What types of belly fat do women have and how to get rid of them?

Low belly during pregnancy

No woman’s condition raises as many questions and concerns as during pregnancy. We compare our feelings with the feelings of other mothers who are also pregnant, and often these comparisons frighten us even more, as we discover that “it’s not right for me”: my stomach hurts, is this normal? My stomach doesn't hurt, is this normal? My stomach is not getting bigger, is this normal? Doctors often hear questions like these and others, but when determining danger, one must not only take into account the presence or absence of any sign, but also the period of pregnancy during which it occurs. For example, someone is concerned about a low abdominal position during pregnancy, the determining factor will be the length of pregnancy.

First third of pregnancy

Until the 16th week of pregnancy, the belly is not very noticeable, especially if this is your first pregnancy. The height of the uterus in the fourth month barely reaches the middle of the distance between the navel and the pubic bone, so until the 4th month the problem of a low abdomen is usually not visible, but can be determined by ultrasound. The place where the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus cannot be foreseen; sometimes the baby chooses an area near the cervix itself, in which case a low belly during pregnancy will be caused by a low attachment point of the developing fetus and placenta to the uterus, which does not indicate a threat to pregnancy, but however, vigorous physical activity is best avoided.

Second third of pregnancy

Often, during the second and subsequent pregnancy, the abdominal muscles are already stretched and the ligaments have partially lost their elasticity, so with a sharp growth of the uterus after the 16th week, a noticeable increase in the abdomen occurs, but at the same time in its lower part. This low abdominal position should not frighten the expectant mother, since it is not caused by low placenta previa or low position of the fetus, but by weakened abdominal muscles that have lost their ability to support. Most likely, the doctor will advise you to wear a bandage to relieve excess stress on the muscles; as the pregnancy progresses, the abdomen will increase over its entire surface, rising upward, so this problem is temporary.

Last trimester of pregnancy

Usually the baby's head drops down several weeks before birth, but sometimes a sharp drooping of the abdomen occurs at any stage in the second half of pregnancy. Such a sharp change in the position of the abdomen may be a signal of a threat of premature birth, so ultrasound examination and observations by a doctor will help control the situation and exclude dangerous conditions.

Gas belly

Excess gases in the intestines appear not only due to swallowing large amounts of air, but also due to insufficient digestion of certain foods.

If you experience persistent burping after eating, certain foods may be to blame.

Cabbage, onions, legumes

and other fiber-rich foods produce gas as a byproduct of digestion.

Lactose, fructose and gluten intolerance can sometimes be the culprit

which lead to bloating and gas.

Gastrointestinal infections, chronic diseases and stomach disorders caused by bacteria can also lead to increased flatulence and bloating.

What to do?

  • Identify foods that cause problems by eliminating them from your diet for a time.
  • Eat more foods containing probiotics

    to increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestines and improve digestion.

  • Also try cutting back on fiber-rich foods for a while.
  • Reduce do Minimum consumption of sweet and starchy foods,

    until your gut health is restored.

Low position of the fetus during pregnancy.

  • Last seen:Yesterday 23:02:30

Has anyone had this happen where the baby’s head was lying very low and was there a threat? How did you leave? what was bothering you?

  • Children: Furry Dragon and little Scorpio
  • :
  • Last seen:Yesterday 22:56:28

I retreated until the victory. At 34-35 weeks, the doctor prescribed papaverine suppositories and basically lay down (I had to promise not to go to the hospital). Nothing bothered me much, sometimes I felt pressure in the lower abdomen, but not much. A! And she wore a bandage, of course.

  • Yesterday 21:30:17

ol4a I went through 2 pregnancies like this. But I was as healthy as an ox. And I felt the same way. With the latter I wore a bandage. They even wanted to give me a ring. But you must listen to yourself and not take risks.

They even wanted to give me a ring

InnaG wrote:

I went through 2 pregnancies like this. But I was as healthy as an ox.

