The beneficial properties and contraindications of oregano have been well studied. The Latin name "origanum" comes from the Greek language
What is mucus? Mucus is a clear or yellowish jelly-like substance that is normally
Red eyes are a common problem that everyone faces from time to time. The reasons for this
The muscles of the legs and feet are subject to involuntary contractions called spasms or tonic cramps. This is the state
Cutting pain in the lower abdomen in women is a common symptom. It's difficult to answer the question right away,
Causes of pain under the right rib Under the right ribs of a person there are several groups of vital
The main causes of pain in the stomach Pain in the stomach can occur for various reasons,
First aid antiseptic antimicrobial agents Rinse If the throat is red, it is best to start with
Moderate, non-discomfortable white discharge in women indicates the proper functioning of the reproductive system.
Fainting and loss of consciousness - what is the difference Fainting can be a harbinger of ischemic