The benefits and harms of tea tree oil during pregnancy. Use of tea tree essential oil during pregnancy

Expecting a child is a special period in a woman’s life. Joyful and anxious, exciting and filling with happiness. Both the thoughts of the expectant mother and the body itself are tuned to one thing - ensuring the normal development of the baby.

Every mother understands how important it is not to harm the unborn child. Therefore, the need to use any therapeutic or prophylactic agents often raises concerns. After all, many medications can affect the fetus.

Often pregnant women show an active interest in herbal medicine and traditional medicine, considering natural medicines to be absolutely harmless. In fact, herbal remedies can be stronger than many pharmaceutical products and should be used with extreme caution.

Therefore, tea tree oil is used with restrictions during pregnancy, only after consultation with a doctor.

This general recommendation applies to any essential oils for which pregnancy is not a strict contraindication.

Expecting a child is a special period in a woman’s life.

About the product

Tea tree essential oil is obtained from the leaves of an Australian plant in the myrtle family. It is also called "melaleuca".

In Australia, tea tree leaves have long been used to treat colds, wounds and inflammation.

Essential oil is a colorless or light yellow liquid with a pronounced camphor odor. Its main components are cineole and terpinene. Both of these substances provide primarily a strong antiseptic effect, but cineole can irritate the skin. The ratio of these active components may vary in oils from different manufacturers, often depending on the type of tea tree and where it grows. Therefore, it is better to choose an oil with a low concentration of cineole and a high amount of terpinene.


Tea, a favorite drink of many of us, is brewed from the leaves of the tea bush. Don't confuse tea tree with it. These plants are not even relatives; their actions and uses are completely different.

Tea tree essential oil is obtained from the leaves of an Australian plant in the myrtle family.

Use of the drug in the treatment of colds

It is not advisable to use medications during pregnancy. The benefits of their use are very doubtful. You can treat colds with tea tree oil. It helps reduce inflammation of the mucous membrane and prevent the spread of bacterial or viral infection. The main thing is to start treatment measures on time.

To combat tonsillitis, the following procedure is used:

  • Add 2 drops of the oil preparation to a glass of warm water. You can additionally dissolve a teaspoon of salt in it.
  • Using this composition, you need to gargle several times a day.
  • The procedures reduce pain and reduce inflammation.

An expectant mother can get rid of a runny nose with inhalations. Fresh boiled water is poured into a bowl. To treat sinusitis, add 10 drops of an oil product to it. You need to tilt your head over the bowl and cover yourself with a towel. You should inhale the steam of the medicinal solution for ten minutes. Procedures are carried out three times a day.

Oily product as a hand sanitizer

The drug has pronounced antimicrobial properties. With its help, a pregnant woman can independently prepare a pleasant and safe disinfectant for treating the surface of her hands. The oil has a detrimental effect on certain forms of bacterial, viral and fungal infections. It contains antimicrobial components.

To prepare a disinfectant mixture, you will need to mix 30 drops of the base preparation with clove and lavender oils. A tablespoon of witch hazel and a small amount of aloe vera gel are also added to the mixture. All ingredients are mixed and transferred to a container. To store the drug, it is better to use a cool place that is not exposed to direct sunlight. The resulting product is absolutely safe for a pregnant woman. It does not contain alcohol.

Beneficial properties of tea tree oil

Due to its composition, this ether has the following effects:

  1. Anti-inflammatory effect, especially pronounced in skin diseases and acne.
  2. Powerful antimicrobial effect against pathogenic bacteria, viruses and microscopic fungi.
  3. Regenerating and healing effect, which makes it possible to use for wounds and burns.
  4. Immunomodulatory effect. The effect is quite mild, it is most relevant in the cold season, when the cold season begins.
  5. Expectorant effect, useful for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system.
  6. Calming effect and at the same time moderate tonic effect on the nervous system.


The indications for using tea tree essential oil are very varied. But if you are pregnant, be sure to consult your doctor, and do not use any essential products without his recommendations.

