Sacroiliitis is an inflammation of the sacroiliac joint. This disease occurs due to infections and injuries. Treatment
Symptoms of myositis Symptoms of myositis are varied. The main symptom of the disease is pain. The appearance of pain is a sign
More than half of the world's population has experienced back pain at some time, and half of them
Types of calluses Wet callus Appears due to mechanical action, friction of a hard surface against the skin. First
Deforming spondylosis of the thoracic spine is classified as a chronic pathological process that involves
Why do you need a diet? Patients with joint diseases need to eat right to reduce concentration
Most often, pain in the elbow area is associated with injuries of varying severity. IN
Concept and classification of osteoarthritis In osteoarthritis, weight-bearing joints are predominantly affected: knee, hip, shoulder
A rib fracture represents a violation of bone or cartilage integrity and ranks first in prevalence among
Today, medicine knows a lot of diseases affecting various parts of the spine. However, one of