Is Baralgin possible during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester? Baralgin during pregnancy: instructions for use

Physical pain is dangerous not only for the body, indicating failures in organ systems, but also serious psychological discomfort.

This condition is especially dangerous during pregnancy, when a woman should be in a state of physical and psychological rest .

To help a pregnant woman, sometimes doctors inject Baralgin or prescribe this drug in tablet form.

How safe it is can be found out from the information provided.

Baralgin during pregnancy - description of the drug, release form

Baralgin is a drug that is classified as an analgesic and antipyretic. The main active component of Baralgin is metamizole sodium. This is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), the action of which is aimed at quickly relieving pain, lowering temperature and reducing the inflammatory process at the site of the lesion. The drug belongs to the group of analgesics, which also includes Analgin, Ketanov, Solpadeine and other popular painkillers.

Baralgin acts quickly, 15 minutes after administration, being absorbed into the blood, it relieves pain for 3-4 hours, but does not relieve the cause that caused it. After a while, the pain syndrome may resume. In the pharmacy chain, Baralgin is presented in several forms: tablets, drops, rectal suppositories and ampoules. Like any analgesic, the drug is most effective in the form of a solution administered intramuscularly or intravenously.

Is it worth using Baralgin and in what cases: instructions and reviews

pharmachologic effect

The peculiarity of the drug is that the substances included in its composition enhance each other’s work, due to which the overall effect of taking Baralgin is achieved.

The combination of analgesics and antispasmodics allows you to achieve the required lasting effect in a short period of time and with minimal doses.

Due to the inclusion of metamizole sodium, the medicine is often used as an antipyretic. Blocks cyclooxygenase and prostaglandin enzyme.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug

It, in turn, is absorbed in the liver and converted to another active metabolite form, as well as several inactive ones.

After oral administration, the active substance in an amount of 1 g binds to proteins that make up the blood plasma. The effect of the drug taken is achieved in most cases within half an hour, but sometimes the time increases to 2 hours - much depends on the characteristics of the body.

Composition of the product and release form

There are several main active ingredients in the drug - metamizole sodium, pitafenone and fenpiverinium bromide. Forms in which Baralgin is produced:

For self-treatment, it is optimal to choose the form of tablets or suppositories, since injections require not only compliance with the dosage, but also skills in administering injections.

Mechanism of action

Baralgin is a drug with a combined effect on the body - it relieves pain, relieves spasms, and, if necessary, works as an antipyretic.

When taken for a short period of time, Baralgin is a safe drug. If there are no complications, then it is prescribed to patients in the second trimester of pregnancy.

Can Baralgin be taken during pregnancy?

Baralgin is an antispasmodic and analgesic, effective for migraines, menstrual pain, abdominal spasms, and joint pain. Widely used in neurology and dentistry to relieve pain after surgery.

Pregnant women often suffer from muscle pain, migraines, and are also not immune to sudden toothache. Doctors often recommend that pregnant women take Baralgin, which significantly improves the condition of the expectant mother. Despite the fact that the analgesic is absorbed into the blood and penetrates the placental barrier, the drug does not have a negative effect on the fetus, unlike other painkillers. The only requirement for the use of Baralgin during pregnancy is strict adherence to the exact dosage at certain stages of pregnancy, recommended by the doctor, and the use of the medicine in tablet form. Intramuscular administration of the drug is very painful. A Baralgin injection during pregnancy can cause uterine tone and create additional difficulties for the expectant mother. Intravenous administration of Baralgin to pregnant women is allowed only in emergency cases and only by a qualified physician.

How to take Baralgin during pregnancy?

Baralgin can be prescribed to expectant mothers in the form of tablets, in the amount of 1-2 tablets no more than 3 times a day. The daily intake for pregnant women should not exceed 6 pieces in order to prevent an overdose, which is dangerous to the woman’s health.

When to take

During pregnancy, the drug is prescribed by a doctor under the following circumstances:

  • headache,
  • spasmodic pain - intestinal, biliary and renal colic,
  • pain due to dental and neurological diseases,
  • infectious diseases accompanied by high body temperature,
  • joint pain.

The drug is administered intramuscularly in the form of a solution. A single dose should vary from two to five milliliters, but the daily dose should not exceed ten milliliters. If the drug is administered intravenously, this should be done very slowly, monitoring the level of pressure and heart rate.

Baralgin tablets are prescribed one or two tablets up to four times a day.