Options for using the oil preparation

The product contains a large number of useful components. But if used incorrectly, it can harm the body. The drug should not be used internally. Tea tree oil is used during pregnancy for medicinal and cosmetic purposes:

  • with its help you can get rid of viral and skin diseases;
  • neutralize the effects of poisons from insect bites;
  • it is used to treat small wounds and abrasions;
  • it accelerates the healing of dermatitis, eczema and other skin lesions;
  • used to treat colds;
  • strengthens the hair structure, eliminates dandruff;
  • when applied to the skin, pores narrow, inflammation decreases, and fat content decreases;
  • used to treat female diseases - thrush, cystitis, vaginitis and urethritis. The drug is used for douching;
  • compositions for inhalation are prepared using the drug. It helps cure bronchitis and other respiratory diseases;
  • reduces inflammation in joints.

The benefits and harm that an essential drug can cause to a pregnant woman have not been fully studied. Disputes among medical specialists are still ongoing. But there is no doubt that before using the drug it is necessary to carefully study possible contraindications.


  • First trimester of pregnancy. In the second and third trimesters, use only with your doctor's permission.
  • Individual intolerance and allergies. Before using the oil ether, do a test on the skin of your wrist. If after 15-20 minutes redness or itching appears, you should not use tea tree-based preparations. If you are allergic to eucalyptus and other plants of the myrtle family, then even without testing it is clear that melaleuca oil is contraindicated for you.
  • Ingestion of tea tree essential oil is strictly prohibited.

Important! Use even oil esters approved for pregnant women as needed, and not just for the sake of interest or experiment. If you can do without using any substance, then do so.

The indications for using tea tree essential oil are very varied.

Price and where to buy?

In pharmacies, herbal shops and online stores, the cost of tea tree ether fluctuates within a significant range: the minimum price is 45 rubles, the maximum is more than 1000. Such a spread is explainable: prices are formed on the basis of the specifics and purity of the raw materials, the presence of useful substances, and the extraction method.

Cheap extracts are most often made from a low-quality base in violation of production technology. In addition, there may be impurities that are harmful to health.

It is advisable to purchase funds where it can be carefully inspected. The bottle should be made of dark glass. A dispenser or pipette is required. The label must include the name of the plant in Latin. If possible, apply a drop of ether to the paper: after evaporation, the real oil will leave a small trace.

The best retail outlets where you can buy melaleuca essential oil are organic cosmetics stores and pharmacies. When choosing a brand, you should rely on those that use only natural substances in the manufacture of products and have received at least one ECO certificate.

Rules for safe use

  1. If tea tree oil ester is not contraindicated for you, use it carefully and correctly.
  2. Buy oil only in pharmacies or specialized stores.
  3. Pay attention to the composition. Its features have been described above.
  4. Never use an expired product.
  5. Use tea tree oil products only externally.
  6. Avoid using undiluted ether. Remember that concentrated (100%) product cannot be applied to mucous membranes and damaged areas of the skin.
  7. If products containing ether come into contact with your eyes, rinse them immediately with running water.
  8. If you simply do not like the smell of the aroma oil, you should not use it. During pregnancy, many women develop intolerance to various fragrances. Even if you liked the smell before, it may become unpleasant while waiting for the baby.
  9. If dizziness or headache occurs when inhaling air saturated with aroma oil, ventilate the room or leave it.

Security measures

The oil product contains active ingredients. Before using it, it is necessary to study possible contraindications. During pregnancy, women's skin becomes especially sensitive to external irritants. The drug may cause skin irritation.

Allergic reactions may occur upon contact with it. It is not recommended to use pure product. It is diluted with liquid, neutral oil. Water should not be used for these purposes.

If swelling or urticaria appears when using an essential drug, you should immediately consult a doctor and stop using this drug during pregnancy. To reduce the risk of allergic reactions, before using the drug, apply a little oil to the surface of the skin and leave it there for several minutes. If the skin does not redden, the pulse and breathing remain normal, you can begin treatment procedures.

