Decreased libido in men: causes, methods of correction and treatment

Sexual attraction is important for any man. It is considered quite normal for a man to be attracted to a beautiful woman, even a stranger. But not every man can always boast of a strong sexual desire - there is a decrease in libido. Every fifth man suffers from this disease, and it develops under the influence of certain factors, which cannot always be avoided. The phenomenon in question causes a person to have a mental disorder, loss of interest in sex life, low self-esteem, and fear of being ridiculed by women.

Factors influencing sexual desire

Speaking about a decrease in libido in a man, it means a disorder of sexual function, in which there is an unexpressed sexual desire. If previously it was generally accepted that sexual desire is influenced by the age factor, today the opinions of experts have changed dramatically and come down to the fact that there are more important reasons for this phenomenon. Decreased libido is due to:

  • psychological disorders and nervous tension;
  • various injuries and diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • bad habits;
  • uncontrolled use of certain medications of a certain group.

Psychological disorders mean a person’s prolonged stay in nervous tension, stress, or depression. It is not surprising that this condition negatively affects mood and desire. Psychological disorders can be caused by conflicts and difficulties in the family and at work, a constant feeling of inadequate sleep and chronic fatigue. Most men treat such phenomena as normal, not realizing any disturbances in their sexual life.

A number of diseases and injuries can contribute to sexual dysfunction. These may be: diabetes mellitus, obesity, improper functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

When hormonal levels are disrupted, loss of interest in sex is also observed. This is due to a decrease in the level of testosterone, a hormone responsible for the severity of sexual desire in men. Increased or decreased testosterone levels lead to hormonal imbalance and decreased sexual activity.

In some representatives of the stronger sex, a decrease in libido is associated with an addiction to bad habits. We are talking about alcohol, smoking and drugs. Their regular use leads to addiction, as well as a gradual disruption of the natural functioning of the body as a whole. This condition cannot but subsequently affect sex life.

Uncontrolled use of hormonal and anabolic drugs and drugs, as well as modern antidepressants, can cause serious disruption in the functioning of certain organs, including a decrease in sexual activity in men. Considering this, you should not decide on your own to take these medications without consulting a specialist. There is compatibility between the drugs and their recommended dosage.

As for the age factor, it can be characterized as follows: by the age of 45-50, any man may have various chronic diseases that to a certain extent affect his sex life. Often among elderly and elderly men there are those whose sex life does not require intervention from an andrologist and sex therapist. Therefore, age is just a provoking factor.

Lack of sleep

When your eyes instantly close in bed, there is no time for sex. This is actually due to the fact that the body's need for sleep is more important than sex, and the body satisfies the most important needs first.

The easiest thing is for those who do not sleep due to a large number of things to do: you need to set priorities, and if your sex life is not in last place, then give up some load in favor of rest.

But sometimes lack of sleep is caused by insomnia or sleep apnea (for example, if you snore). Then you need to heal and get enough sleep.

How to recognize symptoms of decreased libido?

Decreased libido cannot be asymptomatic. Speaking about this phenomenon, one should distinguish the degree of manifestation, which can be expressed as:

  • decreased sexual desire (hypolybidemia);
  • loss or absence of sexual desire (alibidemia);
  • complete disgust in sexual terms (states of aversion).

With hypolibidemia, there is a complete absence or loss of sexual desire. This condition cannot be associated with any organic disorders occurring in the body or diseases. Alibidemia is caused by psychological disorders, problems in the field of endocrinology, as well as severe intoxication of the body. As for sexual aversion, with it a man experiences discomfort from fear of upcoming sexual activity, which is accompanied by intense anxiety and panic.

Since the main reasons for decreased sexual activity rest on hormonal imbalance, the symptoms are characterized by:

  • change in voice timbre (becomes too high);
  • lack of hair growth;
  • the presence of fat deposits on the thighs and buttocks.

