How to properly swaddle a newborn: step-by-step instructions - how to swaddle a baby in a swaddle (39 photos): algorithm for swaddling a baby with arms

Swaddling newborns has become considered a relic of the past, and many maternity hospitals persuade parents against this manipulation. Before abandoning the tradition, you should carefully study the issue, turn to the experience of your mothers and grandmothers and find out why children were swaddled in the past.

how to swaddle a newborn correctly

You should not use tight swaddling often, as this interferes with the child’s development and exploration of the world.

In our article we will answer these and many other questions, and teach young parents how to properly swaddle a newborn.

The benefits of swaddling

  1. Facilitates the baby's adaptation to the outside world and brings it closer to the conditions of intrauterine life.
  2. Reduces excessive excitability , as the child can involuntarily wave his arms and legs. This can frighten him and interfere with restful sleep.
  3. Keeps you warm . In children of the first months, thermoregulation processes are not fully developed, and swaddling helps them maintain their normal temperature.
  4. Prevents the appearance of diaper rash . The fabric is breathable, unlike a diaper. And mom will replace wet diapers immediately rather than a diaper, which will prevent prolonged contact of delicate skin with a wet surface.
  5. Development of touch . The soft touch of the diaper will allow the baby to develop this feeling;
  6. During the first baths, you can swaddle your baby in a thin diaper . For him, this will be a kind of protection from the outside world, and so the newborn will not be afraid of the bath and water.

The benefits of swaddling

Pediatrician Komarovsky E.O.: “Swaddling a child is not harmful. Buying diapers is much cheaper than baby vests and rompers. But it’s easier for dads to wear undershirts and rompers. There is no dad who perfectly masters the skill of swaddling.”

Disputes on the topic: “pros and cons”

The debate on the topic: “is it necessary to swaddle a baby” has been going on for several decades. There is no consensus even among pediatricians. But is there any benefit from this simple procedure? Most supporters of swaddling present their arguments:

  • the diaper softens the adaptation period after intrauterine development, as a result, the baby cries and is capricious less. Receiving the same sensations as in the mother’s stomach, the baby calms down and is in high spirits;
  • swaddling hands - eliminates irritation, improves appetite, promotes the development and growth of the newborn;
  • the diaper helps to safely carry out hygiene procedures - cleaning the nose, ears, washing the eyes, face;
  • while in a diaper, the baby sleeps more soundly. For the first time for 2-3 months, the little one does not control his body; he often flaps his arms and legs, which makes him scared.
  • The advantages of swaddling include saving the family budget. Children grow quickly and you need a lot of onesies, and the diaper can be used for a fairly long period of time.

Baby in a diaper

But there are also mothers who do not know how to properly swaddle a newborn or are afraid of hurting their firstborn. Especially if historically it happened that in the family, from a very early age, children were taught to have freedom of action. What is bad about a “straitjacket”, other than discomfort for the baby?

  • lack of temperature control - a swaddled baby will overheat in the summer, there is a risk of diaper rash, dermatitis and other skin reactions;
  • suppression of motor activity - the diaper hinders movement and creates discomfort. If a child is not active, then there may be a delay in the development of skills and abilities. Swaddling children with muscle tone disorders is especially dangerous.
  • the inability to carry out useful procedures - from a very early age the baby needs care. But when a newborn is wrapped in a diaper, such useful procedures as massage and gymnastics will be very difficult to carry out. And there is no guarantee that after removing the diapers the baby’s mood will not change.

Types of diapers

It is important to study the fabric requirements:

  1. Good quality . The diaper should not tear when stretched.
  2. Absorbent effect . The most important property. The diaper should absorb moisture well and at the same time maintain a “breathable effect”.
  3. Proper processing of edges . In general, children's clothes are hemmed using an overlocker. This is necessary to avoid tight seams that can rub the baby’s delicate skin.
  4. To be soft to the touch, without foreign odors . It should not fade when washed.
  5. Only natural materials - chintz, flannel, kulirka, linen, footer, knitwear. Avoid synthetics.
  6. Diaper sizes . Very comfortable in the form of a square with a side of 1.2 m. This is enough for you to easily swaddle your baby.
  7. Do not take fabric with bright colors so as not to irritate the child. The composition of dyes can be harmful to the skin.
  8. Diapers must be washed regularly with baby powder and ironed on both sides.


