What signs can be used to determine pregnancy even before a missed period?

After a period is delayed for several days, I use a test to confirm the implantation of a fertilized egg into the wall of a woman’s uterus. Having seen two test strips on it, there is no doubt that pregnancy has occurred.

However, some women notice certain signs of pregnancy before their missed period, which experts consider significant.

The first signs of pregnancy before a delay in a healthy woman are the absence of menstruation with a regular menstrual cycle. In the first days of the delay, as a rule, the pregnancy period is no more than 2 weeks, since fertilization of the egg occurs in the middle of the cycle.

At such an early stage, practically no changes are felt in the body, since the level of sex hormones remains the same.

Pregnancy without symptoms

Of course, the time when the first symptoms begin to appear is individual for each woman, but generally in the early stages of pregnancy a woman develops symptoms such as:

  • Nausea, especially in the morning
  • Unusual discharge, possibly frequent discharge
  • Unpleasant feeling in the lower abdomen, pain
  • Menstrual irregularities

But in the practice of gynecology, there have also been cases when the expectant mother found out about her situation only at 3-5 months of pregnancy, while their menstrual cycle persisted for up to 2-3 months. Of course, such cases are very rare; according to the World Union of Gynecologists, only 7 percent of pregnant women experienced pregnancy without symptoms in the early stages.
Gynecologists advise that if any changes occur in a woman’s body, even those that are barely noticeable to her, it is worth visiting a doctor, or doing an express test, this will allow the expectant mother to realize her situation as soon as possible, register and carry out all the necessary procedures.

How to treat an ectopic pregnancy

There are no options - the pregnancy will have to be terminated. But in what way depends on the timing.

Drug treatment

It is used if the abnormal attachment of the egg was detected at an early stage. The specialist will give an injection of methotrexate (Trexall), which stops the growth of the placenta and forces the body to get rid of the pregnancy on its own.

Please note: multiple treatments may be required, so it is important to keep in touch with your doctor and follow their recommendations.


This is a small operation during which the surgeon will remove the fertilized egg. Most likely, the fallopian tube will not be injured.


This is an emergency option. If the fallopian tube has been ruptured, the surgeon will remove part or all of it to save the woman's life.

Sign of pregnancy

A sign of pregnancy is understood as a certain set of symptoms of a possible pregnancy that a woman begins to notice in herself in the early stages; sets of symptoms can be divided into three groups.

  • Frequent, you can identify a group of symptoms that confirm the fact of your pregnancy with almost 100% certainty. It includes symptoms such as: a positive pregnancy test, the presence and detection of a fetus in a woman during an ultrasound scan.
  • The most common group of symptoms is the “probable” group, which includes symptoms of pregnancy such as: Increased appetite, delayed menstruation, toxicosis; it is by these signs that women most often find out about pregnancy.
  • The most unlikely group of symptoms is considered to be the group that includes: unstable emotional background, increased fatigue, digestive system disorders; most often, all these symptoms are not caused by pregnancy.

What is an ectopic pregnancy and why is it dangerous?

A normal pregnancy goes like this.
The sperm penetrates the egg, which is released into the fallopian tube during ovulation. The latter begins to contract, pushing the fertilized egg into the uterus. There, the egg attaches to the uterine wall and begins to transform into an actively growing embryo. In an ectopic Pregnancy Symptoms and When to Call 911 pregnancy, as the name implies, the egg does not enter the uterus. Most often, it lingers in the fallopian tube - too tortuous, narrow or weak to push the fertilized egg where necessary. But there are times when the egg is implanted in the cervix, ovary, or other place in the abdominal cavity.

An ectopic pregnancy does not end well. A growing embryo sooner or later breaks the walls of the organ to which it is attached. The result is massive internal bleeding, infection in the abdominal cavity and peritonitis (however, you may not live to see it).

According to Ectopic Pregnancy: Symptoms, Causes, Risks And Treatment of the American Pregnancy Association, one in fifty pregnancies is ectopic.

The most common symptoms of pregnancy

Let's talk about perhaps the most obvious and common symptoms of pregnancy. And so we can distinguish:

  1. A delay in menstruation is a symptom without which more than one normal pregnancy cannot proceed, although during pregnancy a woman may have bleeding, but this should not be confused with menstruation; such discharge does not indicate a great danger of termination of pregnancy. And if you experience bleeding during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, immediately seek help from a professional gynecologist. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, pregnancy can be saved. The absence of a woman’s menstrual cycle continues throughout pregnancy and, most often, throughout the entire period of breastfeeding.
  2. Basal temperature is another important symptom by which pregnancy can be determined; it is mandatory and is measured in the rectum. When pregnancy occurs, the basal temperature will be above 37 degrees. A decrease in basal temperature in the first week of pregnancy is a rather dangerous sign; you should immediately seek help from a gynecologist. Doctors advise measuring temperature in the morning, when the likelihood of an accurate measurement is very accurate. You can read more in the article basal temperature during pregnancy .
  3. Increased discharge is another symptom; it is worth noting right away that by discharge we mean healthy discharge that does not have a distinctive color or odor, most often colorless. Increased discharge does not indicate any problems, but if, during the period of heavy discharge, a scarlet color, a strong odor, or itching in the perineum appears, you should consult a doctor.
  4. Headaches, an unstable emotional background, a feeling of fatigue and constant drowsiness appear due to hormonal changes, although these symptoms do not always appear during pregnancy and are quite safe for the health of the mother and the unborn baby, it is still worth remembering that taking medications for your provisions should only be taken after consultation with a doctor.
  5. Frequent urination and constipation can also be symptoms of pregnancy. They are a side effect of changes in hormonal changes in the body, which is primarily due to an increase in the size of the uterus, which begins to compress the intestines and bladder. We can only advise you to maintain the correct daily routine and create a balanced diet. You can read more about proper nutrition, problems with stool and their solutions in the article “ Upper abdomen hurts during pregnancy .”
  6. Toxicosis, probably this particular symptom gives expectant mothers a lot of unpleasant sensations and difficulties, but alas, this symptom of pregnancy is quite common, although many women encounter it only in the morning hours. If toxicosis manifests itself in a mild form, then folk remedies are also suitable for its treatment, but if vomiting accompanies you all day, then treatment should take place in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. Indeed, in the case of severe toxicosis, dehydration of the woman’s body can occur, which is a very negative factor for pregnancy. For most women, toxicosis lasts the first 10-15 weeks of pregnancy.

What changes occur in the female body?

After implantation of a fertilized egg, a woman’s body begins to prepare for the upcoming period of pregnancy and childbirth. A woman notices some changes in her well-being and behavior that were not previously characteristic of her.

The following processes and conditions of the female body are considered obvious signs of pregnancy before the delay:

  • Nausea and vomiting. The most common symptom, which many consider as a signal of pregnancy, is nausea. At the same time, after vomiting there is no relief; this process is most often exhausting and tiring. This condition usually occurs in the morning, but some women may complain of nausea throughout the day. Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy are caused by disorders of the neuroendocrine system that occur in the female body due to changes in hormonal levels;
  • Unexplained drowsiness and increased fatigue. The expectant mother constantly feels sleepy, even after a long rest;
  • Breast augmentation. The mammary glands immediately react to an increase in the level of sex hormones, they increase in size, become overly sensitive and painful;
  • Smell and taste. After conception, pregnant women often have a heightened sense of smell, so any strong odors cause discomfort. As a rule, taste preferences also change; during this period, the expectant mother can eat foods that were never previously included in her diet. Many pregnant women have an irresistible desire to eat something sour or salty. This symptom begins to appear even before the delay and is observed before the birth itself, especially with toxicosis;
  • Increased salivation. Due to irritation of the salivary center during pregnancy, increased salivation occurs. This process sometimes leads to a loss of 3 kg of weight in a week. You should not swallow the secreted saliva, as it can change the acidity of gastric juice and cause digestive dysfunction.

Already in the first week after conception, a pregnant woman may be bothered by apathy, lack of concentration, absent-mindedness and forgetfulness. Such changes are caused by the restructuring of the body in connection with the upcoming changes, and these signs also arise as a result of the production of progesterone, which suppresses the psyche.

In the first weeks after fertilization, progesterone is intensively produced in the female body, but later testosterone is also formed, which stimulates the psyche, so these unpleasant signs of pregnancy will disappear.

No toxicosis during pregnancy

Often, pregnancy without symptoms occurs precisely in the absence of toxicosis, although many women believe that without this symptom there is no pregnancy, but this is not so. The absence of toxicosis should not scare you, because on the contrary, it means that your body assimilates everything, works as normal, and you definitely don’t need to find out what’s wrong, and be sure that nothing threatens the health of your fetus. The absence of toxicosis in the early stages also reduces the risk of miscarriage. Therefore, pregnancy without symptoms in the early stages can rightfully be considered quite harmless. Another very important advantage of the absence of toxicosis is a woman’s stable emotional background, because nothing spoils the mood like nausea. Among gynecological specialists, there is an opinion that the absence of toxicosis in a pregnant woman is due to the fact that her body has all the necessary microelements and vitamins for the healthy and full development of the baby. Therefore, do not worry in vain and do not load your head with negative thoughts, everything is fine with you and your baby, and soon he will finally be able to see you. We, in turn, wish you to walk in the fresh air as much as possible, enjoy life, and not get sick.

Is it possible to get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy?

It depends on what exactly caused the violation. Here are the common causes of ectopic pregnancy:

  • Infections in the fallopian tube. Due to inflammation, the tube cannot advance the fertilized egg into the uterus.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Scars and adhesions. As a rule, these are consequences of previous operations (the same abortions) or infections. They also interfere with the movement of the fertilized egg.
  • Personal characteristics. In some women, the fallopian tube is too narrow or tortuous.

What is the reason in your case and what to do about it is best discussed with a gynecologist. The specialist will read your medical record, conduct additional research and draw up a rehabilitation plan that will help you one day conceive and bear a healthy baby.

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