Why are Zalain suppositories prescribed during pregnancy?

Hormonal changes that occur in the body of the expectant mother, as well as a decrease in immunity, often lead to the appearance of such an unpleasant “guest” as thrush (or candidiasis). This disease seems quite harmless, but it should not be ignored. When choosing a drug to treat an illness, doctors most often tend to choose local remedies. This solution is based on a small systemic adsorption of drugs and the active work of drugs at the site of infection. Among the medicines designed to fight fungal diseases is Zalain. Is this product effective and is it safe to use during pregnancy?

Release forms and composition of the drug

This medical product is produced in the form of vaginal suppositories, the active ingredient of which is sertaconazole nitrate.

Additional composition:

  • vitepsol;
  • additive E551;
  • suppocir.

The medicine is contained in a plastic blister and packaged in a cardboard container. Each package contains 1 piece.

Description of the medication

The active ingredient of the drug is sertaconazole nitrate. This is a new generation medicine that is used exclusively for local treatment of fungal infections on the skin and mucous membranes. Available in the form of vaginal suppositories and cream.

The medication is active against yeast fungi of the genus Candida and bacteria staphylococci and streptococci. In addition to sertaconazole nitrate, the composition contains azole and benzothiaphene, which help stop the growth and speedy death of the fungus.

It has been proven that after a course of treatment with zalain, the risk of relapse is greatly reduced. The drug also prevents the proliferation of Trichomonas vaginalis, which is very important in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.

Zalain suppositories can be used during pregnancy, since it is not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream through the vagina, which will not harm the baby in any way. The instructions indicate that the product is active for at least seven more days after a single use, which makes it convenient to use.

Pharmacological properties

This remedy is a local antifungal drug. It also has a wide spectrum of action aimed at suppressing the activity of pathogenic microflora.

The drug is a derivative of the component obtained as a result of the transformation of imidazole and benzothieophene. The drug, if the dosage rules are followed, has a fungicidal and fungistatic effect.

The active component has a negative effect on the production of ergosterol, while increasing the degree of permeability of cell membranes of pathogenic microflora. The process leads to inhibition of microorganisms and, as a result, causes their death.

The product is effective against candida fungus. It also has an antibacterial effect aimed at suppressing streptococcal and staphylococcal infections.

No other studies have been conducted. According to tests carried out on mice, the active substance does not have clastogenic or mutagenic effects. Also, the component did not show toxic effects and did not have a negative effect on reproductive function.

Instructions for use, dosage

The drug is intended for topical use only.

Before using the medicine, the patient is advised to lie on her back. The suppository is inserted deep into the vagina.

The procedure is carried out once a day. It is advisable to use the medication before going to bed. If necessary, re-use of suppositories can be carried out 7 days after the first use.

Before administering the product, the genitals should be washed with soap.

Further recommendations on the use of suppositories should be given by the treating gynecologist (infectious disease specialist).

Zalain suppositories during pregnancy - reviews of the drug

Like any medicine, the bodies of different pregnant women perceive it differently. An ambiguous reaction is determined by both the individual characteristics of the patients’ bodies and the various strains of Candida that provoke the disease, as well as the presence of concomitant pathologies and the degree of neglect of thrush. As a result, Zalain does not have exclusively positive reviews during pregnancy:

  • “I used Zalain as prescribed by the gynecologist. The drug helped. There were no side effects and thrush didn’t bother me anymore. I also adjusted my diet - I practically eliminated sweets and starchy foods, and added sour milk.”
  • “Thrush plagues me throughout my pregnancy. Neither Zalain suppositories nor other drugs helped, and I’m about to give birth..."
  • “Only Zalain helped cope with thrush. Pimafucin brought temporary relief, and Epigen only symptomatically eliminated the discomfort. I was very surprised that 1 candle finally dealt with this sore.”
  • “Zalain didn’t help at all. There was no relief for a day."
  • “I was treated with Zalain in combination with Mikosist tablets. The result is excellent, although I tried a bunch of drugs before, and the result lasted no more than two months.”

Zalain suppositories are not the first choice drug for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis in pregnant women, regardless of gestational age. This medicine can be used (not earlier than the second trimester) in cases where safer drugs for the treatment of thrush have failed.

