Irritability during pregnancy and how to avoid it

Why does nervousness increase during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, as mentioned above, the hormonal background of the expectant mother changes greatly. Hormonal changes occur in any organism in which a new life is born, so any woman in one way or another becomes vulnerable psychologically. During the period of bearing a baby, people around you, and especially relatives and friends, need to be very sensitive towards the woman.

Already at the moment of fertilization, the value of the hormone gonadotropin jumps sharply. Its indicator reaches its maximum at 7-10 weeks. Increased concentration greatly affects a woman’s physical condition and changes her psychological background, making her mood changeable. Many people feel nauseous and their taste preferences change.

Reference! The hormone progesterone has a great influence on the mood of the expectant mother. Its level fluctuates from low to high at high speed, which dramatically affects mood. An important role is played by estriol, a natural antioxidant produced throughout the entire period of gestation.

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Causes of increased irritability:

- in the 1st trimester

In the first trimester of pregnancy, women are the most whiny and irritable. This is due to a sharp jump in hormonal levels and adjusting it to the most acceptable one. Frequent predetermining factors of bad mood during this period include:

  • Peculiarities of the woman's psyche. If the expectant mother, before the period of conception, had a tendency to unexpected changes in mood, then she will bring this state into her beginning pregnancy. The psyche of such young ladies is quite resistant to stress, therefore it is not so dangerous for emotional health in general.
  • Previous bad pregnancy experience. If a woman has previously experienced miscarriage, then the stress received during this period automatically turns into a new pregnancy. In this case, coping with the emotional fear of loss becomes very difficult. A woman listens to her body every minute in order to avoid previous sensations.
  • Unexpected pregnancy. If conception occurs unplanned, then upon learning about this, the woman experiences stress, either joy or panic. It’s good if the baby is long-awaited. In this case, the emotional background quickly returns to normal and the stress disappears. But if the child is unexpected, then a storm of emotions simply covers the confused mother. Here you need to quickly decide to accept the situation, otherwise you can cause irreparable harm to the child.
  • The role of a strong personality. If a woman is accustomed to hard work and solving independent problems, then the understanding that she will have to wait a while causes her a slight psychological shock. To cope with emotions, you should get used to the idea of ​​motherhood and your feminine essence: softness and weakness.

- in the 2nd trimester

By mid-pregnancy, women tend to calm down a little. They are already fully aware of the role of the expectant mother and their psyche returns to normal. However, in the second trimester of pregnancy there are very frequent emotional breakdowns, which are accompanied by irritability on the part of the expectant mother.

Attention! A woman may begin to be offended by everyone around her. She is literally hurt to the core by the words of her colleagues that she is absent-minded or has put her coffee cup in the wrong place. Even if there was no reproach, the woman will still find a hint of resentment in the advice or hint.

Sounds and smells can suddenly begin to irritate, and even quiet noises cause great bewilderment, even to the point of hysteria. If in the second trimester a woman continues to be bothered by toxicosis, then irritability intensifies against this background. At the same time, vomiting can lead to a constant feeling of hunger, which mom tries to eat with something tasty and satisfying. In turn, an addiction to sweets and starchy foods significantly adds pounds to the scale, which also adversely affects a woman’s well-being and her emotional background.

- in the 3rd trimester

The third trimester is quite a difficult test for a woman. Her weight noticeably increases, and her stomach begins to pull down, it becomes difficult to stand on her feet for a long time, and she feels the urge to lie down more. It is precisely because of excess body weight and the enormous load on the legs that a woman experiences severe discomfort and leads to irritation.

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Quite severe swelling is inevitable, especially in cases where a woman is forced to spend time at sedentary work, and there is no opportunity for physical exercise. At the same time, after work, a pregnant woman is burdened with household responsibilities (cleaning, cooking), which put emotional pressure on the psyche and provoke reasonable nervous breakdowns. It is important for men to support their loved one, help her with household chores, and even transfer some functions onto their shoulders.

An early meeting with the baby adds a note of apprehension to the mother’s mood: she is worried about the normal process of childbirth and the successful birth of the child. Every day, worries accumulate, and the closer the period of childbirth comes, the more stress and worries a mother has in her head.

How to get rid of irritability and stress?