You can swaddle your newborn in an envelope-shaped blanket. Typically this method is used for walks in the cold season. You will need two blankets at once - a warm (thick) one and a thin one.

  1. Dress your child according to the weather.
  2. Spread both sheets in a diamond shape on a flat surface.
  3. Place the child in the middle.
  4. Throw one side of both blankets under the opposite side of the baby and leave behind the back.
  5. Do the same with the second edge.
  6. Bend the bottom edge remaining in the form of a trapezoid towards the child.
  7. Tie the top blanket with a ribbon in the abdominal area.
  8. The fourth corner of the envelope turns out to be a kind of hood.

If the top (warm) blanket is elegant, you will get a very beautiful walking swaddle - warm and comfortable.

In fact, all these methods require certain skills and endless patience, since it is not always possible to wrap a squirming baby in a diaper. A few useful tips will help you cope with difficulties.

Types of diapers and their purpose

Calico .
Must be made of cotton material. They are usually always closest to the newborn's body. Also used as crib sheets. Flannel .
They are swaddled over calico. They are thicker than chintz and retain heat well. They can be used as a bedspread. In summer you can not use it. Knitted . Appeared recently. They stretch quite well, are soft and gentle to the touch. They are also swaddled under flannel.

Cocoon diapers with Velcro . Modern diapers, which can also be made of knitted fabric. They do not create unnecessary folds. It will not be difficult for a mother to wrap her baby in such a diaper.

Disposable diapers . Not intended for swaddling. Necessary for laying on a changing pad or on a bed so that the baby does not stain the surface. Convenient when going to the clinic. Must not contain synthetic materials.

What types of diapers are there?

Diapers differ in material, size and design.

Classic diapers in the form of a rectangular piece of fabric can be bought at any store that sells baby goods. But you can make such diapers for newborns with your own hands - buying a large piece of fabric is more profitable. Then you need to mark it, cut it and hem the edges or process it with an overlocker. Standard sizes of diapers for newborns are 70*70 or 110*110. But you can deviate from these parameters in order to cut a piece of fabric without waste. The diapers just need to be square and preferably no less than 65*65 - otherwise it won’t be very convenient to use them.

According to the density of diapers there are:

  1. light - from chintz, muslin or cambric;
  2. dense - from flannel, flannel;
  3. knitted - interlock, cooler, footer.

The latter are convenient because they stretch like any knitwear. But that’s why they lose their shape after the first wash and change from a rectangle to a diamond shape. Both thick and thin diapers are needed at any time of the year, it’s just that the ratio changes - winter babies need more warm diapers, summer babies need light ones.

By type of diaper there are classic ones, as well as more advanced ones - with Velcro (like an envelope for a newborn), with ties, as well as a sleeping bag - a product in the form of human overalls, but instead of separate legs there is a one-piece bag. In sleeping bags, children’s arms are separated and their legs are together - many babies sleep more comfortably this way, and it’s easier to change their diaper in their sleep.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the swaddle - a strip of fabric that was wrapped around the baby over the diaper in order to envelop him even more tightly. Today, swaddles are used very rarely.

How to properly swaddle a newborn?

Classic swaddling with handles. Option #1

We spread a cotton diaper on the changing table so that there are no wrinkles.
We place the baby in the center of the diaper so that the head lies above the edge of the fabric. We place our left hand on the baby's chest, and wrap one end of the diaper under the baby's back. We do the same with the right handle, and also wrap the second edge of the diaper under the back.

We straighten the lower corners, cover the baby's chest with the edge and place the right corner under the newborn's back, and the left corner over the baby's right shoulder. We tuck a small corner into the fold on the baby’s chest.

The diaper should not crumple or create unnecessary folds. This will interfere with the baby's sleep.

Swaddling with handles. Option No. 2

We spread the diaper. We bend the edge a little at the top. We hide the baby’s right hand in the resulting pocket. Now we place this hand along with the diaper on the stomach and cover the baby’s right side.

Then we do the same with the left edge of the diaper. We straighten the bottom edge and bend it under the knees.