Side effects

Zalain - suppositories (during pregnancy, the risks of side effects may increase), which in most cases do not have a negative effect. However, episodes of the development of side effects due to the activity of the main component or the physiological characteristics of the patient have been recorded.

Side effects:

  • burning sensation immediately after using suppositories;
  • itching in the vaginal area;
  • other allergic reactions in the form of rash, redness (occur extremely rarely).

These signs develop against the background of the use of local antibacterial agents. Symptoms do not require immediate action and usually go away on their own.

If other negative manifestations develop, including reactions not noted in the official instructions, it is recommended to contact your treating specialist for advice.

Contraindications for use and side effects

An absolute contraindication is intolerance to the components of the drug or hypersensitivity to the active substances. In rare cases, side effects may occur: itching and burning. It is possible that the discharge may increase for some period after the introduction of the suppository.

It is also prohibited to prescribe the drug yourself, increase the dosage determined by the doctor, and carry out repeated treatment without contacting a specialist.

Thrush appears often during pregnancy and usually does not cause much surprise either to the doctor or to the expectant mother. The body easily “clings” to bacteria, fungi and other pathogens, and the conditions in the vagina are very favorable for the reproduction and activity of pathogens.

Treatment of candidiasis during pregnancy is often not required: doctors recommend waiting until the baby is born, and then conducting a course of therapy. However, if the symptoms cause a woman severe physiological and psychological discomfort, the use of vaginal suppositories is acceptable. Initially, a safe remedy may be prescribed, for example, Pimafucin, but if its effectiveness is low, the use of Zalain is permissible. It has practically no contraindications, is not absorbed into the blood, but it is impossible to talk about its absolute harmlessness.

Especially for beremennost.net – Elena Kichak

special instructions

During pregnancy, suppositories should be used strictly according to the instructions and with constant monitoring of the pregnant woman’s condition. Zalain can extremely rarely cause adverse reactions, however, due to physiological changes during pregnancy, it requires careful use.

With the development of infectious processes located in neighboring areas (labia), treatment must be carried out comprehensively. In this case, another dosage form of the drug is prescribed - a cream for external use.

Medication therapy can be carried out during the onset of the menstrual cycle. It is recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse for the entire period of using the medicine.

To avoid the development of an infectious process in the urogenital tract, both sexual partners should undergo therapy.

It should be taken into account that the use of the drug can cause damage to contraceptives. Therefore, this type of contraception should be abandoned for the entire period of using suppositories.

Suppositories do not have a negative effect on the quality of breast milk due to the lack of systemic effects. However, the drug should be prescribed during breastfeeding by the treating gynecologist (infectious disease specialist), taking into account the development of possible risks for both the mother and the unborn child.

If necessary, it is recommended to stop feeding for the entire period of use of the medicine.

This drug does not have a negative effect on the psyche or psychomotor functions of a person, therefore it is allowed to drive a car or carry out work that requires enhanced cognitive abilities.

Zalain during pregnancy

The Candida fungus is almost always present in small quantities on the vaginal mucosa. In this case, the diagnosis of thrush is not made, because Candidiasis is a condition in which the amount of pathogenic flora exceeds acceptable limits. Some women first encounter thrush during pregnancy.

Zalain during pregnancy - 1st trimester

Until the 13th week of gestation, the formation of a little man occurs. Intervention in this process can lead to developmental pathologies and even the death of the child. The use of any kind of medication in the first trimester is highly undesirable. Some drugs are strictly prohibited. Candidiasis itself does not harm the baby in the womb, but this does not mean that it is not worth treating. If a woman’s condition is satisfactory, and thrush “comes out” only through tests, the doctor often postpones her treatment until the second trimester, limiting herself to local procedures or/and without them at all. The use of a drug such as Zalain in the first trimester of pregnancy is strictly not recommended, as indicated in the instructions for the medicine. This is due to the lack of studies on such a category of patients as pregnant women. If the symptoms of vaginal candidiasis are pronounced and cause significant discomfort to the woman, preference should be given to safer drugs (for example, Pimafucin suppositories).

Zalain during pregnancy - 2nd trimester

An attack of thrush in the second trimester (after 13-14 weeks) can be suppressed with the help of Zalain only as prescribed by a doctor. Despite the lack of systemic exposure to the drug, the effect of sertaconazole on the fetus has not been studied. A more lenient attitude towards the use of suppositories in this period is due to the fact that protection in the form of the placenta has already appeared, the organs and functional systems of the baby have formed (although their constant development and improvement continues). Treatment for thrush should not be delayed, since a constant fungal infection leads to thinning of the vaginal walls. As a result, the risk of ruptures during childbirth increases.