Baralgin during pregnancy: 1st trimester

It is known that the first weeks of pregnancy are the most difficult and responsible for the expectant mother. The main thing that a pregnant woman should remember is that any medication she takes can negatively affect the development and future health of the baby. It is in the 1st trimester that the formation of all vital organs and systems of the body occurs. Doctors strongly recommend, if possible, to stop taking any painkillers and antipyretics unless absolutely necessary or only as prescribed by a doctor. Independent use of medications, including Baralgin, poses a danger to both the health of the woman and the fetus.

It is worth remembering that before the 15th week of pregnancy, the placenta, the main function of which is to protect the baby from the negative influence of the external environment, has not yet been formed and the active ingredient of the drug, metamizole sodium, can penetrate the placental barrier and harm the fetus. Baralgin is not allowed in the early stages of pregnancy.

Negative effects of Baralgin on the fetus and woman’s health:

  • Causes severe damage to the fetal nervous system.
  • It provokes suppression of the production of platelets in the blood, which are responsible for blood clotting.

Until 12 weeks of pregnancy, it is better to stop taking painkillers and try to eliminate pain with the help of safe folk remedies, massage of the collar area, walks in the fresh air and good rest.

Side effects

If you relieve pain during pregnancy with Baralgin, then:

  • The stomach will hurt, chronic gastritis with ulcers will worsen.
  • Immunity will decrease.
  • Rashes will appear on the skin.
  • In extreme cases, anaphylaxis will occur.

It is important to remember that any drug should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication will only harm and cause complicated conditions. Baralgin will only eliminate the pain syndrome for a certain period, but not the cause that caused it. To eliminate the cause of the pain, you need to be examined and then undergo a course of treatment.

Baralgin during pregnancy: 2nd trimester

The second trimester is a calm and safe time of pregnancy. During this period, the placenta is already formed and performs basic protective functions, preventing the penetration of substances that are toxic and dangerous to the baby. Doctors allow taking Baralgin tablets, but in extreme cases, with severe migraines or spasms, taking into account possible side effects. The doctor’s task is to find out the main cause of the pain syndrome that causes discomfort to the pregnant woman, since Baralgin only helps to temporarily reduce pain. For unbearable headaches in the 2nd trimester, you can use the Baralgin tablet, but only after the approval of your doctor. It is worth considering that pain can be caused not only by vasospasm, but also as a result of their dilation; metamizole sodium can only increase their dilation and aggravate the problem.

Second trimester

The easiest period of pregnancy is the 2nd trimester. The fetus has already formed organs and systems with the placenta; in the morning the woman is not bothered by discomfort, she feels better. Her body weight has not yet reached its maximum parameters, so the woman’s physical activity is unlimited. Placental protection works normally, and the fetus also develops its own immunity, so many dangerously active compounds will not reach it or cause serious damage.

However, in the second trimester, pregnant women should take any medications only after the woman has consulted with a doctor. Some doctors believe that Baralgin, which has a metamizole component, should be taken only as a last resort. If a severe migraine or spasm occurs, then take one tablet. It is important to understand that pain is caused not only by vascular spasm, but also by vasodilation. In this case, Baralgin will worsen the pain syndrome even more.

Baralgin during pregnancy: 3rd trimester

In the last months of pregnancy, taking Baralgin should be taken with special responsibility.

  • The body of the expectant mother works in increased mode, the protective properties of the immune system are significantly reduced. The property of Baralgin to help reduce the synthesis of granulocytes can lead to a complication such as agranulocytosis, in which the body becomes vulnerable to any infections.
  • In addition, the drug significantly reduces the number of platelets, which reduces blood clotting. As a result, a pregnant woman is more likely to experience heavy bleeding during childbirth and the postpartum period.
  • Baralgin is prohibited for use in the last weeks of pregnancy, as the drug leads to weak labor and a difficult, prolonged labor, which is dangerous for the woman in labor.
  • Another reason for refusing a painkiller in the 3rd trimester is the effect of the main substance of the drug on the arterial ducts of the fetus. Baralgin can cause problems with the respiratory function of a newborn.
  • It is forbidden to take the pill for pain during breastfeeding. If the drug gets into breast milk, there is a serious risk of disruption of many organs and systems of the baby. If taking a painkiller is unavoidable, breastfeeding can be continued no earlier than 48 hours after taking the pill.
  • Only in case of a threat to the life of the expectant mother, during pregnancy, baralgin is prescribed in ampoules in a hospital setting under the supervision of doctors. As a rule, droppers with Baralgin are used.