Irritability and anxiety are often accompanied by other symptoms: sleep disturbances and inability to concentrate on anything for long periods of time. Getting rid of mood swings and irritability is very important for the health of the mother and the unborn child. Here are some tips to help deal with emotional turmoil.

  • Relax. Yes, it's easy to say, but hard to do. However, getting enough rest is essential for physical and mental health. Divide your day into periods of rest and work, take breaks more often. Watch a movie, get a massage, take a walk, listen to soothing music, get a pedicure, or just go shopping. Do whatever relaxes and calms you down.
  • Involve your partner in your experiences. Constant mood swings and irritable behavior can affect your relationship with your partner. You can avoid this by spending time with your man. Let your husband take care of you by doing simple things like washing the dishes or tying your shoes. You can go shopping and do shopping for the baby together. Figure out how to decorate the nursery.
  • Meditation or yoga. Meditation and yoga will help to relax and calm the mind, also keeping a pregnant woman in good physical shape. There are a range of yoga classes for expectant mothers. Yoga during pregnancy will also help combat lethargy and prepare the body for childbirth. Simple exercises such as walking help in releasing endorphins, which keep a woman in a calm and happy state.
  • Eat right. And that matters too. Nausea and other complications in the first trimester can lead to complete loss of appetite. However, the focus should remain on healthy foods that would be beneficial for the child's growth. Instead of large meals, it is better to eat small doses of well-balanced foods, which will prevent nausea and spikes in blood sugar, which often lead to irritability.
  • Ask for help. There is no need to endure disappointments and worries. Instead, the best thing to do is to seek help and tell someone about your problems. Talk to other moms about how they managed to stay financially secure and healthy before and after having a baby. Make sure you are not alone with these problems.

What to do if a pregnant woman is irritable?

With severe irritation, a woman’s mood changes, fussiness and panic appear, sleep is disturbed and tears appear in her eyes. It is urgent to deal with the symptoms that have overtaken mommy in order to avoid consequences. Experts recommend adhering to the following rules of conduct:

  • Relax. You need to take a comfortable position and distract yourself from all thoughts. To do this, you can turn on an interesting film with a positive orientation, go for several sessions of a relaxing massage, take a walk in a nearby park or public garden, and turn on soothing music. You can simply take a warm shower or sit in a bath with your favorite scent of foam.
  • Do what you love. This could be a trip to the store or beauty salon. Returning to your hobby can also be considered a useful activity. It is important to find something you like that will completely relax both body and soul, give you harmony and peace.
  • Talk it out. It is very important for a woman to tell people around her about all her accumulated fears and assumptions, especially her partner. A man should listen carefully to his wife, without necessarily saying anything in response. It will be enough to nod or console the worried woman. This method works flawlessly. Not a single girl can resist the understanding and attentiveness of her chosen one.
  • Try to remember the funniest and most exciting moments from your life. When there is no one to talk to, and melancholy simply fills everything inside, you need to try to take out from your memories the most amazing moments that can immediately correct the “plight.” Sometimes 10 minutes of this process is enough for mommy to calm down and all the functions of her body to return to normal.
  • Protect yourself from negative information. Try to react as little as possible to the surrounding space. You cannot watch TV with sad news, or listen to sad music on the radio. It is best to sit in peace and quiet, it is better to turn on videos about animals, birds, small children.

What psychologists advise

It should be remembered that the child’s world is in your hands today. Future parents must make a lot of effort to make the palette of feelings bright. There is no need to protect yourself from emotional storms, because life should be bright, not boring. We need diversity.

Learn to respect, understand and feel each other, even during pregnancy. Talk to your baby out loud and mentally, tell him about your trusts, thoughts and impressions.

Fears will subside very quickly and good changes will arise in the soul, because this is an amazing period in life for both mother and baby.

There are many methods that can help the expectant mother relax. When choosing the most attractive methods to your taste, you can choose only a few. In any case, they give positive results.

Art therapy - a relaxing method

For irritability in the early stages and throughout pregnancy, drawing will be a good creative moment. Even if you have no talent for this type of art, you can try to do what you want in your heart. You can get a lot of emotions from the process itself if you overcome bias and uncertainty. Drawing is one of the methods of psychotherapy.

You can use other types of creativity to shift your attention. It is advisable to choose something that requires concentration - this could be sewing, decoupage, knitting. Monotonous and interesting work calms you down and creates an internal desire for change.