Zalain during pregnancy - 3rd trimester

The use of Zalain in the third trimester of expecting a toddler is often associated with the need to sanitize the birth canal. Lack of treatment can lead to thrush infection in the newborn (during passage through the birth canal). The use of suppositories during this period should also be as prescribed by a doctor.


Zalain - suppositories (during pregnancy, similar drugs should be selected with extreme caution), which can be replaced with other medications that belong to the same pharmacological group and have a similar effect.


  • Fluconazole. This medical product is being developed by a Russian pharmaceutical company and is a representative of the antifungal group of drugs, the active substance of which is the component of the same name, fluconazole. The medication is prepared in the form of local suppositories for vaginal administration.

    The drug has a detrimental effect on the proliferation of fungal microorganisms, suppressing their further activity and thereby reducing the pathological process. The medication is effective against mycoses caused by the activity of various microorganisms - candida, cryptococci, microsporia, trichophytons, histaplasmosis, blastomycosis. The drug has a wide range of indications and is used in the treatment of generalized candidiasis, including candidiasis of the mucous membranes. Suppositories are also used in the treatment of genital candidiasis, including as a preventive measure for the development of the disease. Absolute contraindications are allergic reactions, as well as the combined use of suppositories with terfenadine. The dosage of the drug is determined in each case individually. The cost of candles ranges from 26 to 75 rubles.

  • Ketoconazole. This drug is an antiseptic antifungal agent, sold in the form of suppositories for vaginal administration. The active component of the product is the substance of the same name, ketoconazole. The medicine is effective against fungal pathogens and is used in the treatment of gynecological diseases. Indications for taking the medication are: treatment and prevention of vaginal forms of candidiasis, disruptions in the vaginal microflora caused by the resistance of some pathogenic microorganisms to other antifungal drugs. Contraindications: pregnancy (1st trimester) and lactation, hypersensitivity to the composition of suppositories. The drug is used once a day for 3-5 days. In the presence of chronic forms of pathologies, the drug is used in short courses. The duration of the course and other rules for using suppositories are prescribed by the attending gynecologist. The method of dispensing from pharmacies is without a doctor’s prescription. The cost in pharmacies across the country is around 400 rubles.
  • Nystatin. This drug is being developed on the basis of nystatin, an active component that exhibits high antifungal properties. The drug is available in the form of suppositories for vaginal administration and is effective against candida fungus. The medication is prescribed for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, as well as as a preventive treatment aimed at eliminating complications caused by long-term use of other antifungal drugs. Use the medicine 2 times a day - morning and evening. The duration of use depends on the clinical picture and averages from 1.5 to 2 weeks. Restrictions for use: 1st trimester of pregnancy, intolerance to the components included in the suppositories. This dosage form (suppositories) is dispensed without a specialist prescription. Prices for the drug vary between 130-170 rubles.
  • Livarol. This medical product is produced at a Russian pharmaceutical plant in the form of vaginal suppositories. Their active component is ketoconazole, a substance that exhibits high antifungal and antiseptic properties. The medication has a fungicidal effect and is active against dermatophytes, streptococcal and staphylococcal pathogens. The drug is used in the treatment of recurrent forms of vaginal candidiasis. It is also used as a preventive treatment for infectious pathologies in the vagina caused by taking drugs to which the pathogenic microflora has developed resistance. 1 suppository is prescribed per day. The duration of the course can vary from 3 to 5 days. The maximum duration of treatment should not exceed 10 days. It is prohibited to use the medication in case of severe allergic reactions, as well as in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies - without a doctor's prescription. The cost of packaging in regional pharmacies starts from 400 rubles.

