Why have I not had my period for 2 months and the test is negative?

A 14-day delay in menstruation is perceived by the fair sex as a cause for concern. The main reason for delaying critical days by two weeks is considered to be positive fertilization of the egg, therefore, in the absence of menstruation for a long time, the girl takes a pregnancy test. If the test shows a negative result, and a delay of 2 weeks is still present, the likelihood that there is a malfunction in the functioning of the female genital organs increases. In order to determine what it could be, the girl turns to a gynecologist.

Possible reasons for long delay

Many factors can influence menstrual irregularities, so you need to contact a gynecologist and find out who, based on the reasons, will determine how to restore normal functioning of the genital organs. Most often, menstrual cycle imbalance occurs for the following reasons:

  • Disturbances in the normal functioning of the cervix, ovaries and diseases of the female organs (oncology, cysts, endometriosis and fibroids).
  • Metabolic disorders, hormonal imbalances or improper physical development (mainly in adolescence).
  • Frequent stress and increased physical activity that affect the female body.
  • Abortion or pregnancy.

Pathological causes of increased menstrual cycle

Pathological causes affecting menstrual cycle disruptions suggest the presence of a disease. These may be disorders in gynecology or endocrinology. If there is a hormonal imbalance in the body, and the amount of male hormones predominates over female ones, then ovulation of the egg may not occur at all. Such diseases are accompanied by increased hair growth, weight gain, and gradually lead to infertility.

Gynecological diseases that cause delayed menstruation are most often tumor diseases. Their list begins with cysts and fibroids and ends with cancer. The delay can be caused by various infections and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system. An incorrectly installed spiral can also add problems.


Each of these problems requires timely diagnosis by specialists. While cancerous tumors can lead to death, benign tumors can gradually develop into cancer. Advanced inflammatory processes also do not improve women’s health and require timely treatment.

Abortions and miscarriages are a sudden disruption in the entire body. Having set his sights on pregnancy, he suddenly loses it. In addition, surgical intervention creates an extensive wound surface on the walls of the uterus. The cycle improves after one to two months. If the discharge has become normal in color, smell and abundance, then the body has returned to normal. If you notice deviations, then you should contact a specialist.

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What to do if the delay is 2 months and the test is negative?

If there have been no periods for more than two months, and the pregnancy test is negative, then this is due to the fact that serious changes or hormonal dysfunctions are occurring in the woman’s body.

In a woman, this may be due to frequent abortions or miscarriages that disrupt the cervix and its normal functioning. If you have a cold in the ovaries and other genital organs, menstruation may disappear for 2 months, or even more, it depends on the characteristics of the body and age.

If a girl’s periods have just begun and have not become constant, then the delay may be due to the fact that the genital organs are being rebuilt along with an active hormonal process, on which full physical development depends. There are many reasons for dysfunction, but mainly the following are considered pathologies:

  • Inflammation of the ovaries, cysts and other disorders.
  • Disorders of the thyroid gland and uterus.
  • Hypothalamus, pituitary gland and other ailments.
  • Kidney disease, as a result of which blood discharge does not occur.

If there is no pregnancy, but menstruation does not begin within 2 months, then the reasons for this may be diseases of the system or temporary changes in organs, which may not always be dangerous.

Most often, such changes are successful, and lunar days become permanent, although initially they may be accompanied by pain, nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant sensations. In other cases, such disorders can pose a threat and, over time, disrupt the sexual functions of women, this is due to the fact that the diseases progress and cause pathological dangerous disorders.

Therefore, it is not recommended to immediately panic or take up treatment on your own, because if you do this without consulting a gynecologist, you can aggravate the process and ensure the progression of the disease.

A few words about the cycle

First of all, I want to understand what the menstrual cycle is, how many days it lasts and when we can talk about deviations.
Thus, the female (or menstrual) cycle is a periodic change that occurs in the body of representatives of the fair sex of reproductive age. Ideally it is 28 days. However, a range is considered normal, the number of days in which will be from 21 to 45. It is also important to remember that teenage girls, as well as women who are on the verge of menopause, can have an irregular cycle. You should also understand the concept of “delay”. So, if your period is late for a couple of days (or comes a few days earlier), this is not scary and does not indicate problems in the body.