Of the degrees of libido manifestation discussed above, sexual aversion is the most common. Its symptoms are pronounced and sometimes require intervention from a psychotherapist. With sexual aversion, a man suffers from: excessive sweating, rapid heartbeat, nausea, dizziness, constant trembling, diarrhea provoked by fear and fear. Experts have concluded that sexual aversion can be provoked by:

  • bad attitude of parents in childhood;
  • psychological trauma of a sexual nature;
  • forced sex;
  • inability to provide sexual satisfaction to your partner;
  • conflicts related to sexual orientation.

Why does a woman lose interest in sex after 40?

Often the reasons for decreased libido depend on the relationship of sexual partners.

Long experience in family relationships leads to a shift in emphasis: sexuality and sexual desire are replaced by economic problems and care for young children. The novelty of the partner’s perception is lost, the romance goes away.

Libido in women after 40

Sex becomes a routine task, proceeds monotonously, without foreplay or foreplay. The man loses the interest of the “hunter”, so the woman loses the opportunity to show her sexuality. And all this happens against the background of physiological changes associated with diseases or natural decline of the body.

How to fight?

Decreased libido is subject to mandatory treatment. You need to approach treatment wisely, that is, do not self-medicate or develop complexes. Most men prefer not to turn to specialists, fearing general publicity and ridicule from friends, colleagues, and family members. Such complexes only aggravate a person’s condition and lead to an advanced form of the disease, when it becomes more difficult to take measures to eliminate the cause and symptoms.

Early control of the disease will give more positive results. Treatment for decreased libido includes:

  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  • emphasis on certain foods;
  • means of traditional and folk medicine.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle

Pursuing the principle of a healthy lifestyle, it is assumed that a man must get enough sleep (adhere to the rule of 8 hours of sleep at night), go in for sports (any active physical activity can give strength and improve tone), and be sure to give up bad habits (alcohol and drugs in the first place) , often went out into nature.

Focus on certain foods

Some foods can replenish the body with the vitamins and minerals necessary for a full sexual life. Regular consumption of classic foods (lean meat, vegetables, fruits and seafood), rich in vitamins A, C, D and E, as well as some microelements (zinc and phosphorus) can significantly increase libido in men. The diet should be enriched with: eggs (especially the yolk), honey, milk, liver, citrus fruits, apples, rose hips, nuts (especially walnuts and peanuts), oysters, legumes, cereals, lean meats.

Traditional and folk medicine

The basis of drug therapy is hormonal drugs aimed at normalizing testosterone levels. It is this hormone that is the main regulator of male sexual desire. But the main treatment should be aimed at eliminating the cause that caused the decrease in testosterone. These reasons are often associated with disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system. Only a specialist should determine the causes and select treatment.

In parallel with traditional medicine, teas, decoctions and tinctures are used from: ginger, juniper, rosemary, blueberries, sage, bay leaf, celery, parsley, linden, rosea, aloe. The listed herbs and plants are contained in such herbal preparations as:

"Tribulus" - helps to increase the release of testosterone; “Damina” - helps to increase sensitivity in the genital organ; “Muira-Puama” - aimed at increasing libido; "Ginkgo biloba" - stimulates blood circulation; “Yohimbe” is aimed at increasing blood flow to the genital organ. Comprehensive treatment and adherence to specialist recommendations can maximize libido in men, especially in the early stages of decreased sexual activity.

Low testosterone levels

The production of testosterone, like many other hormones, is associated with many factors, internal and external. Some we can influence: change your diet or start exercising to increase your testosterone levels. And you also need to remember that sex itself affects the level of this hormone, so if you have the opportunity to want it, you have to want it.

Causes of low sexual desire2

We are faced with a number of reasons that can lead to a decrease in sexual desire. First, there are reasons that are beyond our control, such as our age (we may try to fight aging, but our biology knows the truth!).

Why don't you want sex?

If you have children, especially young children, there is no doubt that finding time to spend a couple of hours alone with your partner will be difficult. And even if you find the time, you often find yourself barely able to stand on your feet from exhaustion. Lack of energy is definitely a mood killer!

Medical conditions you may be dealing with may also be a driving factor. Depending on the condition, you may have physical symptoms such as fatigue, headaches or other internal discomforts, which can certainly affect your libido.