Medicine during childbirth

This drug is often used during childbirth. Main indications: the cervix is ​​not ready for childbirth, early discharge of amniotic fluid, impaired labor. For breech presentation of the fetus, post-term pregnancy and other pathologies, tablets or suppositories are used. After three days, good opening of the cervical canal and softening of the cervix are noted. If you use the drug immediately at the beginning of labor, you can get an excellent antispasmodic effect. However, during prolonged labor or the onset of endometritis, the drug has almost no effect on the course of labor. Correct and timely administration of baralgin can reduce the duration of labor by half.

Baralgin during pregnancy: contraindications

The main contraindication to taking Baralgin is the 1st and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. And also the following deviations:

  1. Severe disorders of the kidneys and liver.
  2. Disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system (hypotension).
  3. Disease of the respiratory system, since there is a possibility of spasm in the bronchi (with bronchial asthma).
  4. It is not recommended if the body is sensitive to the active substance, or if there are anaphylactoid reactions to non-steroidal drugs that have been observed in the past.

For the information of expectant mothers, metamizole sodium and all drugs produced on the basis of this substance are prohibited in all European countries, Japan, Australia and the USA. In many countries, you can buy the drug only with a doctor's prescription. In our country, metamizole sodium is an over-the-counter drug and is freely available. When purchasing a painkiller, carefully read the instructions and weigh all the possible risks for your health and the health of your baby. Self-medication with Baralgin during pregnancy is strictly prohibited!


In the West, metamizole sodium and medications based on it are prohibited for use due to numerous contraindications and side effects. But in our country, Baralgin continues to be actively used to alleviate:

  • headache;
  • toothache;
  • renal colic;
  • other pain caused by spasms.

It should be remembered that metamizole sodium acts only on the pain itself, without removing its cause. Therefore, four hours after the effect of the drug wears off, pain may occur again.

The effect after drinking the tablet occurs in about a quarter of an hour, after the injection - even earlier. However, injections are extremely undesirable for pregnant women. They are painful, which can negatively affect not only the tone of the uterus, but also during completely normal pregnancy. In case of emergency, injections should be given by qualified medical personnel in a hospital setting.

Manufacturers Baralgin

A pregnant woman should know that Baralgin can be produced by different manufacturers, so the properties of these medications and the body's reaction to taking them may differ slightly.

A drug called Baralgin was produced by the European pharmaceutical company Sanofi-Aventis (headquartered in Paris). The drug contained three active ingredients - metamizole sodium, pitofenone and fenpiverinium bromide. Other medications have exactly the same composition, including the popular Spazmalgon, Spazgan, Bral and others, so all the contraindications that Baralgin has apply to these drugs as well.

The pharmaceutical company AventisPharma (India) produces the drug Baralgin M, which has a monocomposition, that is, only one active ingredient - metamizole sodium.

Effect of the drug

The active substance passes freely through the placental barrier. Moreover, at each stage, Baralgin has a different effect on pregnancy; in the 1st and 3rd trimesters, its use is prohibited.

At the beginning of gestation

The most important and responsible period of pregnancy is the 1st trimester. It is at this time that all the organs and systems of the unborn baby are formed. Therefore, in order to avoid negative consequences for the child, doctors strongly recommend refraining from using any medications without a good reason. Baralgin should especially not be used. It is believed that when using a prohibited drug, the organ during the period of formation of which was treated suffers. The baby's cardiovascular and excretory systems are especially susceptible to its influence.

Sometimes doctors treat with Baralgin in the first weeks. For example, with bloody discharge and incipient miscarriage as part of complex therapy. Thus, intramuscular injections of the drug are used to relieve spasms of the smooth muscles of the uterus in cases where pregnancy cannot be maintained.

In the second trimester

The drug is approved for use only in the 2nd trimester. When the rudiments of organs are formed, and the placenta takes on the function of protecting the fetus from the negative effects of the environment. However, the woman’s body remains vulnerable and is susceptible to the following side effects.

  • Allergic reaction. If severe, it can result in anaphylactic shock.
  • Decreased immunity. Due to the decrease in white blood cells against the background of frequent use of Baralgin, the likelihood of contracting not only viral diseases, but also hepatitis, HIV infection, and oncology increases significantly.

But if the expectant mother has a severe headache, you can take this medication in consultation with the supervising doctor. Just keep in mind that Baralgin will relieve pain only in simple cases. And for migraines, taking the drug can cause the opposite effect.

