come out at any minute. And you should not be alarmed if this does happen: childbirth at 36 weeks is in most cases successful, and children born at this period are viable, their bodies are ready for independent functioning.

And yet, do not stop taking care of yourself: be that as it may, it is better if the pregnancy is full-term. Now you go to the gynecologist every week - the time for delivery is getting closer. However, it is still too early and undesirable to give birth, so do not provoke labor with your actions. This also applies to sex. But you need to be prepared for them now, because in reality you can start giving birth any day, especially if you have a multiple pregnancy. And you should prepare not only physically, carrying an exchange card with you everywhere, collecting all the necessary things, buying for the baby, etc., but also psychologically. Some women develop a fear of childbirth - this is in vain. Childbirth is a very natural process. Everyone emphasizes that this is work. You will have to do it anyway. But if you prepare and do everything with the right attitude and actions, then the work will be easy, successful and will not drag on. Remember that your baby is trying just as hard as you during childbirth. In such company you will definitely have a safe birth!

What to do if your stomach becomes hard during pregnancy

When pregnancy occurs, almost every woman experiences some tension in the uterus. And this is completely justified, because the muscles of the body contract under normal conditions, and when it comes to the birth of a new life, it is assumed that the uterus comes into tone.

If this symptom goes away almost painlessly and there is no discharge, then there is nothing dangerous about it. Increased uterine tone can be observed throughout pregnancy. Some mothers advise in this case to simply relax your whole body, and the uterus will reflexively return to normal.

If this does not help, you can do the exercise: get on all fours, keeping your breathing even, arch your back.

It is not recommended to sleep on your back for a long time and, when turning from your back to your side, bend your legs at the knees. But all this applies to earlier stages of pregnancy, and in the last weeks the increased tone of the abdomen should be treated with all attention.

Uterine tone: the main reason for the feeling of a “stony” belly ↑

It is impossible to determine that the uterus is tense only by one’s own sensations, especially when it comes to a first-time mother. To do this, it is important to contact a doctor who will either confirm the tone or reassure you that it was your imagination.

There are three ways to check your tone. For example, a gynecologist will palpate the abdomen. If you really have a toned uterus, then upon examination it will be tense and quite dense.

An experienced doctor needs such an examination to determine how serious the woman’s problem is. In addition, the gynecologist can refer the expectant mother for an ultrasound scan, where they will look at the situation in more detail and determine the cause of the increased tone of the uterus.

Another way to diagnose the problem is tonometry. It is performed using a special sensor that is applied to the mother’s belly.

There can be several reasons for a hard belly, with common fatigue being quite common: it is no secret that in recent weeks it has become difficult for mothers to climb stairs or use public transport; all this affects not only their physical condition, but also their emotional stress. Stress and hard work provoke an increase in uterine tone. The reason may also be in the individual characteristics of the woman, for example, if she has a small uterus or is diagnosed with endometriosis. Inflammation of the female organs, which could occur even before conception and during pregnancy, also plays a major role.

Doctors tend to warn against increased uterine tone in women who have had miscarriages, as well as those who are genetically susceptible to pathological processes during pregnancy. Mothers who have diseases of the endocrine system and often suffer from colds should be careful.

If a woman works in a chemical industry, or has a job that requires a daily schedule, or is forced to travel frequently on business trips, all this provokes increased uterine tone.

The age of the mother is also important; it has been noticed that after 35 years, especially if the woman is a primigravida, she is more likely to experience hypertonicity.

What to do if your stomach turns to stone in late pregnancy ↑

Most often, the stomach becomes stone in the last stage of pregnancy. And with the normal course of the process, increased uterine tone at 35 weeks indicates the body’s preparation for the active phase of pregnancy - childbirth.

At this time, the child becomes especially active, he is already cramped in the uterus, which reacts to this with hypertonicity. But not only this organ suffers, but also others. For example, under the pressure of the uterus, the bladder does not fill completely, so a woman often goes to the toilet.

If a woman does not have mucous discharge, there is nothing wrong with her tone.

At 36 weeks, pregnancy makes itself felt more and more with restless nights, pain in the legs and lower back, and the body gradually adjusts to the upcoming birth.

If at this stage hypertonicity is accompanied by abdominal pain, it is better to consult a doctor, but, as a rule, all labor symptoms end as suddenly as they began.

This period also has its positive aspects, for example, the stomach drops and breathing becomes easier. From 37 weeks you need to be ready to go to the maternity hospital at any time.

Premature birth from now on can occur at any moment, provided that the stomach becomes hard and the discharge becomes viscous. This is especially true for those who are expecting twins or belong to the category of multiparous mothers.

The closer the period of labor, the more frequent and intense the hypertonicity of the uterus. If the doctor does not diagnose you with a pathology during this period, a stone belly is just evidence that very soon you will be able to hold your child in your arms.