Swaddling with handles. Option No. 3

We spread the diaper into a diamond shape. Fold the top corner. We lay the baby down so that his head is above the diaper. We hold the baby's right hand and place the corner of the diaper behind the baby's left side through the armpit.

And the other lower corner is over the child’s left shoulder. We wrap the left corner of the diaper around the baby's body. The free bottom can simply be folded under the legs.

When the temperature is high, you cannot swaddle your baby.

Wide swaddling

Used in the treatment of hip dysplasia and for the prevention of congenital dislocations.
This swaddling creates a “frog pose” to unload the joints. Everything is as usual. We spread the diaper on the changing table. Fold it diagonally to make a triangle.

We place the larger edge of this triangle under the baby’s lower back. It is better to put on a gauze diaper even before diapering.

We place the bottom corner of the diaper on the tummy, and tuck the side corners from the top on the baby’s belt. You can wear a vest on top.

Swaddling with head

Favorite type of swaddling immediately after birth in the hospital. We spread the diaper and place the newborn so that the head is below the edge of the diaper. We wrap the baby. First, we bring one edge behind the back, while fixing the handle, then the second. The bottom edge can be placed on the breast and secured.

In this position, the baby sleeps very comfortably; it is difficult for him to even move his head, so unnecessary movements will not wake him up.

Tight swaddling

Back in Soviet times, it was believed that this type of swaddling helped straighten the legs. But, as it turned out, this was an erroneous version.

Tight swaddling prevents the baby from breathing and developing normally, so it has been abandoned lately.

Go for a walk

In cool weather, you still need either a blanket or a warm envelope on top of the diapers. First, you swaddle your baby in any convenient way. Then spread out the blanket in a diamond pattern and wrap the baby up. The upper corner of the blanket can cover your face from strong winds or frost.


How to swaddle a newborn

If you don’t know how to swaddle your newborn during feeding or for a walk, use the closed method. For this you will need:

  • vest;
  • rectangular diaper;
  • cap.

Then follow the instructions:

  1. Put on the vest so that there are no folds on the back. Otherwise, they will interfere with the newborn, and you will not be able to feed him normally or take him for a walk: he will be capricious.
  2. Put on a hat. If it has ties, they will then need to be tucked into the diaper.
  3. Spread the canvas in a rectangle on a flat surface.
  4. Place the child exactly in the middle.
  5. Throw one edge of the diaper under the opposite side of the baby and secure it behind the back.
  6. Do the same with the second side.
  7. Bend the bottom remaining in the form of a trapezoid towards the baby.
  8. Secure its edges at the back.

To properly swaddle a newborn in this way, look at the step-by-step photo: it will help you understand unclear points.

This is far from the most complicated scheme, although difficulties may arise when fixing the diaper behind the baby. Make sure that it is not too convex, otherwise it will put pressure on the spine.

What are the best diapers and how many of them are needed for a baby, read in our article: “Diapers for a newborn.”

Until what age do we wrap babies?

In general, a child should be swaddled until he is three months old.
This is the period when the baby is already starting to roll over onto his tummy, and extra diapers will interfere with his ability to explore the world. You can swaddle your head only for the first week of your baby’s life.

Pay attention to how your baby sleeps. If he doesn't wake up from shaking his arms or legs, you can swaddle him freely.

Some parents even wear baby vests and rompers almost from birth.

Until how many months can a newborn be swaddled?

There are no strict restrictions on the age up to which a child can be swaddled. It all depends on the individual characteristics and needs of the baby. Typically, newborns are swaddled until about three months of age.

If your baby sleeps restlessly, you can continue swaddling for up to six months, using it during daytime and nighttime sleep. In this case, only the legs can be swaddled, and the arms can be left free. As soon as the baby begins to sleep peacefully without additional restraint, swaddling can be canceled.

A modern take on how to swaddle a newborn baby

  1. If the baby is calm, then swaddle for up to a month.
  2. Observe your baby's behavior.
  3. The maximum age for swaddling is 4 months.
  4. It is not recommended to swaddle for a long time; it will delay motor development.

The process of swaddling is very important in the life of children. This way it allows the baby to feel his mother’s hands, warmth, and care. And if both parents are doing this, then this will free up a few minutes for mom to relax. Everyone chooses what is convenient for them. And, as it turned out, swaddling is not harmful, but even useful.

Be healthy!

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