In the later stages

In the last trimester, many expectant mothers are concerned about the manifestations of gestosis: surges in blood pressure, kidney problems, edema. Since drugs containing metamizole sodium can have a toxic effect on the organs of the excretory system, taking Baralgin can aggravate kidney problems.

Its action may interfere with blood clotting due to a decrease in the number of platelets. Therefore, when using the drug before childbirth, there is a risk of developing labor and postpartum hemorrhages.

Baralgin also has the ability to suppress labor functions, and its use can cause post-term pregnancy. However, it is precisely this property of the drug that is used to prevent premature birth when it is a real threat. Do not forget that such use is possible only in a hospital setting and under the constant supervision of the attending gynecologist.

A single dose of the drug rarely has consequences. But during pregnancy it is better to use safer antispasmodics: No-Shpa, Paracetamol, Papaverine and Ibuprofen.


Pregnant women, when a fever occurs, ask the question, “can Baralgin be taken during pregnancy?” In today's review, the site will tell you about this medicine and try to answer your question.

Baralgin is a medicine that belongs to the category of painkillers and antipyretics. The main component of the medication is Metamizole sodium. It is produced and sold in pharmacies in various forms: tablets, drops, suppositories for rectal administration and ampoules for intravenous and intramuscular injections.

The effect of the drug on reducing body temperature occurs as follows: when it enters the body, it stops the production of hormone-like substances that lead to pain and the formation of blood clots in the vessels, and an increase in temperature.

Concurrent use with other medications

Baralgin must be administered separately from other medications; it is prohibited to mix it in the same syringe with any medications.

It has been established that Baralgin enhances the effect of ethanol, so drinking alcohol during treatment is strictly prohibited. When using the drug together with cyclosporine, the concentration of the latter decreases.

The effect of the drug is reduced if barbiturates and phenylbutazone are used with it.

If Baralgin is taken together with H1 receptors, butyrophenone, phenothiazine, amantadine or quinine, the patient may experience the following reactions:

  • problems with urination;
  • constipation;
  • problems with swallowing;
  • increase in intraocular pressure;
  • confusion;
  • tachycardia;
  • deterioration of intestinal motility;
  • attention disorders.
  • double vision;
  • dry mouth.

The appearance of these reactions is due to an increase in the anticholinergic effect of Baralgin as a result of interaction with these drugs.

The toxic effect of the drug increases with simultaneous use of oral contraceptives and tricyclic antidepressants.

When treating with Baralgin, anticoagulants should not be used, since the patient's number of platelets in the blood decreases.

The drug at different stages of pregnancy

In the first months, it is recommended to stop taking medications altogether. At this time, the formation of all the child’s organs occurs, and any substance can affect this process, as a result of which they will develop incorrectly in the future. For this reason, baralgin should not be taken at the beginning of pregnancy. To eliminate headaches, walk more in the fresh air and massage the collar area.

From the middle of pregnancy, the placenta fully performs its functions and protects the fetus from most toxic and other substances. At this point, all the child’s organs are formed and are only developing further. For this reason, some vital medications can be used during this period, but only on the recommendation of a doctor.

If the headache is severe, it is allowed to take a baralgin tablet, provided that the attending physician has given permission to do so. It should be remembered that the cause of pain is not always vasospasm, but also their dilation. This drug effectively relieves spasms, but when the pain is associated with vasodilation, the drug can only intensify it. Therefore, it is important to know the cause of the headache, which only a doctor can determine.

Towards the end of pregnancy, the heart experiences increased stress. As a result of this, as well as insufficient development of blood vessels, disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system may occur. This condition can cause gestosis. Among its main symptoms are swelling, impaired kidney function, and high blood pressure. All this threatens the functioning of all organs, and especially the brain. If you take baralgin in this condition, it can have a negative effect on the kidneys and worsen the condition.

In the third trimester, the immune system may weaken, as a result of which a woman more often suffers from colds, all kinds of infections and inflammation of the genitourinary system. The drug affects the formation of granulocytes, as a result of which agranulocytosis develops. This disease makes the body defenseless against infections.

Towards the end of pregnancy, the drug is able to stop the production of platelets, which are responsible for blood clotting. During childbirth, this condition can cause heavy bleeding.

Taking into account all these reasons, pregnant women should not use baralgin. However, in some cases, doctors are forced to prescribe this drug. As a rule, these are cases when there is a threat to life. In such a situation, the medicine is administered in a hospital setting and under the constant supervision of doctors.

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