What other factors affect the delay?

An inconsistent menstrual cycle can be influenced by other factors, which in their own way pose dangers and disorders of the reproductive system of girls and women. Such factors may include:

  • Poor nutrition and unstable diet, which caused anorexia and metabolic disorders. If you eat fatty, spicy and sweet foods for a long time, your periods may be accompanied by pain or disappear altogether as a result of improper metabolism.
  • Frequent stress, psychological disorders and hysterics, as a result of which nervousness increases, and hormonal disruptions can occur that negatively affect the woman’s reproductive system.
  • Intense physical overload and a sedentary lifestyle, which can disrupt metabolism and carbohydrate-salt balance.
  • Frequent use of antibiotics and other medications that can interfere with the functioning of the kidneys, blood circulation and ovaries (especially if the drugs are not prescribed by a doctor or there are contraindications and allergic reactions).
  • The diseases are caused by an infection that could be acquired sexually (as a result of sexual intercourse or the use of bathing procedures during menstruation).
  • Adverse weather conditions, psychological state and climate, as a result of which the body may react incorrectly or take a long time to adapt.


When, during a previously normal menstrual cycle, a 14-day delay is detected, both pathology and harmless conditions can be assumed. Most often, pregnancy may be the cause. Most rely on the result of the rapid test, but its readings can be negative not only if there is a delay of fourteen, but also if there is a delay of twenty days or more. Sometimes the test gives a negative result almost until the sixth month of pregnancy, although by this time it is obvious that its reading should be positive. This also happens, although rarely. Therefore, you need to focus on additional signs of pregnancy:

menstruation delay 14 days reasons

  • nausea;
  • enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • production of white discharge;
  • aching pain in the chest and lower abdomen;
  • drowsiness, moodiness;
  • food preferences become unusual.

Another reason for the delay is considered to be a change in hormonal levels. It can be caused by many pathologies. Among the first are disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, ovaries, and brain. Their symptoms may be:

  • acute PMS, with severe pain;
  • prolonged discharge during menstruation;
  • complaints of infertility;
  • the frequency of the menstrual cycle is below the permissible limit;
  • long delays in menstruation;
  • general health is poor, with headache, dizziness, anemia;
  • the discharge has an unusual appearance: foamy, bad odor, yellowish tint;
  • painful urination.

In some cases, a long delay is provoked by inflammation of the appendages. Their symptoms:

  1. The stomach hurts crampingly, it pulls all the way down, sometimes it aches for a long time.
  2. There are edema of different localizations.
  3. Discharge between periods is higher than normal, the color is closer to cream.
  4. Headaches, fever, drowsiness, weakness.
  5. Poor digestion, decreased appetite, vomiting or nausea.

One of the most alarming diagnoses is uterine pathologies, including fibroids. Sometimes mild symptoms make it difficult to detect. Ultrasound and MRI examinations help. With the slightest delay, such diseases need to be recognized at an early stage. As the disease progresses, when the situation becomes threatening, more distinct symptoms appear:

  1. Blood during sexual intercourse.
  2. Regular miscarriages, infertility.
  3. Excessive discharge, with great loss of blood.
  4. Constipation caused by a tumor blocking the passage of intestinal contents.
  5. The compressive effect of the tumor on the bladder causes frequent urination.

Delays occur with endometriosis. This pathology does not show itself as additional symptoms at an early stage. As the disease develops, it manifests itself:

  • painful periods;
  • constant pain regardless of menstruation;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • infertility;
  • spotting before and after menstruation, profuse discharge.

One of the reasons for a long delay is cancer of the uterus (its body or cervix). It is almost never accompanied by additional symptoms in the early stages. Only at the last stage, when the tumor enters the decomposition stage, does the disease manifest itself with symptoms:

  • excessive abundance of menstrual flow, large blood loss, excess mucus in the discharge;
  • severe pain in the pelvic area and reproductive organs.

It is very difficult for gynecologists to diagnose ectopic pregnancy. Its symptoms cannot always be distinguished from other pathologies. This disease is accompanied by:

  • weakness and nausea;
  • pressure surges, fever;
  • pain in the appendage area on one side of the lower abdomen, spasms radiating to the leg or back.