Methods of application

For pregnant women, only external use of tea tree ether is permissible. Dosages should be kept to a minimum, and the duration of the procedures is also short. Use the essential product only in mixture with the base.

Air aromatization

  • Use no more than 5 drops of oil per aroma lamp.

If you feel unwell while in the room, stop the procedure.


  • For cold inhalations, use an aroma medallion; for hot inhalations, use an inhaler or a container with 1 liter of water at a temperature of 45 degrees. The dosage of ether is 1-2 drops. The procedure time is up to 5 minutes.

Inhalations may be needed for colds and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system as an expectorant. If you have bronchial asthma or other allergic respiratory diseases, ether inhalations should not be performed.


  • Take 3-5 drops of essential oil in your bath. Water temperature - 36-37 degrees, procedure time - 10 minutes, maximum - up to a quarter of an hour. If you feel any discomfort while taking a bath, stop the procedure immediately. In this case, it is better to get out of the bath with someone’s help, rather than on your own.

If you did not tolerate baths before pregnancy or simply do not like this process, then you do not need to force yourself. If you want to combine water procedures and aromatherapy, you can use ether-enriched skin and hair care products while taking a shower:

  • For 1 tbsp. l. shampoo, balm or shower gel, take 1-2 drops of ether.

Take 3-5 drops of essential oil in your bath.

Foot baths

  • Use 5 drops of tea tree ether per procedure. Water temperature - 36-38 degrees, duration of action - 10 minutes.

Local baths will help with fungal diseases of the feet, reduce sweating and alleviate the condition of tired legs. Such water procedures are especially useful for varicose veins and edema in pregnant women. Rubbing undiluted ether into nails affected by fungus during pregnancy should not be done.


  • Add 2 drops of essential oil to a glass of water. Rinse your mouth; Do not swallow the solution under any circumstances.

Rinsing will help:

  1. with stomatitis;
  2. get rid of bad breath;
  3. prevent the formation of tartar.


  • Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with 5 drops of tea tree essential oil, dissolve in a glass of warm boiled water. Carry out the procedure before going to bed. Course - 7 days.

The method is used for local treatment of thrush (candidiasis). Perform douching only if a disease is identified and in agreement with the gynecologist.


  • Add 1-2 drops of essential oil to 1 tbsp. l. basic You can use industrially produced olive or massage oil as a base.

Massage in pregnant women is carried out with caution; In the early stages, only gentle stroking is permissible. Do not use vibration procedures. It is better to contact a massage therapist, because a specialist knows which areas are not affected during massage for expectant mothers, and what techniques can be used.

Massage during pregnancy should be carried out with caution

Nasal drops

  • Dissolve 1 drop of essential product in 1 tbsp. l. neutral vegetable oil, such as olive or sunflower. The composition can be soaked into turundas and inserted into the nasal passages.

This treatment method is a good alternative to taking antibiotics for a runny nose and even sinusitis. Many ENT doctors recommend this therapy, given the strong antimicrobial effect of tea tree.

Pregnant women can make face and hair masks with the addition of tea tree ether, if the recipe does not include other contraindicated components. But to maintain beauty, it is still better for women in an interesting position not to use essential oils. Spot application of undiluted ether for acne and aromatherapy during pregnancy are also not recommended.

Precautionary measures

Gynecologists actively advise using tea tree oil during pregnancy. It rarely produces side effects. Allowed for nursing mothers.

Contraindication to use is individual intolerance.

A test will help remove doubts. Apply a few drops to the back of your hand. If itching, redness, shortness of breath, and nausea do not appear after an hour, the drug can be used for its intended purpose.

The use of aromatherapy in the first trimester of pregnancy is not recommended.