If you have favorite collections, that’s good. But you can also find some unfamiliar works. Try different genres, because tastes change during pregnancy, so you might like something completely unexpected. It’s good to listen to the sounds of nature - the sea, waterfalls, the sound of the forest or birdsong.

Daily regime

Adequate sleep and rest are extremely important. The human psyche is designed in such a way that any negative emotions received during the day are processed during sleep and the body is restored. Relieves tension and fatigue.


It is imperative to monitor the nutrition of a pregnant woman. Food should be rich in vitamins, B6, found in walnuts, cereal sprouts, hazelnuts, potatoes, tomatoes, fruits, spinach, as well as meat and fish, is considered especially healing. With the help of B6, it is easier for the body to carry out the work of the heart and kidneys, relieving irritability in the early stages of pregnancy and increased aggressiveness.

Physical activity

You can also give yourself pleasure through physical activity. Doing yoga, dancing or gymnastics is beneficial. After classes, you will feel that tension is being relieved and that your movements are becoming beautiful and harmonious. In addition to narrowly focused sports activities, you can take walks outdoors. It is difficult to see nature and its beauty every day, but the city streets are always at our service. For variety, you can change routes.


Full communication with others is another important condition that will guarantee peace of mind. You can’t isolate yourself, you need to share your emotions, thoughts, if you have fears, then talk about them. Any problem can be solved.

Often you may get the impression of misunderstanding on the part of others, although this is not the case. Heartfelt conversations with family and others are very important.

Help from professional psychologists

During the period of irritability, another psychological problem becomes a sign of pregnancy. It’s difficult to do without professional help here, because the hormonal explosion makes women get lost even within their desires. You can especially often hear that “everything is wrong, but I don’t know how it should be!”

This internal conflict will be resolved by a psychologist consultant who will understand the situation and, if necessary, prescribe the necessary treatment and relieve irritability before childbirth.

If overcoming some problems seems impossible, you should not hesitate to seek professional help, then the entire period of pregnancy will be balanced and calm.

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If pregnancy occurs with pathologies

Not every pregnancy goes smoothly and comfortably, and some women encounter pathologies that require medical intervention. If a pregnant woman feels severe pain in the area of ​​the uterus, fallopian tubes or abdomen, this is a dangerous symptom of a pathological process. The temperature may be elevated or remain normal. If there are no periods, but such symptoms are present, then this may mean that the woman has an ectopic pregnancy, which threatens her life and health. This requires urgent examination and surgery. You cannot delay, as this can cause serious consequences for the reproductive system, and in advanced cases, death. Of course, death is rare, and a woman should not panic, but a pathological pregnancy should be monitored by a doctor from the very beginning.

All a pregnant woman needs is to be positive, because this state is wonderful and unforgettable. And when your long-awaited baby is born, happy moments of motherhood will fall upon you and a new chapter of life will open, full of emotions and joy.

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes a strong hormonal shock. It is for this reason that many expectant mothers seem overly irritable and nervous. There are many reasons for this behavior, and with each trimester of pregnancy there are more and more reasons for a change in mood. How to help normalize a woman’s hormonal levels and stop getting nervous over trifles will be discussed in the article.

Pregnant and irritable: reasons for bad mood

Doctors and psychologists identify three main reasons why expectant mothers are in a state of “tight string”. These include:

  1. Hormonal changes in the body, a clear manifestation of which can be observed at the very beginning of the first trimester. It is in the early stages that a woman becomes whiny, nervous and hot-tempered. No one is immune from these changes - neither those who are experiencing a planned pregnancy, nor those who were taken by surprise by this news.
  2. Great physical activity. It is especially difficult for those expectant mothers who are forced to go to work even in the last months of pregnancy. Plus washing, cooking, cleaning, taking care of my husband and younger children (if you have any)! How can you not become angry and irritable?
  3. I am the center of the Universe. It also happens that a pregnant woman begins to behave like a capricious child. She constantly complains, believes that her loved ones pay little attention to her, looks for non-existent illnesses in herself and demonstrates with all her appearance how bad and difficult it is for her. This psychological problem causes relatives of the pregnant woman a lot of trouble. In addition, not everyone understands that the reason for this behavior lies in the woman’s desire to receive an increased dose of love and attention. Give her what she requires, surround the expectant mother with comprehensive care and you will see how the situation will stabilize in a few weeks.
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