I have the same thing, the first B doctor sounded the alarm at 34 weeks, saying that I was about to give birth ahead of schedule, but that was not the case, she was more than 41 and would have gone further if labor had not been induced, although all B was very mobile and active. The second pregnancy, the same thing, the doctor said that it’s just such physiology and it’s normal that the baby is low right away. Because of this, my stomach was visually small for a month, you’ll definitely give me less time, in the maternity hospital they thought that I didn’t come to give birth, but for preservation. I didn’t feel any discomfort at all, it was as if this was how it should be.

Edited by Nastusikplusik (31-03-2013 14:33:23)

the doctor said that it’s just physiology and it’s normal that the baby is low right away

and the fetus did not put pressure on the neck, did it shorten prematurely? didn't you install anything like that?

  • Last seen:Yesterday 22:41:39

My baby was low and his neck was shortened. I don’t remember by centimeters, but already at 19 weeks, at the examination, it was shorter than necessary, the tone. Around 24 they put a ring in the train station on the 3rd floor. At that time (3 years ago) the ring in Brest was only placed there. This is not an entirely simple procedure. If the cervix is ​​disturbed, there is a possibility that premature birth can be provoked. Therefore, before and after installation, they stay in the hospital for several days to remove the threat. After lying there, taking all the swabs and reading about this very ring, I refused to have it installed. Moreover, there for the first time they did an ultrasound of my cervix itself and it turned out that it was not so short. At home, of course, I didn’t run cross-country or lift weights; I lay down whenever possible. She delivered safely until 41 weeks.

Pregnancy » Treatment during pregnancy » Low belly during pregnancy

During pregnancy, each woman has her own perception of this “interesting position” and each of them also has her own physical condition:

• One is suffering from toxicosis and all she wants is for this to end quickly.

• Another walks without feeling her feet under her, and believes that this is the best period of her life.

• And the third abstracts herself from the whole world and lives for the future meeting with her already beloved baby.

In general, many people surround pregnancy with a veil of mystery, many signs are dedicated to it, it causes such natural experiences. A popular sign is that with a low belly, the mother will give birth to a baby, and with a high, protruding belly, on the contrary, a baby will be born.

If we analyze many examples from our lives, we can easily be convinced that the shape of the abdomen and its location in no way determine the gender of the long-awaited child. Doctors have their own concerns here, since a low belly during pregnancy most likely tells them that the fetus is too low in the uterus. In this regard, the doctor will rightly insist on the need to be careful and use a special bandage for pregnant women.

The low belly of tomorrow’s mother itself is determined, first of all, by the duration of pregnancy. This factor should also be considered as requiring increased caution, attention and, first of all, on the part of the woman herself.

The abdomen is low already in the first trimester

The verdict “low belly” is made after four months after undergoing an ultrasound examination. Typically, a low belly at these stages indicates that the placenta and growing fetus are attached quite low in the uterus. This does not threaten termination of pregnancy, but still the mother should be more careful about physical activity.

Abdominal prolapse in an expectant mother

Pregnancy is different for every woman. Some are seriously tormented by toxicosis, others are looking forward to the birth of their baby, and others consider this the most wonderful time in their lives. This period is associated with quite a lot of different kinds of experiences, troubles and signs, according to one of which it is believed that a protruding belly means the birth of a boy, and if the belly of a woman in labor is low, there will be a girl. However, you need to know that the size, position, and shape of the expectant mother’s abdomen are in no way related to determining the sex of the child, but doctors may have some concerns. Doctors are especially wary of a low-lying fetus in a woman’s uterus, i.e. low belly As a rule, doctors in such cases recommend using a special bandage and using extreme caution in everything. It is also worth noting that the causes of a drooping belly and the associated risks directly depend on the stage of pregnancy.