  • Irunin. This drug is being developed by a Russian manufacturer of medical drugs. The release form of the drug is suppositories for vaginal administration, the main component of which is itraconazole. The medication has high antifungal properties aimed at combating pathogenic microorganisms that provoke the development of gynecological diseases. The product is effective against candida fungus, dermatophytes, as well as in the event of staphylococcal or streptococcal infections. The main indication for taking the drug is vulvovaginal forms of candidiasis. Contraindications to the use of suppositories are allergic reactions and the 1st trimester of pregnancy. Dosage regimen: 1 time per day for 1-2 weeks. If necessary, repeated courses may be prescribed, but only after consultation with the treating gynecologist. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies - without a specialist prescription. The price of the drug in Moscow and regional pharmacies ranges from 260 to 494 rubles.
  • Candide-B This medical product is manufactured at a pharmaceutical plant in India in the form of suppositories for vaginal administration. The drug has a wide spectrum of antifungal activity due to the action of the main component - clotrimazole. It suppresses the activity and reproduction of pathogenic microflora, including microorganisms that are resistant to other antifungal drugs. The main indications for prescribing the medicine: infection with candida fungus, infectious diseases in the genitals caused by the action of microorganisms sensitive to the main substance. The medication is prohibited for use in the presence of high hypersensitivity reactions caused by the action of the active component. 1 suppository per day is indicated. It is advisable to carry out the procedure before going to bed. The duration of the course is no more than 6 days. Repeated use is possible only after a break and agreement with the treating gynecologist. Conditions for dispensing the drug from pharmacies - without a doctor's prescription. The cost of suppositories ranges from 61 to 72 rubles.

Zalain - suppositories (during pregnancy, it is recommended to find out in advance about the absence of allergic reactions in the mother), which should only be replaced by the treating gynecologist (infectious disease specialist). An incorrectly selected remedy can lead to serious complications and pose a threat to the full development of the child.

The choice of drug is made on the basis of the patient’s tolerability of the active components, as well as taking into account the absence of negative effects on the course of pregnancy and the formation of the fetus.

the drug zalain for thrush - who used it?

Olga | 07/21/2009, 20:55:45

  • 2. | 21.07.2009, 22:05:56
  • 3. | 22.07.2009, 16:00:08
    And you only had thrush or nonspecific microbes, also like staphylococcus. That is, I am also interested in who has used it for mixed inflammation?
  • 4. | 24.07.2009, 14:23:14
    I had thrush 3 times, did not treat it with any medications, strengthened the immune system, bifido and lacto bacteria, various vitamins. The first time it appeared when I was already taking the second course of antibiotics, treating this stupid staphylococcus, the second and third time from a cold, although this had never happened before. In the end, the staphylococcus was not cured; I don’t take antibiotics. I caught a cold a couple of times later, but nothing happened.
  • Olga This drug only worsened my condition! there were no signs of thrush: no itching, no burning, no discharge. the doctors said that my thrush had not been cured, and one day they prescribed me Zalain. after 7 days (when the effect of the candle ends) I began to have ALL the signs of thrush. this is terrible. I am very surprised. how so...
  • Olga Who did you help? This drug only made my condition worse! there were no signs of thrush: no itching, no burning, no discharge. the doctors said that my thrush had not been cured, and one day they prescribed me Zalain. after 7 days (when the effect of the candle ends) I began to have ALL the signs of thrush. this is terrible. I am very surprised. how so...