Discharge at 36 weeks of pregnancy

Do not be alarmed by the increase in the amount of discharge: slightly thicker, astringent discharge at 36 weeks of pregnancy is evidence of the gradual separation of the mucous plug, which until this moment covered the cervix. The plug may come off in parts, and in this case you will notice minor mucous clots in the discharge. However, the plug can come off all at once - you will find out about this by finding a mucous clot, possibly streaked with blood.

But don’t ignore “full” bloody discharge: blood, even in small quantities, with a high degree of risk indicates placental abruption. Typically, placental abruption is marked not only by the appearance of bloody discharge, but also by abdominal pain. If you experience such symptoms, immediately call doctors for help: placental abruption in itself is dangerous for the health and life of the child and mother.

Placental abruption against the background of increased uterine tone is a risk of profuse and severe bleeding.

Call an ambulance immediately if you notice thin, watery discharge. Yellowish, transparent or greenish discharge, similar to water, is, in fact, amniotic fluid. Pouring out at once, amniotic fluid marks the beginning of the birth process. Please note that amniotic fluid does not necessarily flow out in a stream; amniotic fluid can be separated in small quantities. This happens if there is wear or damage to the membranes. And in this case, a doctor’s consultation is simply necessary: ​​violation of the integrity of the membranes leaves the baby defenseless against pathogens that can penetrate to him in the first 24 hours.

Of course, “colored” and strong-smelling discharge should not be ignored. Yellow, green, foamy, curdled, discharge mixed with flakes or pus is a sign of the activation of any sexually transmitted infection. Its presence will also be indicated by characteristic discomfort in the genital tract: burning, itching, swelling of the external genitalia. It is necessary to identify the causative agent of the disease and treat the disease, because, passing through the birth canal, a newborn can “catch” it with a high probability.


In the normal course of pregnancy, an ultrasound at 36 weeks is not required - the last, third planned ultrasound has already been completed. However, in some cases, an ultrasound examination may need to be performed additionally. With its help, the doctor will once again clarify the position of the baby in the uterus, rule out entanglement of the umbilical cord and placenta previa, and assess the degree of maturity of the placenta and its condition. The data obtained will help the doctor, including in determining the method of delivery,

On an ultrasound at 36 weeks of pregnancy, you can notice that the baby’s head is now round or oval. But be prepared that in the first few hours after birth, the newborn’s head will be slightly deformed - most often it will have a pointed shape. This is a consequence of the baby’s passage through the birth canal: the bones of the baby’s skull are soft and mobile, but at the moment of passage through the birth canal, the bones of the skull are compressed. Accordingly, the newborn’s head retains this shape for some time after birth, however, then everything returns to normal.

Especially for – Elena Kichak

When do you need to go to hospital?

If the discomfort intensifies, the pain increases and does not subside, you should call an ambulance. Wait for the doctor only in a horizontal position.

Wait for the doctor in a horizontal position

Danger signs:

  • bloody issues;
  • sharp pain;
  • temperature increase;
  • dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • amniotic fluid flows abundantly in the absence of contractions.

Even white discharge more than usual should also be a cause for concern.

Such symptoms indicate a threat to the life of the mother and child, and are absolute indications for hospitalization. The pregnant woman is taken to the nearest department of the maternity hospital, because 36 weeks is considered the period when the baby can appear at any moment.

A gynecologist can determine the exact causes of discomfort

Most often, after examination and short treatment, the expectant mother is sent home. But there is little good in hypertonicity, so it is imperative to go to the hospital. There are cases when the expectant mother is offered to go to the pathology department. There she will be monitored by doctors around the clock. Only under the supervision of a qualified specialist can you save the fetus and continue the positive course of pregnancy. In the hospital, the pregnant woman will be prescribed sedatives and antispasmodics, possibly hormonal drugs. They will relieve tension in the abdominal area and regulate hormonal levels.

In parallel with medications for the mother, drugs are prescribed that accelerate the development of the child’s lungs.

Prevention of uterine hypertonicity

Even before the first signs of uterine hypertonicity appear, it is necessary to think about prevention.

Prevention of uterine hypertonicity

  1. Together with your spouse, give up bad habits. Smoking and alcohol have a detrimental effect on the body of a pregnant woman and can also cause hypertension.
  2. Get a full examination from a doctor to rule out the presence of inflammatory processes and infectious diseases.
  3. Learn relaxation techniques. Yoga will help you avoid possible stress. Auto-training and Pilates have also helped many pregnant women.

Let your pregnancy go well and such a problem as a hardening of the abdomen does not bother you! Enjoy this interesting situation, because you just have to wait a little longer and the baby will be born.

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