Sometimes an ectopic pregnancy is recognized by accompanying spotting. But this sign may be absent.

What is the danger of a delay and is it necessary to see a doctor?

Irregular lunar days and delay can be dangerous and will negatively affect the health of a woman’s reproductive system, so contacting a gynecologist and undergoing an examination is a mandatory procedure. If the second month is delayed and the reason is not really known, this may result in:

  • The development and progression of diseases (cysts, oncology, fibroids and pituitary gland), which can disrupt the functioning of the genital organs and the body as a whole.
  • Intense pain and other unpleasant symptoms that arise as a result of the development of diseases and dysfunctions of the genital organs.
  • Disruption of the uterus and ovaries, resulting in infertility and other pathologies.
  • Hormonal disruptions and improper functioning of the genital organs, as a result of which metabolism is disrupted and defective physical maturation occurs (especially in adolescence).

There can be a lot of negative consequences, so contacting a gynecologist, getting a consultation and undergoing an examination will be a mandatory procedure, during which preventive measures and further treatment can be prescribed.

Why does a pregnancy test give negative results?

Patients who use tests to self-diagnose pregnancy are interested in whether there could be an error if the result is negative.
Indeed, sometimes the test gives a false negative result, and there are several reasons for this:

  1. Incorrect use of the product.
  2. Using an expired test.
  3. Ectopic/frozen pregnancy (no menstruation, the embryo does not develop in the right place or has died).
  4. Too early diagnosis in case of an irregular cycle (a woman may miscalculate the date of ovulation and fertilization).
  5. Drink plenty of fluids the day before the test.
  6. Dilution of urine (the presence of third-party substances reduces the concentration of hCG, the pregnancy hormone, and the test shows a negative result).

If the results are not reliable, the test can be redone after 2–3 days using a product from another company. If pregnancy is desired, a woman can take a blood test for hCG to clarify gestation. The hormone will determine future motherhood on the 12th day after the expected conception. An earlier analysis may show an inaccurate result.

What to do if there is a delay of 2 months or more?

A delay can occur for various reasons and factors, so, first of all, you need to find out what this is connected with and what to do in such a situation. Based on these reasons, gynecologists prescribe treatment and prevention, which will be individual for each woman. Therefore, first of all it is necessary:

  1. Visit a gynecologist, consult with him and undergo an examination that will help you understand the true cause of the delay.
  2. Stop using medications and antibiotics that negatively affect the genitals and hormonal development in general (especially without the prescription of specialists).
  3. Give up bad habits, alcohol, smoking and drugs that inhibit the normal functioning of a woman’s reproductive system and the body as a whole.
  4. Follow all the instructions of the gynecologist and methods of prevention that are prescribed for the purpose of a speedy recovery and normalization of the functioning of the reproductive system of women and girls.

This determines how much diseases of various types will progress and how quickly the functioning of the reproductive system will normalize.

Preventive measures and treatment

Preventive measures and treatment for imbalance of lunar days are available; for this you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe individual methods for restoring the functioning of the reproductive system for each person. The list of preventive measures and treatment includes:

  • Use of special medications and antibiotics (if prescribed by a gynecologist).
  • Quitting alcohol, smoking and drugs (especially if there are diseases of the genital organs, uterus, ovaries, etc.).
  • Restoring a proper diet and following the diet prescribed by a specialist (mainly eat healthy foods, fruits, vegetables and herbal teas).
  • Surgery or operation to remove tumors, cysts and other inflammatory processes that have formed on the cervix and ovaries.

Is it necessary to follow the treatment?

Treatment and prevention in this case are necessary, especially if the cycle is disrupted due to any disease. Experts prescribe individual treatment for each person, so you need to contact a gynecologist and follow all his recommendations.

If menstruation is not restored, there is a risk that the female reproductive organs may continue to be disrupted, provoking the development of serious complications and diseases.

It is worth considering that cycle disorders can develop into serious chronic diseases and ailments, which will result in frequent hormonal disruptions. Therefore, the sooner you contact a gynecologist, the sooner preventive measures will be prescribed.

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