First trimester

Until 4 months, the size of the abdomen is not so impressive and is barely noticeable compared to the further period of pregnancy. At this time, the height of the uterus does not reach half the distance from the pubic bone to the navel. Therefore, a low belly before the 16th week is quite difficult to detect, and this becomes possible only with a routine ultrasound examination. During this period of pregnancy, a low belly may be caused by the fact that the fertilized egg may attach to the wall of the uterus near the cervix, resulting in a low attachment of the placenta and the developing fetus to the uterus. This condition does not pose any threat to the health of the mother and child. However, under such circumstances, doctors still recommend significantly reducing active physical activity.

Second trimester

Low belly in the second trimester is a consequence of sweat


From planning to birth

Low belly during pregnancy: should you worry?

Low belly during pregnancy , according to old beliefs, means that the expectant mother is growing a girl in her belly. If the belly sticks out forward, it will be a boy. For every woman, pregnancy brings a lot of new things: some suffer from toxicosis, for some this is the best time in their lives, while others can’t wait for their baby to appear; its gender will be determined from the first days of pregnancy .

But, no matter what the old beliefs say, the shape of the abdomen actually has nothing in common with sex determination. But a low belly during pregnancy sometimes raises a number of doubts among doctors.

Often, this may be due to the fact that the fetus is located too low in the uterus, so the doctor should warn the pregnant woman to be careful and need to use a special bandage.

But, despite any other indicators, the determining factor in a situation with a low belly, in any case, remains the duration of pregnancy. That is why each period of bearing a child should be considered separately, since each of them has its own risks and features that are directly related to such a problem as a low belly.

Low belly during pregnancy: 1st trimester

In the first trimester, a low belly can be determined as early as the 5th month of pregnancy using an ultrasound. A low abdomen in this situation, as a rule, may indicate that the developing fetus and placenta are attached too low in the uterus. Such factors do not pose a threat to bearing a child, but most doctors still strongly recommend not to abuse active physical activity.

Low belly: 2nd trimester

In the 2nd trimester, the belly becomes more noticeable, especially in the lower part, and the ligaments with muscles have already lost their firmness and elasticity. Such indicators are especially typical for women who are bearing a child not for the first time. In the second trimester, a low belly should no longer be a cause of concern for expectant mothers, since it is caused not by the low position of the placenta or fetus, but by a weakening of the abdominal muscles.

What to do if your belly doesn't grow?

Around the 5th month of pregnancy, the belly becomes noticeable to others.
It gradually increases in size until the moment of birth. The future mother's belly increases as the fetus grows:

  • At 2-3 weeks from the moment of conception, the size of the embryo is 2-4 mm, the tummy is not yet noticeable during this period.
  • By about 12 weeks, the fetus occupies all the available space in the uterine cavity. The weight of the embryo at this moment is up to 25 grams.
  • The belly at 15 weeks of pregnancy may become noticeably rounder. The size of the fruit is 12 mm, and the weight is about 100-120 g.
  • By 21 weeks, the size of the fetus reaches 24-26 cm, weight – 350-400 g. From this moment the period of most active growth of the fetus begins.
  • Already at 24 weeks, the baby weighs about 500 grams and his height is 30 cm.
  • From 36 weeks the fetus is considered full-term. Weight varies from 2 to 2.5 kg.
  • At week 40, all formation processes are completed, and the mother’s body prepares for the most crucial moment - childbirth. The weight of the baby can be from 2 to 6.5 kg. These indicators are purely individual; in terms of development, low birth weight children are no different from larger babies. Read more about the norms of fetal growth and weight by week →

The increase in the size of a pregnant woman's belly is associated not only with the rapid development of the fetus inside the uterus. Before pregnancy, the uterus weighs no more than 80 grams. During the process of fetal development, its weight increases 10-14 times; by the time of birth, the organ can weigh 1–1.2 kg.

A change in the size of a pregnant woman’s tummy is also associated with an increase in the volume of anatomical fluid.