If you take prescription medications, a side effect is often a decreased sex drive. While all of these causes are beyond our control, there are causes in our minds that can be controlled, such as food, exercise, and our mental well-being.

Decreased sexual activity in women

Decreased libido in women, causes and treatment, are essentially similar to the similar situation in men. Physiologically, it is necessary to restore hormonal balance and deal with any health problems. It is very important to establish systematic exercise and move as much as possible. Sports and exercise help to increase weak libido and increase women's attraction to men.

Women, just like men, are susceptible to stress and various psychological factors. For self-confidence, it is important for women to feel beautiful and desired. It happens that a woman, being dissatisfied with her appearance or any shortcomings, withdraws into herself, while her sex drive decreases or disappears altogether.

In such a situation, it is important to understand the root causes of the problems that have arisen and prevent them from getting worse.

Another important factor responsible for a woman’s sexual activity and sexual desire is the need for a warm and trusting relationship with her sexual partner. Lack of proper mutual understanding, trust and romance in a relationship can negatively affect the quality of sexual intercourse and have a reducing effect on libido.

Decreased libido in women

Folk remedies

What advice does traditional medicine give on decoctions and tinctures:

  1. From rowan and rosehip. Take 30 grams of rowan and 30 grams of rose hips. Pour 500-800 ml boiling water. Cover and leave for 5 hours in a dark place. Strain, drink half a glass a day.
  2. From ginseng. Grate the ginseng root. Add one teaspoon of ground root to a glass of honey. Let stand for one week. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  3. From dried fruits. Take raisins, prunes and dried apricots in equal proportions. Finely chop or grind in a blender. Add honey there. Stir and sprinkle with cloves and cinnamon.
  4. Carrot and apple salad. Grate carrots and apples. Add 5 tablespoons of honey and squeeze a slice of lemon.
  5. From hawthorn .
    Take 100 grams of hawthorn, pour 500 ml of water. Infuse for a day in a cool, dark place. Place over low heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Drink half a glass three times a day.
  6. From nuts. Take almonds and walnuts and chop everything. Add 300 grams of honey. Eat the mixture one tablespoon per day.
  7. From aloe. Squeeze out the aloe. Take 100 ml. Add 250 grams of liquid honey and 350 ml of red wine. Let it brew for up to 10 days in an unlit place. Eat one tablespoon three times a day.
  8. From sage. Take sage 50 grams and rosemary 100 grams. Grind. Pour 600-800 ml boiling water. Let stand for 3 hours. Drink throughout the day.
  9. From St. John's wort. Take two tablespoons of St. John's wort and pour a glass of boiling water. Let stand for an hour. Drink in a day.
  10. From nettles and additional herbs. Take nettle, clover leaves, mint leaves and St. John's wort in the same ratio. Pour in 1 liter of water and bring to a boil. Let stand for 2.5 hours. Drink at least 2 times a day.

Here is the answer to the question of how to increase libido in men using folk remedies and increase libido.

Stress will become a part of life. We really can't avoid it6

So what can we do to minimize stress in our lives? Meditation and yoga are great ways to calm the mind, focus and refresh. Also, think about prioritizing and organizing your daily tasks.

Problems in sex

Sometimes just writing things down so you can visually see what you're dealing with can help you deal with it more effectively without tearing your hair out. Another way to manage stress and increase libido is to get a good night's sleep. Calm your mind before you lie down by reading a book or listening to soothing music. Along with lifestyle changes, there are certain types of foods and supplements that increase libido.

Low libido in men

Reasons include:

Testosterone level

Testosterone is a sex hormone that men produce in their testicles. Testosterone is responsible for a number of body processes and characteristics, including facial hair, body hair, muscle mass, sex drive, sperm production, and bone health.

Low testosterone levels in men cause other symptoms such as breast enlargement, erectile dysfunction.

Testicular trauma, previous chemotherapy or radiation, use of anabolic steroids, certain medications, and chronic illnesses can cause low testosterone levels.

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