    Your text

  • 8. | 24.11.2010, 09:45:34
    Only Zalain helped me. 1 suppository for 7 days, then another. The course is 14 days. There are no problems. To be treated with Lomexin means paying your discount at the pharmacy and 15 UAH from the doctor’s order. How much does the drug itself cost?
  • 9. | 05.12.2010, 05:17:58
    The doctor prescribed zalain cream - IT DID NOT HELP, it helps while the course is ongoing, as soon as you stop smearing the head at least once a day, there is this damn plaque again!!!!!
  • 10. | 27.09.2011, 22:36:05
    Tell those who it helped, were there any side effects that are indicated in the instructions “itching and burning”? and how long?
  • 11. | 09.12.2011, 23:57:48
    helped me!!! He was the only one who helped!!! I had terrible thrush during and after pregnancy. Pimafucin helped for a while, epigen also relieved the discomfort a little, but this is not a cure. I don’t know anything about the use of zalain during pregnancy. and then 1 candle and that’s it))) I used it during lactation. everything was ok. Of course, all treatment is individual for everyone, but it really helped me.
  • I can’t say anything about side effects. I immediately felt good))) girls, thrush and thrush during pregnancy are heaven and earth! so take care of yourself
  • 13. | 23.02.2012, 15:10:59
    I introduced it yesterday as prescribed. In the morning there was a terrible itching, burning sensation, it hurts to sit and stand up! I don’t know if this is how the drug reacts to candida or is it an allergy to zalain?... Let’s see what happens tomorrow if I still take Diflucan...
  • 16. | 01.11.2012, 19:16:23
    Terrible candle! Everything was ok, I put a candle as prescribed by the doctor. They rarely write about a burning sensation, it’s not true, the burning sensation has not gone away for the second day, I don’t know how to get rid of it, how many girls write on the Internet about the side effect, think first. The candle is expensive and very powerful, if you have thrush - douching with malavit diluted in water: a 300 ml spoon, and treatment with fucarcin, why did you put it in?
  • 18. | 17.11.2012, 16:49:39
    4th week of pregnancy. From the first days, unbearable thrush began (I never knew what it was before), the doctor prescribed zalain and fluomizin. It’s scary how this nuclear candle will affect the baby….
  • 19. | 17.11.2012, 18:47:59
    Girls, I continue the theme of Zalain. I have chronic thrush almost every month, 5 days ago I put this suppository on, before the discharge was not big, it didn’t bother me in any way, and here is the result after - 5 days - it’s flowing, there’s a lot of discharge, a characteristic smell, I I'm shocked!!! What kind of reaction? The first 3 days were generally terrifying, such an impression that this Zalain only provoked the proliferation of candida.. What is it and how to deal with it? It’s not pleasantly creepy, give advice from anyone who has encountered this and who is thinking of buying - think again, the candles are 86 UAH..
  • I typed in Yandex: “zalain review” and, of course, came here =)))) Girls, I went to G on Wednesday, I had itching since the weekend, but I didn’t blame it on thrush, because... there was no discharge and there was no smell either... G looked and said that the thrush was severe... she prescribed Zalain for me! seems to relieve a little!.... and soda washes also make it easier, but not for long!... guard!... what kind of candle is this?... I’m already starting to think, maybe some leftist party got caught?!... because I’m old I used Zalain when I was 19 and it helped me a lot the first time... and here it is...
  • 21. | 19.12.2012, 18:58:57
    Tell me how did you get rid of the itching? I’m having trouble climbing the wall, but how can I get it out? The candle seems to have melted, what should I do now? Maybe I’ll douche it with my vagina?


    Terrible candle! Everything was ok, I put a candle as prescribed by the doctor. They rarely write about a burning sensation, it’s not true, the burning sensation has not gone away for the second day, I don’t know how to get rid of it, how many girls write on the Internet about the side effect, think first. The candle is expensive and very powerful, if you have thrush - douching with malavit diluted in water: a 300 ml spoon, and treatment with fucarcin, why did you put it in?


    I typed in Yandex: “zalain review” and, of course, came here =)))) Girls, I went to G on Wednesday, I had itching since the weekend, but I didn’t blame it on thrush, because... there was no discharge and there was no smell either... G looked and said that the thrush was severe... she prescribed Zalain for me! seems to relieve a little!.... and soda washes also make it easier, but not for long!... guard!... what kind of candle is this?... I’m already starting to think, maybe some leftist party got caught?!... because I’m old I used Zalain when I was 19 and it helped me a lot the first time... and here it is...


    This drug only made my condition worse! there were no signs of thrush: no itching, no burning, no discharge. the doctors said that my thrush had not been cured, and one day they prescribed me Zalain. after 7 days (when the effect of the candle ends) I began to have ALL the signs of thrush. this is terrible. I am very surprised. how so...


The price of suppositories may vary slightly depending on the sales region and pharmacy chain. The price is also influenced by the pharmacy chain that sells medical products.

Province/regionDosage form/dosagePrice
Moscow, Moscow regionSuppositories, 300 mg310-1270 rub.
Saint PetersburgCream, 2%, 20 g270-1119 rub.
St. Petersburg (suburbs)Suppositories, 300 mg577-740 rub.
Leningrad regionSuppositories, 300 mg533-733 rub.
Novgorod regionSuppositories, 300 mg561-563 rub.

Before using suppositories during pregnancy, you should first consult with your gynecologist and carefully study the instructions for use of Zalain. Additionally, it is recommended to study the reviews of doctors and patients who used the product during pregnancy.

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