The volume of amniotic fluid is:

  • at 3 months – no more than 30-50 ml;
  • for 4 – 100 ml;
  • 37 week – more than 1 liter;
  • immediately before birth, the volumes are reduced - no more than 1 liter.

Even if the belly is small, the expectant mother needs to calm down and go for a consultation with a gynecologist. After an ultrasound and examination, the doctor will be able to determine the reason why the tummy is growing slowly.

Lack of abdominal volume cannot constitute a diagnosis indicating the presence of pathology in any week. There are no methods of prevention. Much depends on the influencing factor. For example, if oligohydramnios and hypertrophy are detected, measures must be taken to eliminate all risks. In other cases, a neat tummy does not prevent the mother from giving birth to an absolutely healthy baby.

A small belly may appear in a second pregnancy, even if it was of normal size the first time. This condition often frightens the mother, but there is no need to worry, because each baby is individual and develops differently.

Abdominal volume during pregnancy

Every pregnant woman's belly begins to grow at a certain time. This is understandable, because the fetus grows in it, the volume of amniotic fluid increases, and accordingly the uterus itself grows. At each week of pregnancy, there are certain norms for the height of the uterine fundus and abdominal circumference, but the doctor will begin measuring your abdomen in the second half of pregnancy. The results obtained will make it possible to determine the presence or absence of pathologies, and will also clarify the duration of pregnancy.

How is the belly measured?

Starting at week 20, your doctor will take external measurements of your abdomen using a measuring tape. He will measure the height from the bottom of the uterus to the upper edge of the symphysis pubis, and the circumference at the level of the navel. The doctor also evaluates the shape of the abdomen, which also “tells a lot” in the second half of pregnancy. A spherical abdomen may indicate polyhydramnios, if the abdomen resembles a transverse oval - it is quite possible that the child is in a transverse presentation. During a normal pregnancy, the belly should have an ovoid shape, while in first-time women with a narrow pelvis it will be pointed upward, and if the second or third birth is coming, then the belly will be slightly saggy.

Normally, the height of the uterine fundus should correspond to the duration of pregnancy. The number of centimeters the doctor measures is the number of weeks of your pregnancy. At the 20th week of pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus is 2 cm below the level of the navel; it reaches the level of the navel at the 24th week; starting from the 28th week of pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus will already be several cm above the level of the navel. At the 36th week, the fundus of the uterus will reach the sternum will not grow from now on.

Norms and deviations

Abdominal circumference is a parameter monitored during pregnancy. The measurement is carried out in a special way - in front, the measuring tape should pass at the level of the navel, and in the back along the line of the lumbar deflection. It is worth noting that the parameters given in the table are approximate, and a permissible error of 8-10 cm does not indicate the presence of developmental pathologies. This is often due to inaccurate determination of the timing of pregnancy.

Abdominal circumference is measured starting at 20 weeks.

Duration (week)Abdominal circumference (cm)

Each woman is individual, and meeting these parameters, for example, is impossible for obese women. Only a gynecologist during the observation process will be able to track the changes occurring in the tummy. That is why it is necessary to have a preventive visit to a specialist during pregnancy once every 2 weeks.

Certain norms for the growth of a woman’s tummy during pregnancy still exist. The abdomen grows as the fetus develops in the uterine cavity, therefore significant deviations in the normal course of circumstances are simply impossible.

For example, at the end of the seventh month of pregnancy, the norm for abdominal circumference should not be less than 80 cm, but at the same time - no more than 90. By the fortieth week, the OB can be up to 100 centimeters; doctors may suspect the presence of malformations if the mother’s tummy has sharply decreased or increased. Such changes may be associated with an excess or deficiency of anatomical fluid - a deviation of this nature is a reason for emergency intervention.

Deviations in the coolant during pregnancy of five to seven cm may not indicate the presence of pathologies in the development of the baby. Gaining centimeters in the abdominal area is also associated with gaining kilograms during pregnancy. Significant deviations from the norm may be associated with severe toxicosis; during this period, women lose a lot of weight.

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