It should be remembered that this is an etheric compound. In order not to harm yourself and your baby, pregnant women should know two main rules:

  • It is strictly forbidden to take it orally;
  • in its pure form it can be rubbed into the nail plate to treat fungal diseases. To treat other ailments, dilute by mixing 1-2 drops with two tablespoons of base oils (olive, sea buckthorn, flaxseed, wheat germ).


The benefits of baths are beyond doubt. You should be aware of increased skin sensitivity in pregnant women. An ethereal film floating on the surface of the water can cause burns. To prevent this from happening, the oil must first be dissolved (1 drop per tablespoon). The following is used as an emulsifier:

  • milk;
  • cream;
  • sea ​​or table salt;
  • honey (if there is no allergy);
  • baking soda;
  • vegetable (not essential) oil.

Benefits of use:

What can be useful

Tea tree oil has several beneficial effects:

  • antibacterial;
  • antivirus;
  • antifungal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immuno-strengthening;
  • calming.

Today it is used in traditional and folk medicine, dentistry, perfumery, and cosmetology.

tea tree oil in cosmetologyIts antiviral properties can be used to prevent and treat viral diseases.
By adding three drops to a bucket of water when performing wet cleaning, you can kill a large number of pathogenic viruses and microbes in the room. Proper skin care during pregnancy will help prevent stretch marks.

You can also simply irrigate the room with this water. If there are no contraindications, a couple of drops can be placed on bed linen.

It is useful to add it to the aroma lamp if the pregnancy period falls during the surge of seasonal epidemics. The scourge of many pregnant women is thrush or, scientifically, candidiasis . This is a fungal disease that causes a woman severe discomfort in the form of vaginal itching and copious curd-like discharge with an odor.

It occurs due to a sharp decrease in immunity in a pregnant woman, wearing synthetic underwear, mechanical damage to the vagina, diseases of the digestive system, and physiological changes in the vaginal microflora.

It will be useful for you to learn about ways to treat thrush during pregnancy.

And although doctors say that thrush that occurs at any time cannot cause any harm to the child, nevertheless, it is recommended to treat the disease.

Douching with the addition of tea tree oil, which is allowed for thrush during pregnancy, can help get rid of it.

Important! It is necessary to use tea tree oil in the treatment of any disease only after a prescription from a gynecologist. Before using aromatherapy, you should inform your doctor about this and get his advice about the dosage and other features of use.

Another disease that can often occur in pregnant women is stomatitis. The reason for its appearance most often lies in hormonal changes.

A woman’s immunity is weakened, the protective forces of the mucous membrane, which can protect it from inflammation and infections, are reduced. Stomatitis does not pose a direct threat to the child, but it can cause a lot of trouble for the mother, such as pain in the mouth and the inability to eat normally.

It is necessary to treat stomatitis, and it is best when the first symptoms appear, in order to prevent its strong development.

For this disease, in addition, it is recommended to rinse with a few drops of tea tree oil, which has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.

rinses his mouth
Tea tree oil is also used during pregnancy for herpes. This viral disease usually strikes people during periods of reduced immunity and stress.

Unlike previous diseases, herpes can cause spontaneous abortion and even serve as a reason for delivery by cesarean section. Having a powerful antiviral effect, lotions made from tea tree oil can cope with herpes on the lips - they will remove the blisters in a few days.

Find out how to get rid of diseases such as hemorrhoids, constipation, toothache and heartburn.

It is also recommended to add this remedy to baths for hands or feet if fungus has settled on them. After all, its antifungal properties have been known for a very long time.

Based on the reviews of many people who have used the product on themselves, we can conclude that it is one of the most effective in treating such an unpleasant illness, which is not so easy to get rid of.

Did you know? Essential oils have been used for healing since ancient times. Thus, references to treatment with plant essential substances are contained on one of the Sumerian cuneiform tablets. Archaeologists have unearthed bottles with aromatic mixtures in the tombs of ancient Egyptian pharaohs. There are about 90 references to essential oils in the Bible.

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